Key to descriptions


1.-Read the description. Match 1-3 with paragraphs A-C and complete the blanks with one of the following words

1.-what's more 2.-in addition 3.-also 4.-too/as well 5.-too/as well 6.-also

1.-His character C

2.-His physical appearance. A

3.-His life B

2.-Fill in the blanks with the suitable word.-

Is situated total area coastline the lowest point height climate population

3.-Complete the fact file about the United Kingdom with the correct information and write a description of the United Kingdom.-

United kingdom is situated in Western Europe. They are a group of islands between North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, to the northwest of France. United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland include England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and many small islands. The total area is 244,820 sq kms square kilometres and its coastline is 12,429 kilometres long. The lowest point of United kingdom is the Fens and the highest point is the Mountain Nevis with a height of 1,343 metres. The climate is variable. It is generally warm and wet in summer while it is usually wet, windy and cold in winter.The population of united kingdom was about 60,441,457 people in July 2005.