Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Lafferty to Lane"
Lafferty, Edward
Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.
Edward Lafortey – Full Fees 200 acres in Crowland Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117h]
Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800
“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]
Laing, Abraham
A signer to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants around Sugar Loaf (Humberstone Township) dated at Newark on 30 Mar 1793
“The Petition of the Inhabitants settled round the Point called Sugar Loaf above Fort Erie Humbly Sheweth—That near one hundred Families are now Settled in that Quarter on Lands not yet Surveyed Subject from this Circumstance the many inconveniencies attending this Situation, particularly to disputes about Limits & encroachments the one on the other—Therefor most humbly Supplicating your Excellency will have the Goodness to order a Survey to be made of their Lands, with such dispatch as you in your wisdom may think fitt—And your petitioners as in duty Bound Will ever pray &c—[Signed] Abrm Laing, Joel W Morris, Wilson Doan, Elija Doan, Nathan Havens, Joseph Havens, Azalia Schooley, Johoiadah Schooley, John Harret, John Cutter, Peter Cairn, Amos Morris, James Wilson, Samuel Wilson, John Braley, William Cook, Asa Schooley, Christopher Richards, James Edsall, Daniel Forsyth, Michael Shark, James Edsel, Christian Troyer, Jason Millard, Dan Millard, Heart Smith, Thomas Millard, Titios Doan, Enos Doan.” Read in Council on 10 Jul 1793. Ordered that directions be given to the Surveyor General to carry it into execution as soon as possible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 1c]
Notation of the Land Board dated on 30 Mar 1793 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants of Sugar Loaf
“We do Certify that the Persons described in the above Petition are in general Sober & Industrious Settlers & as such deserving any Favors his Excellency the Governor may think proper to confir respecting the prayer of the Petition. [Signed] R. Hamilton, J Butler, John Burch” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 1b]
Laing, Isaac
Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township dated at Fort Erie on 20 Oct 1796
“We the Inhabitants of the Township of Bertie in the County of Lincoln, are Destitute of a Mill, without going a great distance; as there is a Mill Seat at Point Abino in the said Township which has been granted by His Excellency the Governor Simcoe (for the benefit of the Township or County) to Timothy Skinner, and the said Skinner is transferred the same Mill Seat to Isaac Lane [sic: Laing], inhabitant for 3, 4 years or more ago, and no prospect of any preparation for a Mill yet being builded. – We will therefore be very much oblige to Your Honour – that if Your Honour thinks proper, to grant the said Mill Seat to Jacob Crane an Inhabitant, who promises to immediately commence with the building, and to have it finished as fit to go in the Course of a Year. In Expectation of having this Our Humble Request granted Sir We are Your Most Obedient & Humble Servants [Some of the signatures within each of the families on this document seem to have been signed by the same hand] Silas Carter, John Collins, Thomas Baxter, Joseph Palmer, Jos. Rich. Palmer, Stephen Gill, John Gill, Jeremiah Tuttle junior, Jeremiah Tuttle Senior, John Chambers, Con O’Neil, Daniel Alward, Ellexander McQuine, Daniel McQuene, Ellexander McQuien, James McQuine, John Beringar, Mathias Hone, Mathias Hone Jun, Daniel Alward Jun, Frederick Buck, John Willson, Stephen Middagh, Jacob Haun, Peter Feere, Edward [Noye], Christufful Ritchards, Frederick Sager, Jacob Crane, Jacb Hous, J George [Shumon], Peter Creager, Mical M Beach, Peter Learn, Azaliah Schooley, John Harret, John Cutler, Jehoiada Schooley, Asa Schooley, Joseph Senn, Michael Huffman, Necol Huffman, Jacob Huffman, Fradric Ankarm Crowell Willson, John Garner, Philip Buck, Adam Burwell, Joseph Marsh” Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered dismissed as inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135a]
Certificate of John Small dated 7 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township
“Personally appeared before me John Small Esqr Jacob Crane and John Johnson maketh oath that they on 6th inst called at Timothy Skinners and asked him what he intended to do about building a mill that he had obtained a permission from the Council to build in the Township of Bertie & he the said Timothy answered – that it belonged to one Lane [sic: Laing], and that the said Lane may build when he thought proper, as he the said Skinner had transferred it to the said Lane – and that he the said Timothy Skinner defyed the Governor & Council, that he had get it & put him the said Jacob Crane likewise, at defiance or any one else who might wish to obtain it – That he had now get it, and that it might lay as it was for ages—Sworn before me the 7th day of Decr 1796 [Signed] John Small J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135]
Lake, Nicholas
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Lake received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jun 1797
“Sheweth – your Petitioner Joined his Majestys Standard in the year 1777 – then under the Command [of] General Burgoine – and your Petitioner were Constantly employed in his Majestys [Servis] intellagen[c]e and in other of his Majesty Servis untill he were taken priener – and when General Burgoine Surrenderd or Subjectd himself to made prisoner – he had to fly to the Countrey and there was made Prisoner and Lett to go a[n]d after I was liberated from Prison one of his Majesty Officer By the name of Elligah Botton Could […] me with his Majestys Directions and told me I had Better Remain in the the [sic] Situation I was in in order to aid and affect his Magesties Messages—the Honnerabel John Numan Esqr – is acquainted with me and Servis as—at Little white Creek in york State. Esqr Perrent [….]orowing to my employment. Your Petitioner has a large family and has never Received but two hundred Acres of his Majestys lands—I [have] a wife and Ten Children Three of which is Boys – the junior youth is three years of age the Rest is since of Lawfull age – and one married—I now pray your Excellency to Consider me and family in his Majestys Bounty and Grant me Such Relief as in his Pleasure shall think meet [Signed] Nicholas Lake” Added note: “Record by M. Peter J Smith Esqr” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jun 1797 and read in Council on 11 Nov 1797. Ordered recommended for 750 acres to close all claims. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 3]
Lake, Seybourn
Upper Canada Land Petition of Seybourn Lake dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 22 Jun 1795
“humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner desirous of becoming an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark Prays your Excellency will please to grant him Lot No 208 that he may build upon the same & your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray—[Signed] Seybourn Lake” Received by the Executive Council on 22 Jun 1795. Ordered a town lot granted and referred to the Surveyor General. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 6]
Lake, Thomas
Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Lake dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Jun 1795
“humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner has taken the oath of allegiance & desirous of being an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark, prays yr Excellency will please to grant him Lot No one hundred & Sixty one & yr Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Thos Lake” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jun 1795 and read in Council on 8 Jul. Ordered granted on the usual conditions and referred to the Surveyor General. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 8]
Lambert, Anna (Overholt)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Anna Overholt dated on 15 Feb 1800
“The Petition of Anna Overholt Wife to Christopher Overholt of the Township of Clinton County of Lincoln & District of Niagara—Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the daughter of Cornelius Lambert of the Township of Niagara, County aforesaid, a U. E. Loyalist that She is of the full age of fifteen years, and has never received any Lands of the Crown, therefore she prays that your Excellency would be pleased to grant to her Such a Portion of the wast[e] Lands of the Crown as to your Excellency may Seem meet, and as in duty bound She will Ever Pray—” Anna Overholt made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Sep 1800 and read in Council on 9 Oct 1800. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “O” Bundle 5, Petition Number 3]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 15 Feb 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Anna Overholt
“Personally appeared before me Robt Nelles Esqr one of his Majestys justices of the peace for the District of Niagara the above named Anna Overholt, who being Duly Sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, Deposeth that she is of the full age of fifteen years, and that She has never received any Lands, or any order for Lands from the Crown—” Anna Overholt made her mark. “Taken & sworn before me this 15th Day of Febr 1800 [Signed] Robt Nelles J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “O” Bundle 5, Petition Number 3]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 15 Feb 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Anna Overholt
“I do hereby Certify that the within named Anna Overholt is the person she Describes herself to be and that she never has to my Knowledge and belief Received any Lands, or any order for Lands from the Crown [Signed] Robt Nelles” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “O” Bundle 5, Petition Number 3a]
Lambert, Arthur
Upper Canada Land Petition of Arthur Lambert of Niagara Township dated on 9 Apr 1822 [Using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Arthur Lambert of the Township of Niagara. Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the son of the late Cornelius Lambert late of the Township of Niagara deceased an enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is of the full age of twenty one years, has taken the Oath of Allegiance, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Honor may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit [blank] of [blank] to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And your petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] Arthur Lambert” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 13, Petition Number 40]
Lambert, Cornelius
Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of the residents at the foot of the escarpment in Niagara Township for a road from Queenston to the Four Mile Creek dated 20 Nov 1792
“The Memorial of the Inhabitants living near the foot of the Mountain Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialists for several years solicited to have a Road laid out from the Landing to the four Mile Creek but have not yet been able to procure any that is passable without endangering the lives of our Cattle or going over the Mountain which is twice the distance. Now your Memorialists humbly beg that your Excellency will please to order a Road to be laid out from the Landing to the four mile Creek the most convenient for the back Settlers—And Your Memorialists as in Duty bound will Ever Pray. [Signed] Fras Goring, Cornls Lambert, Elijah Collard, William Havens Senior, William Havens junior, John Havens, George Havens, Stephen Commett, Elias Sloot, Joseph Page, John Collard, Christn Warner, John Stacey, Daniel Cornell, Wm Vanery, Edmond Mortan, [Lem Certtelor], John Stevens Senior, William Stevens, John Stevens Junior, John Muckel, Andre Muir, Andrew Ostrander, Adam Hutt, Samson Lutts, Stephen Secord, Abraham Defreese, David Secord, Elias Smith, James Midaugh” Ordered by the Executive Council referred to the Road Bill passed last Sessions [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 1, Petition Number 44]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench C. C. P. dated at Newark on 12 Jan 1793 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of residents at the foot of the escarpment in Niagara Township
“The Majestrates in Quarter Session found that as the Road mentioned in the within Petition has already been laid out by their Commissioners appointed by the Majestrates they know of no Reason why it should not be opened as laid out by John Dale, Jacob Dover & Joseph Clement—by order of the Court [Signed] Ralfe Clench C. C. P. &c &c” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 1, Petition Number 44b]
Upper Canada Land Petition of Cornelious [sic] Lambert dated at Lincoln on 2 May 1796
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner having faithfully served His Majesty during the late war in America and upwards of Six years in Lieut Colol Butler’s Corps of Rangers from which he has his discharge dated the 24th Jun 1784 and is now settled on 300 Acres of Land which is all he ever took up—Now most humbly entreats Your Excellency to be allowed to Locate what more Quantity you in your goodness may think proper to allow to him and Family—Your petitioner having a Wife and five Children—And Your Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever Pray” [Unsigned] Added note of John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council: “produced his Discharge, (Corporal) [Initialed] J. S.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 May 1796 and read in Council on 11 Jul 1796. Ordered recommended for 100 acres in addition if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 43]
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Cornelius Lambert received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Oct 1796
“respectfully shews—That he has served as a Non Commissioned Officer in the late Lt Col. Butlers Rangers, that he has recd only 300 acres of Land, prays for 100 due & Land for his wife and six children & yr Petitioner will ever Pray—” Cornelius Lambert made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 13 Oct. Ordered 100 acres in addition as a Corporal if not granted before and 150 acres family lands agreeable to the annexed certificate if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 44a]
Certificate of Peter Ball J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Cornelius Lambert
“I do hereby Certify that Cornelius Lambert served in Butler’s Rangers and had a Wife & two Children in the year 1787 [Signed] P. Ball J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 44]
Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.
