London Museums: The British Museum and the Natural History Museum.

The British Museum

The British Museum is a museum of human history and culture situated in London. Its collections with more than 7 million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. It also mirrors the city of London's global variety. In no other museum can the visitor see so clearly the history of what it is to be human.

The Naturla History MuseumThe Natural History Museum fascinates millions of people of all ages. Behind the façade of this magnificent example of Victorian architecture is a world of wonder. Your world.

It is a marvel of a museum, a truly beautiful building with extraordinary exhibits. It first opened its doors in 1881, and his home to some of the most fascinating and rare objects (like the heaviest woolly mammoth tusks ever found and a skeleton of an extinct sea cow)!

There’s a life-sized model of a blue whale suspended from the ceiling of the large mammal exhibit and a roaring animatronic T-rex in the dinosaur exhibit. There’s also a ‘ blue zone‘ of under water life, a ‘green zone‘ about the earth’s ecology, and a ‘ red zone‘ about volcanoes and earthquakes. Like most museums in London, all the galleries are free to enter, except temporary exhibits.