Key to have/ has got

1.-Circle the correct words.

1. Has she

2. I’ve got

3. They haven’t

4. We’ve got

5. Have you got

2.-Circle the correct answer.

1. Has got

2. Haven’t got

3. Has got

4. Haven’t got

5. Have you got

6. Has your friend got

3.-Write sentences with the correct form of have got.

1. my dog has got a big nose

2. I have got a computer game

3. you haven’t got 100 books

4. they have got five CDs

5. I haven’t got a website

4.-Complete the table and write the questions with have got.

1. Has Jack got a history book? No, he hasn’t

2. Has Sarah got a website? Yes, she has

3. Have you got a history book? Yes, I have.

4. Have Jack and Sarah got 20 CDs? Yes, they have.

5. how many CDs have you got? I have got 9 CDs

5.-Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got.

1. Babies haven’t got many teeth.

2. Kate has got a black schoolbag. It's red!

3. Mr Watson has got a big hat. Look at it!

4. The girls have got short skirts. They're nice.

5. Cats have got tails.

6.-Write sentences with the correct form of have got.

1. I have got a dog

2. you have not a TV

3. she hasn’t got four CDs

4. they have got an English class at 10 o’clock