Cornelius Lambert – UE 250 acres in Beverley Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117f]
Lambert, Fanny
Upper Canada Land Petition of Fanny Lambert dated in Niagara in 1806
“The Petition of Fanny Lambert, wife of Reuben Lambert of the Township of Niagara Yeoman Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Cornelius Lambert of the Township of Niagara an U. E. Loyalist, that she has obtained the full age of Twenty One Years and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Honor may be pleased to Grant her Two hundred acres of the waste Lands of the Crown, and permit John Becker of the Town of York Esquire, to be her agent to locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed. And your petitioner in duty bound will ever pray.” Fanny Lambert made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 8, Petition Number 9]
Lambert, Julia (Covenhoven)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Julia Covenhoven dated at Grimsby, Lincoln County on 21 Oct 1803
“The Petition of Julia Connover otherwise Covenhoven of the Township of Niagara Humbly sheweth That your petitioner is the Daughter of Cornelius Lambert late of Butlers Rangers, a U E Loyalist, and wife of James Cowenhoven. That your petitioner has never received any Land – therefore humbly prays Your Excellency would be pleased to grant her 200 acres, his majestys Benevolence to persons of her Description, and as in duty bound your petitioner shall ever pray—Signed before me at Grimsby this twenty first Day of October 1803 [Signed] Robt Nelles}” Julia Covenhoven made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 6, Petition Number 57]
Lambert, Lewis
Upper Canada Land Petition of Lewis Lambert of the Township of Grantham Yeoman dated on 10 Apr 1827
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is the Son of Cornelius Lambert of the Township of Niagara an enrolled U E Loyalist of the full age of twenty One years has taken the Oath of Allegiance and has never had any lands or Order for lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that Your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two Hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown. And permit Andrew Mercer Esq of York to be his agent to locate the Same and take out the Deed when completed And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Lewis Lambert” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 18, Petition Number 59]
Lambert, Parmillia (Overholt)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Parmillia Overholt dated 4 Oct 1836 [Using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Parmellia Overholt of the Township of Clinton wife of Christopher Overholt yeoman. Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the son of the late Cornelius Lambert Deceased late of the Township of Clinton [sic] an enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is of the full age of twenty one years, has taken the Oath of Allegiance, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Honor may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. An permit James Cronover of Grantham Township to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And your petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray.” Parmillia Overholt made her mark [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “O” Bundle 20, Petition Number 19]
Lambert, Philip
Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lambert of Pelham Township, Welland County dated at Pelham on 20 Sep 1825
“The Petition of Philip Lambert of the township of Pelham yeoman Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner came into this Province with his Father and family at the age of four years, and has continued to reside therein ever since. That he is of the full age of thirty four years. Has taken the oath of Allegiance, and has done his duty as a militia man faithfully during the whole of the late war with the United States—And that he never has received any Grant of Lands from the Crown—That your Petitioners family consists of a wife and five children—Your Petitioner humbly Prays, that your Excellency will be pleased to take his situation into consideration, and Grant to him, such quantity of the waste Lands of the Crown, as your Excellency may deem meet and Proper—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray—Pelham 20th September 1825 witness Present [Signed] David Black” Philip Lambert made his mark. Read in Council on 31 Jan 1826 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 140b]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Commissioner dated at Niagara on 8 Jun 1827 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lambert
“District of Niagara} Philip Lambert of Pelham Son of Isaac Lambert late of Pelham deceased who aided and assisted in Defending this Province against the Enemy during the late War with the United States. Hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as the Council Required. Niagara 8 Jun 1827 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Commssioner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 140e]
Undated Certificate of Captain John Powell attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lambert
“ I do Certify that Philip Lambert served as a Gunner in the Company of Militia Artillery under my command from the 25th June to the 24th December 1812. [Signed] Jno Powell, Captain 1st Lincoln Militia” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 140a]
Certificate of N. Coffin, Adjutant General attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lambert
“I hearby certify that I have carefully examined the claims of Philip Lambert of the Township of Pelham in the District of Niagara and find that he was entitled to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent’s bounty of a Grant of the waste Lands of the Crown, Having served as a Gunner in a Company of Militia Artillery, between the 25th June and 24th December 1812, but has not received from this office a Certificate of Service in consequence of not having applied within the Period required. Adjt Generals Office York December 23d 1825 [Signed] N. Coffin Adjt Genl of Militia Upper Canada” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 140]
Lambert, Robert
Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert Lambert of Niagara Township dated on 12 Apr 1820 [Using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Robert Lambert of the Township of Niagara. Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the son of the late Cornelius Lambert late of the Township of Niagara deceased an enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is of the full age of twenty one years, has taken the Oath of Allegiance, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Honor may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. An permit James Cronover of Grantham Township to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And your petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] Robert Lambert” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 12, Petition Number 126]
Lambert, Thomas
Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Lambert of Howard Township, Elgin County dated at Port Talbot, Elgin County on 22 May 1834
“The Petition of Thomas Lambert of the Township of Howard on Talbot Road now Farmer. That your Petitioner was located by Colonel Talbot in the year 1817 on a lot of 200 acres of land in the said Township of Howard being lot No 47 South on Talbot Road in the said Township liable to settlement duties and on which your Petitioner performed more than the required Settlement duty. And it afterwards discerned that the location had been made upon lands which had been previously granted to William Rands Esq. by Patent, and also that its having been under was owing to an error or oversight in the office of the Surveyor General. That on these facts being ascertained and reference being made to His Majesty’s Government Colonel Talbot located your Petitioner on 300 acres of land in the said Township of Howard liable to settlement duties in lieu of the 200 acres which he had so improved and lost by means aforesaid. That your Petitioner has performed the Settlement duties required on the said 300 acres and is desirous of obtaining His Majesty’s letters Patent for the same. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant him the said three hundred acres. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Port Talbot 22nd May 1834}” Thomas Lambert made his mark. Read in Council on 12 Jun 1834 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 18, Petition Number 113]
Recommendation of Thomas Talbot, Superintendant of the Talbot District attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Lambert
“Recommended by [Signed] Thomas Talbot Supert. I certify that Thomas Lambert has taken the path of allegiance before me [Signed] Thomas Talbot J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 18, Petition Number 113]
Notation of J. P. Ward, Surveyor General dated 6 Jun 1834 on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Lambert
“Lot No 102 North on Talbot Road West and Lot No One on the Town Line between Howard and Harwich both in the Township of Howard whereon the Petitioner has been located as Certified by Colonel Talbot is free from difficulty and may be described if it be Your Excellencys pleasure SGO 6 Jun 1834 [Signed] J P Ward SG” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 18, Petition Number 113]
Lampman, Abraham
Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Lampman of Stamford dated at Niagara on 7 Oct 1796
“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been settled some years in the Province, that his wife is the Daughter of Samuel Pew a Loyalist—& that he had 4 Brothers in His Majestys Service during the American war, one of whom was Hung by the Rebels—That having only received one Hundred acres prays Your Honor would be pleased to grant him an additional 200 acres- and two Hundred acres to his wife—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” [Unsigned] Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P. “I do hereby certify that the above Petition was made out on the personal application of Abm Lampman [Signed] T Ridout N. P. The Petitioner has three Children” Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Oct 1796 and read in Council the same day. Ordered 100 acres in addition and 200 acres in right of his wife if not granted before on producing certificate of her being the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 27a]
Certificate of Isaac Swayze J. P. dated on 25 Nov 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Lampman
“Now Sertify that Hannah Lampman is the daughter of a Loyalist—given under My hand this 25 day of November 1796 [Signed] Isaac Swayze JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 27]
Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.
