Cartas informales/e-mails

Cartas informales

  • Escribir una carta es como hablar con alguien a quien conoces bien

Fecha 5th November, 2005


Dear Edmund,

Opening remarks

Reason for writing, happenings at receiving letter, apology for not replying faster

It was great to get your letter: sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been very busy. I’ll help you understand why by telling you about my timetable.


Information, news or details

First of all, I’m studying computers at school, so I have got an extra hour a day of lessons. We have also got projects to give to the teacher every week. That’s in addition to all my other homework- and there’s plenty!

Secondly, as you know, I’ve got dance lessons four times a week. (I do both ballet and jazz) And, of course, there’s my social life- my friends and I meet almost every evening.

Closing remarks

Questions directed to friend

What’s your timetable like? Is it more relaxed than mine?

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Signing off

Love, Kate

Escribir e-mails

· When we send e-mails we write the topic of the e-mail in the place that says “subject”

· The reader’s e-mail address is written in the place that says “to”

· We don’t include the writer’s address in the opening of an e-mail

· If we write to someone often, we can begin our e-mails with just “hi”

· Language used in business e-mails is more formal than that in personal e-mails

Hi, Sue

It was great to hear from you! I’m glad we’ve decided to be pen-pals. You wrote that you´d like to know a little more about me, so here goes.

I am really into judo, and I go to lessons three times a week. I’ve also been in a few competitions-in fact, last year I won a medal! Other than that, I just like hang around with my friends or watch TV.

Useful language for both



Dear, …


It was great to hear from you/ to get your letter

How are things?,…

Sorry I haven’t written for so long,…

Thank you so much for,…

I was happy/ sad to hear that, …

Congratulations on …


Can’t wait to hear from you.

Write soon!

That is all for now.

Give my regards to,…

Looking forward to seeing

Signing off

See you



Best wishes.


Take care

Be well