Key to "añadir sobre un mismo tema"

Choose the correct alternative

· Not enough water for everyone.

(1) Consequently (2) furthermore (3) as a result (4) besides (5) so

· Tigers in danger

(1) For example (2) furthermore (3) therefore (4) consequently (5) as a result

· Choose the correct alternative

(1) Consequently (2) for example (3)furthermore (4) therefore (5) as a result.

Addition and Consequence

· To describe a consequence consequently, so, as a result, therefore.

· To give additional information in addition, Furthermore, moreover, besides, for example.

Addition and Consequence

· Linkers of addition: In addition, Furthermore, Moreover

· Linkers of contrast Yet, nevertheless, on the one hand/ on the other hand, although

Match the two halves to complete a sentence

1d 2e 3c 4f 5b 6a