Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Simpson to Small"

Simpson, Richard

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Simpson dated 20 May 1795

“humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is lately come into this Province to settle, and being desirous of becoming an Inhabitant of Newark—Prays Your Excellency to grant him a Town Lot No one hundred and Thirty Seven, that he may build upon the same, and Your Petitioner as in duty bound, will ever Pray [Signed] Richd Simpson” Read in the Executive Council on 18 Jun. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 129]

Mentioned in a certificate of Ralfe Clench dated at York on 2 Apr 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Clark

“This is to Certify that Richard Sampson who is entered for Lot No 137 in the Town of Niagara left this Country and went into the United States at least Twenty Years [ag…] and has not been at Niagara since.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Cb” Pt. 1, Petition Number 92a]

Mentioned in the Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. (no Upper Canada Land Petition attached)

“Personally appeared before me this 20th Day of April 1797 Nicholas Clinck [sic] a brother, and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth that Simpson left this place about one year, and nine months ago, and verily believes He will not return again, as he said on leaving Niagara, he would return to England – So help me God [Signed] Nicolaus Klingenbranner Sworn before me [Signed] Robert Kerr, J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “I” “J” Bundle 3, Petition Number 21]

Mentioned in the Certificate of Thomas Ridout, Notary Public (no Upper Canada Land Petition attached)

“I the undersigned Notary Do hereby certify that on the fourth Day of April of this present year, at the request of William Vanderlip and John Jones of the Town of Newark, I visited Lot No 137 in the said Town, and discovered, that some improvements had formerly been begun thereon vizt – part of the underwood had been cut down and burnt; about twenty Pickets, on the north west side, and forty, on the south west side thereof, had been formerly, but in an irregular manner, put up – but now, in a very ruinous State, and that a Trench had been dug for the putting up more pickets – the whole appears to be neglected and abandoned—In Testimony whereof –I have hereunto set my Hand at Newark this 16 Day of May 1797—[Signed] Thos Ridout Not. Pubc” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “I” “J” Bundle 3, Petition Number 22a]

Mentioned in the Order of the Executive Council (no Upper Canada Land Petition attached)

Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul 1797. Ordered to let notice be given to— Simpson that if he does not appear within 6 month, the Lot will be escheated.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “I” “J” Bundle 3, Petition Number 22a]

Simpson, Thomas

Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Simpson dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 13 May 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner having drawn no lot in the Town of Newark and wishing to become an Inhabitant of the same Humbly prays your Honor to grant him one. And your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever pray [Signed] Thomas Simpson” No Executive Council dates or order on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1783-1818, Petition Number 8]

Singer, Susanna (Overholt)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Susannah Overhalt [sic] dated on 26 Sep 1800

“The Petition of Susanna Overholt Daughter of States Overhalt, and wife to John Singer, all of the Township of Clinton, County of Lincoln and District of Niagara – Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of States Overhalt of the Township of Clinton, aforesaid, a U. E. Loyalist, and Wife to John Singer, that She is of the full age of twenty Six years and has never received any Lands or any order for Lands from the Crown, Wherefore She prays that your Excellency would be pleased to grant to her Such a Portion of the waste Lands of the Crown as to your Excellency May Seem meet, and as in Duty bound will Ever pray—” Susanna Overhalt made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Sep 1800. Stats Overholt on the list. Ordred recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 5, Petition Number 109]

Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 26 Sep 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Susanna Overhalt

“Personally appeared before me Robert Nelles Esqr one of his Majestys justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara, the above named Susanna Overhalt, who being duly Sworn on the holy Evangelist of almighty god, Deposeth that She is of the full age of twenty Six years, and that she never has never received any lands or andy Order for Lands from the Crown –” Susanna Overhalt made her mark. Taken & Sworn before me this 26th Day of Sepr 1800 [Signed] Robt Nelles” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 5, Petition Number 109]

Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 26 Sep 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Susanna Overhalt

“I do hereby Certify that the within named Susanna Overhalt is the Person She Describes herself to be, and that She never has to my Knowledge and belief, received any lands, or any Order of lands, from the Crown—[Signed] Robt Nelles, J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 109, Petition Number 109a]

Sipes, John

John Sipes was mentioned in the testimony of David Ramsay added to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Frederick Burger Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Aug 179. [The following is as written by Ramsay]

This Fredrick Burger was the first Settler Between fort Eare and Chipewa Creek. then across the Creek, above a Mr. Risley bought a possession of a lott above mr Risley Capt. Powell also bought a possession of John Sipes after this Capt. Powell took possession of several Back Lotts Between the Lake and this Creek—and below Burger in the front a mr Carrol Came and improved, below Burger and Burger forbid mr Carrol and told mr Carrol that he was too nigh him. Nevertheless he improved. the Land was first surveyed by Allen McDonald, then Burgers Lott was a hundred and Sixty Eight acres—again it was surveyed by Philip fry then Burger was only Left those few Acres of brocken fronts and part of a lott in the 2d and part of a lott in the 3d Concession. burger then Invited Coppers and his wife from fort Slusher to Live Close by him and he gave Coppers a pice of Clear ground to build on and make a garden, and in 1787 Coppers had an improvement in one of the back Concessions and Burger and Coppers had there houses Close together, then Agustes Jones surveyed the Land and Burger was Left only the brocken front. soon after at a land Board held on the mountain Burger and his neighbours was there mr Carrol would have Relinquished his right to Burger providing that Burger would make such another improvement for mr Carrol. But mr Hamelton would not Alow of it. mr Hamelton saw that Burger must pay mr Carrol money for his improvement (But where Could a poor Soulder get money at that time when he owned nothing Larger then a hoge or a dog and he Saved his wheat some years and houed it in with the howe) Colonel Butler Said to Give the poor man his Land But mr Hamelton said that Burger must pay money So Burger Got no Land and it Continued so until the Arrival of his Excellency when Burger memoreld his Excellency which Greatly Offented Colonel Pouel and John Warren Esqr being Burgers Petition Called them and others of the Authorety Land Jobbers, as they were, then the Land Board, again Dispossessed Coppers in Right and put Burger in possession of this Lott the second time. this is the Lott that Burger now petitioners straight back of where he now Lives—I certainly Know that part of what I have wrote is a truth for Buerger has showed me papers wrote by Philip fry allotting burger some Back Land which papers burger has yet. I also know that in 1787 that Copers had I suppose three Acres of a Clearence in a back Lott and part of his fence was Brush fence on this incloser Coppers planted and Coppers gave me also Liberty to Plant a bushel of pottatos in his incloser which the people that now Lives there Knows this to be a truth. [Signed] David Ramsay. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 91]

Size, John

Included in Return of Persons who have been permitted by His Honor the Administrator to occupy Lands during the Recess of the Council dated at the Surveyor General’s Office on 24 Jan 1797 signed by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith

20 Oct 1796 John Size – 200 acres

Read in Council on 24 Jan 1797 and confirmed Initialled “PR” by Peter Russell [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 73]

Skinner, Aaron

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaiah Skinner of the River Don dated at York (Toronto) on 28 Jun 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner has received only one Hundred Acres of Land being the one half of Lot No 13 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of York – the whole Lot being granted to your Petitioner, and his Brother Aaron Skinner - & on which they have erected a grist mill and saw mill, at considerable Expence – Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him such addition to the Land he has received, as to your Honor may seem meet – and a Town Lot in York on which he would erect a House without delay and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Isaiah Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Jun 1797 and read in Council on 22 Dec. Ordered the prayer of this petition cannot be complied with. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 4, Petition Number 150]

Skinner, Benjamin Sr.

