Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Haddick to Hall"

Haddick, James

Upper Canada Land Petition of James Haddick dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Apr 1794

“Sheweth—That he wishes to obtain a Ticket for Lot No 74 in the Town of Newark for the purpose of building thereon & in duty bound will pray [Signed] James Haddick” No Executive Council notes or recommendation. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 2]

Hagar, Jonathan

Land Board Certificate issued to Jonathan Hagar dated on 7 Jun 1794 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Bearer Jonathan Hagar having on the 12 day of March 1792 preferred to this Board a Petition addressed to His Excellency the Governor in Council for a grant of Two hundred Acres of land in the Township of [blank] in the District of Home We have examined into his loyalty and character and find him duly qualified to receive a single Lot of about two hundred Acres, the oath of fidelity and allegiance directed by law having this day been administered to him by the board, in conformity to the fourth article of the Rules and Regulations aforementioned. Given at the Board at Nassau this Seventh day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety Four To Augustus Jones Acting Surveyor General for the District of Nassau. [Signed] R. Hamilton, John McNabb, Robert Kerr” No Executive Council dates or order on the document. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 145]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan Hagar received in the Executive Council on 15 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth, That upir Petitioner came into this Province about four Years ago, with his family and has never drawn any lands — That your Petitioner married the Daughter of Silas Hopkins a U E Loyalist, who Served as an Officer last American war. Wherefore your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such quantity of land for himself and likewise his wife (the daughter of a U E) as your Honor may think proper and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray — [Signed] Jonathan Hagar” Received in the Executive Council Office on 15 Jul 1797. Ordered “See the Petition of Azubah Hagar Recd in Council 30th Septr 1806” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle Miscellaneous 1797-1829, Petition Number 7]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan Hagar of Thorold Township on 10 Aug 1806

“The Petition of Jonathan Hagar of the Township of Thorold Farmer Humbly Sheweth. That he has improved, and is living on Lots No. 17 & 18 in the 2nd Conn of Thorold . which he purchased from one Andrew Whitsell. That the said Andrew Whitsell obtained the Land Board Certificates, one for Two hundred acres as a Reduced Private in Colonel Bartons Corps, and the other, for three hundred Acres for a wife, and five children. On the Plan in the Surveyor Generals Office. Andrew Whitsell is entered for the following Lots viz: Lots No 17, 18 & 19 in the 1st Conn and Lots No 17 & 18 in the second Concession of the Township of Thorold, containing Five hundred Acres. But in the Land Board Certificates, he has the Lots above mentioned assigned to him, all in the first Concession. A Deed is completed to the said Andrew Whitsell for Lots No 17, 18 & 19 in the 1st Concession, being the quantity contained in one of the Certificates, & on the other Certificates the said Andrew Whitsell has assigned the Lots therein contained (which are Lots No 17 & 18 in the 1st Conn also to Jonathan Hagar your Honors Petitioner. That in the year 1802 your Petitioner claimed the Lots assigned to him by the said Andrew Whitsell on the last mentioned Certificates, before the Commissioners for ascertaining Titles to Land, and the Commissioners Reported in his favour. That unfortunately Mr Clench who drew out the Notice for your Petitioner has the Land Board Certificatewhich Whitsell had assigned to you Petitioner before him before him and your Petitioner claimed the Land thereon contained supposing it to be Lots No 17 & 18 in the 2nd Conn of Thorold of which Lots he made the purchase from Whitsell. That your Petitioner is now come to obtain a Deed for them both, but finds that the Commissioners have allowed him Lots No 17 &18 in the first Concession, which are under Patent to Whitsell on the Authority of the first mentioned land Board Certificate, but the two Certificates being for the same Lots. Your Petitioner of has been mislead and is now unable to procure a Patent for the Land he purchased and which it appears from the entry on the Plan & from the circumstance of the Lots in the first Concession being under double Certificate to Whitsell, it was the intention of the Government to grant him. Whereford your Pettioner prays your Honor in Council will be pleased to take his case into consideration, and afford him such relief as your Honor may see fit, and your Petitioner will as in Duty bound ever pray. York 10th Augt 1806 [Signed] Jonathan Hagar”. Received in the Executive Council Office on 19 Aug 1806 and ordered on Mar 1807 that a patent issue to Andrew Whitsell for Lots No. 17 and 18. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 8, Petition Number 69]

Report of C. B. Wyatt, Surveyor General dated at York (Toronto) on 12 Dec 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan Hagar

“May it please your Excellency. In obedience to Your Excelencys order of reference to me to report upon the Petition of Jonathan Hagar: I am to state to your Excellency that on the Plan of the Township of Thorold returned from Quebec in the year 1792—then known by the ninth Township in the District of Nassau, The name of Andrews Whitsell was found entered upon the Lots No 59, 60, 61, 82, 83, 84 – each Lot containing one hundred acres—all the Lots upon this plan being distinguished by a succession of numbers from No one to 260 – without paying any regard to concessions – That the said Land Board of the late District of Nassau, were also in possession of a Plan of the aforesaid Township – divided into concessions of twenty three Lots each.—

That the Correspond with the following

Numbers No. & Conn

59 17 1st of the

60 18 Land Board

61 19 Plan

82 17 2nd returned on

83 18 the western Bondary

84 19 of the Township—

Of the Quebec Plan

That on the 12th of Jun 1795 – Andrew Whitsell presented to this Office a Land Board Certe dated the 9 February 1791, upon whichhe was assigned (No 787 Asst) the above mentioned Lots No 59, 60 & 61 – and in the year 1796, Under the aforesaid authority a description (no 1087) issued preparatory to the completing a patent in the name of the said Andrew Whitsell for the same By the Niagara Commissioners in April 1803. Jonathan Hagar claimed and was allowed the aforesaid Lots No 17, 18 & 19—in the 1st Concession, otherwise the Lots No 59, 60 & 61 in the Township of Thorold, Andrew Whitsell the original nominee. The Report thereon made by this office on the 9 Jun 1803, contains in substance what is herein stated—The Secretary of the Province has since Reported that a deed has been completed in the name of Andrew Whitsell for the Lots 59 60 & 61—The Lots 82, 83 84 still remain entered in the name of Andrew Whitsell have never been acted upon for want of the authority—all which is humbly submitted to your Excellencys wisdom. Survey. Genl Office York 12 Decemr 1806 [Signed C. B. Wyatt Surr Genl. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 8, Petition Number 69b]

