Animal profiles 2º Part

The elephant by Alba Fernández Clemente 1ºA

Cats by Javier Fernández Hernández 1ºA

The animal in this Photo is an elephant. Adult elephants are 6.000 kilos and they can walk from 5 to 6 kilometres an hour.

Elephants live in Africa and Asia. They live and hunt in the jungle. Elephants always eat roots, fruits and barks. Females have from 5 to 12 calves along their life.

In Africa the climate is very hot and pollution is a problem too, especially water, because humans and animals need the water to survive.

Koalas by María Arango 1º A

The animal in this photo is a cat. Cats are very agile, and playful. They don’t usually swim. In fact they do not like water. They usually climb trees or sleep.

Cats can be pets so they live houses in the street and sometimes in villages. They are jealous and often play in groups. They usually eat fish or hunt mice.

They are not endangered because they are a lot but some die from lack of nutrition or because they are hit by cars when they cross the roads. They are beautiful and loving and so we must try to look after them at home.

The tadpole and the frog by Antonio 1ºA

The koala is marsupial. It lives in Australia. It usually sleeps twenty hours a day.

The koala only eats leaves and bark of eucalypt. It spends all day in the trees and it only goes down to eat. Koalas spend about three of their five active hours eating.

Males weigh ten kilos and females a bit less. A female koala can produce one young each year for about 12 years.

The giraffe by Amanda Úbeda Casavilla.- 1º B

Tadpoles are young amphibians. They live in the water. They eat algae and plants The tadpole has to go through a metamorphosis to become a frog. The frog is an animal that can be of various colours. Some of them are poisonous and grow to 20.5 cm.

The frogs live the near the river. This kind of frog is dangerous for the humans because with 20ml of poison they can kill to a human

The lion by Ivan Carreira González.-1º B

Giraffe are very big animals. They have two horns and spots. They live in Africa.

The females of giraffe give birth standing and the baby falls from 1,2 meters. they usually have only one calf.

The giraffe lives for 25 years and are 4,5 metres tall. Their height is very useful to get new tree leaves.They are herbivores.

The lion is a carnivorous mammal and it is the second biggest feline in the world because the tiger is bigger than the lion. It lives in Africa in the grassland and they hunt together for zebras or buffalos.

The lion isn't aggressive and females have got from one to four cubs and they like playing together.

Lions aren't on the “red list” of animals in danger but we have to protect their habitat to prevent the lion from being that list.