Upper Canada Land Petition of Benjamin Skinner of the Township of Stamford dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 15 Jun 1795

“Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner from his Attachment to the British Government during the late Rebellion suffered imprisonment, and lost the greater part of his Property. In the year 1785, he came into this Province with his Family consisting of Ten Children, and has received Two Hundred and fifty acres, for himself and them—But having never met with the Commissioners on American Claims has not received any compensation for his losses which were very considerable—Your Petitioner has therefore no recourse at present, but in your Excellency and the Honorable Council; presumes to hope he may be indulged with a further grant of Land, to which he pretends no claim whatever, but relies entirely on the Benevolence of your Excellency to the Father of a large Family, who has much suffered for his Loyalty, but who neglected to avail himself of His Majestys gracious Intentions towards Persons of his Description—And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 16 Jun 1795. Ordered inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1783-1818, Petition Number 101]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

Skinner, Benjamin, Jr.

Upper Canada Land Petition of Benjamin Skinner Junior of Stamford dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 May 1797

“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner is the Son of Benj. Skinner – a Loyalist – and himself also suffered greatly for his Loyalty – that your Petitioners Father came into the Province in the year 1785 with a wife and 7 Children – and has received 550 Acres of Land – that having about 2 years ago applied for an additional grant of Land, He on account of his age, was informed, that his Son on petitioning should be considered – That Your Petitioner has a wife and four children – & has received 200 acres of Land, which he has located in Stamford & in Pelham – both which Lots are so wet, that it is impracticable for your petitioner to get his subsistence on them; Your Petitioner therefore prays Your Honor would be pleased to grant him such addition to the Lands he has received, on account of his father, as to your Honor may seem meet, and Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Benjamin Skinner Junior” Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 May 1797 and read in Council on 10 May. Ordered the Petitioner having sold the land granted to him is not entitled to any further extension of his Majesty’s bounty. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 198]

Skinner, Ebenezer

Upper Canada Land Petition of Ebenezer Skinner dated at Stamford on 29 Nov 1796

“That he is the Son of Benjamin Skiner Senr [sic] a Loyalist came into this province AD 1785 hath taken the oath of allegiance hath taken up two hondred acres at different times by reason of not being entitle to but one hondred at the first by which reason was obliged to take it in different places & not so convenient for a farm & that he brought into this province Mary his wife AD 1788. He there fore prays that His Honor would grant him two hundred & fifty acres of Land if it may Seem meet as in Duty bound will pray [signed] Ebenezer Skiner [sic]” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1796. Ordered proofs wanting. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1783-1818, Petition Number 5]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

Skinner, Elizabeth (Palmer)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Skinner, alias Palmer of the Township of Stamford, County of Lincoln & District of Niagara dated on 5 Aug 1801

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is married to Benjn Skinner and is the Daughter of David Palmer of the Township of Grimsby a U. E. Loyalist. Your Petitioner is of the full age of Twenty Eight years and has never as yet Received any Lands from the Crown. Wherefore She Prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant to her such a Portion of the waste Lands of the Crown as to your Excellency may appear meet and as in duty Bound Your Petitioner will Ever Pray” Elizabeth Palmer made her mark. “[….] R Clench” Notation: Examined David Palmer on the List. Read in the Executive Council on 18 Aug 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 5, Petition Number 11]

Certificate of David Secord J. P. dated on 5 Aug 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Skinner

“District of Niagara} Personally appeared before me David Seacord Esqr One of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara the above named Elizabeth Palmer who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, Deposeth that she is of the full age of Twenty one years, and that she never has never Received any Lands from the Crown – Taken & Sworn before me this 5th Day of August 1801 [Signed] David Secord J P} Elizabeth Palmer made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 11a]

Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 5 Aug 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Skinner

“I do hereby Certify that the above named Elizabeth Palmer is the Person She describes herself to be and that She never has to my knowledge and belief, Received any lands from the Crown [Signed] David Secord, J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 11a]

Skinner, Haggai

Upper Canada Land Petition of Haggai Skinner of Stamford dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on [..]Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is a loyalist, and came to this Province in the year 1785 with a wife and 5 children, having now 8 – that he has received 200 acres for himself & 300 acres as family Lands – for which he is very thankful – That your Petitioner in endeavoring to join the Royal Standard in the year 1778 – was taken, and that he was kept in Prison from that time to the conclusion of the war – being upwards of four years – Your Petitioner therefore humbly hopes, that in consideration of his large family, as well as in consideration of his loyalty, your Honor would be pleased for to grant him 200 acres in addition to the Land he has received and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Unsigned] Added notation of Thomas Ridout, N. P.: This petition was personally applied for by Haggai Skinner [Signed] T Ridout N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 2 May. Ordered 100 acres for additional family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 139]

Certificate of Allan McDonald attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Haggai Skinner

“These are to Certify that the Bearer Haggiah Skinner that I have Been fully Acquainted with him and his family Ever Since the year 1775 and he always Shewd himself a true and loyal Subject to his Majesty and in the year 1785 in the Month of July Came into this province and Remained as a Setler Ever Since and brout in with him a wife and five children [Signed] Allan McDonald” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 139a]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. and Isaac Swayze J. P. dated at Stamford on 27 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Haggai Skinner

“I do hereby Certify that Haggai Skinner Came into this province in the year 1785 that he has made a large Improvement that he has been always Considered as an honest & Very Industrious man, that he has one child born in this province before the year 1789—Given under my hand at Stamford this 27th April 1797 – [Signed] John Reilly J. P. Isaac Swayze JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 139b]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

Skinner, Henry

Land Board Certificate dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) 18 Oct 1794 issued to Henry Skinner

Summary: On 18 Oct [1794] the Land Board read the petition of Henry Skinner for a grant of Two Hundred acres of land in the Township of [blank] and found him qualified for a grant of 200 acres. The order was referred to the Acting Surveyor General D W Smith Esqr. [Signed] Robert Kerr, R. Hamilton, John McNabb” Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul [1796] Ordered referred to the Surveyor General & to be granted in Windham if there is room. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 89]

