The Elder Deeps

The oceanic waters brimming with life hide the terrible unknown that lies within its depths. Those who journey across the waters have a dreadful gnawing at their minds, abating only once they again reach shore.


The Dread Prism. Where the ocean meets the Ghost Sands none dare pass as strange phenomena mark the shores. Those mad enough to breach into this mind warping zone tell of a panic inducing shift of colors that comes across the sky, making navigation impossible. Many come to be lost within these waters most strange.

The Eye of Daughthuum. A swell of currents that pour forth from the Coral Maw that creating an oceanic gyre. Named for the ravenous whirlpool that is said to lie within its center.

The Pallid Grottos. All along the north of the ocean where the waters meet the mountains of the Wraith Spine, bleached white shores create a haunting environ. No true ports or settlements are set along the coast, most seek the shelter of the mountains, coming to shore to trade with ships only as necessary.

The Writhetide. The whole southern coast is dominated by black rock shallows and tidal pools where all manner of horrifically aberrant marine life spawns. Any who pass near must be certain to make offerings of food so as not to be swarmed by the denizens of these waters.

Roads and Landmarks

The Undying Way. The road that traces the southern rim of the ocean, passing from beyond the Barrens, along the Marrow Wall, and on to the Alloy Expanse. Used during the War of Extinction by Duemonte, their vampiric nature allowing them to survive the trek, where any other would face ruination brought by the extreme elements and threats.


Mahli. At the farthest eastern shores of the ocean, built by Kagyr humans, this sister port city to Mahlul has long endured since days most ancient. The culture of the city is centered around the terrible knowledge of the waters, sailors and citizens alike share in knowing the horrors that lie at the edge of their home, still daring to venture across the briny deep.

Mahlul. On the great western peninsula that juts into the tempestuous tidal crags of the Coral Maw, this sister port city to Mahli was first founded in a bygone age. The city is surrounded by nigh unnavigable waters, save for the descendants of the Kagyr noble navigator bloodlines who pass down the secrets through the generations. At the center of trade between Duemonte, Malanh, and Kor'ak the city is the most powerful human settlement in the south.

Ruins and Subterrane

The Elder Deeps lies above a watery void in the Depths known as the Seeping Vortex. Like a churning expulsion, the waters of the ocean form from this vile environ that none seek to breach. Many tales surround the waters and what slumbering elder entities of the Eldritch lie beneath the waves. Any passage to the Depths is unknown to any of the races.

Uhr'tagn. Said to lie at the heart of the Dread Prism, this ruined city of the Eldritch still draws at the minds of any sentient creature as many peoples tell of the dreams they share of the city and the one who rules over it still, the "Dead Dreamer." Many a sailor has leapt from their ship so they might join forever with this being, screaming in the Eldritch tongue, "In the cradle of Uhr'tagn, a Dead Dreamer now wakes!"