Interesting Articles and Videos 5th January

Interesting Articles and Videos 5th January

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

"13 most under-reported news stories of 2013"

Thanks to Pondo, President of the Government of the USA in Exile

Here's a more relevant (especially in terms of environmental impacts) "13 most underreported news stories of 2013":

1--The Arctic methane emergency triggering runaway home-planet heating,


3--The multi-faceted onslaught of chemtrails,

4--Human mood (see second below for the latest episode of US teen knockout subculture),

5--Ozone-layer depletion,

6--Marine life disappearing with appalling swiftness,

7--Malevolent uses of HAARP,

8--Massively destructive ice-nucleated snow storms,

9--Carefully located intentional droughts,

10--Carefully steered cyclones and typhoons,

11--The decay of our home-planet's magnetic shield (<>),

12--Less precipitation and fewer species from intensifying Amazonian climate destabilization,

13--the role of universities, leftists, progressives and greens in suppressing or foolishly ignoring the twelve emergencies above.

An Ancient City Is Discovered Underwater. What They Found Will Change History Forever

Thanks to UnSlaveMe:

The city of Heracleion was engulfed underwater 1500 years ago. This grand city had been mentioned by the Greek writer Herodotus, the 5th-century BC historian. He had told a wonderful tale of Helen of Troy, who traveled to Heracleion, then a port of 'great wealth', with her Trojan lover, Paris.

When French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio stumbled upon some relics, it led them to one of the greatest finds of the 21st century; a city underwater. The discovery took place when Goddio had been in search of Napoleon’s warships from the 1798 Battle of the Nile, when he had been defeated by Nelson in these very waters, but to his surprise, he stumbled upon this magnificent discovery.

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An Ancient City Is Discovered Underwater. What They Found Will Change History Forever

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