Key to Quantifiers

1.-Look at the quantifiers in the box and answer the questions.

some / any / much / many / a lot (of) / lots of / no / little / a little / few / a few / plenty of / enough / several

  1. Countable nouns: some / any / / many / a lot (of) / lots of / no / / few / a few / plenty of / enough / several
  2. Uncountable nouns: some / any / much / a lot (of) / / no / little / a little / / plenty of / enough
  3. Countable and uncountable nouns: some / any / a lot (of) / / no/ plenty of / enough
  4. Positive connotation: some a lot (of) / lots / plenty of / enough / several
  5. Negative connotation: / any / much / many / no

2.-Read the information and write sentences with (not) enough, too much, too many and the nouns in brackets.-

  1. There are too many people to go home by car
  2. He has had enough time to his homework before the film start.
  3. There aren’t enough house for everyone.
  4. She hasn’t got enough money to buy the jeans.
  5. Our football team hasn’t got enough players

3.-Write sentences. Use the correct form of be and a lot of, much or many.

1 There are a lot of vitamins in fresh fruit.

2 There isn’t much fat in fish.

3 There is a lot of protein in fish.

4 There isn’t much protein in chocolate.

5 There aren’t many vitamins in sweets.

6 There is a lot of salt in crisps.

7 There is a lot of cholesterol in eggs.

8 There isn’t much fibre in cheese.

4.-Fill in the gaps with a suitable quantifiers

1. any, some

2. enough, any/much

3. some

4. some/ any

5. how many

6. any/ much

7. how much

8. a few/ some

5.-Complete the sentences with a lot of, much or many.

1 much

2 a lot of

3 many

4 a lot of

5 much

6 many

6.-Complete the sentences with many, much or a lot of

1. many

2. a lot of

3. much

4. much

5. A lot of

6. a lot of