
Un párrafo es un conjunto de oraciones que giran alrededor de un tema y suele tener las siguientes partes

  • Una oración principal que establece la idea principal del párrafo.
  • Oraciones que explican la razón de algo, dan detalles o dan ejemplos sobre lo señalado en la oración introductoria.
  • Una frase concluyente que resume la idea principal del párrafo.

La idea principal de un párrafo es sobre lo que hablan todas las oraciones que lo componen. Lee el párrafo y pregúntate ¿de qué trata? Esto te ayudará a identificar la idea principal.

Las distintas partes del párrafo se desarrollan de forma lógica y se relacionan entre sí utilizando pronombres y otros términos para referirnos a los distintos nombres del texto y así evitar repeticiones inútiles y conectores para mostrar la relación que existe entre las ideas que se señalan.

Laura escribió un párrafo sobre el futuro de la televisión. Lee las indicaciones y ordena las oraciones.

Lee las indicaciones y ordena las oraciones.

  • La primera oración introduce el tema.
  • Las palabras subrayadas te ayudan a seguir el orden de las ideas expresadas.
  • La última oración hace referencia a la primera oración.

Ordena las oraciones

a) In addition, television will become much cheaper.

b) What will television be like in the future?

c) However, it is possible that people will become confused by so many choices.

d) According to the experts, it will be very different from the kind of television we have today.

e) Maybe having 500 channels to choose from really won’t improve people’s lives.

f) Furthermore, there will be a huge variety of channels to choose from- like in a giant supermarket.

g) Nevertheless, I can hardly wait to see what the next millennium will bring!

h) For one thing, the quality of the sound and images will be much better.

Utilizando el párrafo de Laura como modelo escribe un párrafo sobre uno de los temas siguientes:

· The future of the music industry.

· The future of our planet.

· Life in the year 2099.

Lee cada párrafo y elige la mejor respuesta para la pregunta que se formula.

  • Juan loves to play games. His favourite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too violent.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Juan dislikes violence.

Juan likes to think.

Juan enjoys Monopoly.

Juan enjoys playing games.

  • Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behaviour has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV!

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria.

Books are good.

All cartoons are bad.

Some cartoons are bad for Maria.

  • Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. Please come home soon!

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Samantha, you have bad manners.

Samantha, you should see a dentist.

Samantha, I miss you.

Samantha, I have lost my appetite.

  • Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier.

Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the main idea?

Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.

We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.

They will look and behave much like real humans.

Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.

Key to the parragraphs activities