Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Testie to Thomas"

Testie, Jacob

Land Board Certificate issued to Jacob Testie alias Feller Coyl dated on 23 Aug 1794 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Bearer Jacob Testie alias [F]eller Coyl having on the 23 day of Augt preferred to this Board a Petition addressed to His Excellency the Governor in Council for a grant of Two Hundred Acres of land in the Township of [blank] in the District of Home We have examined into his loyalty and character and find him duly qualified to receive a single Lot of about two hundred Acres, the oath of fidelity and allegiance directed by law having this day been administered to him by the board, in conformity to the fourth article of the Rules and Regulations aforementioned. Given at the Board at Newark this 23rd day of Augt one thousand seven hundred and 94 To D. W. Smith Acting Surveyor General. [Signed] J. Butler, Nathl Pettit, R. Hamilton” Read in the Executive Council on 6 Aug 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 41]

Notation of Robert Hamilton, J. P. appended to the Land Board Certificate issued to Jacob Testie alias Feller Coyl dated on 23 Aug 1794

“This boy was a Prisoner with the Indians from his earliest Infancy till Twelve years of age—Since that time he has Been chiefly in my Family—He has only discovered his Family & Name within this Six Months—He certainly Means to Settle in this Country [Signed] R. Hamilton” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 41]

Thomas, Charles

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Thomas received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797

“That your Petitioner has resided in this Province near a Year, and now wishes to take up his future residence – having taken the oaths, subscribed the declaration that he professes the christn religion & Obedience to the Laws—Your Petitioner resided 8 Years in Nova Scotia, afterwards for a short period of time in American States—Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him a Certain proportion of the waste Lands of the Crown and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Chas Thomas” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797 and read in Council on 10 May 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 9]

Certificate of James Muirhead Esquire, J. P. dated on 9 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Thomas

“Before me James Muirhead Esquire came Charles Thomas and of his own voluntary desire took the Oath of Allegiance and fidelity to his Majesty, his Heirs And Successors, at same time signed the declaration to Certify which I have given these presents the 9th day of May in the 37 year of His Majesties Reign and of Our Lord 1797 [Signed] J Muirhead J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 9b]

Thomas, Christianna (Slater)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas daughter of James Thomas of the Township of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Mar 1797

“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner is the only Daughter of the above named James Thomas, who served His Majesty in Sir John Johnsons Corps, & that presuming she may be entitled to His Majestys Bounty of 200 acres of Land, having attained the age of 19 years Your petitioner humbly prays your Honor to grant the same unto her, and as in Duty she will every pray—[Signed] Christeneh [sic] Thomas” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 24 Mar. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59]

Certificate of Major Slater dated at York (Toronto) on 7 Nov 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas

“Home District. Major Slater of the Township of Niagara a private in Captain Merritt’s Troop of Militia Dragoons during the late war maketh Oath and saith that he is married to Christiana Thomas (now living) Daughter of James Thomas of the same place formerly of the Royal Regiment of New York who (the said Christiana Thomas) is located on the broken Lots 3 & 6 in the 9th Conn of Hamilton under Order in Council 24th March 1797—Sworn before me at York in said District this 7th day of November 1823 [Signed] W Chewett J. P. [Signed] Major Slater” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59b]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated 8 Nov 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas

“A. Mercer Eqr an Agent for Christiana Thomas has Paid into this Office Surveying fees on two hundred Acres of Land Regulation 9th July 1796 1.7.6 N Currrency. Survey fees—for the Receiver General [Signed] G. Hamilton” Added note: “No 453 York 8th Nov. 1823 Received the Land Granting office fees £3.5.2 [Signed] Saml Ridout” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59c]

Warrant issued to Christine Thomas attached to her Upper Canada Land Petition

“Granted to Christine Thomas—Two hundred Acres Order of Council 24th March 1797 [Signed] John Small CEC” Added notation on the reverse: “Christine Thomas is located on the within order for Lots 3 & 4 in 9 Concession of Hamilton for which no description has issued” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59d]

Thomas, Elisabeth (Fishback)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elisabeth Thomas dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 13 Jul 1797

