Mix-up Review

1.-Write each connector below its category

And due to yet as a result so that so furthermore nevertheless but in order to however consequently to so as to moreover since because on the other hand in addition although

2.-Classify the following linking words / phrases according to list below

In the first place Also For example To sum up However Moreover Firstly Although To begin with Therefore On the other hand Apart from this In other words In particular For instance In addition Because while Taking everything into account Furthermore For one thing Since Lastly Secondly

3.-Choose the best alternative

Although/ Despite Brad Pitt studied journalism, he wanted to be a film star. When he was a teenager he left college in order to/ so that find work in Hollywood. He said he was going to Art school as / so that his parents wouldn’t stop him.

Unfortunately despite/whereas going to lots of auditions, he didn’t get a job. As a result/ in contrast he had to work as a chicken at an El Pollo Loco restaurant.

Finally, he got a part in a film called Thelma and Louise as well as / in addition work on a TV show. He became famous since/ because of this film and the rest is history!

4.-The advantages and disadvantages of working as a flight attendant

Many people believe that working as a flight attendant is an exciting job. In many ways they are right, (furthermore/ however), there are also some disadvantages to working for an airline.

(On one hand/ On the other hand), fight attendants have the opportunity to visit many different countries in the world. (Moreover/ Nevertheless), they don’t have to pay for it! It is true that flight attendants do not have very high salaries, (nevertheless/ moreover) they enjoy many other advantages, such as reductions on hotel rooms and car hire.

(On the other hand/ On the one hand), some people say that the job of a fight attendant isn’t so exciting and that it is, in fact, quiet boring. (Furthermore/ However), they often have to deal with some very difficult passengers. Another disadvantage is the fact that flight attendants often work long, antisocial hours.

In conclusion, a flight attendant’s life is not as easy one, (moreover/ yet), in my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages. Personally, I would like to work for an airline.

5.-Complete the sentences using one of the following connectors

Because because of in order to although yet

1. The fashion show in the park was cancelled ……………..…. the rain.

2. We booked tickets early …………………….. get good seats.

3. I enjoy watching films …………………… I rarely go to the cinema.

4. Sally won’t be at the party ………………… she has gone on holiday.

5. ………………….. Pete ha a car, he seldom uses it.

6. You mustn’t gossip about her here ………………. we are her friends.

7. He doesn’t deserve a prize …………………….. he got very high marks in his exams.

8. Anna is both talented and famous, ………………….. she has remained a modest person.

9. I have joined a charity organization …………………. the need of volunteers to help.

10. You have to fill in these forms …………….. apply for an interview.

6.- Match the expressions A with their meanings in B

1. It stands to reason

2. To sum up

3. As far as ….. is concerned

4. As a matter of fact

5. As a result

6. Needless to say

7. We must bear in mind

8. Last but not least

9. All the same

10. On the whole

a. Last, but still important

b. Actually

c. It is logical that

d. It is important to remember

e. In conclusion/ in summary.

f. nevertheless/ even so

g. obviously/ of course

h. consequently

i. in general

j. with regard to

7.-Choose one of these expressions only once.


The general opinion about television is that it is terrifically exciting, immensely powerful, and potentially very dangerous.

Undoubtedly television has advantages ………………. (1), it has the power to educate. It is a window on the world and children can learn a lot form watching it. …………………(2), it is a cheap form of entertainment which gives pleasure to millions of people, especially those who live alone.

……………….. (3), some people argue that television is so powerful that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. …………….(4), it can turn children into professors, it can also turn them into criminals, and there is increasing concern about the effect of violence on television when even wars are brought into our living rooms. ………… (5), some people argue that television has had a terrible effect on family life. People no longer talk to each other, an families spend hours in front of “the box” instead of going out together or simply having a conversation.

Opponents of television suggest that …………….. (6), we do something about reducing the amount of television, young people today will all grow up to be telly addicts. …………. (7), the power of television for good and evil is exaggerated. It does not bring the world closer to me. It pushed it further away. In fact, as soon as a subject appears on television, it loses its importance. I no longer care about problems, I just view them. ………… (8), I think television is just another form of entertainment and, …………..(9) you have other interests, it is neither harmful nor addictive

8.-Join the following pairs of sentences together using one of the connectors given with each pair.

1. Dogs are friendly. They are faithful too. (whereas/ also)

2. He really loved animals. He never had a pet. (besides/ nevertheless)

3. Cats are independent. They keep mice away. (despite/ moreover)

4. My brother doesn’t like cats. He hates them. (on the contrary/ in spite of)

5. I used to have rabbits. My friend used to have goldfish (whereas/ above all)

6. I don’t really want a pet. Don’t have time to look after them (on the one hand/ furthermore)

7. My parents bought me a horse. It was very expensive. (although/ again)

8. I decided not to buy a cat. I bought a dog (in addition/ instead).

9. I didn’t want a dog at first. I soon got to love him. (however/ moreover)

Key to mix-up review

Although first of all however in conclusion in my opinion provided that unless what is more furthermore