Reason and Result connectors

Reasons or Cause and Results

Therefore As Consequently Due to Since Because As a result For this reason

Connectors of cause

Connectors of results

Which of the connectors in bold how the cause of a particular action and which show the result?

· Hanssen had strong anti-communist views, therefore no one suspected him of being a Russian spy.

· Due to the information received from Hanssen, two Russian spies were executed.

· The tunnel had remained a well-kept secret since the FBI used it to listen in to conversations.

· Hanssen thought the FBI had discovered his secret. Consequently, he cut off his contacts with the KGB.

Choose the correct answer.-

· The service in the restaurant was bad because/ so we complained to the manager.

· John missed the meeting for this reason/ due to the late arrival of his train.

· She had told me many lies before. Consequently/ because, I didn’t believe her this time.

· It was raining and we didn’t want to get wet, since/ therefore we decided to go by car.

· Billy borrowed my jacket because/ therefore he didn’t have one of his own.

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