
Eleman arose from the primordial energy that surged with the creation of the Elemental Divide and the raising of the city of Arkyme. Marking the end of the War of Extinction, though the chaos across the lands as these new people began to appear was mounting. Some thought the eleman a creation of Arkyme, others thought them invaders from the planes. Massacres and persecution marked the early days of the eleman, yet they endured. Now, near three-hundred years have passed since the eleman first emerged, and they have molded themselves alongside Kyme's peoples. So too has the world been molded by their presence. The eleman people have no seat on the Council of Arkyme.

Air Eleman Names

Aalsh, Æra, Astmô, Cyç Ehlu'vium, Galephor, Hèln, Hh'es, Huuph, Hurrari, Mist-Heart, Stormcast, Stratōs, Tempest, Thundrüm, Vensas, Winds-wild, Zephyrul

Earth Eleman Names

Avalachk, Clayünd, Bâsia Dearth, Eyes-of-Caves, Gēogd, Highslate, Koalin, Kyrndt Lǒam, Märl, Mournstones, Orenaum, Terrn, Tørnt, Undr'aen

Fire Eleman Names

Ashtahn, Cindres, Embers-Adorn, Fyorem, Infiera, Ignůs, Îlum, Kilurn, Krȧlkt, Phloğesz, Pyrathe, Scorcha, Sh'ārhes, She-Unburnt, Urscòr, Vulças

Water Eleman Names

Aquéma, Deluga, Hydresh, Hyetal, Look-of-Rain, Pysel, Půra, Rhaini, Sȧlivyn, Tide-Handed, Wah'ver, Wẹshah

Eleman Traits

Ability Score Increase - Your Wisdom score increases by 2

Age - The eleman enter into their renewed form of life as an adult, though each new life, or renewal as it is known, is treated as a beginning. The eleman can live only 40 years until they must perform a renewal and remake themselves, carrying on the memories of their past life.

Alignment - Balance is sacred for most every eleman. Yet the forces of the world call them in all manner of directions, both law and chaos are expressed in the elements and so too in the eleman.

Death - The true death of an eleman and the promise of renewal is a great loss to their people. The soul passing back into the Elemental Planes from whence the spirit came.

Size - Eleman are the slightest of the Kyme's peoples, rarely growing taller than 5 feet. Your size is Small.

Speed - Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Ingrowth - Emerging from within your elemental soul you can innately cast Enlarge/Reduce on yourself requiring no components. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain expended uses upon completing a long rest.

Molded Mind - As the elements move in all things, you find yourself attuned to their movements. You can accomplish tasks associated with downtime activities in half the time.

Languages - You speak Common and Primordial.

Subraces - Choose one of the following subraces: Air, Earth, Fire, or Water.

Air Eleman

Air eleman are as a people impossible to confine to one place or one purpose. So often driven to pursue what whims take them, like a feather on the winds, they land in places none could have comprehended, and leave just as quickly. An air eleman can in equal parts be gentle as a breeze, and cruel as a tempest. Shifting between what wills them, guided only by their nature as an element personified. Air eleman express their elemental heritage in myriad ways: skin tones like that of the darkest of thunderheads to the starkest white of clear-day clouds, and every shade the skies can hold. Hair seeming to blow in an ever present breeze or stand on end with a charged energy. Patterns of arced lightning or cloudy mottling can form upon their bodies.

Ability Score Increase - Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Elemental Resistance - You are resistant to lightning damage and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks.

Storm Soul - You can innately cast the following spells of air elemental magic requiring no components. At 1st level you know the gust cantrip. When you reach 5th level you can cast levitate once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Earth Eleman

The eleman of earth. Cast in their steadfast spirit and grounded by traditions, they make their way in the world with an undaunted mindset. When an earth eleman sets themselves to a task, like a boulder rolling down the cliffside, there is naught that can halt them. Stoic as the mountains and vibrant as the life-giving lands, the earth eleman hold fast to their elemental essence. Earth eleman embody their elemental lineage with all the variation found across the world: gem faceted irises or pebble-like pupils for a stony gaze. Ridges of flint pushing from beneath gray skin or pores always shedding off soil. A jawline as if chiseled from marble or squared bone structure. The likeness of the earth eleman is oft shaped by the environment they are renewed within.

Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Elemental Resistance - You are resistant to poison damage and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical attacks.

Terra Soul - You can innately cast the following spells of earth elemental magic requiring no components. At 1st level you know the mold earth cantrip. When you reach 5th level you can cast earthen grasp once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Fire Eleman

Fire eleman burst forth across Kyme bringing their passions and ambition to all the realms to which they spread. Customarily drawn to the great settlements of the world, fire eleman thrive in the fires of civilization. Yet, as fire eleman expend what life set before them their volatile nature can manifest, as fire is the element of consummation. For a fire eleman theirs is the fury of fire and their bodies are its incarnation. Hair of coiling reds and oranges, even shift to blue or white hot coloration should their ire arise. The tones of their skin following deep hues that extoll a burning presence, bright crimsons to black as pitch but ever a hint of their inner fire. Eyes that go aflame when intrigue hits them or grass scorching beneath their bare feet, these hallmarks of a fire eleman's lineage.

