Key to be (am, is, are)

1.-Circle the correct answer.

  1. Is

  2. am

  3. are

  4. are

  5. isn’t

  6. aren’t

  7. are

  8. is

2.-Complete the sentences according to the picture. Use the right form of to be.

  1. Are

  2. isn’t

  3. aren’t

  4. is

  5. are

  6. isn’t

  7. is

3.-Complete the sentences. Use am, is or are.

  1. Am

  2. is

  3. are

  4. are

  5. is

4.-Complete the text with the correct affirmative or negative form of the verb be.

  1. Am

  2. are

  3. isn’t

  4. aren’t

  5. is

5.-Write sentences with the correct form of be.

  1. Is she from Japan?

  2. I am English

  3. They aren’t from London

  4. He isn’t in the school orchestra

6.-Write questions with be.

  1. Are you English?

  2. Is Antonio Banderas from Spain?

  3. Are Rivaldo and Ronaldo famous for football?

  4. Is Chinese an important subject in Spain?

  5. Are your teachers nineteen years old?