Abram Lampman – Full Fees 300 acres in Oxford Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117m]
Lampman, Adam
Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Lampman of the Township of Thorold yeoman dated in York (Toronto) on 27 Nov 1815
“Sheweth – That your petitioner is the son of Peter Lampman of the township of Niagara a UE Loyalist – That he has attained the full age of twenty one years, and has never received any land or order for land from the Crown – Wherefore your petitioner prays Your Excellency in Council may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown and permit George Ridout of York Esquire to locate the same and take out the deed thereof when completed. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray = [Signed] Adam Lampman” Received in the Executive Council Office on 27 Nov 1815 and read in Council on 9 Dec 1815. Ordered a grant of 200 acres of land as the SUE Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 37]
Certificate of W. Allan J. P. dated in York (Toronto) on 27 Nov 1815 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Lampman
“Adam Lampman maketh oath and saith that he is the person he describes himself to be in the above petition that he has attained the full age of twenty one years; and that he has never received any land or order for land from the Crown – Sworn before me at York this 27 day of November 1815 [Signed] W. Allan J. P.} [Signed] Adam Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 37a]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench of the township of Niagara Esqr dated in York (Toronto) on 27 Nov 1815 attached to Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Lampman
“Ralfe Clench of the township of Niagara Esqr maketh oath and saith that Adam Lampman is the person he describes himself to be, that he has attained the full age of twenty one years, and that he has never received any land or order for land from the Crown to his knowledge and belief. Sworn before me at York this 27 day of Novr 1815 [Signed] W Allan JP} [Signed] Ralf Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 37a]
Certificate of W. Allan J. P. dated at York (Toronto) on 27 Nov 1815 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Lampman
“I Certify that the bearer Adam “Lampson” has this day come before me and taken the oath of allegiance [necessary] to Law York 27 Nov 1815 W Allan J. P. (Commissioner) [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 37b]
Lampman, Ann (McBride)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Lampman of the Township of Niagara dated on 10 Apr 1822
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is the daughter of Peter Lampman of Niagara an enrolled U. E. Loyalist and is of the full Age of Twenty one Years and has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown. — Therefore Humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her Two hundred Acres of the Waste lands of the Crown. — And permit John Lampman of Niagara District to be her Agent to Locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. — And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Ann Lampman Witness [Signed] Fras Goring” Received in the Executive Council Office on 9 Apr 1822 and read in Council on 1 Sep 1824. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 30]
Certificate of William Crooks dated on 10 Apr 1822 appended to Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Lampman
“District of Niagara} Ann Lampman maketh Oath that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above petition and has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown. — Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this [blank] day of April 1822 [Signed] W Crooks Chairman} [Signed] Ann Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 30]
Undated Certificate of John Lampman appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Lampman
“District of Niagara} I do Certify that Ann Lampman the above named Petitioner is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief—[Signed] John Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 30]
Certificate of William Crooks dated at Niagara on 10 Apr 1822 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Lampman
“District of Niagara} We William Crooks Esquire, Chairman and Ralph [sic] Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace Certify that Ann Lampman personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day and is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Peter Lampman of the Township and District of Niagara, who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the enemy. — Dated at the Court House at Niagara in the said District this Tenth day of April in the year One thousand Eight and Twenty two.— [Signed] W Crooks Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clerk of the Peace” “I hereby certify that the within named Petitioner Ann Lampman is now living and residing in the Township of Toronto [Signed] Wm McBride York 13 September 1824” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 30a]
Lampman, Catherine (Keefer)
Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Keefer of Thorold dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 31 Mar 1797
“Humbly shews That your Petitioner is married to Catherine the Daughter of Peter Lampman a Loyalist U. E. as admitted by the Magistrates in their Quarter Sessions- and prays your Honors would be pleased to grant her 200 acres of Land—and as in Duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray—[Signed] Geo. Keefer” George Keefer—for his wife Catherine Keefer. Received at the Executive Council Office on 31 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 4 Apr. Ordered 200 acres to the wife of the Petitioner the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “K” Bundle 2, Petition Number 24]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated at Newark on 4 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Keefer
“Catharine Lantman [sic] wife to George Keefer is daughter to Peter Lantman, a Loyalist and George Keefer is son to George Keefer deceased whose Heirs satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he adhered to the Unity of the Empire & joined the Royal Standard in America previous to the year 1783 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clerk of the Peace &c” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “K” Bundle 2, Petition Number 24b]
Lampman, Catherine (Seburn)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Seburn of the Township of Thorold dated on 11 Jul 1837
“The Petition of Catherine Seburn of the Township of Thorold, in the District of Niagara wife of William Seburn, yeoman – Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner is the daughter of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford, yeoman, – an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is married and [……] of twenty one years of age and has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly Prays that Your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and permit her Husband to be her Agent to locate the Same and take out the Deed, when completed. And your Petitioner as in duty Bound will ever Pray.” Catherine Seburn made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 28 May 1840. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 22, Petition Number 98]
Certificate of Thomas Butler dated on 11 Jul 1837 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Seburn
“District of Niagara} Catherine Seburn the above petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she described herself to be in the within Petition, is Married, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this Eleventh day of July 1837 And I do hereby Certify that the above was read over and explained to Deponent, and that she seemed perfectly to understand the same. [Signed] T Butler Chairman}” Catherine Seburn made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 22, Petition Number 98]
Certificate of Thomas Butler dated on 11 Jul 1837 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Seburn
“District of Niagara} I do Certify that Catherine Seburn, the within Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the within Petition and has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 22, Petition Number 98]
Certificate of Thomas Butler and Charles Richardson dated on 11 Jul 1837 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Seburn
“District of Niagara} We Thomas Butler Esquire Chairman and Charles Richardson Esquire Clerk of the Peace, Certify that Mrs Catherine Seburn personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the daughter of Frederick Lampman, who retained his Loyalty during the late War without aiding or assisting the Enemy. — Dated this 11th day of July 1837. [Signed] Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed] T Butler Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 22, Petition Number 98]
Certificate of William Seburn attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Seburn
“Upper Canada Home District To Wit} William Seburn of the Township of Thorold in the Niagara District Yeoman maketh oath and saith that his wife Catharine Seburn the daughter of Frederick Lampman an UE Loyalist is now Forty seven years of age. Sworn before me at Toronto this 28th day of May 1840 [Signed] James Henderson JP Home District [Signed] William Seburn” “From my knowledge of Mr Seburn I believe the above statement to be perfectly true – [Signed] Geo Rykert” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 22, Petition Number 98a]
Lampman, Elizabeth
Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Lampman of Stamford Township dated on 8 Jul 1823
“The petition of Elizabeth Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the Niagara District and Province of Upper Canada Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is the Daughter of Frederick Lampman of the Township District and province aforesaid, a UE Loyalist that she is not married but has attained the age of twenty two years and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Your petitioner therefore prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant unto her Two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and she as in duty bound will ever pray” Elizabeth Lampman made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 17 Feb 1825. Ordered recommended for 200 acres [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 64]
Certificate of James Muirhead dated on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Lampman
“July Sessions} Elizabeth Lampman maketh and saith that she is the person she describes herself to be in the foregoing petition that she is not married and has not heretofore Received any Land or order for Land from the Crown Sworn in Open Sessions before me this 8th day of July 1823 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman}” Elizabeth Lampman made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 64]
Certificate of Frederick Lampman dated on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Lampman
“July Sessions} Frederick Lampman maketh oath and saith that he was present and saw Elizabeth Lampman sign the foregoing petition that she is the person she therein describes herself to be that she is not married and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown to the best of this Deponents knowledge and beliefs. Sworn in open Sessions before me this 8th day of July 1823 J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Frederick Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 64]
Certificate of James Muirhead dated on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Lampman
Niagara of District To Wit} We James Muirhead Chairman and Ralfe Clench Eqr Clerk of the peace Certify that Elizabeth Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day and is Recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Frederick Lampman U E of the Township of Stamford who retained his Loyalty during the late war without suspicion of aiding or assisting the Enemy that she is not married and never Received any Land or order for Land from the Crown – Dated at the Court House in Niagara in the above District this 8th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three [Signed] J. Muirhead chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench clk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 64a]
Lampman, Elizabeth (Secord)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Secord dated on 14 Oct 1818
“The Petition of Elizabeth Seacord of the Township of Niagara Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Peter Lampman of the Township of Niagara an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is Married to Abraham Seacord of the said Township of Niagara, And has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly Prays that Your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and permit Alexander Stewart of York Gentleman, to be her Agent to locate the Same and take out the Deed, when completed. And your Petitioner as in duty Bound will ever pray. [Signed] Elizabeth Secord” Received in the Executive Council Office on 5 June 1819 and read in Council on 16 Jun. Order issued. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 12, Petition Number 162]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. dated on 14 Oct 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Secord
“District of Niagara} Elizabeth Seacord Maketh Oath that she is the Person she described herself to be in the within Petition, is Married, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 14th day of October 1818 [Signed] Thomas Dickson Chairman} [Signed] Elizabeth Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 12, Petition Number 162a]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. dated on 14 Oct 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Secord
“District of Niagara} I do Certify that Elizabeth Secord, the within Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the within Petition and has never had any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] Thomas Dickson Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 12, Petition Number 162a]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 14 Oct 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Secord
“District of Niagara} We Thomas Dickson Esquire Chairman and Ralfe Clench Esquire Clerk of the Peace, Certify that Elizabeth Seacord personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Peter Lampman, who retained his Loyalty during the late War without aiding or assisting the Enemy, that she is Married to Abraham Seacord who also did his duty in defence of the Province and was Loyal during the late War — Dated at the Court House at Niagara in the District of Niagara this 14th day of October 1816 — [Signed] Thomas Dickson Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clerk of the Peace [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 12, Petition Number 162b]
Lampman, Frederick
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman of Stamford Township, Welland County received in the Executive Council Office on 23 Jun 1802
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist and amongst the others in Stamford Your Petitioner through neglect has Neglected takeing more than Two hundred Acres of Land therefore Prays Your Excellency will be pleased to grant him one Hundred Acres More to put him upon a footing with People of his description And also that an allowance may be made to Mary his wife who has never before Petitioned for any. Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays your Excellency to take their situation into Consideration and grant such quantity as to your Excellency may appear meet. And Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound Will Ever Pray” Frederick Lampman made his mark. Received in the Executive Council Office on 23 Jun 1802. “The name of Frederick Lampman appears on the U. E. List. And it does not appear by the Council Books that he has had any lands.” “Lt Govr Office – York 26th June 1802 All Claims for additional Lands under Provincial Authority ceased upon the introduction of the New Regulations; If the Petitioners Wife claims as the Daughter of a UE the usual Certificates are wanting. By Order of the Lt Govr [Signed] James Green” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 37]
Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman of the township of Stamford dated in Stamford on 30 Jan 1819
