
Have a look at this Modal grid before doing the activiites

1.-Circle the correct words.

1 When Sara was a baby, she could / can make everyone laugh.

2 He got the best marks in the school. He must / doesn’t have to be very clever.

3 Marta said she’s Keira Knightley’s sister. She might / can’t be serious!

4 His mum is ill at the moment so he might not / can come to the party.

5 We’re seventeen. We mustn’t / don’t have to go to school.

2.- Complete the conversation with the words There is one extra word.

couldn’t don’t have to have to ’re allowed to must mustn’t

· Do you like the sports school?

· It’s great. It’s much better than my old school. I (1) ….................... play football there, but I can play it every day now!

· Do you (2) ….................... do normal subjects like English and Maths?

· Of course we do, but we (3) ….................... study them for as many hours as you do.

· Which sports do you do? We (4) ….................... choose five sports. Everybody (5) ….................... do one racket sport, that’s obligatory.

3.-Complete the conversation with won’t might won’t will might

A: If you go to university, what (1) …................... you study?

B: I (2) …................... study languages. I’m sure about that because I love speaking foreign languages.

A: What about Science?

B: No, definitely not. I (3) …................... study Science because I’m terrible at it.

A: But you’re good at Art.

B: Yes, I suppose I (4) …................... study Art.

A: Will you study in a different town?

B: I think I (5) …................... . But I (6) …................... go too far away and then I can come home at weekends.

4.-Complete the sentences with may / might, can’t or must.

1. No-one answered the door, so they ……................. be at home.

2. He was born in Australia so he ……................. speak English.

3. You slept for twelve hours last night. You ……................. be tired now.

4. He always gets top marks in his tests – he ……................. study very hard.

5. Take your umbrella because it ……................. rain later.

6. They’ve got thousands of books. They ……................. love reading.

7. Helen came to school today so she ……................. be ill.

8. I ……................. go to my friend’s party but I’m not sure.

9. You ……................. be hungry because you didn’t have any lunch.

10. Don’t wait for me because I ……................. be late.

5.-Complete the sentences with the correct form a modal verb.

1 I’ve already done the washing-up, so Mum ……................. do it.

2 I’ve finished my exams, so I ……................. go out at weekends.

3 David ……................. look after his little brother last night.

4 We ……................. go to school yesterday, because it was a holiday.

6.-Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the modal verbs in brackets. (5p)

1. You’re not permitted to speak. (must) ……………………………………

2. She’s definitely not recognised in the street. (can) …………………

3. It would be a good idea for you to read one of her books. (should) …………

4. There’s a possibility that I won’t go. (might) ………………………………

5. There’s no obligation for an actor to sign autographs. (have to)…………………

6. There’s a possibility that man is watching us. (might) …………………………

7. You are obliged to attend the meeting. (must) ……………………………

8. It’s a good idea if Helen drives. (should) ……………………………

9. Those sweets are definitely not good for your teeth. (can) ………………………

10. Children are not allowed to enter. (must) …………………………

7.-Complete the sentences. Use modals with past infinitives.

1. I don’t think Dan has bought Beth Anderson’s new novel. Dan couldn’t ….

2. I don’t think she’s told him about the concert. She might ………………………………

3. I think the band wrote its own songs. The band must …………………………………

4. I don’t think Jane liked the CD. Jane can’t ………………………………………

5. I think they have changed the chorus. They may ………………………………………

8.-Choose the correct modal verb for the blanks

1 Some people don’t seem to care, but we (might/ must) take an interest in our environment.

2 Though we don’t now for sure, with the changing climate the sea level (has to/ may ) rise several metres.

3 Many people go to work by car, but I think they (should/ must) use public transport.

4 There is a good train service in our area, so Dad ( doesn’t have to/ mustn’t) take the car to work.

5 So many people came to the concert that we (couldn’t/ mustn’t/ needn’t) see the band.

6 You (wouldn’t/don’t have to/ couldn’t) shout. I can hear you perfectly well.

7 If you go to Hollywood, you (would/ had to/ might) see a famous film star.

9.-Choose the correct alternatives

1. “Someone’s stolen my camera”. “You might/ may/ should call the police”

2. “Have you bought your ticket yet?” “No I ought/ must/ have get it today”

3. “Do you know where Javier is?” “I’m not sure. He might/ can/ must be in the bathroom”

4. “Is there any homework tonight?” “You have to/ don’t have to/ can’t do this, but you can if you want to”

5. “Shall we go to the cinema tonight?” “You have / should/ must to study”

6. “Let’s use your sister’s computer” “I think we can/ may/ ought to ask her first”

7. “I’ve made a paella for our dinner” “It looks great. You can/ may/must be a really good cook”.

Key to Modals

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