Alternativas o correlaciones


Make one sentence using one of these expressions

Both…. and not only …. but also but either….. or neither…. nor

  1. I wanted to see the VR film. There were no tickets left.
  2. My friend has seen the new film. I have seen the new film.
  3. We can go to a VR film. We can go to a western
  4. I don’t like VR film. My mother doesn’t like VR films
  5. VR films are thrilling. They are realistic
  6. I intended to go to the cinema las t night. I didn’t have time.

Rewrite the following paragraph using the connectors not only, and, but, and either … or.

Yesterday I slipped and fell on the floor. I also fell down the stairs. I knew I could call a doctor. I knew that I could also call my mother at work. I called my mother. She took me to the doctor. The doctor said my arm was broken. He said that luckily it wasn’t a bad break.

Key to alternativas o correlaciones