“The petition of Frederick Lampman of the township of Stamford in the Niagara District yeoman – Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner with his Father Frederick Lampman – and his brother Matthias Lampman came into this province in the year 1783 and settled upon Mount Dorchester before the land was surveyed/ afterwards called township No 2 and now called Stamford – and when the land was surveyed their improvements fell upon Lot Nos 100 – 85 – 82 – 68 – & 65 containing one hundred acres each – Your petitioners Father living upon Lots Nos 100 & 85 – your petitioners brother Matthias improving upon 82 – and your petitioner upon Lots 68 & 65 – That your petitioners Father died in 1789 – and left by will to your petitioner all his landed property for the purpose of maintaining his Mother & paying of Legacies which your petitioner religiously complied with – That your petitioners brother Matthias after living about two years upon Lot 82 – sold to your petitioner his improvement on said Lot 82 – and afterwards removed to the township of Ancaster where he drew his Lands and where he now resides; a certificate of Matthias having so sold his improvement, your petitioner lodged about ten years ago with the Surveyor General (a Thos Ridout) who recorded this certificate in his books – Your petitioner further states that he being a discharged Soldier and as such Entered upon the U E. List – and thereby entitled to Three Hundred acres of Land, fully expected that a deed would have issue to him for the before mentioned five Lots – but finds that the deed has only come out for Lots Nos 100 – 55 – 68 – & 65 – Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your Excellency in your goodness will be pleased to order him a Grant for the aforesaid Lot No 82 – and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray – Signed at Stamford aforesaid the 30th January 1819 in presence of Andrew T. Kerb James B [Carol]}” Frederick Lampman made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14a]
Executive Council Order dated on 2 Apr 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
In Council 2nd April 1823 On revision of this Petition It appears by a Presentment which should have been presented at the previous reading, it appears that Matthias Lampman located on 82 Stamford finding it too small for a Farm, being only 100 Acres – abandoned it and received his Land in lieu of it in Ancaster 200 Acres. It is therefore respectfully recommended that the name of Frederick to be substituted no original Nominee of Lot No 82 in place of Matthias Lampman, and that the Interest do issue accordingly to the said Frederick Lampman [Signed] Wm Dummer Powell” “Privilege is allowed in the name of Frederick Lampman Jr. U. E. as son to Frederick Lampman – I. G. A. 29th April 1823 — for the above Lot No 82 – 100 acres—[Signed] J. Bakie Insr Gl” “Sent an Order to the Surveyor General 29th April 1823 and a Warrant to the Attorney General same day.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14]
Deposition of Matthias Lampman of Ancaster Township dated on 19 May 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“Know all men by these presents that I Matthias Lampman of the township of Ancaster & District of Gore, came into this province in the year 1784 and settled on Mount Dorchester, since called the township of Stamford, my father Frederick Lampman and brother Frederick Lampman accompanying me and settling on Lands adjoining, and previous to that township being surveyed, that after the survey took place Lot No 82 was allotted to me, Lots No 100 & 85 to my Father and Lots No 68 & 65 to my brother Frederick; that finding my Lot too small for a farm, I removed to the township of Ancaster where I received a grant of Lot No 52 200 acres of Land from government – quitting at the same time to my brother Frederick all my right to said Lot No 82 he being on the U. E. List and entitled to 200 acres of Land; that on my leaving Stamford I executed to my brother Frederick – a quit claim – for said Lot, which quit claim is now lost — Now these presents are to make Known that I hereby forever quit all my claims and right to Lot number eighty two in the said township of Stamford in the Niagara District — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & nineteen. Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of [Signed] John Almas [Signed] John Lampman”} [Signed] Matthias Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14c]
x [Insertion concerning the statement of Matthias Lampman] “Mistake Frederick Lampman Junr is not on the U. E. List”
“We the undersigned Certify that we have known Frederick Lampman for many years – and altho illiterate, is, and always has been a most honest, Loyal and industrious man—And that we verily believe what he has set forth in the foregoing petition, to be Truth. Mr Lampman is now an infirm man with a wife and twelve children to support [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P. [Signed] Thomas Clark J. P.” Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14d]
Order of the Executive Council attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“Read in Council 11 March 1819 — Ordered that the Lot No 82 So Described for the Original Nominee Matthias Lampman being living or to be Claimed by Frederick — under the Commission of Land.”
Lampman, Frederick (son of Peter Lampman)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Niagara Yeoman dated in Niagara on 17 Oct 1806
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Son of Peter Lampman of the said Township of Niagara, Farmer an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is of the full age of Twenty One Years, and has never Received any Land or Order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore Your Petitioner prays that your Excellency may be pleased to Grant him Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Land of the Crown. Your Petitioner attending in Person, but should he not be able to [……..] and take out the Deed when completed Prays Your Excellency to Permit John Detler of York Gentleman to be his agent for that purpose. And Your Petitioner Will Ever Pray [Signed] Frederick Lampman” Received in the Executive Council Office on 7 Nov 1806 “The Name Peter Lampman of the Home District, is inserted on the U. E. List. It does not appear by the Council Books that the Petitioner has received any land. – ” Read in the Executive Council on 11 Nov 1806 and recommended for a grant of two hundred acres of land as the son of Peter Lampman a U. E. Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 8, Petition Number 15]
Certificate of Robert Kerr JP dated at Niagara on 17 Oct 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Secord
“District of Niagara} Frederick Lampman maketh Oath and saith that he is the Person He describes himself to be in the within Petitioner, that He is not married and has never Received any Land or Order for Land from the Crown, and is of the full age of Twenty One years. [Signed] Frederick Lampman” Sworn before me at Niagara in the Province of Upper Canada the 17th day of October 1806 [Signed] Robert Kerr JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 8, Petition Number 15a]
Certificate of Robert Kerr JP dated at Niagara on 17 Oct 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Secord
“District of Niagara} I do hereby Certify that Frederick Lampman signed the within Petition in my presence & that He is the Person he therein describes himself to be and has never Received any Land or Order for Land from the Crown to the best of my knowledge and belief. Witness my Hand at Niagara in the Province of Upper Canada This Seventeenth day of October 1806 [Signed] Robert Kerr JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 8, Petition Number 15a]
Certificate of John Small dated on 7 Nov 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Secord
“I certify that Frederick Lampman has taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, this Seventh day of November in the year of Our Lord 1806 [Signed] John Small GP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 8, Petition Number 15b]
Lampman, Frederick (son of Frederick Lampman)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 8 Jul 1823
“The petition of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the Niagara District and province of Upper Canada Humbly sheweth, that your petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township District and province aforesaid a U. E. Loyalist, that your petitioner has attained the age of Twenty one years and has taken the oath of Allegiance as appears by the annexed Certificates and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown your petitioner therefore prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant unto him Two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and he as in duty bound will ever pray — [Signed] Frederick Lampman” Read in the Executive Council on 17 Feb 1825. Ordered recommended 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 62]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 8 July 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“July Sessions} Frederick Lampman maketh oath and saith that he is the person he describes himself to be in the foregoing petition that he has attained the age of Twenty one years and has not heretofore received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Sworn in Open Sessions before me this 8th day of July 1823 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed[ Frederick Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 62]
Certificate of Frederick Lampman Senior dated on 8 July 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“July Sessions} Frederick Lampman Senr maketh oath and saith that he was present and saw Frederick Lampman Junr sign the foregoing petition that he is the person he thereon describes himself to be that he has attained the age of Twenty one years and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown to the best of this Deponents knowledge and belief. Sworn in open Sessions on this 8 day of July 1823. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 62]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 8 July 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“ Niagara District To wit} J. Muirhead Chairman and Ralfe Clench Clerk of the peace Certify that Frederick Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace this day and is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford who retained his Loyalty during the late war; without suspicion of aiding or assisting the Enemy; and that he has done his duty in defense of the province during the late war – Dated at the Court House in Niagara in the said District this 8 day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and Twenty three [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 62a]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“District of Niagara} I do Certify that Frederick Lampman Son of Frederick Lampman of Stamford S U E Loyalist hath this day taken and Subscribed the oath of allegiance as the law requires Niagara 8th July 1823 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Commissioner District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 62b]
Lampman, George
Upper Canada Land Petition of George Lampman of the Township of Grantham dated on 8 Jul 1823 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of George Lampman of the Township of Stamford. Humbly Sheweth, That Your Petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford Farmer an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is of the full age of twenty one Years, has taken the Oath of Allegiance and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit Henry Hoover of Thorold to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] George Lampman” Read in the Executive Council on 17 Feb 1825. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 63]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 8 Jul 1823 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Lampman
“District of Niagara.} George Lampman maketh Oath that he is the Person he describes himself to be, In the above Petition; is of the full age of Twenty One Years and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 8th Day of July 1823 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] George Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 63]
Certificate of James Muirhead J. P. dated on 8 July 1823 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Lampman
“District of Niagara.} Frederick Lampman Senr maketh oath George Lampman the above Petitioner, is the person he describes himself, and has never had any lands, or order for lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge, and belief. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this 8th day of July 1823 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman}” Frederick Lampman Sr made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 63]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 8 July 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Lampman
“ Niagara District To wit} J. Muirhead Chairman and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that George Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day, is recognized to be the Son of Frederick Lampman Senior, a U E who retained his loyalty during the late war; without suspicion of aiding or assisting the Enemy; and that the said George Lampman was too young to do his duty in defense of the Province, during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara in the said District this Eighth day of July 1823 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 63a]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated in Niagara on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Lampman
“District of Niagara} I do Certify that George Lampman Son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford a U E Loyalist hath this day taken and Subscribed the oath of Allegiance as […..] Requires Niagara 8th July 1823 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Commissioner District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 63b]
Lampman, Hannah
Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Lampman of Stamford Township, Welland County [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Hannah Lampman of the Township of Stamford, Spinster — Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the daughter of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford, yeoman, an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is twenty-three years of age and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that Your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit [blank] to be her Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray.” Hannah Lampman made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 28 Oct 1835, Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 22 Oct 1833 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} The above Petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Heard in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Niagara this 22th Day of October 1833. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” Hannah Lampman made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of John J. Lefferty appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} I do Certify that Hannah Lampman the above named Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] John J. Lefferty” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Charles Richardson dated on 22 Oct 1833 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Lampman
“District of Niagara.} We, James Muirhead Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that Hannah Lampman who Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day, was recognized by the Magistrates to be the daughter of Frederick Lampman who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the Enemy. Dated this twenty-ninth day of March 1833. — [Signed] Charles Richardson, Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead, Chairman.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 19]
Lampman, Henry
Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 22 Oct 1833 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Henry Lampman of the Township of Stamford. Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford, yeoman, an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is twenty one years of age — and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. and permit [blank] to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] Henry Lampman” Read in the Executive Council on 21 October 1835 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 21]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 22 Oct 1833 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} The above petitioner maketh Oath and saith that he is the Person he describes himself to be, In the above Petition, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 22nd Day of October 1833 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Stephen Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 21]
