
Una narración cuenta una historia y describe acontecimientos siguiendo un orden cronológico. Utilizamos conectores temporales y de secuencia para mostrar el orden en que tuvieron lugar los distintos acontecimientos de los que se habla. Las narraciones normalmente se escriben en pasado.

En la introducción

  • Situamos la escena según vamos respondiendo al mayor número posibles de preguntas del tipo: quién esta involucrado, qué ocurrió, cuándo, dónde, por qué y cómo,... tuvieron lugar los acontecimientos.
  • Utilizamos el pasado continuo: para situar la escena donde tienen lugar los hechos y para hablar actividades o acciones que no han finalizado.
  • Utilizamos el pasado simple: para describir determinadas acciones que se han desarrollado y completado en el pasado.
  • Utilizamos el pasado perfecto: para escribir sobre una acción que tuvo lugar con anterioridad a otra acción que ese desarrolló en un tiempo pasado.

En el desarrollo o desenlace

  • Describimos los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar, uno por uno, y que forman la historia. Describimos los hechos y sentimientos.
  • Utiliza conectores para unir las ideas y presta atención especial al uso correcto de los tiempos verbales.
  • Los adverbios dan mucha vida a la narración

En la conclusión

  • Resumimos los acontecimientos y señalamos como termina la historia, lo que aprendimos, cómo nos sentimos,….
  • Podemos señalar también cómo los acontecimientos que se señalan podrían afectar al futuro o dejar constancia de tu opinión.
  • Procura, además, escribir un final claro o concluyente.

Expresiones secuenciales

  • Para comenzar: In the beginning, at first, first of all, first, to begin with,…
  • Para continuar: Later, then, next, before, when, by the time, after, soon, meanwhile, ..
  • Para concluir: Eventually, at last, finally, in the end

Expresiones de tiempo

  • When, while,during, until, yesterday, before, after, all night, a week later, last summer, by the time, as soon as, it was a cold day, it all began when, before I knew it suddenly

Ejemplo A new neighbour


Personajes principales, dónde y cuándo se desarrolla la historia, el ambiente y a qué conflictos se enfrentan los personajes

Last summer, a man moved into our building. As soon as they had seen him, the other neighbours began to talk. They said that he was probably a criminal. He really looked frightening and he never said a word to anyone.


Desarrollo de la historia. Acciones y acontecimientos

One day, I heard shouts coming from the stairs. Mrs Thompson’s baby was chocking and she was screaming for help! All of a sudden, the new neighbour appeared. He grabbed the baby and helped her to breathe again. He was a doctor, and he had saved the baby’s life. After that, we all began to speak to him.


Final de la historia. Resolución de conflictos.

We found out that he was new in England and didn’t know much English. That was why he was so quiet. We had all been wrong about him. In the end, we learned a lesson from what had happened: you can’t rely on first impressions.

Recientemente has sido testigo de un robo en un banco. Describe lo que viste.

Plan Opening: sets the scene with details of time, place, atmosphere and characters

It all happened last year when I was on holiday in London and had to change some money. It was about 11 o’clock in the morning and I took my place in the queue in the small local bank and waited to be served. Everything was very quiet and all the people were waiting very patiently.

Body: Develops the plot with details of events and characters

Then, a man wearing a black leather jacket and a crash helmet marched up to the front of the queue. People immediately began to complain. He pulled out a gun and said, “Hands up, everybody. This is a hold-up!” we all did as he said and watched the frightened cashier up the one put the money into his bag. Nest, the robber turned and walked slowly towards the door. Meanwhile, the cashier pressed the alarm button.

Closing: Ends the story with the reason for what happened or the consequences

The alarm began to sound, the robber shot into the air and we all fell to the ground. He ran out of the bank and then we heard a motorbike star up. After that, we heard a terrible crash. We rushed out and saw the robber lying on the ground and a car on top of his motorbike. In the end, he wasn’t injured, and he was arrested for robbing the bank.


Read the following text and do the tasks below

Last summer we hired a car and drove out ot the coast in order to catch the weekly ferry to the island where I had spent my childhood. As the ferry entered the small harbour, I could see that nothing much had changed on Dunain. Across the harbour, the fishing boats, all brightly painted with names like Sea Witch and Saucy Sue, were still moored in the same place, bobbing in the water.

First of all, we made our way to the local pub which looked out over the bay and was to be our accommodation for the next few weeks. About an hour later, after we had eaten a light lunch, we set off to explore the village. We took a leisurely stroll along the main street, past the little shops, until we came to the headland above the beach.

It was then that I caught sight of Angus, sitting on a bench in his little garden looking out to sea. He slowly turned towards me as if he had sensed my presence. As soon as I looked into those sparkling blue eyes, I was reminded of a good-looking young man staring shyly out of a faded brown photograph my grandmother had treasured, the souvenir of the first and only love of her life; a love she had left behind because of strict, ambitious parents. As a result of their ambition, she had left the island, and Angus, never to return.

The next few moments were spent hugging each other warmly and generally delighting in the reunion. After a few moments, Angus smiled. "You take after your grandmother- she was a beauty. It is in the eyes. Come, I'll make some tea", he said,and led us into his neatly kept cottage.

  • Identify the expressions of sequence.
  • Find one expressions of cause and one of result.
  • Find three time expressions

Key to narraciones

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