Hagarman, Arnold

Upper Canada Land Petition of Arnold Hagarman of the Township of Clinton, Yeoman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 10 Jul 1795

“Most respectfully Sheweth—That during the late American War Your Excellencys petitioner came over to America in the Brunswick Troops employed in the british Service as auxiliaries That on the Expedition of the late General Burgoyne your petitioner, in Common with the rest of the Army was made a prisoner of War—and during his Imprisonment rejected all the offers and Enticements of the Rebells to enter into their Service and having found the means of effecting his Escape after having remained a year imprisoned, made his way into this province where he immediately took up arms for Government & entered upon actual Service. That your petitioner enlisted into the late Corps of Rangers commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Butler, in Spring 1779, and continued to serve in the said Corps untill its reduction & for his good behaviour was promoted to the rank of a noncommission Officer therein and was reduced as Such at the peace. That your petitioner obtained honorable Discharges from his Commanding Officers both in the brunswick and british Services—That your petitioner is married to the Daughter of a Loyalist by whom he has three Children living and hopes to be considered to stand on the footing of those alluded to in His Excellency General Haldimands’ Instructions in the year 1783—as to family lands—That your petitioner has only drawn hitherto one Hundred Acres of Land on account of his Several Rights but now wishes to locate for the Extent thereof—Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency in your wisdom and bounty would grant to your petitioner Six Hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown to make up for his Compliment, to wit, four Hundred, being the remainder due to himself for Services, as aforesaid & two Hundred for his wife & three Children And should your Excellency deem your Petitioner entitled to any Consideration for a peculiar Action, to wit, wresting out of the Hands of the Enemy, at the risk of his life the Colours of the 21st Regiment of foot & bringing them into the Kings Garrison here, then Such additional quantity of land as your Excellency in your wisdom and known Encouragement of Gallantry, recourse being had to the proof & Circumstances of the fact, may deem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c &c &c [Signed] Arnold Hagarman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 18 Aug. Ordered recommended to grant the Petitioner 400 acres to make up the quantity he is entitled to as a Serjeant in Colonel Butlers Rangers, provided he produces a certificate of his being one, and referred to the Surveyor General to know whether he has received more lands than he states. Not admissible to wife’s or family lands. Noted see a subsequent petition read in Council [8] December 1824. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 29]

Certificate of John McGill, Inspector General dated 24 Jun 1805 to William Jarvis Esqr

“Arnold Haggarman is priviledged as MC for Deeds to the extent of 400 acres of Land—[Signed] John McGill I. G. P. P. To the Surv Gen O. C. Wanting, the Warrant issued 24 October 1796.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 29b]

Hagerman, Benjamin

Upper Canada Land Petition of Benjamin Hagerman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Jul 1797

“humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been upwards of twelve months in the Province, where his mother, Brother & three sisters are settled. That he has taken the oath of allegiance and subscribed the declaration. That he has never received any land, he therefore humbly prays for such a portion of land as to your Honor may appear meet, & as in duty bound he will ever pray [Signed] Benjamin Hagerman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jul 1797. Administered oath of allegiance the same day. Read in Council on 25 Jul 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 70]

Certificate of John McDonnald [sic]dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 26 Jul 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Benjamin Hagerman

“This may certify that the Bearer Benjamin Hagerman is the son of a Loyalist, has been a Setler on the River Thames thirteen Months, with his family consisting of a Widdow Mother three sisters & a Brother – he has conducted himself during that time to the sattisfaction of the people with whom he resides – [Signed] John McDonnald” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 70a]

Hagerman, Nicholas

Named in the Townsend Report prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 applying for settlement in Townsend Township, Norfolk County but deferred to Jun 1, 1797 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Nicholas Haggerman Lot 8 Concession 9

Hagerty, Edward

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward Hagerty dated at Niagara on 30 Jan 1797

“Respectfully Shews That your petitioner having resided in this Province nearly One Year and now wishing locate a certain Tract of his Majesty’s waste Lands, he having taken the oaths, subscribed the Declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion and obedience to the Laws, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him such quantity as your Honor may think proper, and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray—” Edward Hagerty made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Jan 1797 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1797. Ordered deferred till the Petitioner has produced certificates of good behaviour and of being qualified to go on land. Read again 18 Apr. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 49]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated at Queenston on 15 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward Hagerty

“Edward Hagerty has Resided for Twelve Months past in this district – for some part of that time he has been in my service & has conducted himself with Sobriety & Industry. He seems fully inclined to Settle in the Province if he can procure Lands—Queenston April 15, 1797—[Signed] R. Hamilton” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 49a]

Haggarty, Hugh

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Hugh Haggerty [Signed Hagerty] received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Apr 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner came into this Province in the year 1786 and received His Majesty bounty of Two hundred Acres—That your Petitioner brought a wife into this Province and has now five Children, two of which was born previous to the year 1789—your petitioner therefore Humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such addition for himself and such lands for his wife & family as your Honor may think proper and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Hugh Hagerty” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered recommended for 150 acres of family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 106]

Certificate of David Secord J. P. dated on 16 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hugh Haggerty