Certificate of John J. Lefferty appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do certify that Henry Lampman the above Petitioner, is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief. [Signed] John J. Lefferty}” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 21]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 22 Oct 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Lampman
“ District of Niagara } We, James Muirhead Esquire, Chairman and Charles Richardson Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Henry Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day, is recognized to be the Son of Frederick Lampman who retained his loyalty during the late war. Dated this 22nd day of October 1833 [Signed] Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 21]
Certificate of Charles Richardson dated on 22 Oct 1833 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Lampman
“I do hereby certify that Henry Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the District of Niagara, yeoman hath this day taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty King William the Fourth, His Heirs and Successors. Niagara October 22nd 1833 [Signed] Charles Richardson A Commissioner for taking the Oath of Allegiance in the District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 21a]
Lampman, John (1)
Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman of the Township of Grantham dated on 14 May 1816 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of John Lampman of the Township of Grantham. Humbly Sheweth, That Your Petitioner is the Son of Peter Lampman of the Township of Niagara an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is of the full age of Twenty One Years, has taken the Oath of Allegiance and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him Two Hundred Acres, of the Waste Lands of the Crown. And permit George Ridout of York Esqr to be his Agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] John Lampman” Received in the Executive Council Office on 13 Jan 1818 and ordered granted 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 33]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. dated on 14 May 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“District of Niagara.} John Lampman maketh Oath that he is the Person he describes himself to be, In the above Petition; is of the full age of Twenty One Years and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 14th Day of May 1816 [Signed] P. Ball Chairman} [Signed] John Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 33]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. dated on 4 May 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do Certify that John Lampman the above Petitioner is the person he describes himself, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my Knowledge, and Belief. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this 14th day of May 1816 [Signed] P. Ball Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 33]
Certificate of T. Butler J. P. dated at Niagara on 14 May 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“I Do hereby certify that John Lampman of Niagara has this day taken the Oath of Allegiance before me at Niagara [Signed] T Butler J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 33a]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 14 May 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“District of Niagara.} We, Peter Ball Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, Certify that John Lampman personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Son of Peter Secord of Niagara who retained his Loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy. And that the said John Lampman did his duty in defence of the Province during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara this 14th day of May 1816. [Signed] P. Ball Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 33b]
Lampman, John (2)
Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman of the Township of Barton, Wentworth County Yeoman dated in York (Toronto) on 13 April 1824
Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner is a native of the Township of Barton in this Province and has always lived in said Township. That your Petitioner is 23 Years of age has taken the Oath of Allegiance, and never before applied for any Land from the Crown. That your Petitioner has been brought up as a Farmer, and is desirous, and has means to improve a Lot of two hundred Acres of the vacant Lands of Government. Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly prays Your Excellency will be pleased to grant him such quantity of Land as may be deemed meet. And Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] John Lampman” Received in the Executive Council Office on 13 Apr 1824 and recommended for 100 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 17]
Certificate of Grant Powell dated 13 Apr 1824 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“Province of Upper Canada. I Certify that John Lampman a native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance required by Law, before me at York, in the Home District, this 13th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. [Signed] Grant Powell” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 17a]
Certificate of Kendy Hagle dated in Ancaster Township, Wentworth County on 11 Apr 1829 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Lampman
“This is to certify that John Lampman is an native borne of Upper Canada a young man of good report and a loyal subject residing in ancaster in said district ancaster Aprile 11th 1824 [Signed Kendy Hagle” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 17b]
Lampman, Lydia (Shippey)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Lydia Lampman dated on 10 Jul 1816 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Lydia Lampman of the Township of Grimsby Humbly Sheweth, That Your Petitioner is the daughter of Zebadee Shippey of the London District an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is married to Frederick Lampman – Grimsby – and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that Your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit [blank] of [blank] to be her Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray.” Lydia Lampman made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 19 Feb 1831. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “N” Bundle 16, Petition Number 49]
Certificate of Robert Kerr J. P. dated on 10 Jul 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lydia Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} Lydia Lampman maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Niagara this 10th Day of July 1816. [Signed] Robert Kerr J P, Chairman}” Lydia Lampman made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “N” Bundle 16, Petition Number 49]
Certificate of Robert Kerr J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lydia Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do Certify that Lydia Lampman the above named Petitioner, is the Person she describes herself to be, in the above Petition and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief. [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “N” Bundle 16, Petition Number 49]
Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 10 Jul 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lydia Lampman
“District of Niagara.} We, Robert Kerr Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that Lydia Lampman Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day, was recognized by the Magistrates to be the daughter of Zebedee Shippey who retained his Loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the Enemy; that she is married to Frederick Lampman who also did his duty in defence of the Province, and was Loyal, during the late war. Dated at the Court House, at Niagara in the District of Niagara this tenth day of July 1816. — [Signed] Robert Kerr, Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clerk of the Peace.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “N” Bundle 16, Petition Number 49a]
Certificate of John Lampman dated on 17 Feb 1831 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lydia Lampman
“I hereby Certify that my mother Lydia Lampman was alive and well on Saturday last the 12th Instant York 17 Feby 1831 [Signed] John Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “N” Bundle 16, Petition Number 49b]
Lampman, Mary (Secord)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Lampman of the Township of Grantham dated on 14 May 1816 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Mary Lampman of the Township of Grantham. Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the Daughter of John Secord of the Township of Niagara an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is married to John Lampman of Niagara and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency will be pleased to grant Her two hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown. And permit George Ridout of York Esqr to be her Agent to Locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever Pray. [Signed] Mary Lampman” Received in the Executive Council office on 13 Jan 1816. Ordered granted 200 acres [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 32]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. dated on 14 May 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Lampman
“District of Niagara.} Mary Lampman maketh Oath that she is the Person she describes herself to be, In the above Petition; is married, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 14th Day of May 1816 [Signed] P. Ball Chairman} [Signed] Mary Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 32]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do Certify that Mary Lampman the above named Petitioner, is the Person she describes herself to be, in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] P. Ball Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 32]
Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 14 May 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Lampman
“District of Niagara.} We, Peter Ball Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, Certify that Mary Lampman personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of John Secord of Niagara who retained his Loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy; that she is married to John Lampman who also did his duty in defence of the Province, and was Loyal, during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara this 14th day of May 1816. [Signed] P. Ball Chairman” Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 32a]
Lampman, Matthias
Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman of the township of Stamford dated in Stamford on 30 Jan 1819
“The petition of Frederick Lampman of the township of Stamford in the Niagara District yeoman – Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner with his Father Frederick Lampman – and his brother Matthias Lampman came into this province in the year 1783 and settled upon Mount Dorchester before the land was surveyed/ afterwards called township No 2 and now called Stamford – and when the land was surveyed their improvements fell upon Lot Nos 100 – 85 – 82 – 68 – & 65 containing one hundred acres each – Your petitioners Father living upon Lots Nos 100 & 85 – your petitioners brother Matthias improving upon 82 – and your petitioner upon Lots 68 & 65 – That your petitioners Father died in 1789 – and left by will to your petitioner all his landed property for the purpose of maintaining his Mother & paying of Legacies which your petitioner religiously complied with – That your petitioners brother Matthias after living about two years upon Lot 82 – sold to your petitioner his improvement on said Lot 82 – and afterwards removed to the township of Ancaster where he drew his Lands and where he now resides; a certificate of Matthias having so sold his improvement, your petitioner lodged about ten years ago with the Surveyor General (a Thos Ridout) who recorded this certificate in his books – Your petitioner further states that he being a discharged Soldier and as such Entered upon the U E. List – and thereby entitled to Three Hundred acres of Land, fully expected that a deed would have issue to him for the before mentioned five Lots – but finds that the deed has only come out for Lots Nos 100 – 55 – 68 – & 65 – Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your Excellency in your goodness will be pleased to order him a Grant for the aforesaid Lot No 82 – and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray – Signed at Stamford aforesaid the 30th January 1819 in presence of Andrew T. Kerb James B [Carol]}” Frederick Lampman made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14a]
Executive Council Order dated on 2 Apr 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
In Council 2nd April 1823 On revision of this Petition It appears by a Presentment which should have been presented at the previous reading, it appears that Matthias Lampman located on 82 Stamford finding it too small for a Farm, being only 100 Acres – abandoned it and received his Land in lieu of it in Ancaster 200 Acres. It is therefore respectfully recommended that the name of Frederick to be substituted no original Nominee of Lot No 82 in place of Matthias Lampman, and that the Interest do issue accordingly to the said Frederick Lampman [Signed] Wm Dummer Powell” “Privilege is allowed in the name of Frederick Lampman Jr. U. E. as son to Frederick Lampman – I. G. A. 29th April 1823 — for the above Lot No 82 – 100 acres—[Signed] J. Bakie Insr Gl” “Sent an Order to the Surveyor General 29th April 1823 and a Warrant to the Attorney General same day.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14]
Deposition of Matthias Lampman of Ancaster Township dated on 19 May 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“Know all men by these presents that I Matthias Lampman of the township of Ancaster & District of Gore, came into this province in the year 1784 and settled on Mount Dorchester, since called the township of Stamford, my father Frederick Lampman and brother Frederick Lampman accompanying me and settling on Lands adjoining, and previous to that township being surveyed, that after the survey took place Lot No 82 was allotted to me, Lots No 100 & 85 to my Father and Lots No 68 & 65 to my brother Frederick; that finding my Lot too small for a farm, I removed to the township of Ancaster where I received a grant of Lot No 52 200 acres of Land from government – quitting at the same time to my brother Frederick all my right to said Lot No 82 he being on the U. E. List and entitled to 200 acres of Land; that on my leaving Stamford I executed to my brother Frederick – a quit claim – for said Lot, which quit claim is now lost — Now these presents are to make Known that I hereby forever quit all my claims and right to Lot number eighty two in the said township of Stamford in the Niagara District — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & nineteen. Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of [Signed] John Almas [Signed] John Lampman”} [Signed] Matthias Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14c]
x [Insertion concerning the statement of Matthias Lampman] “Mistake Frederick Lampman Junr is not on the U. E. List”
“We the undersigned Certify that we have known Frederick Lampman for many years – and altho illiterate, is, and always has been a most honest, Loyal and industrious man—And that we verily believe what he has set forth in the foregoing petition, to be Truth. Mr Lampman is now an infirm man with a wife and twelve children to support [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P. [Signed] Thomas Clark J. P.” Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 14d]
Order of the Executive Council attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Lampman
“Read in Council 11 March 1819 — Ordered that the Lot No 82 So Described for the Original Nominee Matthias Lampman being living or to be Claimed by Frederick — under the Commission of Land.”
