Key to Just/ yet/ already/ still/ for/ since

1.-Complete the sentences with the correct adverbial from the box.

in September / at the cinema / once a year / now / never

  1. once a year
  2. now
  3. never
  4. in September
  5. at the cinema.

2.-Fill in the blanks with yet, already, still

  1. already.
  2. still
  3. yet
  4. yet, still

3.-Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

for since already just yet

  1. yet
  2. just
  3. for
  4. already
  5. since

4.-Write sentences and questions in the present perfect including the word in brackets

  1. I haven’t written about the job yet.
  2. Have you ever worked with children?
  3. She has already had an interview.
  4. Has he ever studied a foreign language?
  5. They haven’t decided on a profession yet.
  6. Have they ever worked abroad?

5.-Write for or since.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. since last Tuesday
  4. for a long time
  5. sincethe day I met you

6.-Rewrite the sentences with yet, already or just.

  1. Don’t lend that book to me. I’ve already read it.
  2. He hasn’t arrived yet. We’re still waiting.
  3. Jenny called me one minute ago. Jenny has just called me
  4. Jason hasn’t learnt to ride a bicycle yet.
  5. You’ve finished? That was quick! I’ve already finished

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