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Henry Fishback – a Loyalist who has been about Eleven years in the Province, and resides at Osweigatchie – That your Petitioner is married, and lives with her Husband in the Family of Captain Claus at Niagara—and wishing hereafter to settle on Some of the vacant Lands in the Province, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her 200 Acres, or an appropriation thereof for the present—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” Elizabeth Thomas made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 16 Jul 1797. Ordered lands are not given to women, except if particular description. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 46]

Thomas, Jacob

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Thomas dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 8 Mar 1797

“Most humbly Sheweth – That your Petitioner is an U. E. Loyalist upon the Roll thereof recorded for the Home District – Your Petitioner having served in the Corps of Refugees commanded by Col. Barton—That your Petitioner has been upwards of Eleven years in this province – is married to the daughter of a zealous Loyalist – and has a family of five children the oldest, a Boy, aged twelve years—the second, a Girl, aged Ten years—the third aged Eight years—and the two youngest – 6 – & 4 – years—That your Petitioner by permission of the Land board has located & cultivated three Hundred Acres of land at the Short Hills, but has not as yet received any Certificate thereof—Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Honr may order him a certificate for the three Hundred Acres for which he is entered in the Surveyor Generals Office; and for such further allowance (of family Lands) as to your Honor may Seem meet; And as in duty bound he will ever pray &c—[Signed] Jacob Thomas” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to be confirmed in his improvements not exceeding 300 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 69]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Thomas received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Apr 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner came into this Province in the Year 1787, and received his Military Lands as a reduced Soldier of Jersey volunteers – That your petitioner brought with him a wife and One child – and had an other Son born in the year 1788 in this Province, and three since the year ’89 – wherefore your petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such a grant of Lands for his wife and family as your Honor in your wisdom may deem meet and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Jacob Thomas” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered recommended for 150 acres family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 57]

Notations on the reverse of the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Thomas

“Located on Lot No 26 in 2 Concession South of Dundas Street in the Township of Toronto 26 November 1807 SGO 24 Dec 1828. [Signed] T. Ridout” “The Settlement duty performed as attested & admitted S. G. O. 24 Decr 1828 [Signed] T. Ridout S. G.” “[T Rinleye] allowed in the name of Jacob Thomas for N: 8 and M. C for the above Lot to complete his allowance being for Lot 26 – 6 con S. D. S. – Toronto Twp. – Family Lands – I. G. O. 24 Dec 1828 [Signed] J Baley Inspr G” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 57a]

Warrant issued to Jacob Thomas attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition

“Granted to Jacob Thomas One hundred & fifty Acres family lands Order of Council 7th April 1797 [Signed] John Small” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 57b]

Certificate of Isaac Swayze, J. P. dated on 5 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Thomas

“[I] do Certify that Jacob Thomas Came to in to [sic] this provinc in the year 1787 – and brout with him a wife and one Childe – Given under my hand this 6 day aprill 1797 [Signed] Isaac Swayze JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 57d]

Thomas, James

Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas of the Township of Newark now (1807) Niagara, Yeoman, dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 29 Jun 1795

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner served in Sir John Johnsons Corps during the late war, and that his Father was in His Majestys Service upwards of thirty years, in the 44th & other Regiments. That your Petitioner settled very early in this Township by order of Colo De Peyster and Major Campbell, [who] on 130 acres of Land which he has considerably improved, but tho’ repeatedly applied for to the Land Board, your Petitioner has never yet received a grant for the same, or other Lands which as a soldier, he may be entitled to—Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays Your Excellency would be pleased to confirm him in the possession of the Lands he has So long occupied, and to grant him such further quantity of the vacant Lands of the Crown as may be due him, like[wise] a small addition thereto, for his wife and two children—And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray [Signed] James Thomas” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39]

Copy of a letter from Ralfe Clench to Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Mar 1795 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“There were four Lots of Land on the four mile Creek formerly disputed by John Cassleman, James Thomas, and Daniel Cassada, which dispute was settled by the Board, when Colonel Hunter commanded at this place, the four Lots were divided into three equal Shares, and the Parties, it was always understood, were satisfied—(signed) R. Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39b]

Copy of a letter from Ralfe Clench to Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 24 Jun 1795 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“There was a dispute between Cassada, John Cassleman, and James Thomas, determined by the Land Board, relative to some Lands on the four mile Creek; the Determination was that the four Lots should be equally divided amongst the three—(Signed) R. Clench Copys D W Smith” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39b]