Lampman, Peter
Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman, Loyalist—of Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) dated on 11 Oct 1796
“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner came into the Province in the year 1783, and has received 300 acres of Land—that he had a wife & four Children in the year 1788—for whom he never drew any Lands—prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 250 acres family Lands, and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray” Peter Lampman made his mark. “witness [Signed] T Ridout” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 250 acres as family Lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 49]
Certificate of Dan Millard J. P. dated on 12 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
“A List of Peter Lampman’s Children Catherine Lampman born in the year 1778, Jacob Lampman 1783, Frederick Lampman 1785, Peter Lampman 1787, Adam Lampman 1789, John Lampman 1790, Hannah Lampman 1793, Elizabeth Lampman 1794 I do Certify that Peter Lampman a Loyalist of this Province has had the above Eight Children—Home District Octor 12th 1796 [Signed] Dan Millard JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 49a]
Lampman, Peter Jr.
Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman Junior of Niagara Yeoman dated on 10 Jan 1816
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the son of Peter Lampman of the Township of Niagara an Enrolled U E Loyalist is of the full age of Twenty One Years has taken the Oath of Allegiance and has never had any land or Order for land from the Crown. Therefore Prays that Two Hundred Acres of the Waste land of the Crown be granted him and permit George Ridout of York Esqr to be his agent to locate the Same and to take he Deed when completed and your Petitioner Will Ever Pray” Received in the Executive Council Office on 29 Jan 1816 and read in Council on 17 Feb 1816. Ordered granted 200 acres as son of a U E. [Signed] Peter Lampman Junior” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 50a]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. dated on 10 Jan 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman Junior
“District of Niagara} Peter Lampman maketh oath that he is the Person he describes himself to be in the within Petition is of the full age of Twenty one years & has never had any lands or Order for land from the Crown. Sworn in General Qt Session} 10th January 1816—[Signed] Thomas Dickson chairman} [Signed] Peter Lampman Junior” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 50a]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. dated on 10 Jan 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman Junior
“District of Niagara} Ralfe Clench Esqr maketh oath that Peter Lampman is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any lands or Order for Lands from the Crown according to the best of his knowledge and belief Sworn in General Quarter Sessions 10th Jany 1816 [Signed] Thomas Dickson Chairman} [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 50a]
Certificate of Robert Kerr dated on 5 Jan 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman Junior
“I do hereby certify that the Bearer Peter Lampman Junior of the Township of Niagara, was severely wounded by the Enemy at the Battle of Fort George on the 27th May 1813. The Ball penetrated the left side, and was cut out nigh to the Back Bone. I do further certify, I dressed the said Peter Lampman Junior, at the House of John Seacord Senior, on the 31st May 1813 as I was going in to Fort George with a flag of Truce, to assist in Dressing the wounded British Prisoners: and I have examined him this Day, and find he is incapable of attending to military Duty, and is prevented from following his usual occupation of a Farmer. Given under my hand at Niagara this 5th Day of January 1816. [Signed] Robert Kerr Senior Surgeon Indian Department. To Whom it may Concern” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 10, Petition Number 50]
Lampman, Peter (son of Frederick Lampman)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 12 Jul 1825
“The petition of Peter Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the Niagara District and province of Upper Canada Humbly Sheweth that your petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township District and Province aforesaid a UE Loyalist that your petitioner has attained the Age of twenty one years and has taken the oath of Allegiance as Appears by the annexed Certificate and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown — Your petitioner therefore prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant unto him Two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and he as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter Lampman” Read in Council on 6 Nov 1829. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 9]
Certificate of James Muirheadm J. P. dated on 12 Jul 1825 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
“July Sessions} Peter Lampman maketh oath and saith that he is the person he describes herself to be in the foregoing petition that he has attained the age of twenty one years and has not heretofore Received any Land or order for Land from the Crown Sworn in Open Sessions before me this 12th day of July 1825 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Peter Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 9]
Certificate of Frederick Lampman dated on 12 Jul 1825 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
“July Sessions} Frederick Lampman maketh oath and saith that he was present and saw Peter Lampman sign the foregoing petition that he is the person he therein describes himself to be that he has attained the age of twenty one years and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown to the best of this Deponents knowledge and beliefs. Sworn in open Sessions before me this 8th day of July 1823 J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Frederick Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 9]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 12 Jul 1825 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
Niagara District To Wit} We James Muirhead Chairman and Ralfe Clench Eqr Clerk of the peace Certify of the peace Certify that Peter Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day and is Recognized by the Magistrates to be the Son of Frederick Lampman U E of the Township of Stamford who retained his Loyalty during the late war without suspicion of aiding or assisting the Enemy that she is not married and never Received any Land or order for Land from the Crown – Dated at the Court House in Niagara in the above District this 12th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five [Signed] J. Muirhead chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench clk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 9a]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated on 8 Jul 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
“I certify that Peter Lampman, Son of Frederick Lampman of Stamford a U. E. Loyalist hath this day taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as the Law Requires Niagara 8th July 1823 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Commissioner of District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 9b]
Lampman, Peter
Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman of Harwich Township, Kent County Farmer read in Council on 25 Jul 1839
“The petition of Peter Lampman of Harwich Farmer Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner was located in the year one Thousand eight hundred and twenty nine by Colonel Talbot, upon a Lot of one Hundred acres of Land in the Township of Harwich aforesaid liable to settlement Duties which he has performed and is ready to pay the fees that may be required. Wherefore your petitioner prays tat your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the said Lot, and as in duty bound he will ever pray.” “Recommended by [Signed] Thomas Talbot Supert.” “I certify that Peter Lampman has taken the oath of allegiance before me. [Signed] Thomas Talbot J. P.” Read in the Executive Council on 25 Jul 1839. “Ordered that Peter Lamman shall receive a grant of one hundred acres of land.” Patent and survey fees paid £6.14.1 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 22, Petition Number 3]
Report of J. Radenhurst Surveyor General dated on 25 Jul 1839 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Lampman
“Lot No 15 on the Town line Road between the townships of Howard and Harwich in the township of Harwich wherein the Petitioner has been located and performed the Settlement duty as Certified bu Cpl Talbot is free from difficulty and may be described if it be Your Excellencys pleasure [Signed] J. Radenhurst S. G. O. 25 Jul 1839” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 22, Petition Number 3]
Lampman, Philip
Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 22 Oct 1833[using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Philip Lampman of the Township of Stamford. Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford, yeoman, an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is twenty one years of age — and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. and permit [blank] to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] Philip Lampman” Read in the Executive Council on 21 October 1835 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 20a]
Certificate of James Muirhead dated on 22 Oct 1833 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} The above petitioner maketh Oath and saith that he is the Person he describes himself to be, In the above Petition, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 22nd Day of October 1833 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Philip Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 21]
Certificate of John J. Lefferty appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do certify that Philip Lampman the above Petitioner, is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief. [Signed] John J. Lefferty}” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 20]
Certificate of James Muirhead and Ralfe Clench dated on 22 Oct 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman
“ District of Niagara } We, James Muirhead Esquire, Chairman and Charles Richardson Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Philip Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day, is recognized to be the Son of Frederick Lampman who retained his loyalty during the late war. Dated this 22nd day of October 1833 [Signed] Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 20]
Certificate of Charles Richardson dated on 22 Oct 1833 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman
“I do hereby certify that Philip Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the District of Niagara, yeoman hath this day taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty King William the Fourth, His Heirs and Successors. Niagara October 22nd 1833 [Signed] Charles Richardson A Commissioner for taking the Oath of Allegiance in the District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 20b]
Certificate of William Johnston dated on 10 Jun 1835 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Lampman
“Home District to Wit} Appeared Personally before me Anthony B. Hawke – one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for said District William Johnston of the Gore of Toronto – Northern Division – and being duly Sworn maketh Oath and saith, that he Knows, and is personally acquainted with Fred Lampman now residing at Stamford in the Niagara District a U E Loyalist = and that the said Frederick Lampman is as this Deponent believes Eighty Years of Age = and Father of Frederick Lampman, George Lampman, Peter Lampman, John Lampman, Henry Lampman, Phillip Lampman, Stephen Lampman, Elizabeth, Catherine, Ann Margaret, & Hannah Sworn before me this 10 June 1835 A B Hawke JP Home Dist [Signed] William Johnston” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 19, Petition Number 20]
Lampman, Stephen
Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 11 Apr 1837 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of Stephen Lampman of the Township of Stamford. Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the son of Frederick Lampman of the Township of Stamford, yeoman, an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is twenty one years of age — and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands, from the Crown. Therefore, Humbly Prays, that your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. and permit [blank] to be his agent to locate the same and take out the Deed when completed. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray. [Signed] Stephen Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30]
Cerficate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 11 Apr 1837 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman
“District of Niagara. To Wit:} The above petitioner maketh Oath and saith that he is the Person he describes himself to be, In the above Petition, and has never had any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions this 11th Day of April 1837 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] Stephen Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30]
