Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of “have or get something done”.-

1. Anna has her teeth cleaned every month

2. I have my calls answered

3. Claudia has her car serviced

4. Linda has had her hair dyed

5. They have just had their house redecorated

6. You have to have your measurements taken before we can make your suit

7. They have had present wrapped

8. Emily is having her wedding dress designed.

Change the following sentences into passive.

1. Sugar is added when the cake is ....

2. The flight was cancelled because of .....

3. The workshop is being used.

4. You will be given more information

5. A limousine has been hired

6. I have been sent an invitation

7. The statements he had made were proved to be false.

8. Some redundancies in the company are now thought to be inevitable.

9. The chancellor is believed to be thinking of ......

10. The driver is thought to have had both legs broken ....

Write a sentence for each situation beginning with words given.-

1. If only I had eaten some breakfast ...

2. I wish I hadn’t forgotten her present at home

3. If only I hadn’t left my swimming costume at home

4. I wish I hadn’t bought a MP3/ had bought a MP4

5. I wish I had learnt ...

Write the sentences in reported speech. Begin the words given.

1. We advised them to leave early for the airport

2. Linda said her new boyfriend was very interesting.

3. My parents warned me that they wouldn’t let me go camping if I didn’t get good marks.

4. Our history teacher agreed that the project he/ she had given us had been too complicated”

5. Lucy promised to make me a birthday cake

Rewrite the sentences into a type of conditional ones.- (4p)

1. If you don’t listen carefully you won’t know what to do. …

2. My sister wouldn’t get bored if she worked.

3. We wouldn’t have got lost if we had had a map.

4. If he hadn’t been on holiday he would have gone to the music festival

Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

1. could.

2. Must

3. Can’t

4. might

5. don’t have to

6. mustn’t

7. have

8. couldn’t

9. has

10. had

Complete the sentences. Use the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

1. visiting.

2. Waking

3. To tell

4. Going

5. Meeting

6. To lose

7. To do

8. Lending

9. Saying

10. To cook

Combine the sentences with a relative pronoun

1. George has a boat collection which contains more than a hundred models

2. We found a lost child whose mother was looking for him.

3. They were watching a film which was about the Second World War.

4. You have been talking to a girl who didn’t pass her driving test

John has installed a new computer program which is specially designed to build bridges.