Sunday Family Humour 4th May Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 4th May Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

City of Dallas, Texas

Thanks to Lee

The City of Dallas, Texas passed an ordinance

stating that if a driver is pulled over by law enforcement

and is not able to provide proof of Insurance, the car is towed.

To retrieve the car after being impounded, they must show

proof of insurance to have the car released. This has made

it easy for the City of Dallas to remove uninsured cars.

Shortly after the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed,

the Dallas impound lots began to fill up and were full

after only nine days.

Over 80% of the impounded cars were driven by illegals.

Now, not only must they provide proof of insurance to

have their car released, they have to pay for the cost of the tow,

a *$350 fine, and *$20 for every day their car is kept

in the lot.

Guess what?

Accident rates have gone down *47% and Dallas' solution

gets uninsured drivers off the road *WITHOUT* making

them show proof of nationality.

I Wonder how the

Holder's US Justice Department

will get around this one.

* * * * *

** Just brings tears to your eyes doesn't it? **

***GO Dallas***


I can't stop smiling!

Unusual Hole in One

Thanks to Tony

The World's Best Baby Sitters

Thanks to Paula S.

Worlds best baby sitters

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Amazing Hawks

Thanks to Murray S.

These shots were filmed above the cliffs next to the Torrey Pines Golf Course, north of San Diego.

The relatively cooler air coming in from the Pacific, hits the sun warmed cliffs and the air rises, creating amazing updrafts.

These men release their hawks and then soar with them.

It's remarkable to me that the hawks recognize their handlers hundreds of feet in the air.

They were trained on the ground, yet approach the handlers as moving targets,

often from the rear where they can't recognize faces.

I Love You Sweetheart

Thanks to Lee


A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving

relationship with your husband

The women were asked, "How many of you love your husband?"

All the women raised their hands.

Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your husband you

loved him?"

Some women answered today, a few yesterday, and some couldn't remember.

The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text their

husband: "I love you, sweetheart."

The women were then told to exchange phones with another person, and to

Read aloud the text message they received, in response.

Here are some of the replies:

1. Who the hell is this?

2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick or what?

3. Yeah, and I love you too. What's up with you??

4. What now? Did you wreck the car again?

5. I don't understand what you mean?

6. What the ___ did you do now?

7. You're kidding, right ?

8. Don't beat about the bush; just tell me how much you need?

9. Am I dreaming?

10. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.

11. I thought we agreed you wouldn't drink during the day.

12. Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn't she???

Dangerous Intersection

Thanks to Murray S.

Thousands of vehicles and pedestrians travel through one of the busiest intersections in the entire country of Ethiopia every day. Not one of them stops at a stoplight or stop sign - because there aren't any! You have to see this insane time-lapse of the square. It looks like utter pandemonium, and is. If you think it's bad for the vehicles, watch some of the pedestrians. This is Meskel Square in Addis Ababa. Meskel must mean freaking insane in Ethiopian.

A Short Pictorial About Guns

Thanks to Lee

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