
Post date: May 07, 2011 8:14:20 PM

After an early morning vigil, with just 2 Snipe & a Whimbrel to show for it, I was sure that my wifes request to visit family this morning before lunch, spelled birding disaster for me, I felt sure something 'big' was gonna go through. As it was, I did have my cake and eat it (fruit cake). As we sat on the patio eating a slightly later lunch, a raptor caught my eye off over to the east. A quick look through the bins revealed a whisp of a Harrier drifting then gliding NW over Hungry Hill, grabbing my scope I raced to the top of the garden just in time to see a fine ringtail MONTAGU'S HARRIER shift out of view. Just a half hour later I picked up a cracking male Hen Harrier, heading in the same direction. It took just half hour to turn a nothing day into a something day!