Be (am, is, are)

El verbo 'To be' se corresponde a los verbos españoles "ser" y "estar". Dependiendo del sentido de la frase se puede deducir de cual de los dos se trata.

I am English / Soy inglés

I am in England / Estoy en Inglaterra

Tiene tres formas en el presente: am, is, are.

En conversación se suelen usar las formas contraídas

Jaime and Tania are my best friends

En negativa necesita not o las contracción n’t : I am not sad.

Para preguntar se invierte el orden sujeto-verbo.

En las respuestas breves siempre se usa como sujeto el pronombre personal correspondiente, nunca el nombre, + am/ is/ are, sin contraer en afirmativa o contraído en negativa

Usos de “be”

  • Definiciones y hechos generales: London is the capital of England.
  • Sentimientos y estados: I am happy, Mary is married, he is cold.
  • Edad: Paco is 23 years old
  • Profesiones, religiones y nacionalidades: Andy is a teacher, they are Catholic, he is French.
  • Precios: how much is that television set? It is 800 euros
  • Medidas: it is one metre wide.
  • Tiempo atmosférico: It is rainy, it is cloudy.


1.-Circle the correct answer.

1. Mrs White is/ are our teacher this year.

2. I am / is in year 8.

3. Most of my friends am / are in my class.

4. My friends and I are / am good students.

5. Our school isn't / aren't very big.

6. The boys isn't / aren't playing football.

7. Is / Are you 15 years old?

8. Is / Am Sharon from England?

2.-Complete the sentences according to the picture. Use the right form of to be.

  1. Ann and Bob ……….…….. basketball players.
  2. Cindy ………………. tall.
  3. The dog's ears ……………….. small.
  4. Ann …………….. tall.
  5. Cindy and her dog ………………. near the car.
  6. Cindy's dog …………………. black.
  7. The car …………….. white.

3.-Complete the sentences. Use am, is or are.

  1. I …....... 13 years old.
  2. John …......... from England.
  3. …............ you Spanish?
  4. They …......... not English.
  5. ….......... she your friend?

4.-Complete the text with the correct affirmative or negative form of the verb be.

I (1) ….................... from London. My best friend, Mike, and I (2) ….................... 12 years old, but my friend Paul (3) ….................... (not) 12, he’s 13 years old. They (4) ….................... (not) interested in computers, they like sport. We like school. It (5) ….................... interesting.

5.-Write sentences with the correct form of be.

  1. she / from Japan
  2. I / English
  3. they / not / from London
  4. he / not / in the school orchestra

6.-Write questions with be.

  1. you / English?
  2. Antonio Banderas / from Spain?
  3. Rivaldo and Ronaldo / famous for football?
  4. Chinese / an important subject in Spain?
  5. your teachers / nineteen years old?

Answer key