Certificate issued by John McGill, I. G. P. P. A. dated at York (Toronto) on 2 May 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“James Thomas is privileged for one hundred acres as MC York 2d May 1806 [To] John Small Esqr [Signed] John McGill IGPPA” Added notation: “a Warrant Issued 16 of January 1807 (by Mr John Detlor) agreeably to the O. C. of 13th of the same Month which see on the annexed Petition” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39d]

Report of Surveyor General C. B. Wyatt dated at York (Toronto) on 4 Dec 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“May it please your Excellency—In obedience to your Excellencys order of reference to me to report upon the Petition of James Thomas—I am to State to your Excellency that the Lot number one hundred and Ten in the Township of Niagara containing one hundred Acres, claimed by James Thomas, does not appear to interfere with any prior Grants. For having examined into the proceedings upon the four Lots (No 75-76-109 & 110) in the Township of Niagara, which have so long been a subject of dispute – I find that the Lots 76 & 109 have been described for John Casselman—(No 9201) – and Lot No 75 for Robert Kemp (No 1083) claiming under the Niagara Commission of 1803 – from Daniel Cassada – thereby leaving the Lot 110 now applied for, without difficulty—all which is humbly submitted to your Excellencys wisdom [Signed] C. B. Wyatt Surveyr Gens Office York 4 Decemr 1806” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39e]

Copy of a Court Order to James Thomas dated at Niagara on 30 Mar 1788 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“James Thomas, As you have paid so little attention to the Desires of the Court, respecting a lot of land which are unlawfully detaining from Daniel Cassady, These are therefore to desire you not to make any further Improvement upon the said lot; as Daniel Cassady will not be obliged to pay you for such Improvement, having already given you Warning in my Presence to desist And be your behavior very cautious not to slight my Orders you may receive from this Court, as you will answer for such illegal Conduct—By Order of the Magistrates at their Session at Navy Hall held the last Saturday in the present Month – (signed) Phil R. Frey C. C. P. F. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39g]

Copy of an Agreement for Arbitration dated 25 Oct 1788 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“Know all men by these Presents that I Daniel Cassady of Nassau district in the province of Quebec farmer am held firmly bound unto James Thomas of the District and Province afsd in the just and full Sum of one hundred Pounds Halifax Currency to be paid to the said James Thomas or his certain Attorney his Executors Administrators or assigns for which Payment well & truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents sealed with my seal, dated this 25th Day of October in the twenty eighth year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the [sic] by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith and so forth- The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounded Daniel Cassady his Heirs Executors and Administrators & every of them shall well and truly stand to obey, observe and keep the accord & Arbitration of Augustus Jones and John Clement of Niagara Arbitrators indifferently chosen as well on the Part of the said James Thomas as on the Part & Behalf of the above named Daniel Cassady to arbitrate, award, Judge of, determine & agree for touching & concerning all Manner of Actions whatsoever, both in Equity or otherwise however, which between them the said James Thomas and Daniel Cassady or either of them have been or at the time of the sealing and delivery of these Presents and had moved stirred up or in anywise depending To always as the said Award, Arbitrament final Judgment determination & agreement between the said Parties be made in writing indented under the hands & Seals of the said Arbitrators ready to be delivered to the said Parties at or on the – Day of 27th – next ensuing the date of this written Obligation, then this Obligation to be void or else to remain in full force. And if the said Arbitrators shall not make and draw up the said Award in Writing as afsd & the same deliver to the said Parties afsd if then the sd Daniel Cassady his Heirs Executors and administrators & every of them do well & truly observe & perform the award Umpirage final end and Judgment of Umpire indifferently chosen by the said Parties for ending & composing all the Differences aforesaid so as the Umpire draw up his award in Writing indented under his Hand and Seal ready to be delivered to the Parties on or before the – Day of – next ensuing the the [sic] Obligation to be void or else to remain in full force & virtue (Signed) In the Presence of (signed) Wm Johnston, (signed) Ebenezer Jones” Daniel Cassady made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39h]