Ability Score Increase - Your Charisma and Strength score increase by 1.

Elemental Resistance - You are resistant to fire and acid damage.

Cinder Soul - You can innately cast the following spells of fire elemental magic requiring no components. At 1st level you know the control flames cantrip. When you reach 5th level you can cast flaming sphere once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Water Eleman

The water eleman with their mercurial intellects and effervescent influence have flowed into societies across Kyme. Where the rivers, lakes, and seas meet the shore, water eleman might gather to serve as protectors or trading in the water's bounty. A water eleman might manifest their elemental origins with the tones of their skin shifting with the landscape, from a brilliant blue by the sea to a to dull green at swamp's edge. Eyes like deep pools that show no hint of an end or swirling irises like a vortex in the ocean. Even smelling of salt or rain, dewy to the touch. To be a water eleman is to be ever in a state of transitions through renewals and follow the ebbs and flows of their elemental touched existence.

Ability Score Increase - Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Elemental Resistance - You are resistant to cold damage and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.

Liquid Soul - You can innately cast the following spells of water elemental magic requiring no components. At 1st level you know the shape water cantrip. When you reach 5th level you can cast misty step once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Eleman Racial Feats

Ascendant Elemental Soul. Prerequisite: Eleman 6th level

You attain a deeper connection to your element and able to call upon greater magics. You add the spells below to your Elemental Soul feature based on your subrace. You are able to cast each one of the spells innately once per day. You can also now cast spells gained from your Elemental Soul feature using a spell slot of the appropriate level.

Air Eleman Storm Soul: thunder step, wind wall

Earth Eleman Terra Soul: erupting earth, meld into stone

Fire Eleman Cinder Soul: fireball, minute meteors

Water Eleman Liquid Soul: tidal wave, water breathing

All: protection from energy, elemental bane

Eleman Attitudes

The eleman were forced to learn the deadly lessons of Kyme's history. As the alliance of the north, the human, dwarves, and lycan each took part in the persecution and killings of the eleman who first emerged. So too did the southern forces of the vampires, dark elves, and draconic engage in atrocities. The carried trauma across their renewed lives, many eleman have worked relentlessly to claim lands as their own.

Draconic - "Their ties to the elemental planes are as profound as our own, though they do not call us kin."

Dark Elves - "Across their long lives they experience so much, an undeniable gift. Yet the passage of our memories from life to life gives us much that we have yet to fully realize."

Lycan - "Their deeply druidic ways shaped by their bestial spirit have guided them from age to age, we eleman would be wise to learn from them as we enter into the next.

Primordial Scions

None truly know what brought the eleman into being, only that the raw primordial power of the elemental planes wrought this new people upon the world. At the end of the War of Extinction, the collective of spellcasters of Arkyme unleashed the elemental planes to create the Divide, a world spanning rift of air, water, fire, and earth. Emerging at the edges of this tumult, the eleman were thrown into the middle of a conflict fueled by fear and conspiracy, and paid with their lives. Arkyme intervened as quickly as they might, but this only heightened the conspiracy that the eleman were somehow a creation of Arkyme. Yet, as more and more eleman came into being amidst the elements unbound, it was then clear: these are a people of Kyme, just as any other. As the eleman found their ways in the world, they came to speak of a being known to them as The Lasting One. A being awakened by the imbalance of the planes, they who are all elements in one and one element in all. Many eleman hold to the belief that they were created by this emergent deity, meant to restore balance to the prime and the planes.

Determined Diaspora

The eleman as they first came into being were met with terror and slaughter at the hands of the other peoples of the world. This marked them as they sought refuge in the forgotten wilds of the world. Years passed in hidden enclaves and nomadic clans, the eleman learned of the struggles of the world. More and more eleman, under the auspices of Arkyme's ever-watching eyes, set out to make contact not only with other eleman, but all of Kyme's peoples. Eleman can now be found in most every corner of the world. A fire eleman excelling as a village blacksmith. An air eleman roaming the plains as a caravan guide. The earth eleman a prospector for a mining guild. A water eleman acting as a city's harbor master. There are countless ways the eleman move through the world as they follow their elemental spirit.

A Note on the Eleman Renewal

The Eleman Renewal is an enigmatic and inspired rite that allows an eleman to carry themselves into the future. Whether by their own will or in conjunction with another eleman with which they share a bond, the eleman will decay into raw elemental essence. A wisp of cloud, a rivulet of water, pile of stones, or mote of flame. While in this state an eleman must trust those asked to watch over them to not allow any interference lest they be dispersed back to the elemental planes. After a number of days a new body will begin to form for the eleman, and they emerge once again into consciousness.

A renewal for an eleman can vary greatly based on their focus while entering into the rite. Most eleman wish to let their life drift away and start a life anew, entering their renewal as a new being. Yet other eleman cling to their past lives, even keeping the same names, abilities, and titles as they wish. For eleman who renew in conjunction with another, at a place where their elemental energies can converge multiple eleman might arise from the renewal.