Key to Modals

1.-Circle the correct words.

1 could

2 must

3 can’t

4 might not

5 don’t have to

2.- Complete the conversation with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

couldn’t don’t have to have to ’re allowed to must mustn’t

(1) couldn’t

(2) have to

(3) don’t have

(4) are allowed

(5) must

3.-Complete the conversation with won’t might won’t will might

(1) will

(2) will

(3) won’t

(4) might

(5) will

(6) won’t

4.-Complete the sentences with may / might, can’t or must.

  1. No-one answered the door, so they can’t be at home.
  2. He was born in Australia so he must speak English.
  3. You slept for twelve hours last night. You can’t be tired now.
  4. He always gets top marks in his tests – he must study very hard.
  5. Take your umbrella because it may rain later.
  6. They’ve got thousands of books. They must love reading.
  7. Helen came to school today so she can’t be ill.
  8. I might go to my friend’s party but I’m not sure.
  9. You must be hungry because you didn’t have any lunch.
  10. Don’t wait for me because I might/ may be late.

5.-Complete the sentences with the correct form a modal verb.

  1. Doesn’t have to
  2. Can
  3. Had to
  4. Didn’t have to

6.-Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the modal verbs in brackets.

  1. You mustn’t speak.
  2. He can’t be recognised in the street.
  3. You should read one of her books
  4. I might not go
  5. An actor doesn’t have to sign autographs.
  6. That man might be watching us.
  7. You must attend the meeting.
  8. Helen should drive
  9. Those sweets can’t be good for your teeth.
  10. Children mustn’t enter

7.-Complete the sentences. Use modals with past infinitives. (5p)

  1. Dan couldn’t have bought Beth Anderson’s new novel.
  2. She might have told him about the concert.
  3. The band must have written their own songs.
  4. Jane can’t have liked the CD.
  5. They may have changed the chorus

8.-Choose the correct modal verb for the blanks

  1. must
  2. may
  3. should
  4. doesn’t have to
  5. couldn’t
  6. don’t have to
  7. might

9.-Choose the correct alternatives

  1. should
  2. must
  3. might
  4. don’t have to
  5. have
  6. ought
  7. must