My favourite site in London. Autumn 2011

British Museum.- My favourite site in London was the British Museum. Officially is the most popular tourist attraction of England, this museum was built in 1847 and glass-roofed Great Court added in 2000.

The museum includes Ancient Egyptian artefacts – the Rosetta stone on the ground floor, mummies upstairs – and Greek antiquities, including the Pantheons sculptures and objects from all the world cultures.

Juan Muñiz

Last week we were in London. It was fantastic! There was one thing that I loved, and it was when we went to Camden market, it was great! I think that market is very special because on the wall you can see pictures represented, like shoes and clothes. In this market there are a lot of shops of different things, but you can also find places to eat, and people, who are working in that shops where they sell food, call you to taste it! It is interesting for us because in Spain it isn’t normal to do that, but in London it is very normal because they want to attract people. I liked it a lot and I hope to return there again and soon, of course!

Ana Vega Sánchez 4ºB

Asturias’ airport, suitcases, people nervous, one destiny: London. When we arrived to London we had an one hour bus journey to the city center, then our English families went to give us a lift to each house. The morning lessons were OK, but like all the teenagers: we don’t like going to class. Then the afternoons were so tired, we walked a lot, we saw almost all the city center, and now we know one more thing: the English people walk very fast. We had a lot of fun at the free time all together, it’s a journey to remember. We laugh from the morning until we went to bed.Covadonga López del Campo 4ºB

I’m delighted with the whole the experience and I liked everything we saw a lot, but my favourite’s sites were the Big Ben and the National Gallery.The Big Ben is enormous I can’t think that I was going so impressed me that much. It has nothing to do when you see it on TV.

I loved The national Gallery and the activities we were doing inside; I loved recognizing some pictures that I had studied in the school.

Andrea Tarrón.- 4ºA

This is a very famous square in London. It’s quite big, and there are always lots of people around. In the center of the square, you can see the very famous Nelson’s Column. It’s a really big stone column. On top of it Admiral Nelson is standing. There are reliefs on the sides of its cubical base. On each of the corners of the base there is a lion lying on the flood. On the sides of the monument there are two fountains. Behind the monument you can see the National Gallery, an impressive building filled with paintings from a broad variety of painters..Daniel Sepúlveda.- 4º BMy favourite site in London was where was the National Gallery in the Trafalgar Square. In the British Museum there were important pictures and a bit of these were beautiful. In the Trafalgar Square also there was a Landseer Lion and it was very big.Sergio Hernández.- 4º BMore favourite sites in london