Copy of an Arbitration dated 25 Oct 1788 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“Award and final Determination of John Clement and Augustus Jones Arbitrators being indifferently chosen, by Daniel Cassiday and Samuel [sic] Thomas both of Niagara; award first, that the Lots No 74, 75 109 and 110 which is divided between James Thomas, Daniel Casidy & John Casleman; Which lines gives 13 Chains 66 Links in Width each Lot, shall stand and remain without Dispute, and whereas the aforesaid lines of James Thomas incloses some of Daniel Cassady’s cleared Land in Consideration—2nd thereof we the afore mentioned Arbitrators do award that the foresd James Thomas shall pay or cause to be paid to the aforementioned Daniel Casidy the Sum of six Pounds ten Shillings New York Currency on or before the first day of April next ensuing, which Sum being well & truly paid is to end all dispute and Controversy between them the said Parties, as Witness our hands and Seals this 25th Day October & in of our Lord 1788 – (signed) Augustus Jones (signed) John Clement {Arbitrators” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39k]

Copy of a letter from Philip R. Frey to James Thomas dated at Niagara on 10 Nov 1788 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“Whereas Augustus Jones, Daniel Cassedy & Samuel Cassedy have deposed upon before Samuel Street Esqr that they heard you say that Captain Tin Brook & myself were [….] & that I had forged a certain Letter which I shewed you last fall, I do therefore dare you & desire you to prove your different Assertions, And I will convince you that, tho’ I pity you as an ignorant Man, As an infamous fellow I will not allow you to asperse my public Character and nothing but a very publick Acknowledgement in writing shall prevent me from carrying on an immediate Suit in the high Courts of Judication in Quebec I will give you two days from this date, and be assured that your [approprious?] Language by no means merits this Indulgence from Phil R Frey, Clerk of the Court for the District of Nassau” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39l]

Copy of a certificate attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“We the Subscribers do certify that James Thomas living in the First Township at the four mile Creek having drawd his Lot of Land from Mr Tinling by the Orders of Coll Depuyster & by the Liberty of Major Campbell & being since surveyed by Mr Frey it comes in Dispute between Daniel Cassady which Lot Daniel Casady has no improvement thereon (signed) [Jph] Clement, John Clement, James Clement, Adam Kriselr, John Coon, Jacob Veanalstin [sic], James Pickerd, his Mark, Willem Pickerd his Mark, Joseph Brown, The foregoing are Copys DW Smith” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39m]

Report of Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated at the Surveyor’s Office on 21 Mar 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“May it please your Excellency—In obedience to your Excellency Order to me to report on the Petition of James Thomas, a Soldier in Sir John Johnson’s late Regiment – and praying that he may be confirmed by a Certificate in an Hundred & thirty acres of Land in the Township of Newark, which he states to have been settled on by Colo DePeyster and Major Campbell; I had reference to the Plan of that Township, as transmitted from the Surveyor Generals office at Quebec, and not finding the name of James Thomas on any of the Lots watered by the four mile Creek, I made application to the Deputy Surveyor Mr Jones in respect to this man’s claim. He informed me, that a dispute subsisted between Daniel Cassady, James Thomas, and John Castleman in regard to certain Lands on the four mile Creek, and States that some time in the years 1788 or 1789, Thomas and Cassady had their Dispute brought before the Magistrates of this District, the Commandant of Niagara, sitting as President, when they, the Court, ordered the Deputy Surveyor Mr Frey to Dispossess the said Thomas, and put Cassady in possession, which he found it difficult to do. Thomas refusing to comply with the order of the Court; That some time after this, the members of the Land Board, directed Mr Jones to survey the Improvement of the aforesaid three persons Lots and if possible, to give each one of the three, an equal Quantity off our Lots, containing 400 acres, being the Tract in Dispute; That accordingly he went, and made a Survey of the Premises, and found that the greatest part of Cassady’s improved Land, fell on the lot claimed to John Castleman; that prior to this Survey, Thomas and Cassady had bound themselves to abide by the decision of Mr Jones and Mr John Clement also [they ….] its but just to award what was before printed out be the Land Board; Mr Jones came [..] Say. That Castl[eman] consented to the Division made at that time, neither does he recollect that Cassleman ever refused to it; —I annex a copy with it—I annex a Copy of Mr Freys letter to James Thomas, the 30 March 1788; a copy of the Bond between Daniel Cassdy & James Thomas the 25th of October;—Copy of the award of the Arbitrator, the 25 October 1788; Copy of another Letter from Mr Frey to James Thomas, the 10th November 1788 – and the copy of a Certificate relative to Thomas’s Claims; —I apprehend that there is a trifling Error in the award, by inserting the Lot No 74 instead of No 76—I enclose also: a copy of a Certificate of Mr Clenches, setting forth, that the Board had decided the four Lots equally among the three […] mentioned persons, but John Castleman having obtained, as it is said, a Patent, for half the Land, agreeably to the Entry made at Quebec. I do not immediately forsee a practicability of making the arrangement, agreeably to the Board’s decision, although Cassady does not object to Thomas holding the Lands he prays for—but then He does this with the Expectation of getting a third part of the four Lots, and Castleman refuses to resign any part of the Land for which he has claimed a Patent, and which he says he originally received Tickets for from Mr Frey—A Plan is annexed to elucidate this Report. All which is submitted to your Excellencys wisdom—[Signed D W Smith Actg Sur Genl [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39o]

