Introducir causas o razones y finalidad

Giving reasons

Translate the sentences

1. I like it because the words are really romantic

2. It is a story with a happier ending and that’s why I like it best.

3. I really like the words, so I’ve listened to the song a lot.

Choose the correct alternative

Dear Alex,

This is very hard for me, so / because I’ll try to be calm. I am writing to you so/ because I respect you but I am afraid I don’t love you, and I think that’s why/ because we’ve been together for a long time. It’s not the end of the world, so/ because please, don’t be sad. I remember when we met and you asked me out that’s why/ because you liked my smile. I’m sending you this photo that’s why/ so you can remember the good times. I am keeping the ring and the silver chain so/ because they are very special for me.

Bye bye Alex. I hope that you’ll be happy, Francesca.

Cause and Results

Fill in the blanks

Therefore As Consequently Due to Since Because As a result For this reason

Connectors of cause

Connectors of results

Which of the connectors in bold how the cause of a particular action and which show the result?

1. Hanssen had strong anti-communist views, therefore no one suspected him of being a Russian spy.

2. Due to the information received from Hanssen, two Russian spies were executed.

3. The tunnel had remained a well-kept secret since the FBI used it to listen in to conversations.

4. Hanssen thought the FBI had discovered his secret. Consequently, he cut off his contacts with the KGB.

Choose the correct answer.-

1. The service in the restaurant was bad because/ so we complained to the manager.

2. John missed the meeting for this reason/ due to the late arrival of his train.

3. She had told me many lies before. Consequently/ because, I didn’t believe her this time.

4. It was raining and we didn’t want to get wet, since/ therefore we decided to go by car

5. Billy borrowed my jacket because/ therefore he didn’t have one of his own.

Reasons and results

Surfers rescued from strong seas

Four boys were rescued from the sea near Polzeath in Cornwall yesterday. Polzeath is a picturesque village which is popular with tourists. The teenagers were surfing when they got into difficulty (1) because of/ as a consequence strong winds. (2) As a result/ Because, they were swept away from the beach and could not swim back. A local man witnessed what happened. He was walking his dog along the cliffs at the time. (3) Since/ consequently, he raised the alarm and the boys were rescued by helicopter. They were all very excited (4) As / because of they had never been in a helicopter before. Nobody was badly hurt. (5) Since/ Therefore they were allowed to return home immediately. One of the boys, Tom Platt, is very embarrassed (6) as a result/ since a report about the rescue, has been published on the front page of the local paper.


We use connectors of purpose to indicate an intention to do something

Translate the sentences.

1. She wrote the letter in order to complain about the town’s bus service.

2. Dan walked in the park to get some fresh air

3. Valerie took a week’s holiday so as to visit her sister in Paris.

4. He bought a computer so that he could connect to the internet.

Complete the sentences with a logical ending

1. I got up early yesterday in order to ……………….

2. Kelly learned French so that ………….

3. Many people take the AVE high-speed train so as to ……

4. When I come home late, I walk quietly so as not to …….

5. Many students work in the summer holiday to ………

Complete the sentences with one connector

As in order to to because because of

1. Are they sending a new shuttle ………………. clean space?

2. They can’t launch the satellite ……..…. the weather is so bad.

3. ……………………. I’ve been working all morning. I haven’t been able to check my e-mail.

4. Phone me …………… let me know when you arrive.

5. He looks older …............... he has used the mobile phone a lot.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to express purpose

1. I went to ask because I wanted to find out if the law was still in effect (in order to )

2. I have to go to the optician’s. I need to have my eyes tested (to)

3. I am rewriting the report because I have to correct some parts (in order to )

4. I am studying because I want to do the test next week (for)

5. He took a taxi. He didn’t want to be late.(so as not to)

6. I use this pen when I sign important documents (for)

Purpose, cause and result.

Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets so that it means the same as the original sentence

1. He works hard in order to get good marks. (so that)

2. She hated school due to her fear of speaking in front of the whole class (because of)

3. He tried to hide his fear in order to keep it secret. (so as to)

4. Owing to the fact that it was late, we went to bed. (since)

5. Because she was scared of spiders, she wouldn’t go to the county. (due to)

6. He came to school early so that he could work on the computer. (in order to)

7. She was ill and because of that she went to the doctor. (therefore)

8. As it was raining, we didn’t play tennis (because of)

Complete the sentences using a connector with the meaning given in brackets.

1. Will you switch on the computer ………….…. see if there are any emails? (purpose)

2. Those mountains are full of junk ……………. We haven’t been very careful. (reason)

3. ……………………… I arrived late, I couldn’t check my email. (reason)

4. Could you help me with this ………………. I can leave earlier?(purpose)

5. Don’t write very private information ……………….. another person may read it. (reason)

6. Be careful ……….. there are few computer viruses (reason)

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