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Cuando escribimos un resumen intentamos dar solamente información esencial. Intenta utilizar tus propias palabras y expresiones cuando se posible evitando copiar partes enteras del texto.


The internet is an international information network. In fact, this is where the name internet comes form. Today, from a computer which is attacked to the internet, you can do research in a library in one country, talk to an expert on a certain topic in a second country and send your own information to a third country almost anywhere in the world. At present, are connected to the internet and this number is growing every day..

The internet was “born” in the 1970s in order to help the American army. Soon after the internet was created, scientist, schools and research departments wanted to connect to it as well. Soon, the internet became an international network. It now reaches many families are connected to the internet at home. These families can read their favourite magazines and newspapers, find information for personal and school projects and “talk” to people all over the world. Are you thinking of connecting up to the internet? It is a good idea- there are so many things for you to do.

The internet is an international information network which was created in the 1970s in order to help the American army. However, soon after the internet was created, scientist, schools and research departments wanted to connect to it as well. Consequently, internet now reaches approximately 250 million people in more than 200 countries across the world.

Ian Fleming- writer /spy

Ian Fleming wrote many books and newspaper articles but is best known for his creation of James Bond.

In the fourteen Bond books, this famous spy saves the world from danger and captures women’s hearts.

What many people do not know is that since /therefore Fleming himself was a spy, many of the ideas in his novels were taken from his personal experience. From 1929-1933, he worked as a journalist in the former soviet Union, where his work included covering a major spy trial.

During the second World War, Fleming worked as a spy with British Intelligence. He was involved in planning dangerous missions which he also took part in.

Consequently/ Because, when Fleming turned his hand to writing spy stories, he was successful, so / due to the fact that he combined the skills of Fleming the author, with those of Fleming the intelligence expert.

Read the summary below of the text about Ian Fleming

The writer, Ian Fleming, invented the famous spy, James Bond. However, not everyone knows that Fleming himself was once a spy and used many of his past adventures in his novels. He was also a newspaper reporter. The Bond books are undoubtedly so popular because they show knowledge of the spy world and are well-written.

Decide which of the following information is mentioned in the summary

· Fleming’s experience in writing

· Fleming’s most famous character

· The fact that Fleming was a spy

· Women’s love of bond

· Where Fleming spied

· Why the Bond books succeeded

· Why do you think the other information has not been included in the summary?

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