Skinner, Isaiah

Letter from Acting Surveyor General David W Smith to John Small, Esquire, Clerk of the Executive Council dated at the Surveyor General’s Office on 1 Oct 1796

“Dear Sir, I wrote you a line on 5th August to say you had given a warrant to John Coon for No 18, Township of York—& another warrant to him for No 19—Since that, I have received another warrant from you, for the same No 18; in [….] Isaiah and Aaron Skinner; who you state, purchased the Lot of Abraham Larroway by his Excellencys permission—As the Description for the patent was made out for John Coon, under the first warrant; I beg leave to acquaint you thereof, that no blame may be on this office in Case of difficulty—Being dear Sir truly yours [Signed] D W Smith ASG” Read in the Executive Council on 8 Oct 1796. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 2, Petition Number 67]

Letter from Acting Surveyor General David W Smith to John Small, Esquire, Clerk of the Executive Council dated at the Surveyor General’s Office on 1 Oct 1796

“Dear Sir, I wrote you a line on 5th August to say you had given a warrant to John Coon for No 18, Township of York—& another warrant to him for No 19—Since that, I have received another warrant from you, for the same No 18; in [….] Isaiah and Aaron Skinner; who you state, purchased the Lot of Abraham Larroway by his Excellencys permission—As the Description for the patent was made out for John Coon, under the first warrant; I beg leave to acquaint you thereof, that no blame may be on this office in Case of difficulty—Being dear Sir truly yours [Signed] D W Smith ASG” Read in the Executive Council on 8 Oct 1796. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 2, Petition Number 67]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaiah Skinner of the River Don dated at York (Toronto) on 28 Jun 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner has received only one Hundred Acres of Land being the one half of Lot No 13 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of York – the whole Lot being granted to your Petitioner, and his Brother Aaron Skinner - & on which they have erected a grist mill and saw mill, at considerable Expence – Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him such addition to the Land he has received, as to your Honor may seem meet – and a Town Lot in York on which he would erect a House without delay and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Isaiah Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Jun 1797 and read in Council on 22 Dec. Ordered the prayer of this petition cannot be complied with. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 4, Petition Number 150]

Skinner, Jephthae

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jephthae Skinner dated Town of Lincoln on 29 Oct 1796

“That he is the son of Benjamin Skinner of Stamford A Loyalist & that I the sd Jephthae Came into this Provance in AD 1794 & for to advanc the population of the country did without any expectation or design of reward [….] assist two families consisting of about fourteen persons with teens & the expense thereof & a considerable part of provisions for sd persons in emigrating to this country & that I took protection under his Majesty King George the third in the Late rebellion of the colonies against his Majesty & that I have taken the Oath of allegianc as may appear from a Certificate from—the Land Board & have taken two hondred acres as my certificate certified a title for & brought in with me a wife & two children. He therefore Prays that his Honor would grant him a tract of land consisting of five hondred acres if his Honor & Honorable Council think meet [Signed] Jephthae Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered not recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 205]

Skinner, Rachel (Vrooman)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachel Skinner—alias Vrooman of Niagara dated on 26 Feb 1801

“That your Petition is the Daughter of Adam Vrooman, late a Serjeant in the Corps called Butlers Rangers, and a Loyalist U. E.—That your Petitioner is a married woman, & having never received any Land – Humbly prays for 200 acres, His Majesty’s benevolence to persons of her description, and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray—[Signed] Rachel Skinner Signed be [sic] me In presence of [Signed] R. Hamilton one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara” Received at the Executive Council Office on 14 Apr 1801. Examined Adam Vrooman on the list. Read in the Executive Council on 14 Apr 1801. Read again in Council on 25 Aug 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as the daughter of an UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 101]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated 26 Feb 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachel Skinner

“I Rachel Skinner, wife of Solomon Skinner, do make oath, that I never received any Lands, or order for Lands from the Crown—Sworn before me this Twenty sixth Day of February 1801} [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 101a]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated at Queenston on 26 Feb 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachel Skinner

“I Robert Hamilton One of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara. Do herby certify, that the petitioner Rachel Skinner – alias Vrooman is the person she describes herself to be, and that has never to my Knowledge or belief, received any Lands, or any Order of Lands, from the Crown—[Signed] R. Hamilton, J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 5, Petition Number 101a]

Skinner, Rhoda (Terry)

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Parshall Terry Esqr. read in the Executive Council on 10 May [1797]

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner having a large family to provide for of 9 Children, and four of whom were born previous to the year 1789—That your Petitioner married Rhoda Skinner Daughter of Timothy Skinner, who’s name is Entered on the U. E. list—wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him a location of 200 acres of land for his wife, as likewise such a grant for his children as to your Honor may seem meet, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Parshall Terry” Read in the Executive Council on 10 May [1797]. Ordered to Rhoda Skinner the wife of the Petitioner 200 acres as the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist—The Petitioner has already got the utmost quantity of land that can be granted him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 3, Petition Number 10]

Skinner, Solomon

Upper Canada Land Petition of Solomon Skinner dated on 18 Oct 1796

“That he is the son of Benj: Skinner a Loyalist & know [sic] Living in Stamford in this provanc with his parents in AD 1795 & has taken the oath of allegianc as appears by a certificate from Esqr John Reilly – inclosed in this—He therefore Prays that your Honor would grant him a tract of Land consisting of two hondred Acres As in duty bound will pray [Signed] Solomon Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered petitioner must wait until he is of age. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 178]

Certificate of John Reilly, J. P. dated on 14 Mar 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Solomon Skinner

“The bearer Solomon Skinner, sixteen years of Age, born in York State, professing the Christian Religion, and by Trade a Farmer, having been this day Examined by me and taken the Oaths proscribed by Law, is Recommended for a Location of Two Hundred Acres of Land within this district provided it does not appear from the Surveyors Books that he has had any prior Grant of Lands in any District of this Province—Given under my hand at Stamford this 14th day of March 1796 – [Signed] John Reilly, J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 178b]

Skinner, Timothy

Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Jul 1794

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner lived in the Colony of New Jersey when the late rebellion in America took place. That he was unaffected with the motives of the times and still preserved his loyalty in the most critical and darkest moments. For which he experienced a variety of sufferings both in his person and property. He has suffered fifteen months imprisonment and was at the time under the necessity of supporting himself or perishing with hunger—He has been fined one hundred & fifty pounds beside being obliged to pay a heavy bill of costs. He and his family have received abuses and insults without number. As soon as he had settled his Affairs after the peace he removed with his family into this Province and has experienced his Majesty’s usual Bounty to all that settle in the province without discrimination of [Cha]racters. Encouraged by the disposition His excellency and Your Honors have ever manifested to the suffering encourage and reward such as have been distinguished for their suffering in the cause of Loyalty and righteousness your Petitioner begs leave to throw himself on the Benevolence of your Honors on the present occasion, and most humbly prays your Honors would indulge him a further location of Lands as much as your Honors in your wisdom shall see fit and as in duty bound he will ever pray. [Signed] Timothy Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jul 1794. Ordered granted an additional lot and referred to the Surveyor General to locate the same. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1787-1794, Petition Number 151]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township dated at Fort Erie on 20 Oct 1796