“This May Cartify that the Bearer Hugh Hagerty Came into this Provance in the year 1786 and Brought with him a wife has Now five Childring two Born afore the year 1789. Given Under My hand this 16 Day of Feby 1797 [Signed] David Secord J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 106b]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace dated on 22 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hugh Haggerty

“Hugh Haggerty has satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he joined the Royal Standard in America before the year 1783 [Signed] R Clench, Clerk of the Peace &c” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 106c]

Haggerty, Patrick

Upper Canada Land Petition of Patrick Haggarthy (Signed Haggerty), Donald McCall and John McCall dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 24 Jun 1795

“The Petition of Patrick Haggarthy, Captain in the late first Battalion of Skinner’s Bridgade—Donald McCall of late Montgomery’s Highlanders and John McCall son of the said Donald, in behalf of themselves and of a number of residents in the State of New Jersey—Most humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioners are sent to petition your Excellency, in the behalf of a very respectable number of people who have always manifested an unshaken Loyalty, chiefly consisting of Subjects born in Great Britain, or immediately descended of parents born therein. That your petitioners and those they act for are desirous of removing into this province, and of settling in a body to enjoy the Happiness of the Government they have been always supporting, or born under; & consequently should on no account wish that a single Individual of suspicious political principles or blemished moral Character should insinuate himself into the Settlement. They are desirous of forming it being the sanguine wish of your petitioners & their honest price to be the founders of a Tract of Population where Government will always find unshaken and zealous adherents in every Emergency That your Petitioners disclaim all views of mercenary Speculation, or Land jobbing, as much as they do every other re[…]ment of american policy, and neither request nor expect any larger allowance of land than in a reasonable proportion to the number of actual Settlers. That influenced by those motives your Petitioners, for themselves and their Constituents, humbly beg leave to represent to your Excellency that if it be consistent with the wise & extensive Views of your Excellency, their prayer is that a tract of Country be set apart for them sufficient for the Establishment of at least one Hundred Settlers, of the preceding Description, in order that they may without delay or intrusion, begin to settle thereon, & bring in their families & properties; and least any Suspicion may arise that on the unsubstantiated proposals of Your petitioners such tract might remain unsettled & uncultivated, your petitioners are willing & ready to enter into Bonds to bring in Fifty Settlers of the above Description within two years & fifty others in the course of other two years—That in Addition to the allowance for one Hundred families as aforesaid your petitioners humbly beg leave to Suggest & Submit to your Excellency, the propriety of some additional quantity of lands in the same tract for Settlers, of said Description, who may have particular Claims for Services, or other merit. That the part of the province on which your petitioners and their Constituents have fixed their Views for their Settlement is on Lake Erie; Ten Miles beyond Turkey point on two Streams called big Creek & little Creek & the span between the Same. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Excellency would take their application into Consideration and give such Order therein as to your Excellency in your wisdom may Seem meet & your petitioners as in duty bound will never cease to pray. [Signed] Patk Haggerty, Daniel McCall, John McCall” Received in the Executive Council Office on 22 Jun 1795 and read in Council on 26 Jun 1795. Ordered Captain Haggarthy will receive the remainder of his lands as a reduced Captain. Donald McCall and his three grown up Sons John, Duncan and Daniel will receive six hundred acres of land each when they can be located and whatsoever settlers they bring in will each receive two hundred acres upon their recommendation. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 78]

Hain, George

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Hain late of Butlers Rangers dated at Niagara on 28 Sep 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him as a reduced Soldier 300 acres of land. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Sep 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct 1796. Ordered prayer granted in consideration of his producing certificate of his family being in the Province, if no land has been granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 71]

Certificate of Peter Ball J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 27 Feb 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Hain

“I do hereby Certify that George Hain has Served as a Private Soldier in Butlers Rangers in the late War [Signed] P Ball J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 71b]

Hainer, Albert

Upper Canada Land Petition of Albert Hainer dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Jul 1795

“The memorial of Albert Hainer Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialist during the late war in America has served His Majesty in the Corps commonly called Butlers Rangers and that your Memorialist has been resident in this Province since the reduction of that Corps—That your Memorialist has received his Majestys Bounty in a Grant heretofore of Three Hundred acres of Land—That your Memorialist is married to the Daughter of a private in the said Corps of Butlers Rangers and has five Children—your Memorialist therefore trusts your Excellency will extend your Grace in Granting your Memorialist an additional Quantity of Two Hundred acres of Land for his wife and fifty acres of Land for each of said Children in all four Hundred and fifty acres—Your Memorialist humbly conceives that your Excellency will Grant that quantity, presuming on the 7th article of Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Land Granting Department—dated at Quebec the 17th February 1789—and your Memorialist as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Albert Hainer” Received by the Executive Council on 21 Jul 1790 and read in Council on 14 Aug 1795. Ordered inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 49]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Albert Hainer dated on 25 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner Served during the late american War as a Soldier in the Corps Commanded by Lieut Coln Butler, and has received his Military allowance of 300 acres—That your Petitioner is married to the Daughter of Isaac Folluck, late a soldier in said Corps & U. E. That your Petitioner had Two children born before the Year 1789: Therefore Prays Your Honor would be pleased to Grant him Two Hundred acres in right of his wife and fifty acres to each of His Children and as in duty Bound Your Petitioner will ever Pray [Signed] Albert Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 11 Mar 1797. Ordered 100 acres if never granted before as family lands—and 200 acres to Catherine Hainer his wife the daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 111]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated 12 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Albert Hainer

“Albert Hainer, Richard Hainer, old Soldiers, and Christian Bradt & Adrian Bradt, —who have come into the British Government since the year 1783 are all married to the daughters of Isaac Volik who served during the late American War in Butlers Rangers [Signed] R Clench Clerk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 111a]

Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated 13 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Hainer

I do hereby Certify that Albert Hainer a late Ranger, had Two children before 1789 at Niagara as also Richard Hainer a Ranger, had three born as before—[Signed] William Dickson JP.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 136b]

Hainer, Dorothy

Upper Canada Land Petition of Dorothy Hainer of Grantham dated at Grantham in Mar 1797

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner is the widow of Henry Hainer, late a Private in Butlers Rangers who died in the year 1788- having received 200 acres of Land only- That your Petitioner with her family consisting of two sons and said Husband settled in the above township so early as the year 1784—but no family Lands were ever granted them. Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her 150 acres as family Lands- and as in duty bound she will ever pray—” Dorothy Hainer made her mark. “Witness Jacob Ten Broeck, Philip Servos” Added notation of Benjamin Pawling, J. P. “I do hereby certify that Dorathy Hainer is the widow of Hy Hainer late of Butlers Rangers who settled in this Province in the year 1784, with two sons who are now living [Signed] B Pawling J P” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 150 acres as family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Dorothy Hainer – UE 150 acres in Burford Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117e]

Hainer, George

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Hainer dated at Twelve Mile Creek (Grantham Township) on 22 Oct 1796

“That your Petitioner Son to John Hainer formerly belonging to Col Butler’s Regiment of Rangers not having yet petitioned for the usual Quantity of land allowed him as a Ranger’s Son, nor received any land whatever in this Province; This if worthy he would wish to lay before the Honorable Board for their Examination and Discussion that they at their pleasure may grant him such a Quantity of land as as [sic] they may think proper, which if it may seem good unto them he prays may be at Long point. [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 4 Apr. Ordered 200 acres if of age and not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 103]

Certificate of William Dickson J. P. dated on 2 Apr 1803 on the reverse of the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Hainer

“I certify that the Petitioner George Hainer is now upwards of Twenty one Years of age. [Signed] William Dickson JP”

Hainer, Jacobus

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacobus Hainer dated on 11 Dec 1800

“Humbly Sheweth, That Your Petitioner is the Son of John Hainer a reduced Ranger and U. E. Loyalist, that Your Petitioner is of the age of Twenty one Years and Upwards, and has never received any lands, or Order for lands from the Crown. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays Your Excellency will Grant him Such a Quantity of lands as Your Excellency in Your wisdom may think meet and Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever pray. In the Presence of [Signed] Hon R. Hamilton} [Signed] Jacobus Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 27 Jan 1801. Notation: “The name of John Hainer appears on the U. E. List [Signed] Alex. McDonell” Read in the Executive Council on 27 Jan 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as the Son of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated on 11 Dec 1800 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacobus Hainer

“Personally Appeared before me Robert Hamilton Esqr one of His Majesty’s Justice of the peace Jacobus Hainer who being Sworn maketh oath and Saith that he is of the age of Twenty one Years and upwards and that he has never received any lands, or any order for lands from the Crown as the Son of a Reduced Ranger and U. E. Loyalist. Sworn before me this Eleventh day of Decr 1800 [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated at Queenston on 11 Dec 1800 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacobus Hainer

“I Do hereby Certify that the Petitioner Jacobus Hainer is the Son of John Hainer a Reduced Ranger and U. E. Loyalist, as he is described in the within Petition And I Do further Certify that he has never To my knowledge and belief received any lands, or any order for lands from the Crown. Queenston 11th Decr 1800 [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Hainer, John

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1795

“humbly prayeth that, he having served during the last Rebellion, in Colonel John Butlers regiment of Rangers, as a private, for the space of four Years, and through the many fatigues and hardships which he endured for that time, he served His Majesty as a true and Loyal Subject, Since which, the said John having settled in the province and moved his family from the United States in the year of Our Lord 1785, And as yet through neglect he the said John hath not petitioned the honourable Land Board for his complement of family lands, which being nine in number himself and wife inclusive, three Sons and one daughter being Born in the United States. The petitioner humbly prayeth That His Excellency will be pleased to consider his, amongst the other numerous petitions And if required, he will give every satisfaction respecting his Servitude, &c. [Signed] John Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 17 Aug. Ordered recommended that family lands for a wife and four children be granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 42]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Lieutenant of Butler’s Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 17 Aug 1795 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer

“The Bearer John Hainer served as a Private in Butlers late Corps of Rangers during the American War and whole Family was brought in here in the year 1785 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Lt Rangers” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 42b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer dated at Niagara on 16 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of John Hainer—of the Township of Grantham—late of Butlers Rangers—Humbly sheweth That your Petitioners Family settled in this Country immediately after the war with a wife & four children- & has at present Seven children—that he has recd four Hundred acres of Land & has the greater part thereof cleared- That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him such additional quantity of land at Long Point upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jun and read in Council on 13 Jul. Ordered a certificate must be produced. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 49]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer of Grantham late of Butlers Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Feb 1797

“Humbly shews- That your Petitioner has received his military Land and 250 acres family Lands, being for a wife, and four Children, born before the year 1783, that he settled in the Province immediately after his discharge—that the two Children mentioned in the annexed Certificate were born between the year 1783 & 1789—That having never received Land for that part of his family- prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 100 acres in addition to the family Lands he has received and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray- [Signed] John Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mr 1797. Ordered recommended for 100 acres of family land making 350 in the whole. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 100]

Certificate of William Dickson J. P. dated on 10 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer

“I do hereby Certify that John Hainer had Two Boys of the name of David & Robert Hainer, Born Before February 1789; Being at that time resident at the 12 Mile Creek this is perfectly within my own Knowledge [Signed] William Dickson JP [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 100b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer and Jacob Tederick, farmers on the 12 Mile Creek dated at Niagara on 2 Apr 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That at the Breaking out of the late American War your Petitioners were substantial Farmers on the North River. That from their attachment to His Majesty’s Government that at a very early period Joined the British Standard, by which means they sacrificed their very large Property’s and from inadvertancy and Ignorance never applied to the Commissioners for any remuneration – That your Petitioners were respectable men in their Community when they Joined Colonel Butler, but of that Education that rendered them incapable of holding in the Corps any responsible situation. That they served in said Corps during the whole of the war, and had the universal [….] of their officers; From the anexed Certificate Your Honor will Judge of the merits of your Petitioner Jacob Tederick, since the Peace your Petitioners have been Settled on the 12 mile Creek, and have by their example and Industry Promoted the Interests – of this Settlement and that on an anxious Desire to Inculcate Morality and Decorum on the neighbourhood, by using their utmost Exertions in Building a place of public worship and a house for the Education of Children—That Honorable Robert Hamilton, will be a testimony to the Truth of their allegations from fourteen years Knowledge of your Petitioners. Your Petitioners have only Received their Military allowance of three Hundred to John Hainer and five Hundred to Jacob Tederick and are aware that this is all they are Intitled to from their Situations, but are convinced had your Honor a Knowledge of them your Honor would not hesitate in given them an additional Quantity wherefore your Petitioners most humbly Solicit your Honor to enquire into the merits of your Petitioners and Pray that they may appear before your Honor to ask for such a Quantity as in your Honors Wisdom you may think them Deserving of – and your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever Pray [Signed] John Hinor [sic], Jacob Dettrick [sic]” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 18 Apr 1797. Ordered in consequence of the very respectable characters of the Petitioners and the recommendation they have adduced to the Board – ordered 200 acres to each in addition to former grants. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Hainer and Jacob Tederick

“John Hainer & Jacob Tederick have been my Neighbours on the Twelve Mile Creek from the Commencement of this Settlement—I do not know in the district two more industrious Farmers – as appears by their Improvements; —Nor do I know more respectable Characters in the Line they are in—Newark April 11 1797 [Signed] R. Hamilton” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108b]

Hainer, Lyddy (Haines)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Lyddy Hainer [Lilly Hanes crossed out] dated at Niagara on 7 Dec 1796

“Respectfully Sheweth—That your petitioner is Daughter to a Loyalist and had several Brothers in Colonel Butler’s late Corps of Rangers—and that your petitioner has never yet recd any Lands—prays your Honor will be pleased to grant her the allowance generally given to the children of Loyalists and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Lyddy Hainer made her mark [Lilly Hanes crossed out]. Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Dec 1796 and read in Council on 4 Feb 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 101]

Certificate of John McNabb J. P. dated on 9 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lyddy Hainer

“I do hereby Certify that the bearer Nathl Hanes married to a Loyalists Daughter by whom he has two Children born before the year one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine—Given under my hand this 9th day of Decr 1796 [Signed] John McNabb J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 101a]

Hainer, Margaret

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Hainer received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Apr 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner married John Hainer in the States of america previous to the Commencement of the war- That your Petitioners Husband joined Col Butlers Rangers the year ’79 and continued in them till the end of the war- That in consequence of your Petitioners Husband’s taking two American Prisoners, and they afterwards affectg their escape, robed your Petitioner of every property she was possessed of and left her wholly destitute of any support to maintain her four children who were then very Young and treated her in the most cruel manner- your Petr came into this Province in the Year 1784 with her four children where she has ever since continues to reside with her Husband- your Petr prays your Honor would allow her such a grant of Lands as your Honor may think proper and your Petr as in duty bound will ever pray. John Backhouse for Margaret Hainer.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered many similar applications have been refused. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 124]

Certificate of John Backhouse dated at Newark [Niagara-on-the-Lake] on 7 Apr 1797

“I certify that Margaret Hainer is a loyalist that I have been acquainted with her these three years and her character is unexceptionable [Signed] John Backhouse” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 124a]

Hainer, Richard

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Hainer received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1795

“humbly prayeth, that he having served during the last in Colonel John Butlers Regiment of Rangers, as a private for the space of four Years thro’ the many fatigues and hardships which he endured for that time, he served his Majesty as a true and Loyal Subject since which, the said Richard, having settled in this province and married a daughter of Mr Isaac Falek of the same Regiment and as yet, through neglect, he the said Richard hath not petitioned the Honorable Land Board for his compliment of family land, which being eight in number, himself and wife inclusive; The petitioner humbly prayeth that His Excellency will be pleased to consider his amongst the other numerous petitions And if required he can give every satisfaction respecting his servitude, &c.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 19 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for 200 acres for his wife the daughter of a Loyalist. It does not appear that he is entitled to family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 41]

Mentioned in the certificate of Ralfe Clench dated 12 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Albert Hainer

“Albert Hainer, Richard Hainer, old Soldiers, and Christian Bradt & Adrian Bradt, —who have come into the British Government since the year 1783 are all married to the daughters of Isaac Volik who served during the late American War in Butlers Rangers [Signed] R Clench Clerk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 111a]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Hainer, late a Soldier in Butlers Rangers dated on 25 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner has already benefited in a grant of 300 acres for his services during the late War as a soldier; but having three Children born in this Settlement previous to the year 1789, Prays your Honor would grant him, fifty acres for each of Three Children Born before that time; His wife the Daughter of a U. E. having already Drawn 200 acres as such and as in Duty Bound your Petitioner will ever Pray. [Signed] Richd Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Mar 1797 and read on 11 Mar. Ordered 150 acres as family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 136]

Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated 13 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Hainer

I do hereby Certify that Albert Hainer a late Ranger, had Two children before 1789 at Niagara as also Richard Hainer a Ranger, had three born as before—[Signed] William Dickson JP.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 136b]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Richard Hainer – UE 150 acres in Burford Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117e]

