Expresar contraste

Linkers of Contrast

Complete the sentences using a connector of contrast. More than one is sometimes possible

Although even though despite in spite of despite but

1. ……………………………. he couldn’t come to the party, he sent a gift.

2. ………………………….. being so difficult, she got the highest mark.

3. ………………………….. the language is the same, U.S. English is quite different.

4. You write a “W”, ………………………….. you don’t pronounce it.

5. ………………… there are thousands of people who die of hunger, we waste a lot of food.

6. …………………………………. the fact that he is 32, he looks much younger

7. Mark downloaded the Mp3 file ………………………… he didn’t know the song.

8. Laura played the computer game ………………….. having a headache.

Complete the sentences with the words in the list

In spite on the other hand although despite but although however

1. ……………………. he played well, he lost the match.

2. ………………….. being small, Emma is very strong.

3. On the one hand, you could buy the book …………………………., you could get it from the library.

4. …………………… I hurt my leg, I played.

5. Lola plays well …………………. of the fact that she never practises.

6. I’ve played in a lot of matches, ………………… this time I feel anxious.

7. Hassan hits the ball hard. ………………, he doesn’t have much control.

Join the sentences using linkers of contrast and the correct punctuation

1. I didn’t sleep well. I feel fine. (Although)

2. They are rich. They aren’t happy. (Despite)

3. I have got new boots. I prefer my old ones. (but)

4. He works hard. He doesn’t earn much money. (In spite of)

5. It wasn’t windy. We went sailing (Although)

6. My mum won’t admit it, she loves football. (Even though)

Linkers introducing, contrasting and concluding

Fill in the grid with the following linkers

Although despite on the one hand however in conclusion firstly in spite of in contrast but one advantage to sum up whereas on the other hand

Introducing a point




Note: we use despite and in spite of with a noun phrase or an –ing form.

Despite having a computer, she didn’t use the internet

In spite of the wonderful weather outside, he watched TV

We use although with a subject and a verb

Although she had a computer, she didn’t use the internet

More Activities

Rearrange the paragraphs and underlined the connectors and text organizers following the following outline


Arguments against

Arguments for


Advantages and disadvantages of promoting air transport

a.- On the other hand, air transport has a number of advantages. One is, of course, speed, but it also reduces congestion on our roads. If more goods could be transported by air, it would therefore mean fewer pollution-causing lorries on our roads.

b.- to conclude, I think that air transport, both for passengers and goods, should be promoted as much as possible. In this way there will be fewer vehicles on our roads and live will be better for everyone.

c.- One disadvantage of flying is that it is, at present, expensive. You can travel far more cheaply by coach or train. What’s more, the construction of new airports destroys part of our countryside. Another disadvantage is the awful noise plans make. They can make life a misery for people living near airports.

d.- Air transport, both for passengers and for goods, is growing at a terrific rate. More and more people travel by air, even for short distances within the same country.

Do the task to deal with the question. What are the arguments for and against the Internet?

a.- Is the writer for or against the internet?

1.- ……….. . Young people especially are spending more time surfing. However, is it a positive or a negative attitude? why.

2.-………… . Firstly, chat room and e-mails are good ways to meet new people and keep in touch with friends. Secondly, educational sites provide useful information for school projects.

3.-………… . Some sites are unsuitable for children, and although chat rooms might be fun, you don’t really know who you are talking to.

4.- ……….. .On the other hand there are lots of useful websites, but on the other hand people need to choose the websites they visit carefully

b.-Complete the essay with the sentences.

a.-To sum up, the internet has advantages and disadvantages.

b.-However, there are also arguments against the Internet.

c.-There are several arguments in support of the internet.

d.-The internet is something people are using more and more.

c.-Divide the essay into four paragraphs

Nowadays almost everyone is using the internet. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of surfing? There are many arguments in favour of the internet. One major advantage is the amount of information available. You can download an MP3, read a newspaper or quickly research your homework, whereas going to the library takes time. In contrast, there are several arguments against the internet. Some people complain that it takes too long to find things, and spending hours on-line can be expensive and bad for your eyes! In conclusion, despite some disadvantages, I would argue that the internet is an exciting and useful invention. I couldn’t imagine life without it.

Key to contrast activities