Plan of Lots 75, 76, 109 and 110 showing a division between John Castleman, Daniel Casida and James Thomas attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“Plan of 4 Lots, containing 400 acres, in the Township of Newark, divided into three equal parts—by an arbitration—” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39r]

Order of the Executive Council attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

Petition received on 29 Jun 1795 and read in Council on 29 Jun 1795. “granted if vacant referred to the Actg Surveyor Genl to report upon” “Ordered that Lot No 110 be described for James Thomas, not precluding Danl Casida or any other person from filing a caveat [Initialled] P. R.” “Also ordered that the Lands Petitioner has received should be made up three hundred acres. [Initialled] P. R.” “Read in Council Nov 18th 1806 Recommended that Surveyor Genl report whether the Lands claimed by James Thomas interferes with any prior Grants [Signed] Thos Scott Chairman” “Read again in Council 13th of January 1807—The Board having considered the Report of the Surveyor General, stating that the Lands prayed for by the Petitioner do not interfere with any prior Grants, recommend that a Deed do issue for the said Lands [Signed] Thos Scott Chairman approved [Signed] Francis Gore Lt Governor” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39s]

Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas of the 4 Mile Creek Township of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Mar 1797

“Humbly shews- That your Petitioner has received 300 Acres of Land as a Soldier, he having served in Sir John Johnsons Corps during the American war- That he settled in this Province with his family in the year 1783- which then consisted as well as it now does of a wife and two Children—that having never received any Lands for them, your Petitioner Prays your Honor will be pleased to grant him 150 Acres, family Lands, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] James Thomas” Received at the 0Executive Council Office on 7 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 150 acres family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 68]

Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 7 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James Thomas

“I do hereby Certify that James Thomas came to Niagara in the year 1784 with a family consisting of a Wife and two Children [Signed] P Ball J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 68b]

Thomas, John

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Thomas read in Council on 7 Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner served His Majesty Eight years in the 9th Regt of Foot which he joined at Niagara in 1776 and was regularly Discharged there from; that he has remained in the Country since his Discharge yet never received any Land—your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 300 acres of Land, as in Duty bound he will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P.: “I do certify the above petition was personally applied for by John Thomas [Signed] T Ridout N. P.” Read in Council on 7 Feb 1797. Ordered 300 acres as a discharged soldier. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 50]

Certificate of James Clark dated at Niagara on 21 Nov 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Thomas

“I do certify that the Bearer John Thomas did join the Kings Forces at Niagara in the year of our Lord 1776, and has remained in this Province Since the time of his discharge from the Kings (or 8th) Regiment of Foot—has ever behaved himself as a good Soldier and Subject—[Signed] James Clark, Secr” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 50b]

Thomas, Peter

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Thomas of the Township of Grantham, millwright dated in York (Toronto) on 19 Aug 1806.