Hainer, Sophia (Brown)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Sophia Hainer dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 21 Apr 1797

“Most Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of an old soldier and married to a Loyalist and has lived these fifteen years in this Province. Therefore prays your Honor for a grant of Lands of the Crown as is gen[erally given] to Loyalists of the same Description and your Honor’s petitioner as in Duty Bound shall ever pray [Signed] Sophia Hainer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 12 May. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61]

Certificate of Lieutenant Ralfe Clench dated on 2 Apr 1816 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sophia Hainer

“Sophia Hainor widow of the late Zachariah Hainor deceased lives in the Township of Grantham near to the 12 Mile Creek and is the daughter of John Brown late of Thorold a U. E. Loyalist (Having served in Butlers Rangers) [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Lt late Rangers” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61]

Certificate of Robert Kerr J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 21 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sophia Hainer

“I do certify that Sophia Hainer, is the daughter of John Brown, that served as a private Soldier in Butler’s corps of Rangers during the American War— & that Zachariah Hainer served five years in the same Corps. Given under my Hand at Newark this 21st Day of April 1797—[Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61b]

Certificate of Lieutenant John Turney attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sophia Hainer

“This is to Certifie that John Br[own] Sarved in the leat Corps of Butlers Rangers Douring the leat Ware with America as a privet Ranger Niagara 11th April 1797 [Signed] John Tourney [sic] Lieut. in the sd Corps—” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61c]

Certificate of Lieutenant Ralfe Clench dated on 2 Apr 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sophia Hainer

“I Do Certify that John Brown late of Thorold and Father of Sophia Hainer of Grantham died many years before the late War, and that her late Husband Zachariah Hainer also died at the commencement of the late War and never was suspected of aiding or assisting the enemy in any degree whatever. Given under my Hand at York this Second day of April 1816 [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 61d]

Hainer, Zacharias

Upper Canada Land Petition of Zacharias Hainer dated at York on 30 Mar 1796 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“Petition of Zacharias Hainer, a Soldier in the late Rangers—in Captain Hares Company has never taken up his lands Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, & to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him his number of acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Zacharias Hainer made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 2 Apr 1796 and read in Council on 12 May 1796. Ordered recommended for three hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 18]

Haines, Adam

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Haines Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1798

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner came into this Country in the year 1785, and has located Two hundred Acres of land. Your Petitioner has a wife & Seven Children has often been imprisoned by the americans and his wife [sic] Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays that his situation may be taken into Consideration and the normal allowance may be granted him, his wife & Children as is accustomed to be granted to People to this […….] & Your Petitioner will Ever Pray [Signed] Adam Haines” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1798 and read in Council on 20 Aug 1795. Ordered the requisite certifications must be provided. Later notation: Gave a warrant for family lands having produced a certificate 22 December 1796. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 39]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Adam Haines – discharged Ranger 400 acres in Oxford Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117m]

Haines, Ann (McLaughlin)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Haines, Wife of Joseph Haines of the Township of Niagara, Yeoman dated at Niagara on 18 Nov 1801

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the daughter of James McLaughlin of the Township of Louth a U. E. Loyalist, your Petitioner is married to Joseph Hanes [sic] of the Township of Niagara, Farmer. Your Petitioner has never yet drawn any Lands form the Crown, therefore Humbly Prays that Two Hundred Acres may be granted her, being the quantity as is allowed to the Children of U. E. Loyalists, becomeing of full age and your Petitioner as in duty Bound will Ever Pray. Signed before me [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” Ann Hanes made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Nov 1801. The names of two James McLaughlins appear on the U. E. List of the Home District. Read in the Executive Council on 24 Nov 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19]

Certificate of Ann Haines appended to her Upper Canada Land Petition

“I Ann Hanes do make oath that I Have never Received any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown in this Province.” Ann Hanes made her mark. “Sworn before me at Niagara this 18th day of November 1801 [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P. Ann Hanes made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19]

Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. dated at Niagara on 18 Nov 1801 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Hanes

“I Robert Kerr—One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara Do Certify, the Petitioner is the Person She describes herself to be & has never to my Knowledge or belief ever received any Lands or order for Lands in this Province [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19a]

Haines, Barnabas

Upper Canada Land Petition of Barnabas Haines dated at York (Toronto) on 27 Jun 1799

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner being the Son of a U. E. and having drawn no lands in this Province Humbly Prays your Honor will Grant him the usual Quantity of lands Granted to the Sons of a UE and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray – Barnabas Haines made his mark. Read in the Executive Council on 1 Jul 1799. Ordered recommended for 200 acres under New Regulations. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 88]

Hainer, Hannah (Gould)

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Gould received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Aug 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Honours Petitioner was a Soldier in Colonel John Butlers Corps of Rangers and has received Two hundred acres of Land only. he now prays for the residue (one hundred acres) usually grattend [sic] in such cases. your Honours Petitioner furthermore sayeth he has a wife the daughter of a Loyalist and five children for which he asks Land and your Honours Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” John Gould made his mark. Received at the Executive Council on 12 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 5 Jul 1796. Ordered recommended for 100 acres in addition and family Lands if entitled to them. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 2, Petition Number 2]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Gould

“That John Gould was discharged at the end of the War from Butler Rangers and that he is Married to a daughter of Adam Haines—is certified by [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P. NP. It is not known to R. H. that Adam Haines was a Loyalist—The Petitioner says that he lodged a Petn for this Land with the Clerk of Council in June 1797 to which he has Received no Answer—” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 2, Petition Number 2]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Haines, married to John Gould dated at Niagara on 16 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners Father hath been many Years Settled in this Country and is one of those who adhered to the Unity of the British Empire. Your Petitioner’s Father has had his name Enrolled as such as per annexed Certificate. Your Petitioner being now of Age and married to John Gould, late In Butlers Rangers, wishes to avail herself of the Bounty of Government and Prays your Honor will Grant her Two Hundred Acres of Land. And as in Duty bound will ever Pray—[Signed] Hannah Haines” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Jan 1797 and read on 10 May. Ordered 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 3, Petition Number 78]

