Key to Conditional sentences

1.-Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Will be able to/ can

2 Ran

3 Would have chatted

4 hadn’t forgotten …

5 sleep

6 would have got

7 had agreed

2.-Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional

  1. If you want to lose weight you will need to eat less
  2. If he is late he will be able to meet / can meet ….
  3. The police wouldn’t have caught the thief if an old woman hadn’t seen him burgle the house.
  4. If he were rich he would be happy.
  5. If Dave hadn’t fallen asleep, he wouldn’t have missed the end of the film.
  6. Unless you help me I won’t finish on time.
  7. If you touch that dog he will bite you.
  8. If we had put the milk in the fridge, it wouldn’t have gone sour.
  9. If he hadn’t lied before, I would have believed him this time
  10. I could drive we could take the car.
  11. If the weather isn’t sunny we will stay indoors.
  12. The dog wouldn’t have bitten me if Esther had warned us about it
  13. Unless you water the plants they will die

3.-Write conditional sentences

  1. They won’t pass the text if they don’t study
  2. If it rains, Dad will drive us to school
  3. The teacher will be angry if she doesn’t do her homework
  4. If Helen is sick, she won’t go to school tomorrow
  5. I‘ll send my friend an e-mail if she doesn’t phone me.