Certificate of John J. Lefferty appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman
“District of Niagara.} I do certify that Stephen Lampman the above Petitioner, is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief. [Signed] John J. Lefferty}” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Ralfe Clench dated on 11 Apr 1837 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman
“ District of Niagara } We, James Muirhead Esquire, Chairman and Charles Richardson Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Stephen Lampman personally appeared before the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day, is recognized to be the Son of Frederick Lampman who retained his loyalty during the late war. Dated this 11th day of April 1837 [Signed] Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30]
Certificate of Charles Richardson dated on 11 Apr 1837 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman
“I do hereby certify that Stephen Lampman of the Township of Stamford in the District of Niagara, yeoman hath this day taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty King William the Fourth, His Heirs and Successors. Niagara April 11th 1837 [Signed] Charles Richardson A Commissioner for taking the Oath of Allegiance in the District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30a]
Certificate of John Wamsley attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Lampman
“Home District (to wit)} John Wamsley of Stamford in the district of Niagara tailor maketh oath and saith that he is well acquainted with the within named Petitioner Stephen Lampman and his father Frederick Lampman (the elder) and that his said father is now living and in his eighty sixth year. Sworn at the city of Toronto this 2d day of May 1838 Before me James [Signed] FitzGibbon J. P. Home District} [Signed] John Wamsley [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 21, Petition Number 30]
Lampman, William (1)
Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman of the Township of Stamford dated on 14 Apr 1829
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Son of Frederick Lampman — of the Township of Stamford an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist, is twenty four years of age and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Therefore Humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him two hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown and permit Andrew Mercer Esquire to be his Agent to Locate the same and take out the Deed when completed and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray — [Signed] William Lampman” Read in Council on 6 Nov 1829. Ordered recommended [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 8]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. dated on 14 Apr 1829 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman
“District of Niagara} William Lampman – maketh Oath that he is the person he describes himself to be in the person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 14th day of April 1829 [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman} [Signed] William Lampman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 8]
Certificate of George Keefer attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman
District of Niagara} I do Certify that William Lampman the above named Petitioner is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown to the best of my knowledge and belief — [Signed] Geo Keefer” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 8a]
Certificate of James Muirheadm H, P. and Charles Richardson attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman
“District of Niagara} We James Muirhead Esquire Chairman and Charles Richardson Esquire Clerk of the Peace Certify that William Lampman personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the son of Frederick Lampman — who retained his loyalty during the late War without aiding or assisting the Enemy — [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman [Signed] Charles Richardson clk of the Peace Dist of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 8a]
Certificate of Grant Powell dated 5 Nov 1829 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman
“I certify that William Lampman a native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance required by Law, before me at York, in the Home District, this 5th day of Novr in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine [Signed] Grant Powell” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 16, Petition Number 8b]
Lampman, William (2)
Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman of River Sydenham, Farmer read in the Executive Council on 26 May 1846
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner was located by Colonel Talbot in the year 1830 upon a lot of land at Bear Creek in the Township of Zone 5th Concession east half of Lot No 32 of one hundred acres – the settlement duties he has performed and is ready to pay the fee that may be required. Wherefore your petitioner prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the said lot of land and as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray. Port Talbot 10th Feb 1843 [Signed] William Lampman Recommended by [Signed] Thomas Talbot” “I certify that William Lampman has taken the oath of allegiance before me—[Signed] Thomas Talbot J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61]
Order of the Executive Council dated on 26 May 1846 on the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Lampman
“The Petitioner was located & returned for the East half of Lot number twenty two in the 5th Concession of the Township of Zone 100 Acres and it appearing from the accompanying Certificate by the Honbl Colonel Talbot that the conditions of Settlement have been complied with It is recommended that the location be confirmed by Order in Council & that a Patent be prepared upon payment of the Crown fees. [Signed] T. Benthillin” “In Committee 29 July 1846 Recommended Appeared in Council same day Order issued 31st July 1846” .” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61a]
Land, Abel
Upper Canada Land Petition of Abel Land dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 29 Jun 1793
“Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialist as well as his Father before him have [….]ably retained their Loyalty, & have both suffered very considerably in their persons & property from this Circumstance—Your Memorialist wishes now to Settle in this Country & for this purpose prays the honble Board to Assign him Lotts No 18 & No 19—in the 5th Concession of the 7th Township of this district And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Abel Land” Ordered granted on 29 Jun 1793. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of the Land Board dated 29 Jun 1793 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Abel Land
“The Subscribing Members of the Board Satisfied that the within Allegations are founded in truth & having rendered the oath of Allegance to the Petitioner know of no reason why the Lotts within prayed for may not be granted to the Petitioner [Signed] R Hamilton, Robert Kerr, Nathl Pettit” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 19a]
Upper Canada Land Petition of Abel Land dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 29 Jun 1795
“Most humbly sheweth That in the early part of the late American War Your petitioner with his father, commonly called Captain Robert Land, took Arms for Government and entered upon actual Service under Captain Brandt was afterwards taken prisoner at a place called Cart[…]ton when acting as a Volunteer under the said Captn Brandt made His Escape from Confinement and joined the Royal Standard at New York where he entered & served in the Engineer Department. That Your petitioner had the Honor of serving under Your Excellency in this latter Capacity at Great Bridge in Virginia and was one of those embarked on Board of His Majestys Fleet destined for the relief of York Town—That your petitioner continued in Arms against the Americans untill the peace, when with other refugees he went to Nova Scotia & lived there the nine years preceeding his coming into this province. That your petitioner has as yet only drawn two Hundred acres of Land from Government tho he has a wife, the Daughter of a Loyalist who distinguished himself in the acres at Mudford, and five Children four of whom are boys. Wherefore Your petitioner comes to your Excellency & prays for such additional allowance of the assignable Lands of Government as in your Excellency’s Wisdom & bounty may be deemed meet to grant to him & his family and as in duty bound he will ever continue to pray &c [Signed] Abel Land” Received at the Executive Council Office on 29 Jun 1795 and read in Council on 15 Jul 1795. Ordered four hundred acres additional. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 28]
Land Robert (1)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert Land dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Jun 1794
“Humbly shewith—That your Petitioner came into Niagara as an express from Gen Sir Henry Clinton in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine—previous to which he had been employed in carrying expressed for the british army for two years, during which period his sufferings and dangers were necessarily great and once after a long confinement and condemnation he made his escape. Your petitioner Begs leave to inform your Honour that He was previously to the late rebellion possessed of considerable property in lands and personal estate in Pennsylvania, and was also a magestrate under the old constitution in that Colony. All which he has lost and never received any compensation for his losses, and but little compensation for his services. Your Petitioner begs your Honors would take his case into your serious and wise consideration and as he is confident your Honors will be satisfyed of his character and merits from the principle characters in the Province he most humbly prays your Honors would grant him a location of lands—The quantity he presumes not to mention but would submit with cheerfulness to the Generosity of your Honors, and as in duty bound he will ever pray [Signed] Robert Land” Added note: “recd 200 at Burlington Bay” Ordered by the Executive Council that he shall have a grant for each of his Sons of 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 27]
Land, Robert (2)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert Land dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 29 Jun 1795
“Most humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is the Son of a Zealous and active Loyalist commonly called Captain Robert Land, who was early in Arms in behalf of Government, during the late American War & persisted in his duty untill the ensuing peace. That your Petitioner was too young to carry Arms during the war, but remained all the time it continued within the british Lines with the rest of the family—whereas he removed with them to Nova Scotia & thence into this province—That being arrived at Years of Manhood he is desirous of locating Lands & of cultivating the Same but has hitherto drawn none from Government—Wherefore your petitioner prays that your Excellency would in your wisdom and bounty direct such quantity of the assignable Lands of the Crown, in this District to be, to be [sic] allotted to your Petitioner as in your petitioners Case may be deemed meet—And your petitioner as in duty bound will never cease to pray—&c [Signed] Robert Land” Received in the Executive Council Office on 15 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 15 Jul 1795. Ordered two hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 1, Petition Number 55]
Lane, Ezekiel and Amos
Upper Canada Land Petition of Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane of Trafalgar, Yeomen dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners are Sons of Jonathan Lane an Emigrant from the United States of America upwards of 30 Years ago. That they were born in this Province. that your Petitioner Ezekiel is 26 Years of age and has a wife and one Child. Your Petitioner Amos is upwards o Twenty one Years old. That they have not received any Land from the Crown, and are desirous of becoming actual Settlers on the waste Lands. Wherefore they pray Your Excellency to grant to each of them such portion of Land as Your Excellency may deem meet. And your Petitioners shall ever pray [Signed] Ezekiel Lane.” Amos Lane made his mark. Received in the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1819 and referred to the Surveyor General to report. Report of the Surveyor General: “I do not fine that the Petitioners have received any land or order for land. [Signed] Thos. Ridout Surveyor General 10 Mar 1819” Read in the Executive Council on 10 Mar 1819. Ordered 100 acres each. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 8]
Certificate of Lieutenant Peter McCallum dated on 22 Feb 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane
“This is to Certify that Ezecal Lain Served as privat man in Captn William Crooks flank Company at Fort Georg in the year of 1812 During which time he Demaind himself as a soldier And I beleve he has ever bor the Caractor of a oyal Subject During the Last war with united Staits and Great Britton & has the Caractor of an honest & in Dustrous Man [Signed] Peter McCallum Lieut 2d R G M L Nelson 22 Feby 1819” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 8a]
Certificate of Lieutenant Peter McCallum dated on 22 Feb 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane
“This is to Certify that Amos Lane Privat in the Company which I am now in charg & I have Ever known him fr a child Durin whi time he has conducted himself as a sober & an inDoustrious young man During which time he has been considered as a duriful SubJect to his Majestrys Crown and Dignity Given under my hand at Nelson this 22 Day of Feby 1819 [Signed] Petter McCallum Lieutn 2 Reg G M L” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 8b]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Ezekiel Lane of Trafalgar Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 8c]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Amos Lane of Trafalgar Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 8d]
Lane, Gilbert
Upper Canada Land Petition of Gilbert Lane received in the Executive Council Office o 25 Nov 1818
“Humbly Sheweth. That Your Petitioner is a native of and has always resided in this Province. That he is a married man & has the means of improving a portion of Land. Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly prays that Your Excellency would be pleased to grant him such quantity of the waste Lands of the Crown as Your Excellency may seem meet. And Your Petitioner shall ever pray [Signed] Gilbert Lane” Received in the Executive Council Office on 25 Nov 1818 and referred to the Surveyor General to report. Report of the Surveyor General dated 25 Nov 1818: “It does not appear that the Petitioner has received any Land or order for Land. [Signed] T Ridout Surveyor General.” Read in the Executive Council on 25 Nov 1818. Ordered recommended for 100 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 96]
Certificate of Captain Henry Hixon dated at Grimsby on 20 Nov 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Gilbert Lane
“This is to Certify that the bearer hearof Gilbert Lane belonged to my Company During the Late war and behaved himself as becoming a Loyal Subject. Grimsby 20th November 1818 [Signed] Henry Hixon Capt 4th Regt L M” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 96a]
Certificate of John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council dated 24 Nov 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Gilbert Lane
“I Certify, that Gilbert Lane of Gainsborough Yeoman a native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District, this 24th day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen [Signed] John Small CEC” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 96b]
Lane, Isaac
Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac Lane of Trafalgar Yeoman dated in York [Toronto] on 21 Dec 1825
“Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner is a native of Gainsboro in the Niagara District of this Province, has a wife and two Children has taken the Oath of Allegiance, and never before petitioned for Land. That Your Petitioner is of ability and desirous to improve a Location of the waste Lands. Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly Prays Your Excellency will be pleased to grant him 100 acres as a Settler And as in duty bound Your Petitioner will ever pray” Isaac Lane made his mark. Received at Government House on 21 Dec 1825 and referred to the Surveyor General. Report of the Surveyor General “I don not find that the Petitioner has ever received any Land. [Signed] Thomas Ridout 21 Decr 1825” read in Council on 21 Jun 1825 and ordered 100 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 137]
Certificate of Captain James Dittrick dated in Grantham Township, Lincoln County on 30 Sep 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac Lane
“I Certify that Isaac Lane private did belong to my Company during the late war and has done his duty at all times under my Command as a good Loyal Subject [Signed] James Dittrick Captain 4 Regt Lincoln Militia” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 137a]
Certificate of Grant Powell Commissioner dated in York [Toronto] on 21 Dec 1825 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Allan Lane of Gainsboro Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this 21 day of Decr in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five [Signed] Grant Powell Commissioner” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 14, Petition Number 137b]
Lane, Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan
Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane all of the Township of Gainsborough Yeomen dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819
“Humbly Sheweth. That Your Petitioners are Sons of Joseph Lane Senior of Gainsborough an Emigrant from the United States of America about 32 Years ago & all born in this Province. That your Petitioner Jeremiah is 32 Years old & has a wife and two children – Joseph is upwards of 24 – Jonathan 23, and Allan upwards of 21 years of age. That they have never received any Land from the Crown and being desirous of becoming actual Settlers on some of the waste Lands Humbly pray Your Excellency will be pleased to grant to each of them such portion of Land as Your Excellency may deem meet – And Your Petitioners will ever pray – [Signed] Jonathan Lane” Jeremiah Lane made his mark. Joseph Lane Junr made his mark. Allan Lane made his mark. Received in the Executive Council Office on 10 Mar 1819 and referred to the Surveyor General. Report of the Surveyor General: “It does not appear that the Petitioners have received any land or order for land. [Signed] Thomas Ridout 10 March 1819” Read in the Executive Council on 10 Mar 1819 and ordered 100 acres each. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9]
Certificate of Captain James Didrick dated on 26 Feb 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“This is to Certify that Jeremiah Lane, Joseph Lane, Jonathan Lane, Allan Lane Ezekiel Lane and Amos Lane has done duty under me during the Late war, and always Behaved themselves and done their duty Like soldiers when Ever Called on. Feby 26th 1819 [Signed James Didrick Captn 4 Regt L. M.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9a]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Jeremiah Lane of Gainsboro Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9b]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Joseph Lane of Gainsboro Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9c]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Jonathan Lane of Gainsboro Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9d]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] on 9 Mar 1819 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Allan Lane of Gainsboro Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this Ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Nineteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 12, Petition Number 9e]
Lane, Jonathan
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan Lane Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797
“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner came into this Province in the year 1786 and brought with him a wife and four Children – That your Petitioner settled on a lot in Gainsborough No 12, 6th Concession which he has considerably improved, Wherefore your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to Confirm him in said Lot, likewise such grant for his wife and four Children as your Honor may think proper and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” Jonathan Lane made his mark. “Witness [Initialled] A McN” Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797 and read in Council the same day. Ordered to be confirmed in Lot No. 12. 6th Concession of Gainsborough and 250 acres for family lands if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 86]
Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 25 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan Lane
“I do Cartify That The Bearer Jonathan Lane Came into This province in The year 1786 Brought with Him a wife and four childring Given under My Hand this 25 Day of April 1797 [Signed] David Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 86a]
Lane, Joseph (1)
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Lane of Gainsboro, Yeoman received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797
`Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner came into this Province in the year 1786—and had a wife & three Children previous to the year 1789—That your Petitioner has settled on a lot in The Township of Gainsborough in the 6th Concession and No 11 which he has much improved—Your Petitioner therefore Humbly prays your Honor would Confirm him in said lot, and allow him such grant for his wife and their Children as your Honor may think proper & your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” Joseph Lane made his mark. “Witness [Initialled] A McN” Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797 and read in Council the same day. Ordered to be confirmed in Lot No 11 in the 6th Concession of Gainsborough and 200 acres family lands if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 88]
Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 24 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Lane
“I do Cartify That The Bearer Joseph Lane Came into this Province in the year 1786 Brought a wife and 1 Child Had two More Born prior to The year 1789. Given under My Hand this 24 D April 1797 [Signed] David Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 88a]
Lane, Joseph (2)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Lane, John D Lane and Asher Lane dated at Niagara on 1 Feb 1797
“Respectfully Shews that they was within the Brittish Lines on Long Island During the late wars with America. That your pertitioners Humbly prays your Honour would be pleased to Grant them Such a perpotion of Land as your Honour may Think proper and your pertitioners will as in Duty Bound Ever pray—[Signed] Joseph Lane, John Deake Lane, Asher Lane” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 25 Feb 1797. Ordered the Petitioners must produce certificates of the facts stated. Read again on 9 May. Ordered 200 acres with permission to be located on Yonge Street. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 83]
Certificate of John McKay dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 8 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Lane, John D Lane and Asher Lane
“This is to Certify that the Bearer Joseph Lane has resided on my farm at the twenty Mile Creek Since the 16 May last [Signed] Jno McKay” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 83a]
Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated on 9 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Lane, John D Lane and Asher Lane
“I do hereby Certify that on this 9th day of May 1797, Joseph Lane appeared Before me William Dickson Esquire One of his Majestys Justices of the Peace in & for the Home District, and took the Oath of Allegiance & Signed the Declaration—[Signed] William Dickson JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 3, Petition Number 83b]
Lane, Nathan
Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathan Lane of Gainsborough, Yeoman dated in York [Toronto] on 24 Nov 1818
“Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner is a native of and has always resided in this Province. That he has a family of a wife and three children and has never received any Land from the Crown. That he is of ability and desirous to improve a portion of the waste Lands of the Crown. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that Your Excellency would ne pleased to grant him such quantity as Your Excellency may deem meet. And your Petitioner shall ever pray – [Signed] Nathan Lain” Received in the Executive Council Office on 25 Nov 1818 and referred to the Surveyor General to report. Report of the Surveyor General: “It does not appear that the Petitioner has received any Land or order for Land SGO 25 Nov 1818” Read in Council on 25 Nov 1818 and recommended for one hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 95]
Certificate of Captain James Dettrick dated 30 Sep 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathan Lane
“Grantham September the 30 1816 I Certify that Nathan Lane private did belon to my Company during the late war and that he has done his duty at all times under my Command as a good and Loyal Subject [Signed] James Dettrick Capt 4 Regt Lincoln Militia” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 95a]
Certificate of John Small J. P. dated in York [Toronto] 24 Nov 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jeremiah, Joseph Junior, Jonathan and Allan Lane
“Province of Upper-Canada I Certify that Nathan Lane of Gainsborough Yeoman an native of Upper Canada hath taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, at York, in the Home District this 24th day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen [Signed] John Small JP” ” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 11, Petition Number 95a]