Present Simple/ Present Continuous

1.-Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense

1. It (not rain). We can play outside.

2. We (live) in a big city in England.

3. What time (they/get up) in the morning?

4. Be quiet! The children (study) for a test!

5. We (not eat) meat every day.

6. She (go) to bed late on Saturdays.

7. (they/listen) to music at the moment?

8. Mr. Howard is a teacher. He (not/ work) in a hospital.

2.-Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

1. Do you get up at 7:30? (usually)

2. She eats a hamburger.(once a week)

3. Mr Smith plays golf. (on Tuesdays and Thursdays)

4. Mary’s room is untidy. (always)

5. We don’t have a big breakfast. (usually)

3.-Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense

Every year, thousands of tourists …………………. (go) to London and many people ……………….. (think) that London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. I ………….. (stay) in London now and every day we ……………. (do) something different. At the moment we ………… (visit) St Paul’s Cathedral, which is very old and beautiful. After this we …………. (plan) to go to Tower Bridge. Sometimes the bridge …………. (open) so that a ship can go through, but I …………. (know) it won’t happen today. I really ……….. (love) coming to London. I always ………. (enjoy) myself and I …………… (enjoy) myself today as well. In fact the whole family …………. (have) a good time.

4.-Complete the dialogue. Use the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

A: Hi, Kate. What (1) ….................… (you / do)?

K: I (2) ….................… (look) at the photos of my holiday in Spain. Look at this one! My brother and I (3) ….................… (ride) horses.

A: That’s great. What (4) ….................… (your dad / do) in this photo?

K: Oh, he (5) ….................… (dance) with some people from the village. He really (6) ….................… (enjoy) our holidays there.

A: (7) ….................… (you /go) there every year?

K: No, we sometimes (8) ….................… (stay) in England. What about you?

A: We usually (9) ….................… (spend) a week in Italy. My aunt (10) ….................… (live) there and I’ve got three Italian cousins.

5-Fill in the blanks with Present simple or continuous.-

  1. My parents ………………. (live) in Bristol. There were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where ……………. (your parents/live)?
  2. Sonia ……………….. (look) for a place to live. She ………………… (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.
  3. “What ……………….. (your father/ do)?” “He is an architect but he ……………… (not work) at the moment”
  4. Air ………………. (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

6.-Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous

1 Jane …....................(go) to the Internet café every morning.

2 Look at Max and Tina. They …....................(dance) the salsa.

3 He ….................... (wear) a tracksuit and trainers today.

4 I usually …....................(relax) in my bedroom after school.

5 ‘Where’s Emma?’ ‘She …...................(play). table tennis.’

Key to Present Simple/ Present Continuous