“We the Inhabitants of the Township of Bertie in the County of Lincoln, are Destitute of a Mill, without going a great distance; as there is a Mill Seat at Point Abino in the said Township which has been granted by His Excellency the Governor Simcoe (for the benefit of the Township or County) to Timothy Skinner, and the said Skinner is transferred the same Mill Seat to Isaac Lane [sic: Laing], inhabitant for 3, 4 years or more ago, and no prospect of any preparation for a Mill yet being builded. – We will therefore be very much oblige to Your Honour – that if Your Honour thinks proper, to grant the said Mill Seat to Jacob Crane an Inhabitant, who promises to immediately commence with the building, and to have it finished as fit to go in the Course of a Year. In Expectation of having this Our Humble Request granted Sir We are Your Most Obedient & Humble Servants [Some of the signatures within each of the families on this document seem to have been signed by the same hand] Silas Carter, John Collins, Thomas Baxter, Joseph Palmer, Jos. Rich. Palmer, Stephen Gill, John Gill, Jeremiah Tuttle junior, Jeremiah Tuttle Senior, John Chambers, Con O’Neil, Daniel Alward, Ellexander McQuine, Daniel McQuene, Ellexander McQuien, James McQuine, John Beringar, Mathias Hone, Mathias Hone Jun, Daniel Alward Jun, Frederick Buck, John Willson, Stephen Middagh, Jacob Haun, Peter Feere, Edward [Noye], Christufful Ritchards, Frederick Sager, Jacob Crane, Jacb Hous, J George [Shumon], Peter Creager, Mical M Beach, Peter Learn, Azaliah Schooley, John Harret, John Cutler, Jehoiada Schooley, Asa Schooley, Joseph Senn, Michael Huffman, Necol Huffman, Jacob Huffman, Fradric Ankarm Crowell Willson, John Garner, Philip Buck, Adam Burwell, Joseph Marsh” Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered dismissed as inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135a]

Certificate of John Small dated 7 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township

“Personally appeared before me John Small Esqr Jacob Crane and John Johnson maketh oath that they on 6th inst called at Timothy Skinners and asked him what he intended to do about building a mill that he had obtained a permission from the Council to build in the Township of Bertie & he the said Timothy answered – that it belonged to one Lane [sic: Laing], and that the said Lane may build when he thought proper, as he the said Skinner had transferred it to the said Lane – and that he the said Timothy Skinner defyed the Governor & Council, that he had get it & put him the said Jacob Crane likewise, at defiance or any one else who might wish to obtain it – That he had now get it, and that it might lay as it was for ages—Sworn before me the 7th day of Decr 1796 [Signed] John Small J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants in the area of Point Abino, Bertie Twp. dated at Point Abino on 14 Jan 1797

“The Petition of the underwritten Inhabitants of the place commonly called point Abino in the Township of Bertie—Most humbly Sheweth That Timothy Skinner and one Crane having petitioned your Honor for Leave to build a Mill on Lot No 32 in the Front or water Concession of the said Township, your Petitioners humbly pray leave to inform your Honor, that if such Mill be built it will be ruinous to all the neighbouring Settlers, as it will be the means of laying under water upwards of three Thousand Acres of their Lands Wherefore they pray your Honor against permission to build that said Mill and as in duty bound they will pray &c. [Signed] James Edsal, David Baxter, Robert Stewart, Michael Shirk, Ob. Dennis, Edwd Stooks, and Peter Cruikshanks” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered referred to the order on Crane’s petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 2, Petition Number 37]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated at York (Toronto) on 22 Jun 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Timothy Skinner Respectfully shews That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him on Young Street 200 acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered recommended to grant the prayer of the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 48]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner the Elder of the Township of Stamford dated at York (Toronto) on 23 Jun 1800

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is proprietor of the Lott 173, – the broken Lot 174 – on the River Niagara, above the falls & the South half of Lot 160 & broken front on the same River, Township of Stamford, by Deed from His Majesty – excepting one chain of reserve on the Bank of the River – extending throughout the front of said Lots—That there is scarce a possibility of the said Reserve being used for a road or a carrying place, it being so broken and rugged – and the road now used, goes through the rear part of the aforementioned Lots—That the south East angle of Lot 174 – Your petitioner formerly disposed to Mr Burch, whereon he built the mills now called by his name – & which are on the River under the Bank—That there is a very suitable situation for other mills – on the North East front of the said Lot No 174 – and at the East End of Lot 160 – or the southerly part thereof belonging to your petitioner, where he is desirous of erecting a grist mill and Sawmill – your petitioner therefore humbly prays your Excellency to grant him permission to erect mills on the River Niagara in front of the aforesaid Lot No 174 – (not interfering with that part belonging to the Heirs of Mr Burch) and in front of the Southerly half of Lot No 160—upon such condition as to your Excellency may seem meet, and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall shall ever pray—[Signed] Timothy Skinner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 23 Jun 1800 and read in Council on 25 Jun 1800. Ordered recommended that the Petitioner do lay before the Board a Plan of the proposed mill seat and intended mill. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127]

Petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn] [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

Proposal for building a Grist and Sawmill on the Niagara River dated at York (Toronto) on 30 Jun 1800

“A plan for Building a grist and Sawmill on a piece of Land as pr petition that is to Say that the Said Timothy Skinner will Build a Sawmill thirty six feet by Twelve Do, and a gristmill Twenty eight Square – ; that he will give security to build the Said mills within three years from the Date of Said grant, or to redeliver the Said grant, and forfeit all the improvements that may be made on the Said Land [Signed] Timothy Skinner” Read in the Executive Council on 19 Aug 1800. Ordered these proposals cannot be accepted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 60]

Slaght, Henry

Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Slaght dated at Niagara on 5 Oct 1796

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner and his Family, are lately arrived in this Province with his Father Job Slaght—That his wife Abigal Slaght is daughter of Anthony Hamenover- late Serjt in Bartons Corps. Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres – and in right of his wife 200 acres of Land – in the Settlement of Long point, and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P. “I do hereby Certify that Henry Slaght personally applied to me for the above petition [Signed] T Ridout N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct. Ordered 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39]

Certificate of George Woodley dated 24 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Slaght

“Before me William Dickson Esquire, one of His Majestys Justices in and for the Home District, personally came George Woodley who being duly sworn Deposeth that he well Knew Antoine Herminover, formerly a Serjt in Col. Bartons Jersey Volunteers, and that Henry Slack, is now married to the Daughter of said Hermanover her maiden name is Abigail Hermanover.” “Sworn before me this 24th October 1796 [Signed] William Dickson J. P.” George Woodley made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39b]

Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated on 14 Sep 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Slaght

“I do hereby Certify that Henry Slaght late of the State of New Jersey, Sussex County, appeared before me this fourteenth day of September 1796 and took the Oath of Allegiance and signed the Declaration [Signed] William Dickson J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39c]

Slason, Bowers

Upper Canada Land Petition of Bowers Slason dated at Niagara on 11 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Bowers Slason, late arrived from the State of New York, with three sons – William, Henry & Jesse Slason – (the youngest of whom is 16 years of age) & has two more sons on their way in with their Families—The Petitioner in behalf of himself & his above named three Sons—Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant himself 1000 acres, & to his sons each 200 of land at the Long point Settlemt upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Signed] Bowers Slason” Read in the Executive Council on 13 Jul 1796. Ordered gave a recommendation for 200 acres to Bower Slason and 200 acres to William Slason approved by his Excellency 31 May 1796. Jesse Slason 200 acres. It appears that the petitioners have already received lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 53]

Slater, Christianna (Thomas)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas daughter of James Thomas of the Township of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Mar 1797

“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner is the only Daughter of the above named James Thomas, who served His Majesty in Sir John Johnsons Corps, & that presuming she may be entitled to His Majestys Bounty of 200 acres of Land, having attained the age of 19 years Your petitioner humbly prays your Honor to grant the same unto her, and as in Duty she will every pray—[Signed] Christeneh Thomas” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 24 Mar. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59]

Certificate of Major Slater dated at York (Toronto) on 7 Nov 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas

“Home District. Major Slater of the Township of Niagara a private in Captain Merritt’s Troop of Militia Dragoons during the late war maketh Oath and saith that he is married to Christiana Thomas (now living) Daughter of James Thomas of the same place formerly of the Royal Regiment of New York who (the said Christiana Thomas) is located on the broken Lots 3 & 6 in the 9th Conn of Hamilton under Order in Council 24th March 1797—Sworn before me at York in said District this 7th day of November 1823 [Signed] W Chewett J. P. [Signed] Major Slater” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59b]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated 8 Nov 1823 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christine Thomas

“A. Mercer Eqr an Agent for Christiana Thomas has Paid into this Office Surveying fees on two hundred Acres of Land Regulation 9th July 1796 1.7.6 N Currrency. Survey fees—for the Receiver General [Signed] G. Hamilton” Added note: “No 453 York 8th Nov. 1823 Received the Land Granting office fees £3.5.2 [Signed] Saml Ridout” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59c]

Warrant issue to Christine Thomas attached to her Upper Canada Land Petition

“Granted to Christine Thomas—Two hundred Acres Order of Council 24th March 1797 [Signed] John Small CEC” Added notation on the reverse: “Christine Thomas is located on the within order for Lots 3 & 4 in 9 Concession of Hamilton for which no description has issued” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59d]

Slaughmill, Henry

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Slaughmill received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is by Birth a German and came to this Province in November 1795 and that your Petitioner served his Majesty in General Kniphausens Brigade during the American war and was taken a Prisoner both at Trenton in the Jerseys and at Sea. your Petitioner hopes your Honor will grant him three hundred acres. And as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] [Gunrief Slaumiles?] Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 145]

Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 8 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Slaughmill

“I do Certify that The Bearer Henry Slawmilk hath Taken the Oath to Bear Faith and True Allegiance to His Majesty King George the Third and Defend to the utmost of his Power His Sacred Crown and government against all Parsons Whatsoever Given Under May hand This Eight Day of March 1797 [Signed] David Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 145b]

Slingerland, Anthony

Upper Canada Land Petition of Anthony Slingerland dated at Niagara on 16 Nov 1792

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner at the Commencement of the late war in America resided with his family in Albany County in the Province of New York where he was Comfortable […] personable Estate. That from his Uniform atatchment to the British Government he was plundered by the Rebels of the most Valuable part of his property as also took your petitioner prisoner and Close Confined him in prison for some Considerable time. That after being Released and finding himself thus Harassed with the Loss of his property & he thought it best for the Interest of himself and family to make his Escape with a Small Part of his property and Come within the British lines—That in the Year 1783 he Arrived at Niagara with his Wife four Sons and one Daughter and after Waiting on His Excelly Gen McClean who at that time had the Command of his Majestys Garrison your petitioner was Ordered half provision for himself and family which he Recd two year and that three of his Sons actually served under Colonel Butler in the Ranger Corps—That your Excellencys petitioner then Receivd Orders Verbally from the Commanding Officer that He might take up Land and Cultivate it for the use of himself and family Provided he did not Come within his Majestys Bounds—That accordingly at that time your petitioner Understood His Majestys Bounds Extended one Mile Back of the Garrison therefore he took up his land one Hundred & Twenty Acres two Miles from his Majestys Garrison where he Built his House and Improved between 30 and 40 Acres—That your Excellencys petitioner is now bourn Down with Old Age and labour under great Anxiety of mind both for himself and his posterity hereafter—to think he has been Labouring in Vain. That your Excellencys petitioner therefore Humbly pray that his Case may be taken into Consideration and that your Excellency will be personally pleased to give him a grant for his Lands so taken up as also his family Lands agreeable to your Excellencys Proclamation and your petitioner as in Duty Bound shall ever pray—” [Unsigned]. Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jun 1794. No order on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 60]

Report of Thomas Welch, Deputy Surveyor dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Jun 1794 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Anthony Slingerland

“By virtue of and Order of Survey from the Surveyor Generals Office of this Province bearing Date the 5th Day of June 1794 and to me directed, Requiring me to Examine and Report on the existing Marks, if any, of a line said to have been Originally run and marked by a certain Allen Mcdonald Between and at the joint request of Anthony Slingerland and Hermanus House both late of the District aforesaid. I do therefore hereby Certify that I have executed the above Order in presence of the above Named Allen Mcdonald in the following manner that is to say, Beginning at a Post marked red, 20 Chains, Standing on the Garrison line and running thence bounding on the Garrison line North Seventeen Degrees West Six Chains to the Centre between a Beech Tree which has been marked on a former Occasion and a Beech Stump which Centre was Shewn to me by the said Allen Mcdonald as the beginning of the line of Division before mentioned; thence running West with an allowance of one Degree to the left for variation about Fifty Chains, and a Considerable number of marked Trees being seen by me Standing & nearly ranging in the said west line Convinces me beyond all doubt that a west line was run and marked from the said Beech Tree & Stump about Ten or eleven years ago. One Degree being the proper allowance for variation for about that length of Time. [Signed] Thomas Welch” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 60c]

Deposition of Philip House dated at Newark on 17 Aug 1795 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Anthony Slingerland

