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Choose the correct alternative

Not enough water for everybody.-

When Earth is seen from space it seems that there is enough water for everybody, but for several reasons this is not the case.

Ninety-seven percent of the world’s water is in salty oceans and seas. (1) Besides/ consequently, people can’t drink it. (2) Therefore/ Furthermore, most sea water is frozen either at the North or South Pole.

The word’s population is growing by nearly 100 million people a year. (3) As a result/ Besides, we drink ten times more water today than we did in 1900.

(4) Besides/ Consequently, climate changes caused by global warming are making the situation worse. This is because areas which received rain in the past are becoming drought areas. (5) So / Furthermore, in many countries there is now a real danger of a water crisis.

Tigers in danger.-

Today, the tiger population in Asia is dangerously low. Tigers are in danger for a number of reasons, (1)for example/ because, companies cutting down large areas of forest for wood and a shortage of suitable food. (2)Furthermore/ so, the human population is increasing and farmers need more farmland. (3)Moreover/Therefore, the area of forest where tigers can live is decreasing.

Tiger fur and other products can be sold for a lot of money. (4)Consequently/ In addition hunters kill many tigers, even though this is illegal.

(5)As a result/Besides, the tiger is now in danger of becoming extinct.

Choose the correct linking words.-

1. Not many people know about the city’s recycling programme. Consequently/ Besides, the facilities are under-used.

2. Many organisations, for example/ in addition Greenpeace and Wildlife International, help to protect the environment.

3. The wolf population seems to be increasing. Wolves are now protected in many countries and there are a number of nature reserves for them. Furthermore/ Consequently, wolves can adapt well to new habitats, and are breeding successfully.

4. Child labour is still a serious problem in many countries. Therefore/ Moreover, it is important to campaign against it.

5. I don’t agree with the government’s energy policy. Besides/ As a result I am going to join the Green party.

Addition and Consequence

Consequently furthermore in addition so moreover as a result therefore besides for example

To describe a consequence


To give additional information


Addition and contrast

In addition nevertheless Furthermore On the one hand/ on the other hand although Moreover Yet

Linkers of addition

Linkers of contrast

Match the two halves to complete a sentence

1. Jean hasn’t got a car

2. Carol took the shortest route home,

3. Julie left home late.

4. Jill has never driven to London before.

5. Kenny doesn’t feel well.

6. Mike crashed his father’s car

a. Moreover, he hasn’t even got a licence.

b. Nevertheless, he insists on driving.

c. Furthermore, she got stuck in a traffic jam.

d. However, she often borrows her father’s.

e. yet the journey took over an hour.

f. In addition, she left her map at home.