Haines, Jacob

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Haines of Grantham read in Council on 27 Feb 1818

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Eldest Son of the late Adam Haines late of Grantham in the District of Niagara a [……] who came to this Province in the month of August in the year 1784 and brought with him a family consisting of a wife and Six Children and was a resident in this Province until his death in the year 1813. Your Petitioners Father joined Colonel James Huston in the year 1777 as will appear by the annexed affidavits. Your Petitioners Father neglected making the necessary applications before the late War to have his name inserted on the U E List for the benefit of his family. Your Petitioner therefore as eldest Son of said Adam Haines Humbly Prays that the Inatention of his deceased father may be taken into Consideration and that You may be pleased to order the name of Adam Haines to be inserted on the U E List and Your Petitioner in Duty bound Will Ever Pray.” Jacob Haines made his mark. Read in the Executive Council on 27 Feb 1818. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 11, Petition Number 56]

Haines, Joseph Senior

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Senr received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jul 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner an aged man formerly in the Service, came into this place immediately after the war, bringing a large Family of Children with him, and having sent the only son fit to bear arms into the British lines, and there inlisted in Butlers Rangers, in consequence of which he was imprisoned by the Americans & much persecuted your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays that a similar quantity may be allowed him & family as is allowed to Persons having actually been in the service, & your Petitioner also Prays that he may be allowed to transfer his Son Joseph Haines Junr Lot No 154 in the Township of Newark, who labours with him for the maintenance of the Family & your Petitioner will as in duty Bound Ever Pray [Signed] Joseph Haines Senr” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 20 Aug 1795. Ordered to be heard when the Petitioner appears in person. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 15]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Senior dated at Niagara on 10 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Joseph Haines Senr Loyalist of the Township of Newark, who came into the Province in the year 1786- with a wife & 6 Children—has received only 200 acres- which he has much improved—Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is settled on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him & Family an additional portion of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered three hundred and fifty acres as family lands if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 123]

Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Senior

“appeared before me Joseph Hains Senr who declared on oath that he came to this Province in the year 1786 with a Wife & Six Children and that he has received no Family Land. Sworn before me 5th day June 1796 [Signed] P Ball J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 123b]

Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Senior

“[I] do hereby certify that Joseph Haines Senr came into this Province about the year 1786 with a wife and Six Children. At Niagara this 6th Day of June 1796} As to Joseph Hains’ Family I know it to Consist of a Wife & Six Children but cannot exactly say (from my own Knowledge) what year he came [Signed] P Ball J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 123c]

Haines, Joseph Junior

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Jr. received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jul 1795

“Humbly Prayeth That your Excellency will be pleased to allow him such quantity of Land as is normally granted to Loyalists. your Petitioner having come into this place immediately after the War being then a boy. some of his Family having served as Soldiers in Butlers Rangers, and his Father much persecuted by the Americans during the war and your Petitioner will as in duty Bound Ever Pray [Signed] Jos Haines” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 14 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 58]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Haines Jun. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 9 May 1797

“Humbly shews- That your Petitioner is married to Anne the Daughter of James McLaughlin, a Loyalist as p certificate of the Honble Robert Hamilton herewith produced- that his said wife having never received any Land, your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres in behalf of his wife & your petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray- [Signed] Joseph Haines” Marginal note: “annexed James McLaughlin’s Petition” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797 and read in Council on 11 May 1797. Ordered the Petitioner’s Father-in-Law’s name is not in the UE List. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 120]

Haines, Lyddy (Hainer)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Lyddy Hainer [Lilly Hanes crossed out] dated at Niagara on 7 Dec 1796

“Respectfully Sheweth—That your petitioner is Daughter to a Loyalist and had several Brothers in Colonel Butler’s late Corps of Rangers—and that your petitioner has never yet recd any Lands—prays your Honor will be pleased to grant her the allowance generally given to the children of Loyalists and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Lyddy Hainer made her mark [Lilly Hanes crossed out]. Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Dec 1796 and read in Council on 4 Feb 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 101]

Certificate of John McNabb J. P. dated on 9 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Lyddy Hainer

“I do hereby Certify that the bearer Nathl Hanes married to a Loyalists Daughter by whom he has two Children born before the year one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine—Given under my hand this 9th day of Decr 1796 [Signed] John McNabb J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 101a]

Haines, Margaret (Whitney)

Mentioned in the Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Whitney received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is married to Margaret Hanse, the daughter of Joseph Hanse Senr a Loyalist. Therefore Humbly Prays that such quantity of lands as are normaly granted to People of her description may [be] allowed her and your Petitioner will as in duty Bound Ever Pray [Signed] Peter Whitney” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 25 Feb 1797. Ordered petitioner’s wife recommended for 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 2, Petition Number 94]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Whitney

“Peter Whitney is married to Margaret Hanse daughter to Joseph Hanse Senr who satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he adhered to the Unity of the Empire in America before the year 1783. [Signed] R Clench Clerk of the Sessions”

Haines, Mary (Shaver/Shafer)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Shafer of Grantham received at the Executive Council on 26 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Joseph Haines Senr (a Loyalist) and is married to Philip Shafer & has four Children One of which was born in the year 1788, Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays that her & Children’s situation be taken into consideration and that the usual allowance of land as granted to People of her description may be extended to her & Children and your Petitioner will as in duty bound Ever Pray” Mary Shafer made her mark” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mar 1797 and read in the Executive Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as the daughter of a UE. Her Husband recommended for 100 acres as family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 133]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Sessions of the Peace appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Shafer