“Personally appeared before me Robt Addision Clerk, one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace Philip House who being duly sworn deposeth, that at the time the Division Line was run between the Lots of his Father Harmonius House, and the late Anthony Slingerland, He the said Deponent was chain Bearer to Allen McDonell who survey’d it, that the said Line run thro’ part of the old premises in which the said Slingerland then lived, and as it cut off a part of Slingerland’s Improvement it was agreed between the said House & him, that he the said Slingerland should make use of the improved part as long as the said Harmonius House should live upon the Lot, and the Deponent further saith that he never heard of any other Agreement whatever between the said parties, and that he hath often heard his Father say that he sold the whole Lott entire to Captain Lotteridge. Sworn before me at Newark 17th August 1795 [Signed] Robt Addison J. P. [Signed] Phillip House” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 60e]

Slingerland, Catherine

Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 Aug 1797

“humbly sheweth That she came into the Province during the American war with her family consisting of five children. That she never received any lands for herself & family excepting 120 acres which her late husband received. She therefore humbly prays that your Honor would be pleased to grant her such a portion of land for herself & family & to your Honor may appear meet, & as in duty bound she will ever pray. [for] Caty Slingerland [Signed] Mary Slingerland” Received at the Executive Council on 18 Aug 1797. Ordered the Petitioner must apply in person. Read again in Council on 30 Aug 1797. Petitioner appearing in person, recommended for 350 acres family lands as surviving parent, also that 180 acres to complete her husbands military lands issue to her and such of her children as are now resident in the Province. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 144]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated on 18 Aug 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Slingerland

“Mrs Catharine Slingerland came into this Settlement with her family before the year 1783 [Signed] R Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 144b]

Slingerland, Claress

Upper Canada Land Petition of Claress Slingerland widow of the late Anthony Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 6 May 1796

“Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner having never through Application of her Husband or herself held any Claims for any Lands in his Majestys Dominion but one Hundred & Twenty Acres and Now hopes that your Excellency will please to take it into Consideration and Grant her an Alottment of the Crown Lands such as Your Excellencys Wisdom will seem meet—And Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever Pray.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on11 May 1796. Noted: “understanding Petitioner is about to leave the Province her Petition not recommended” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 112]

Slingerland, Elizabeth (Van Alstine)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Slingerland and Kithy Bradt dated at Niagara on 7 Dec 1796

“Respectfully shews—That your Petitioners are Daughters of Emanuel Harmonius Van Alstin a Loyalist U. E. & that they have never received any Land. Prays Your Honor will please to Grant them 200 Acres each, and Your Petitioners as in Duty bound will ever pray—” Elizabeth Slingerland made her mark. Kithy Bradt made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Dec 1796 and read in Council on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the daughters of a U. E. Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 130]

Slingerland, Elizabeth (Van Eynen)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Van Eynen, alias Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 1 Aug 1795

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is Daughter of the late Anthony Slingerland a Loyalist U. E. who served in Colo Butlers Corps of Rangers during the American War; That She has never received the Bounty His Majesty has been graciously pleased to allow persons of her description. humbly prays therefore your Excellency will be pleased to grant her 200 acres of the Vacant Lands in this Province and Your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed E. Van Eynen alias Slingerland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Aug 1795 and read on 3 Aug. Ordered two hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “U-V” Bundle 1, Petition Number 16]

Slingerland, Garret

Upper Canada Land Petition of Garret Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 8 Aug 1795

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner served during the whole of the American war in Colonel Butler`s Rangers and has only received One Hundred Acres of Land – Humbly prays therefore your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the remaining two Hundred Acres, which he presumes may be due him. Your petitioner further begs leave to represent to Your Excellency, that his late Father Anthony Slingerland, never received more than 120 Acres, for himself and Family – may it therefore please your Excellency to grant an addition to the sd 120 acres for the benefit of his Father`s widow and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray – [Signed] Garret Slingerland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for the remainder of his Military Lands if not received before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 114]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Garret Slingerland late of Butlers Rangers dated at Niagara on 20 Sep 1796

“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner has received Certificates for 300 acres of Land which he has placed on two Lots, for which his name was entered – that the Lot No 14 in the 4th Concession of Clinton, adjoins one of your Petitioners Lots – but that the name of his Brother Tunis Slingerland having been entered thereon by mistake Your Petitioner has been able to locate the same. Your Petitioner therefore prays Your Honor would be pleased to authorise that name of Tunis Slingerland be erased from said Lot & that your petitioner may receive the same, as a part of his 300 acres – Tunis Slingerland having given up all claim to the said Lot—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” Received at the Executive Council Office and read in Council on 6 Oct 1796. Ordered the Surveyor General is desired to erase. Notice to be given to Tunis Slingerland upon whose resignation the lot prayed for may be given to the Petitioner as part of his military land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 215]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Tunis Slingerland dated on 20 Mar 1798

“Respectfully shews – That Petitioner served six years in the late Col. Butlers Rangers last war, Prays to be confirmed in the 100 Acre Lot, that yr Petitioner is entered for in the Surveyor Genls office, & such further Quantity as yr Honor may please, & yr Petitioner will ever pray.” Tunis Slingerland made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Mar 1798 and read in Council on 22 Mar. Ordered it appearing on reference to the Surveyor General that the Petitioner having sold the Lot No 14 in the fourth Concession of Clinton to Garret Slingerland his brother and acknowledged before a Judge of one of the Courts in the United States that he had received a valuable consideration for the same – the Board orders that the said Lot No 14 shall be confirmed to Garret Slingerland and to mark their sense of the Petitioner’s villainy in endevouring to cheat his brother the Board rejects the other request of the Petitioner for land in addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 4, Petition Number 27]

Slingerland, Mary (Vanevery)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 May 1796

“The Petition of Mary Slingerland otherwise Widow to the late Benjm Vanevery and Daughter of the late Anthy Slingerland Humbly Sheweth That the Husband of your petitioner having served in the Corps of Rangers Commanded by the late Coll John Butler During the late American revolution as a Serjeant and having since the disbanding of said Corps remained in his Majestys Dominions and never taken or possessed any part of his Land and having left your petitioner Destitute of any Tenements or other to Support her your petitioner hopes that your Excellency through his Wisdom will please to allow her to be entitled to her said Husband’s Lands or other part of Lands which may seem Meet to your Excellency. —And your Petitioner as in Duty Bound Will ever Pray—” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 May 1796 and read in Council on 12 Jul. Ordered not recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 57]

Slingerland, Richard

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Slingerland dated on 29 Mar 1794

“Humbly shews That your petitioner prays for 2 Town Lots in Newark—viz Richard for 135, Garret—136 All which is humbly submitted for Both” Richard Slinerland made his mark. No Executive Council dates or decision on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1787-1794, Petition Number 155]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Slingerland late of Butlers Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 17 Jul 1795

