Interesting Articles and Videos 8th December

Interesting Articles and Videos 8th December

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

How to Communicate with Angels

'Free Atmospheric Electricity Powers Small Motor

- Tesla Radiant'

Published on Nov 25, 2013

I have always wanted to test a radiant energy motor. This little motor is the beginning of my research in that direction. In the near future I will be making larger more powerful motors. The precision required will probably require my 3D printer. Stay tuned for future updates.

Links to books and website:

Video correction: The 2000+ watt device was built by Jules Guillot.

Free Atmospheric Electricity Powers Small Motor - Tesla Radiant

How to build your own electrostatic motor

How the medical monster came to be

The history of a corrupt industry

How did the US medical industry get to where it is today?

First of all note that it's called an "industry" and 90% of the focused talk about it takes place on financial news shows.

The "Health Care Industry" is considered a good investment, a growth market, but one talks about whether it's helping people get healthier or sicker.

The same people who corrupted Congress, the news media, and academia, also had a conscious program to take over medicine. Here's the history of how they did it. Video:

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