“Mary Shafer is daughter to Joseph Hanse [sic] Senr who has satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he joined the Royal Standard in America before the year 1783 [Signed] R Clench, Clerk of the Session of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 133]

Warrant issued to Philip Shaver attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Shafer

“Philip Shaver O. C. 28 March 1797 200 acres in right of his wife—& 100 acres famy Lands The Lands located in Burford—not desd The O. C. for both requested & wifes Lands not Known—” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 133a]

Certificate of Major David Secord and Captain George Lawr dated on 2 Feb 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Shafer

“This is to Certify that Philip Sheever [sic] of the Township of Grantham- yeoman has During the Late war with the United States exerted himself in Defence of His Country as a Loyal Faithfull and Industrious Subject & good Soldier [Signed] David Secord, Major 2d Lincoln, George Lawr, Capt 1st Ln […] [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 133b]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated 3 Feb 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Shafer

“Philip Shaver has paid into this office the patent & Surveyg. fees on 100 Aces- Under Regs of 1796 £3.5.2 patent fee 1.7.6 Surveyg fee total £4.12.8. For the Receiver Genl [Signed] William Roe” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 133c]

Haines, Nathaniel

Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathaniel Haynes (signed Haines) late of Butlers Rangers, dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 21 Jul 1795

“Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner served in the above Corps of Rangers, Six Years, and has received His Majesty’s Bounty of Three Hundred Acres of Land in this Township which he has considerably improved;—That your Petitioner has a wife and four Children, and humbly presumes to request your Excellency would be pleased to grant him some additional Land for his Family, and as in Duty bound, Your Petitioner will ever pray—[Signed] Natl Haines” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 14 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for his family lands when he produces the requisite certificate. Later order: not entitled to family lands having married and got children subsequent to his coming into the Province. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 65]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathaniel Hanse [signed Hanes] received at the Executive Council Office on 15 Feb 1797

Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner served in Butlers late Rangers during the American War, has Four Children, two of which were born previous to the year 1789. Your Petitioner & wife have had their compliment of land therefore Pray that his children may be considered and that such quantity as to your Honor may appear meet, be granted to them and Your Petitioner as in duty Bound Will Ever Pray [Signed] Nathaniel Hanes” Received at the Executive Council Office on 15 Feb 1797 and read on 10 May. Ordered certificate wanting for family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 3, Petition Number 30]

Haines, Philip

Upper Canada Land Petition of Philip Haines yeoman of the Township of York

“Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner is the Son of Joseph Hainse of the place an enrolled U. E. Loyalist and has resided in this province seventeen years has never received any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown and has Arived to the years of twenty two where fore your petitioner prays your Honours in council to grant him two hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and your Petitioner as in duty bound Shall ever pray York 9th July 1806” Phillip Haines made his mark. Read in the Executive Council on 10 Jul 1806 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 8, Petition Number 23]

Haines, Sarah

Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Haines dated at Niagara on 13 Feb 1797

“Respectfully Shews—That your petitioner having lived in this Province ever since the Peace, and that your petitioners Father Joseph Haines, and Brother Served in Colonel Butlers late Corps of Rangers til the end of the war—prays your Honor would be pleased for to allow her a grant of His Majestys Lands as a U. E. Loyalist and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” Sarah Haines made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres when petitioner comes of age or is married. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 109]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated on 13 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Haines

“Joseph Hanse [sic] Senr has satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he adhered to the Unity of the Empire &c &c before the year 1783 [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Sessions &c” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 109a]

Hall, Eliphalet

Upper Canada Land Petition of Eliphalet Hale dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 17 Feb 1795

“Sheweth—That Your Petitioner desirous of becoming an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark, Prays Your Excellency will grant him Lot No one hundred and Forty, that he may build upon the same And Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray—” [Unsigned]. Ordered granted 18 Jun. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 67]

Hall, Giles

Upper Canada Land Petition of Giles Hall dated at Stamford on 3 Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth that from principles of Loyalty and other Considerations He about two years since moved into this Province for the purpose of becoming a Subject of the same in which he has, and still remains wishing to become an Inhabitant. He Prays that your Honor together with your Council may take His case into your and their wise Consideration, and Order and Decree that your Petitioner may receive of some unsettled Lands in this Province Such a quantity as you in your wisdom may think just and proper. And as in Duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray. Dated at Stamford this Twenty Third day of Feby 1797 [Signed] Giles Hall” Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres if none granted before. Referred to the Surveyor General to report if Giles Hall was located for any other lands than the 200 Acres above ordered. Council Office 24 Jan 1816 [Signed] J. Small There is no other location found than that of Lot No 9 in the ninth Concession of Darlington which is under the order of the 24th March 1797 [Signed] T Ridout 8 Jun 1816. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 98]

Certificate of David Secord dated at Stamford on 16 Jun 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Giles Hall

“This may Certify that Giles Hall has resided within the limits of the 2d Regmt of Lincoln Militia during the late war and has to my Knowledge behaved himself as a good subject to his Majesty. David Secord, Major 2d Regmt Lincoln” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 98b]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated at Stamford on 2 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Giles Hall

“I do hereby Certify that the bearer Giles Hall has this day Taken the Oath of Alegiance before me Given under my hand at Stamford this 2nd day Feby 1797 [Signed] John Reilly J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 98c]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated at Stamford on 23 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Giles Hall

“I do hereby certify that the Bearer Giles Hall arrived in this Province in June 1795 and for most of the time since I have been personally acquainted with him, and ever found him to be an industrious, honest man, and one whose Principles are such as are proper for the good subjects of this Provence. Given under my hand in Stamford this 23d of March AD 1797 [Signed] John Reilly J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 2, Petition Number 98d]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]