“Humbly sheweth, that your Petitioner has received Two Hundred Acres of Land as a reduced Ranger, which he has improved. Having never received the remaining 100 acres which may be due him, prays your Excellency will be pleased to grant the same to him, and likewise Land for his Family consisting of a wife & three Children—And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Richd Slingerland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 18 Aug. Ordered recommended for 100 acres to complete his military lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 92]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Slingerland dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796

“Humbly Sheweth that Your Petitioner having serv’d six Years in the Corps of Rangers Commanded by the late Conl Butler during the late American Revolution and having since the Disbanding of said Corps remained in his Majesty’s Dominions hopes that his Excellency through his Wisdom will please to Grant to him family Lands which May seem meet to Your Excellency. And your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever Pray” [Unsigned] Marginal note: “lives in the Township of Niagara” Read in the Executive Council on 12 May 1796. Ordered family lands one hundred and fifty acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 111]

Acting Surveyor General’s certificate dated 24 Mar 1798 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Slingerland

“A Search in the Surveyor’s Office—Richard Slingerland appears to be entered for Lot No 29 (ie 150 acres) being the Southern 3 Quarters of that number in the 5 Concession, Township of Clarke—Sur Gen Office 24 March 1798 [Signed] D W Smith, actg O. C. 12 May 1796—150 acres family Lands. Query if priviledged.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 111a]

Certificate of Jacob Ball, J. P. dated at Niagara on 21 May 1796 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Slingerland

“I do hereby certify that Richard Slingerland was a private Soldier in Butlers Rangers & had a wife and two Children in the year 1787 & has now three children [Signed] J Ball J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 111b]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Derick or Richd Slingerland – UE 100 acres in Beverley Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117f]

Slingerland, Tunis

Upper Canada Land Petition of Tunis Slingerland dated on 20 Mar 1798

“Respectfully shews – That Petitioner served six years in the late Col. Butlers Rangers last war, Prays to be confirmed in the 100 Acre Lot, that yr Petitioner is entered for in the Surveyor Genls office, & such further Quantity as yr Honor may please, & yr Petitioner will ever pray.” Tunis Slingerland made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Mar 1798 and read in Council on 22 Mar. Ordered it appearing on reference to the Surveyor General that the Petitioner having sold the Lot No 14 in the fourth Concession of Clinton to Garret Slingerland his brother and acknowledged before a Judge of one of the Courts in the United States that he had received a valuable consideration for the same – the Board orders that the said Lot No 14 shall be confirmed to Garret Slingerland and to mark their sense of the Petitioner’s villainy in endevouring to cheat his brother the Board rejects the other request of the Petitioner for land in addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 4, Petition Number 27]

Slingerland, Walter

Upper Canada Land Petition of Walter Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Dec 1793

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner desirous to become an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark humbly requests that your Honors would be pleased to grant him Lot No Two Hundred and Eighty two in said Town, at present in woods & unimproved—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever pray &c &c” [Unsigned] No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1787-1794, Petition Number 156]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Walter Slingerland of the Township of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 22 Nov 1795

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner previous to the dissolution of the Land Boards applied for Lot No 282 in the Town of Newark which was granted him—and his name inserted on the Lot in the Plan thereof; altho no certificate has been issued to him; That your Petitioner has been at considerable Expence in clearing the said Lot & bringing thereon Timber for erected a frame House- Humbly prays your Excellency will therefore be pleased to grant him said Lot and as in Duty bound will ever pray—” Walter Slingerland made his mark. No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered recommended to be granted if the Town lot appears to be vacant. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 103]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Walter Slingerland of the Township of Newark read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul [1796]

“respectfully shews—That your Petitioner by the permission of the late Land Board for the County of Lincoln has improved a Lot in the Town of Newark – that he has a Frame House thereon – & that his name is inserted on the plan thereof—Prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant him Lot No 282 in the Town of Newark. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul [1796]. Ordered recommended if vacant. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 103b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Walter Slingerland dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 2 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Walter Slingerland of the Township of Newark late of Butlers Rangers who has long since occupied Lot No 282 in the Town of Newark by permission of the late Lnd Board- & whose name is inserted in the plan has timber thereon for a frame House & intends to erect it as soon as the Spring work will Permit—Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is settled on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him Lot 282 in Town of Newark upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 11 Jul 1796. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to be complied with if no Town Lot has been granted before and he has complied with the conditions. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 110]

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Johnson Butler received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Jun 1800

“The Petitioner being desirous of obtaining Grants in his Name for a Lot of Ground in the Township of Ancaster in the County of Lincoln known and described as Lot Number Twenty four in the first Concession thereof and containing two Hundred Acres, Purchased from Walter Slingerland as will appear by agreement between the said Slingerland and your Petitioner – Your Petitioner also Prays that a Deed may Isue in his name for a Town Lot in the Town of Niagara known by Number three Hundred and Twenty four purchased by your Petitioner from Anthony Robison – and Your Petitioner humbly Prays that your Excellency will take the Same into Consideration—And Your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever Pray &c &c [Signed] Johnson Butler” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Jun 1800 and read in Council on 6 Jun 1802. Ordered proofs insufficient. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 5, Petition Number 42]

Sloat, Abraham

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Sloat received at the Executive Council Office on 31 Mar 1797

“Respectfully Shews That your Petitioner came into this Province now near four Years ago, and received on coming in, two hundred acres. —That your Petitioner served In the old French war, His Majesty as a Serjt in the Provincial Troops and was at the taking of Niagara in the year 1760—likewise served the year previous to the taking of Niagara, in subduing lower Canada—That your petitioner being too old, and unable to Serve, in the American War, remained in the States, and his only Son that was then able and of age, joined the British Standard, and at the Conclusion of the war, took up his residence in New Brunswick where he has ever since Continued to reside – your Petitioner prays that your Honor would be pleased to reconsider him and allow him such addition as your Honor may think proper, & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Abram: Sloat” Received at the Executive Council Office on 31 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered the Petitioner has got the land he is entitled to. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 170]

Slough, Elizabeth (Bessey)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Bessey received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioners Father did adhere to the Royal Standard during the late American War—That your Petitioner is wife to Jacob Bessy who served in Colonel Butlers Rangers—and as yet has never recd any donation of Land—prays your Honor would be pleased to allow her such a grant of His Majesty’s Lands as to your Honor may seem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Elizabeth Bessy made her mark “by Robert Bessy her Husbands Brother. Witness [Signed] A. McNabb.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797. Ordered to lie over. Referred to the U. E. List. Geo Slow does not appear to be on the U. E. List. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 23b]

Certificate of John McNabb, J. P. dated 22 Mar 1797

“I do hereby Certify that the wife of Jacob Bessey, Elizabeth Slough, is the Daughter of a Loyalist George Slough who came into this Settlement in the year 1789—Given under my hand this 22d day of March 1797. [Signed] John McNabb.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 23]

