Have something done

Compare these two sentences

Claire decorated the room.- She did the work herself.

Claire had the room decorated.- A decorator did it.

This means that she arranged for a decorator to do it for her as a professional service.

In negatives we need the auxiliary do for the negative form.

We didn’t have new windows put in because it was too expensive

Where did you have your hair cut?

Rewrite each sentence, using the correct form of Have/get + object+ participio pasado.

1. Someone washed my car for me yesterday. I …………

2. Someone doesn't clean our garage for us every day. We …………

o asked someone to paint the gate last week. Alfonso ………

4. Someone tuned her piano for her yester3. Alfonsday. She …………………..

5. I asked a man to mend my shoes. I …….

6. Somebody sends Maisie her dresses from Paris. Maisie ………

7. Your hair wants cutting. You must …………..

8. Tell someone to translate it into English. Have ……………

9. Our season tickets need renewing. We must …………..

10.We ordered somebody to whitewash the ceiling. We

11.The knives want sharpening. We must ……………

12.He asked his tailor to lengthen the trousers. He ………….

13.We are looking for somebody to chop all this wood up. We ………..

14.I'm going to tell someone to add an extra room. I…………

15.Painters are going to paint Karen’s house. Karen ……………….

16.The opticians have tested Phillip’s eyes. Phillip ……………..

17.Joe always repairs Mary’s shoes. Mary ……………….

18.They have fitted new window in my grandparent’s house. My grandparents …………

19.They are going to dry-clean Billy’s suit. Billy ……………………..

20.The dentist checked Anne’s teeth. Anne …………………

21. A friend fixed her Discman. She ………..

Rewrite these sentences using the structure “Have/ get + something + done”

1. We asked the mechanic to check our car thoroughly. We ……………………….

2. My microwave is being repaired at the moment. I’m …………………………

3. John’s hair has been dyed green for the Carnival Festival. John ………………

4. The opticians will test Philip’s eyes. Philip …………………………………

5. They are putting in central heating to Amy. Amy ……………………………………

6. Mechanics are going to fix Mary’s motor bike. Mary …………………

7. The shoemaker has mended Paul’s shoes. Paul ……………………………..

8. Jennifer is cutting Helen’s hair. Helen ……………………

9. The dentist checked Anne’s teeth. Anne ………………………………………………..

10. They have fitted new windows in my grandparent’s house. My grandparents...

11. They are going to dry-clean Billy’s suit. Billy ……………………..

12. The mechanic will revise his car before setting out for Logroño. He …

Key to have something done

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