
Cuando describimos intentamos recrear o presentar una escena al lector. Una buena descripción presenta variedad de términos descriptivos: adjetivos, adverbios, modificadores, cuantificadores, … que ayudan a recrear una imagen mental aproximada de lo que se nos describe. Podemos:

  • Describir una persona
  • Describir un lugar
  • Describir un objeto

Al describir a una persona puedes incluir

§ Apariencia física

§ Actitudes y comportamiento.

§ Intereses, hobbies, profesión

§ Personalidad, carácter,...

§ Detalles biográficos

§ Experiencias personales con esa persona

Piensa y anota todo lo que se te ocurra sobre ella. Organiza tus ideas en párrafos:

· Introducción

· Descripción física

· Descripción de carácter

Intenta utilizar adjetivos variados para la descripción de la apariencia física y la de su carácter y expresiones del tipo:

      • too+ adjective,
      • adjective + enough,
      • so + adjective + that,
      • such a/ an + adjective

Revisa la gramática, la ortografía y la puntuación.

Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos

Alice, an old friend of mine, has the kind of personality people describe as “sunny”. She is amusing, intelligent and lively. She is very good-looking, too, quite tall with long, reddish-brown hair and attractive brown eyes.

Alice is very active and always seems to be doing something. She is a computer programmer and works for a big software company in Wales. She is married, with five-year-old twins, but she somehow finds time to paint, knit beautiful sweaters for the family, play the piano, and ride her horse, Misha. She does not like cooking much and she hates housework. Her only fault is that perhaps she is a little untidy.

Alice seems to have everything, but I know there is one thing she would secretly like to do. She loves walking in the mountains, away from her daily worries and one day she would like to go on a trekking holiday to the Himalayas to see Mount Everest. I hope her wish come true.

*************** *************** ***************

Janet, my elder sister, is 21. She does not look like me because she has got blue eyes and fair hair, while my eyes are brown and I am dark-haired. She has a lovely fresh complexion and a beautiful mouth, with full lips, but she short-sighted, so she wears contact lenses. She is quite tall and has a beautiful, slim figure. She is very smart and looks really attractive when she dresses up to go out with her boyfriend.

Janet is studying languages at the university and in summer she works for a travel agency. She can speak French and Spanish and now she is learning modern Greek. She always goes abroad for her holidays. Janet loves being with a crowd of people and when she goes abroad she talks to the local people and makes friends easily. She loves going to parties and eating out. She is good a t games but never takes them seriously so when we play tennis I always win because she doesn’t care I she wins or loses.

Janet is very witty and amusing and she always cheers me up when I am depressed because she has got a wonderful sense of humour. I think her only fault is that she is restless and easily gets bored. She is an intelligent, hard-working person but she doesn’t get good marks a t university because she doesn’t study enough. I admire her because she is so bright and energetic but I think it a good thing that her boyfriend is a calm, tolerant man and when she is impatient with him, he just laughs and then she laughs , too


1.-Read the description. Match 1-3 with paragraphs A-C and complete the blanks with one of the following words

also what's more also as well in addition too

1.-His character

2.-His physical appearance.

3.-His life

A.-Javier Barden is one of Spain's greatest actors. What makes him so amazing is that he looks completely different in every film he appears in. He is sometimes clean-shaven and other times stubby. (1) What is more, he can be extremely well-built and muscular, as in his early film Jamón, jamón, and then he is slim in other films.

B.-When he was a teenager, Bardem used to be a professional rugby player. (2) ....................., he was a member of the Spanish national rugby team. Apart from sport, he (3) ............. enjoyed painting and studied art for a while. But, it isn't surprising that he works in films- his bother and sister work in the film industry, his uncle is a film director and his grandfather and mother were actors (4) ............ .

C.-The people who work with Bardem find him open and very good-natured (5) ................... . He is (6) ................. extremely modest and always tell people in interviews that he doesn't even know how to drive!

Al describir lugares puedes incluir

      • Localización
      • Características físicas, ambiente,…
      • Rasgos especiales y puntos de interés
      • Gentes, modo de vida, cultura, …
      • Detalles históricos

Cuando describimos un lugar intentamos recrear el ambiente de ese lugar para nuestro lector.


Da el nombre, la localización y la población del lugar que estás describiendo

· Name: the name of the town/ city/ place is …. It is …… years old.