Certificate of David Secord dated 29 Mar 1797

“I do Certify That I Have Been for this Six years parsonaly aquainted with George Slow of Pelham Believe him to be a good Honest Man and a True Subject of our Lord the King. Given under My Hand this 29 March 1797 [Signed] David Secord.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 23a]

Slough, George

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Bessey Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioners Father did adhere to the Royal Standard during the late American War—That your Petitioner is wife to Jacob Bessy who served in Colonel Butlers Rangers—and as yet has never recd any donation of Land—prays your Honor would be pleased to allow her such a grant of His Majesty’s Lands as to your Honor may seem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Elizabeth Bessy made her mark. “by Robert Bessy her Husbands Brother” Witness [Signed] A. McNabb. Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797. Ordered to lie over. Referred to the U. E. List. Geo Slow does not appear to be on the U. E. List. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Misc.” Petition Number 23b]

Certificate of John McNabb, J. P. dated 22 Mar 1797

“I do hereby Certify that the wife of Jacob Bessey, Elizabeth Slough, is the Daughter of a Loyalist George Slough who came into this Settlement in the year 1789—Given under my hand this 22d day of March 1797. [Signed] John McNabb. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Misc.” Petition Number 23]

Certificate of David Secord dated 29 Mar 1797

“I do Certify That I Have Been for this Six years parsonaly aquainted with George Slow of Pelham Believe him to be a good Honest Man and a True Subject of our Lord the King. Given under My Hand this 29 March 1797 [Signed] David Secord. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle “Misc.” Petition Number 23a]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of George Slow [sic] received at the Executive Council Office on 2 May 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner came into this Province in the year 1789 and brought with him a wife and Eleven Children—That your Petitioner only received two hundred acres upon coming into the Province which he has cultivated and improved, your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him family lands, having as yet never drawn any, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] George Slough” Received at the Executive Council Office on 2 May 1797 and read in Council on 10 May 1797. Ordered recommended for 600 acres family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 192]

Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 7 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Slow

“I do Cartify that the Bearer George Slow came into this province in the year 1789 Brought With him a wife and Eleven Childring Given under My hand this 7 Day of May 1797 [Signed] D Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 192b]

Smades, Joshua

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joshua Smades and Stephen Mirick dated on 10 Oct 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners having viewed Niagara Falls they are of Opinion that Mills may be erected there to answer a very good purpose, Wherefore they pray that your Excellency will please to grant them a Lease of the premises on the Principles of those already granted to Samuel Burch Esqr and Messrs Canby & McGill—Your Petitioners also pray that the limits thereof may extend from Mr Burchs line below the rapids to one half mile below the Falls and extending back to the front line of the Improved Land; and your Petitioners will ever pray. – [Signed] Josha Smades, Stephen Mirick” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 75]

Small, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small dated on 15 Jan 1794

“humbly Sheweth—That yr Petitioner desirous of becoming an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark in the County of Lincoln—requests that he pray have a grant of Lot No 195 to Build on the same yr Petitioner will ever pray—[Signed] John Small” No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle Miscellaneous 1787-1794, Petition Number 163]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council read in the Executive Council on 17 Jun 1794

“Humbly represents—That from the great accumulation of Business in his office, he most respectfully entreats that a Clerk may be allowed him & at the same Rates as in the Lower Province—Which is submitted by [Signed] J. Small” Read in the Executive Council on 17 Jun 1794. Ordered the prayer of this memorial granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 9]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 21 Jun 1795

“humbly Sheweth—That Your Petitioner has some thoughts of building this Year at York. Prays yr Excellency for a front Town Lot & a farm Lot there—& yr Petitioner in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John Small” Ordered granted on 20 Jun 1795 [sic]. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 18]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small Esquire clerk of the Executive Council dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 24 Jul 1795

“humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner being an Inhabitant of the Province Prays Your Excellency to grant him such quantity of Land as yr Excellency in your Wisdom shall think proper. Your Petitioner begs leave to represent to Your Excellency, that he was an officer in the Earl of Berkeleys Regt of the Gloucestor Militia, & on actual Service the whole of the American War (attended at a very great expence) and being Clerk of the Honorable Executive Council hopes will induce yr Excellency to consider Your Petitioners Family, any Portion of Land Your Excellency may please to grant them, will be gratefully acknowledged—Yr Petitioner prays to locate such Lands granted where it may be found Vacant not being reserved & that the Actg Surveyor General be directed to assign the same—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound will ever Pray—[Signed] John Small C E C” Read in the Executive Council on 3 Aug. Ordered 1200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 141]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small read in the Executive Council on 4 Oct 1796

“The Petition of John Small – Clerk of the Hone Executive Council in behalf of his wife Elizabeth Small and his two Sons – John Robert & Joseph Atwell Small} respectfully shews—Prays that your Honor will please to grant them individually such portion of Land as yr Honor may think proper – which is respectfully submitted by Your Honors most obedt & Most Hum. Servt [Signed] John Small” Received at the Executive Council Office on 14 Oct 1795 and read in Council on 4 Oct 1796. Ordered granted for Eliza Small 1200 acres and to each of his children 400 acres vizt. J R Small Joseph Atwell Small. Ordered referred to His Excellency. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 54]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small Esquire read in the Executive Council on 8 Oct 1796

“respectfully shews That yr Petitioner being a Patent officer of the Crown, bearing the Office of Clerk of the Hon. Executive Council, & presuming that Employment entitles him to certain Fees – Prays your Honor to interfere so they may be Assertained with Precision, in order to satisfy all Persons who have business at the Council Office—which is submitted by Yr Honors Most obedt and Most Hum. Servt [Signed] John Small C E C” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 96]

Order of the Executive Council dated 8 Oct 1796 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small

“The Board having taken the same into Consideration judge it reasonable that the Clerk of the Council shall be allowed the following Incidental Fees For Receiving & filing Petitions 0.0.6; Reading the same before the Council 0.2.6; Entering the order thereon & giving a Copy of the Minute or warrant 0.2.6; total £0.5.6 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 96]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Small Esquire dated at York (Toronto) on 28 Jun 1797

“Humbly prays your Honor will please to make up the grant to each of his Sons Twelve hundred acres & yr Petitioner will ever Pray – [Signed] John Small” “List of Children John Robt, Joseph A[….], James Edward [Signed] J. Small CEC” Read in the Executive Council on 28 Jun 1797. Ordered the Committee is sorry that we cannot extend to the children of the Petitioner the only distinction in its power to confer on the children of the members of the Honorable Executive and Legislative Councils and the Honorable the Judges” Revised 6 Dec 1798. Ordered recommended that 1200 acres including former grants be granted to each of the children of the Clerk of the Council. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 4, Petition Number 67]