Present Perfect/ Past Simple

1.-Complete with the Present Perfect and Simple Past tense

Today almost everybody has got a telephone, but ………………………… (you ever think) about the times when people ………………. (not have) telephones? In the past, when people …………….. (want) to talk to someone who …………… (live) far away, they …………….. (write) letters. Many things ……………. (change) since then! The biggest change ……………… (come) in1876 when Alexander Graham Bell ………….. (invent) the telephone. Since then, the telephone ……………… (become) very important to all of us. So next time you phone a friend, don’t forget to say thank you to Alexander Graham Bell because he ……………. (make) our lives a lot easier!

2.-Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect. (1 mark )

1 Dave (fall) ……………….. out of the tree three days ago.

2 He (be) ……………….. in hospital since the accident.

3 His friends (no visit) ……………….. him yet.

4 How (he break) ……………….. his arm?

5 He (no change) ……………….. his mind about climbing trees.

3.-Fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: Present perfect or past tense

  1. I don’t know where Amy is. ………………….… (you/see) her?
  2. John ……………………. (not/be) very well last week.
  3. My grandfather ………………………… (die) 30 years ago. I …………. (never/meet) him.
  4. Your car looks clean …………………………. (you/wash) it?
  5. Diane is very hungry. She ……………………. (not/ eat) anything today.

4.-Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the present perfect simple and the past simple.-

  1. Last night, a massive tidal wave ………………. (hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000 people ………………………. (already/lose) their homes. There ………….. (be) several natural disasters in this region in the last eighteen months. Only last month, a hurricane ……………… (hit) Brazil.

2. Yesterday, fifteen-year-old Emily Harris ……………….. (hand in) a briefcase containing 100,000 pounds to the police. She ……………………. (find) the brief case at Euston railway station. “I …………..(be) on my way home, and suddenly I ………………. (see) the case there on the platform. Nothing like this ………………(ever/ happen) to me”, she told reporters

The police ……………………(just/ reveal) the identity of the Black Panther burglar. Tony Richards, also known as the Black Panther, …………….(already/ serve) …………………several prison sentences for armed robbery. The police

Key to Present Perfect/ Past Simple