· Location: It is located on a hill/ near the mountains/ near the sea/ in the centre of …/near a forest.

· Population: It has a population of …

The Isle of skye, in the northwest of Scotland is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. In addition, it is a wonderful place for a holiday for people of all ages.


  • Describe how old the place is; use adjectives to describe it.
  • Describe the climate and tell about the places of interest
  • Physical traits:
  • adjective referring to age: ancient, old, ageless, new, modern
  • qualifying adjectives: beautiful, nice, pretty, ugly, unattractive, modern, old-fashioned, quaint, small, big, medium-sized.
  • Monuments: fountains, wall, statue, square, castle, synagogue, mosque, cathedral, church, bridge.
  • Styles of architecture. Roman, Moorish, Romanesque, Gothic, Greek, Phoenician, medieval, Renaissance.
  • Climate: mild, rainy, warm, hot, sunny, cold, foggy, windy; verbs: snow, rain.
  • Seasons: summer, spring, autumn, winter.

Skye is known for its magnificent coast and its beautiful mountains. Although there aren’t many hotels or restaurants, the area is so beautiful that many people go there each year for their summer holiday. When we visited the island last summer, I loved taking long walks through the splendid mountains and along the beautiful coast.

Most of the people who live on the isle of Skye Earn a living from farming, tourism or forestry. They are quiet people who are proud of the history or their island. It was fun touring the Clan Donald Centre here I learned the story of MacDonald family, which was once the most powerful family on the land. Many of the people who live on the Isle of Skye today are still name MacDonald


  • Tell what the people are like, what you can visit there and what special quality or event you particularly like.
  • People: friendly/ unfriendly, talkative/ quiet, sociable/ unsociable, hard-working/ lazy, serious, outgoinh, cheerful.
  • Tourist attraction: visitors can enjoy the beautiful cherry trees which bloom every spring. Tourists love to walk down the narrow streets and look at the typical houses and their patios full of flowers.
  • A special quality of the place or an event that takes place there: It has a wall that goes completely around the town. It has been declared a part of “World Heritage” by UNESCO. “The running of the bulls” takes place there for a week starting on 7 July every year.

The Isle of skye is a great place to visit if you like to look at beautiful scenery and meet kind and friendly people. I recommend it as a holiday spot for anyone who loves peace and quiet.

Otro ejemplo

Last summer, I visited India with some friends. We had always wanted to go to an Asian country, and since India is such a vast county, we decided to concentrate on the Rajastan area.

Rajastan is a region in the north of India with many beautiful ancient towns which are associated with India’s moghul rulers. The most famous (and probably the most visited) towns are Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. When we visited Rajastan, the weather was extremely hot and the rivers and lakes were almost dry. People were praying that rain would soon fall.

I particularly liked Jaipur, “the pink city”, so called because of the colour of the stone which they used to build the buildings with. The maharajah’s palace and the Palace of the Winds are well worth a visit, but for me, nothing can beat a trip to the Amber Fort, high in the mountains above the city of Jaipur. To make the experience even more unforgettable, you can ride up to the fort by elephant!

In conclusion, although many people are afraid to go to India because of the poverty or the diseases you can catch there, I would still recommend that you go there. If you take care, nothing bad will happen to you. Quite the opposite, in fact


2.-Fill in the blanks with the suitable word.-

Is situated population coastline total area lowest point climate height

Spain is situated in south western Europe and includes the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and the towns of Ceuta y Melilla, on the coast of Morocco. The …………………………….. is 504,782 square kilometres and its …………………………. is 4,964 kilometres long. The …………………. of Spain is the Atlantic Ocean and the highest point is the Pico Teide on Tenerife on the Canary Islands, with a ………………….. of 3,718 metres. The …………………. is generally dry and hot is summer with clouds along the coast and cold in winter. The ………………… of Spain is around 40 million people.

3.-Complete the fact file about the United Kingdom with the correct information and write a description of the United Kingdom.-

  • Western Europe- Islands between North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France.
  • 12,429 km
  • Variable. Warm and wet in summer; wet, windy and cold in winter.
  • 60,441,457 (July 2005).
  • United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Includes England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Many small islands.
  • 244,820 sq kms.
  • The Fens:-4 metres, Mountain- Ben Nevis: 1,343 metres.

Al describir cosas

  • Apariencia física
  • Origen
  • Uso