“That your Petitioner has been upward of seven years in this Province. That he has a Wife and two Children, — and in sufficient circumstances to go upon a new Farm, that he has taken the Oath of Allegiance as ill appear by the accompanying Certificate, has never received any land or Order for Land from the Crown, and is desirous to occupy and improve a vacant Lot. That he is prepared and undertakes in case his Petition shall be favorably answered to pay into the hands pf his majesty’s Receiver General of this Province within three days from the date of the Order in his favor the whole of the Patent and Surveying fees. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Honor may be pleased to Grant him two hundred Acres under the Regulationsasked upon 6 July 1804. And Petitioner in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter Thomas, York 19 Aug 1806” Received in the President’s Office in York on 19 Aug 1806 and referred to the Executive Council. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle Miscellaneous 1791-1819 (Vol. 511), Petition Number 23]

Certificate of John Small dated on 19 Aug 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Thomas

“I certify that Peter Thomas has taken the oath of Allegiance as required by Law before me this 19 day of August 1806 [Signed] John Small [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle Miscellaneous 1791-1819 (Vol. 511), Petition Number 23a]

Thomas, Stephen

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Thomas of the Township of Grantham, Miller

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been upwards of seven years in this Province, that he has never been Married—and is insufficient circumstances to go upon a new Farm, that he has taken the oath of Allegiance as will appear by the accompanying Certificate, has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown, and is desirous to occupy and improve a vacant Lot, that he is prepared and undertakes in Order his Petition shall be favorably answered to pay into the hands of His Majesty’s Receiver General of this Province within three days from the date of the Order in his favor the whole of the Patent and Surveying fees. Wherefore Your Petitioner prays that your Honor may be pleased to Grant him two hundred acres of the Wast lands of the Crown under the Regulation of the 9th January 1804 acted upon the 6th July 1804. And Your Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] Stephen Thomas, York 19 August 1805. Received in the President’s Office in York on 19 Aug 1806 and referred to the Executive Council. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle Miscellaneous 1791-1819 (Vol. 511), Petition Number 22]

Certificate of John Small dated on 19 Aug 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Thomas

“I certify that Stephen Thomas has taken the oath of Allegiance as required by Law before me this 19 day of August 1806 [Signed] John Small [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle Miscellaneous 1791-1819 (Vol. 511), Petition Number 23a]

Thomas, Robert

Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert Thomas dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Mar 1797

“humbly shews- That your Petitioner is son of James Thomas of the 4 Mile Creek in the Township of Newark, late a Soldier in Sir John Johnsons Corps, and a Loyalist U. E. – That your Petitioner is 32 years of age, and having never received any Land, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres, agreeably to His Majesty’s Bounty to persons of his Description and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” Robert Thomas made his mark. [Signed] James Thomas, witness” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 61]

Thomas, Squire

Certificate of Nl [Haus] dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) dated on 22 Jul 1797 (no Upper Canada Land Petition included)

“I Certify that Squire Thomas came into the Province of Lower Canada in the year 1780, that he is by Birth an American, that he has been in my Fathers and my family since that period, that he is a true and deserving Loyalist, that his Conduct during the Seventeen years that he has been in the family has been such as to intitle him in the fullest manner to the Character of an upright, faithful and honest man [Signed] Nl [Haus]” No Executive Council dates or order on the certificate. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle Miscellaneous 1791-1819, Petition Number 5]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Squire Thomas dated at Niagara on 12 Jul 1797

“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner has been in the Province of Quebec, and in this Province since the year 1780, during which time he has chiefly resided in the family of Captain Claus—That your Petitioner is married and being desirous to settle in the Province prays your honor would be pleased to grant him such part of the vacant Lands of the Crown as to your Honor may seem meet, and a Lot in the Town of Newark and as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray—[Signed] Squire Thomas” Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres but no Town Lot [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 15]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office at York (Toronto) on 13 Sep 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Squire Thomas

“Squire Thomas has paid into this office the Fees of Survey under the Regulation of 1796 on 200 Acres of Land £1.7.6 Survey Fee. [Total] 1.7.6 Pro Currency [Signed] John McGill Recr Genl To John Small Esquire, Clerk of the Executive Council.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 15b]

Order issued by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office at York on 11 Sep 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Squire Thomas

“It is the Lt Governor’s pleasure that the fees on a Grant of Land of 200 acres to Squire Thomas in the year 1798 be take by the Officers authorized to receive the Patent and Land Granting Officers fees on Grant of Land. By Order [Signed] Edw MacMahon A Sect” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 15c]

Receipt issued by the Land Granting Office at York (Toronto) on 13 Sep 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Squire Thomas

“Regulation acted upon 9 July 1796. This 13th Septr 1816 Received the Land Granting Officers Fees on 200 acres of land ordered to Squire Thomas in Council 14 July 1797 [Signed] Saml Ridout £3.5.2 Hx Cy” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 15d]