Have/ has got

To have

· Significa “tener” y expresa lo que poseemos o la características de alguien o algo al describirlo:

My house has got a garden. They have got green eyes.

· En negative se pone not o n’t detrás de has o have: John hasn’t got a dog.

· En interrogativa el sujeto va detrás de have o has y en las respuestas cortas no utilizamos got, sino el pronombre personal correspondiente y la forma de have o has:

Have you got a pen? Yes, I have


· Indica posesión. She has a big house in Ireland / Tiene una gran casa en Irlanda

· Tomar (alimentos) I have breakfast at seven in the morning / Tomo el desayuno a las siete de la mañana

I don't have coffee / Yo no tomo café

· Dar (una fiesta, un paseo, una mirada...) We're having a party next Saturday / Vamos a dar una fiesta el próximo sábado

I usually have a walk on Saturday mornings / Normalmente doy un paseo los sábados por la mañana

Can I have a look at your magazine? / ¿Puedo dar un vistazo a su revista?

· Se usa habitualmente en modismos (frases hechas). La estructura más frecuente (no la única) es: 'to have' + 'a' + sustantivo:

To have a rest / Descansar

To have a swim / Nadar

To have a walk / Pasear

1.- Circle the correct words.

1. Has she / Have she got a dog?

2. I got / I’ve got two sisters.

3. They aren’t / They haven’t got a black car.

4. We are / We’ve got a computer.

5. Have got / Have you got short hair?

2.- Circle the correct answer.

1. My dog has got/ have got black ears.

2. I hasn't got/ haven't got any money.

3. The teacher has got / have got a car.

4. John's parents hasn't got / haven't got a car.

5. Have you got / Has you got long hair?

6. Has your friend got / Have your friend got black hair?

3.-Write sentences with the correct form of have got.

1. my dog / big nose

2. I / computer game

3. you / not / 100 books

4. they / five CDs

4.-Complete the table and write the questions with have got.

2 Jack / a history book?………………..............………………………

3 Sarah / a website?………………..............………………………

4 you / a history book?………………..............………………………

5 Jack and Sarah / 20 CDs?………………..............………………………

6 how many / CDs / you?………………..............………………………

5. I / not / a website

5.-Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got.

  1. Babies ………….. many teeth.

  2. Kate ………………. a black schoolbag. It's red!

  3. Mr Watson …………….. a big hat. Look at it!

  4. The gIrls …………………… short skirts. They're nice.

  5. Cats ………………… tails.

6.-Write sentences with the correct form of have got.

1. I / a dog

2. you / not / a TV

3. she / not / four CDs

4. they / an English class at 10 o’clock