
Arkyme is a metropolitan arcane city that orbits the equator of Kyme, taken from the Earth Divide, a range of mountains with a grand open valley. Over the 100 square miles of this terrain the city was built, the schools of magic creating grand halls of study, the council hall, and an orrery within the summits and a grand promenade to bring together all the races of Kyme in trade and culture. Portals to the great cities of Kyme were created bringing in each day all peoples into the city. Arkyme has continually grown in power and influence across the world in the 300 some years since the formation of the council.

The Arete

The open valley of polished white granite shaped by spells, that serves to bring together the whole of the world to the city of unrivaled arcane power.

The Unshattered Orrery. An arcanic observatory and planetarium, the pinnacle of natural learnings and philosophies, led by the Curator Supreme.

Summits of Magic. Mountains carved to become the high halls of arcane understanding in the world, each one devoted to a magical tradition.

The Tracery. The school of Conjuration where all manner of creature and object are brought into the Material Plane, led by the Summoning Sage.

The Cancellus. The school of Abjuration where magics of protection and warding are practiced, led by The Guarded Sage.

The Transom. The school of Transmutation is the place where stone is turned to gold, led by the Altered Sage.

The Cleithral. The school of Illusion is a hidden place in Arkyme, such is the nature of the magic practiced here, led by the Hidden Sage.

The Loculus. The school of Evocation the home of elemental magics and damaging spells, led by the Channeled Sage.

The Omenthm. The school of Divination is the place for those seeking knowing or foresight, led by the Knowing Sage.

The Mortuum. The school of Necromancy is a place where dead things are given new life and the undead is studied, led by the Grave Sage.

The Mesmeri. The school of Enchantment where charms and influence are mastered, led by the Spellbinder Sage.

The Abastions. The holding demiplanar dungeons for Arkyme's Abastiv to detain those arrested under the authority of the city of Arkyme. Known to be unescapable as the layers of illusions and abjurations confound even the most powerful and menacing of prisoners.

The Council Summit. The chambers of the Council of Arkyme. An assembly of those charged by the races of the world to keep the peace wrought by the founding council's power.

The Elementyne Stone. The central fixture of the Arete, an obelisk that shifts in form based on the position of Arkyme over the Elemental Divide.

The Egress Civilis. The arcane portals leading on to the major megalopolises of the world. Mile wide gates that open to the cities of Duemonte, Dymkrag, Malanh, and Synstasia from where people pour freely to and from the city of Arkyme.

The Arkyme Reserve. A hall of minting and vaults that allows much of the economy of Arkyme to function, serving as the central hub for the multitude of merchants that venture from across the world.

The Plateau of the Pact. Where the diplomat, ambassadors, and dignitaries from the world over come to honor the peace the Pact of Arkyme brought to Kyme.

The Apsent. The vast arcade of temples devoted to all the deities of the world and memorials dedicated to all those lost in the War of Extinction.

Walk of the Winds. The bridge that extends from the western edge of the city, providing a view of The Elemental Divide as the city orbits the world.

Passage Wells. The grand staired wells where the population of the city passes to and from the Ablet to Arete.

The Ablet

Beneath the hollowed mountains' valley a diverse population of peoples from across Kyme have come to live in asylum, diaspora, or expatriation from whence they called home. These cavern halls beneath the city are an expansion on the original cavern where the Arkyme was first drawn together.

Malanh Vessa (Home on the Winds). The Dark Elven district of Arkyme where the culture of the last of elvenkin has taken hold. Delicately carved minarets of stone meet the cavern ceiling as white and violet lights lead those who visit to partake in the finest of elven arts and understandings.

The Findhome. The Divifiend district of Arkyme is where those who seek to leave the prejudice of their homelands gather. Named for an incident of vandals that transmuted the stone of the district square to say "Fiend's Home" and the populace striking out the letters to show they were where they belonged.

Hyoevv Taoul (The Lair of Skies). The Draconic district is marked by the presence of the Draconic sell-sword companies and the share of loot they bring to barter with. Those who seek to buy rarities gathered the world over know to never pass over these draconic hoards.

The Hammered Halls. The Dwarven district of Arkyme is bound deep in dwarven craft and tradition as an extension of their kingdoms. The finest of alehouses and smithies pervade the quarter, as the mighty crafting guilds of the dwarves have made it their own.

The Elder Ward. The Eldritch district of Arkyme as in the early days of their emergence after the war many of the Eldritch came en masse to seek refuge from persecution and interment. Called derisively the "Squid Square" by most it has fallen into disrepair as the Eldritch have no sensibilities of personal and public spaces and hold to their people's way of holding host within ruins.

The Elementyne Ward. The Eleman district of Arkyme was the first of the Ablet districts as great fear gripped the world as the Eleman emerged from the Elemental Divide. Thousands of Eleman were forced to flee violence and chaos, taken into the refuge of Arkyme. The eleman as a people now share strong ties with Arkyme the world over and the district is divided into quarters of each of the Eleman's heritage.

The Crimson Quarter. The Vampiric district of Arkyme is marked by the gothic turrets and cathedral manors of Duemonti nobility, as a multitude of ancient vampiric families call the quarter home. Known for trading in influence and secrets, with many merchant shops filled with curios and rarities.

The Abastila. An arcane prison and vault for the most dangerous of creatures and objects on Kyme watched over by Vellumtine Gascogne. Created at the place where those who founded the Arkyme first met in secret to bring an end to the War of Extinction, lying just below the Elementyne Stone.

The Pylons of Ekko. Named for the Prime Magister Ekko Phydel, the first of Arkyme's members and the first lost in his sacrifice to end the War of Extinction. The pylons are host to arcane power that suffuse the whole of the city as massive cavern opens up to reveal the majesty of the sky below. Forest gardens and sanctuary reservoirs act to give the populace a respite from the bustle of the city and serves its provisional needs.