Double Bonus Points!

Post date: Feb 25, 2010 6:55:5 PM

Been a pretty good week all told, with Crossbills here in Northrepps on Saturday, Siskins appearing in the garden Monday and even managed to track down another wanted species, Lesser Redpoll, with a dozen seen at a site within TG23 on Wednesday. Last night a rather fruitless mothing attempt did produce calling Little Owl for the garden list. Today, however, some planets were in correct alignment somewhere or something, as a pre-booked days leave for yet more home improvements resulted in a late dog-walk, where, on the home straight at 1315, a cursory look behind me picked up a pair of birds just beyond Foxhills, Common Cranes! A quick sprint to the driveway and they were secured on the garden list. They were shifting at a fair rate of knots, which seemed unusual as they normally take an age to move through. A report later from Sheringham at 1330, and a belated report of two moving north over Breydon Water, at midday all tie in, but with the early date and route taken, could these have been genuine migrants rather than Broads wanderers?

Common Cranes over Northrepps

From Helgoland.....


Hellbäuchige Ringelgans (Branta bernicla hrota) Pale-bellied Brent Goose, 7

Nilgans (Alopochen aegyptiacus) Egyptian Goose, 2 vor W

Kranich (Grus grus) Common Crane, 1

4 Krähenscharben, 1 Höckerschwan, 8 Kiebitze, 1 Mittelmeermöwe, 22 Tordalke, 1 Schwarzkehlchen //4 Shags, 1 Mute Swan, 8 Lapwings, 1 Yellow-legged Gull, 22 Razorbills, 1 Stonechat.