Relative Sentences

      1. 1.-Complete the following sentences with a correct relative pronouns
        1. I can’t find the keys ………… Julie lent me yesterday.
        2. The woman …………. talked to you is Peter’s best friend.
        3. Is November 1st the day ………………… you celebrate your birthday?
        4. They said that the house ………………. They lived was very old.
        5. I don’ understand ……………… you don’t want to talk to Jenny.
        6. I can’t find anyone …………. can help me with this problem.
        7. Why don’t you ask someone …………… knows the answer?
        8. The student ………………. name is written on the blackboard will do the exercise.
        9. Can you tell me the name of the shop …………. You bought that sweater?
        10. I know a writer ………………. Novels are published in Chinese.
        11. 2.-Join the following sentences. Omit the pronoun when possible
        12. I saw the shop. You had bought the camera there
        13. She is the woman. Her discovery made an important impact on society.
        14. I met the footballer. He will play for our team next year.
        15. They are the musicians. I have always wanted to see them in concert
        16. I didn’t see the note. You put it on the fridge.
        17. This is the team. They won the World Cup.
        18. Do you know the house? Mary lives in it.
        19. I will always remember the day. I met Jennifer then.
        20. I don’t know the reason. He acted so rudely.
        21. I found the book. You lost it at Christmas.
        22. 3.-Combine each of these pairs of sentences so that the second becomes a non-defining relative clause.
        23. Our television set is always making funny noises. It cost us a lot of money.
        24. Mr. Green is going to retire. His students like him very much.
        25. Picasso is known all over the world now. His paintings were not understood at first.
        26. The final exams happened to be very easy. I feared them too much.
        27. Their story sounds incredible. It is true.
        28. The storm damaged the lorry. Its driver is a friend of mine.
        29. We couldn't climb that mountain. Its summit is always covered with snow.
        30. Juan speaks English very well. His mother is Swedish.
        31. Sardines are very nourishing. They are cheap.
        32. I met Arthur Jones. His book on sports sells very well.
        33. John did most of the work. He is very clever.
        34. Valery came home yesterday. It was a pleasant surprise.
        35. 4.-Combine the following pair or groups of sentences, using relative pronouns.
        36. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.
        37. Ann had been sleeping in the back of the car. She felt quite fresh and wanted to go on.
        38. Paul wanted to take the mountain road. His tyres were nearly new.
        39. Mary didn't know anything about mountains. She thought it would be quite safe to climb alone.
        40. Jack's tyres were very old. He wanted to stick to the tarred road.
        41. He gave orders to his lieutenants. The lieutenants passed them on to the soldiers.
        42. She said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true.
        43. The matter was reported to the Chief of Police. He ordered us all to be arrested.
        44. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.
        45. They rowed across the Atlantic. This had never been done before.
        46. She refuses to use machines. This makes her work more arduous.
        47. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
        48. Key to Relative Sentences

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