Soldiers and Supporters "P"

Pace, William

Upper Canada Land Petition

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of William Pace received at the Executive Council Office on 10 May 1796

“Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner was an Inhabitant of the Now State of New Jersey, and Comfortably Settled, and as he could not fall in with the Laws and the like that were made in the Time of the Late War between Great Brittain and America against those who hold themselves Subject to His Majesty on Account of which Your Petitioner was Plundered and Robbed of most of his property he was possessed of, and Imprisoned and Fined in different Sums of Money at different Times to the Amount of much more than what he had left, on which he made his Escape to this Province…”

Page, Joseph

Revolutionary War Records

Joseph Page was listed was listed as a Private in Captain Walter Butler’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £60.16 at the rate of 4 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In the “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Lt. Col. Butler’s Company of the Corps of Rangers, Niagara, 30 November 1783” were listed Joseph Page aged 43 years with Mrs. Page aged 39 years, Jesse Page aged 12 years 4 months, Benj’n Page aged 6 years 9 months and Mary Page aged 10 years 2 months.

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Notation of Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith on the reverse of the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Paige

“It has been represented to me that Joseph Page joined the Royal Standard & the Corps of Rangers in 1777, that in the year 1778, all his property was destroyed…”

Palmer, Joseph

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons at Niagara and it’s Dependencies under the description of Loyalists, with the Provisions they draw from the King’s Store—2d Decemr 1783.” Serjt Palmer of the 34th Regiment, issuer of provisions &c at Niagara was listed singly and issued 1 ration per day.

Upper Canada Land Petition

Certificate of Robert Hayes, Major 34th Regiment dated 24 Jun 1784 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Palmer

“By Robert Hayes Esqr Major Commanding the Thirty fourth Regiment of Foot Quartered at Niagara. These are to Certify that the Bearer hereof Serjeant Joseph Palmer of the above Regiment, and in Major Robert Hayes Company Served Honestly and Faithfully for the space of Twenty Five Years. He is Five feet six Inches. Forty five Years old. Fresh Complexion Black Hair Black Eyes. But, there being a Reduction of Serjeants in the Regiment He being worn out from long service is hereby Discharged and Recommended as an object worthy of His Majesty’s Royal Bounty of Chelsea Hospital, having received a full amount of His Pay, Arrears of Pay, and Clothing to this present 24th Day of June 1784. Given under my Hand and Seal of the Regiment. [Signed] Rob. Hayes, Major 34 Regt. I do acknowledge the within to be just as witness my Hand [Signed] Joseph Palmer”

Palmer, David

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of David Palmer dated at 40 Mile Creek (Grimsby) on 5 Jul 1795

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner was an Inhabitant of Sussex County, State of New Jersey, and for many Years followed the Business of a Miller by which he supported himself and Family, in a reputable Way, and was Situated in a part of the said State where the refugees and other Loyalists that had fled to the British Standard resorted in a private Manner, by means of which he had it in his power to Give them succour, which he did in the best manner he Could and also Gave Great assistance in getting their Recruits to the Army, whereby he became Suspected, by the then Ruling Power, and suffer’d much in his property by the Severe and Inhuman Laws passed in the said State against Loyalists, whereby he became little better than a Bankrupt…”

Certificate of Nathaniel Pettit dated at 40 Mile Pond on 5 Jul 1795 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of David Palmer

“These Do Certifie that I was well aquanted with the barer David Palmer In the Now State of Newjersy and that he supported the character of an Honest man and that he Lived in a place where men came to from the Brittish armey in the Late war for Recruits for said armey and that he Gave them Great Assistance in forward in their Recruits into their Lines and Suporting them before they Gott away by which means he became suspected by the then Rulers of the country he Lived in and being Imprisoned find and otherwise Evel Intreated by the severe Laws that were then in force all most Ruined him…”

Palmerton James

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of James Palmerton dated at Queenston on 15 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth – That your petitioner having served five years in Captain Joseph Brants Volunteers in the late American War…”

Papst, Adam

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number Age & Sexes of each family In Captain Lewis Genevys Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Adam Papes was listed singly, issued 1 ration.

Park/Parks, James and Hagar

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons Under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number, Age & Sexes & Number of Rations drawn by Familys In the Indian Department” dated Niagara 1st December 1783, James Park was listed in Brant’s Volunteers, single, aged 28. 1 ration.

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Upper Canada Land Petition of Archibald Thompson, David Rose, John Chisholm, and the widow of James Park, deceased received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Oct 1796

“Humbly Sheweth – That your Petitioners firmly attached to the British Government Joined the Royal Standard at an Early period of the late war that during it they suffered every Extremity of Distress, in the Different Expeditions conducted by Captain Brant and the Indians, with whom your Petitioners volunteered the most Dangerous Enterprises. That during a Period of seven years your Petitioners, unpaid, imprisoned and uncloathed, served His Majesty with all the Zeal and Bravery of Britons; That your Petitioners under sentence of Death for joining the Indians have Escaped from the Americans…”

Parkes, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Parkes was listed as a Private in Captain William Caldwell’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £30.8 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

Upper Canada Land Petition

Certificate of Peter Ten Broeck attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Ball Senior

“This is to certify that John Parks was a private Soldier in my Company in the Corps of Rangers during the late war [Signed] Peter Ten Broeck” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 77a]

Parker, John

Upper Canada Land Petition

The Upper Canada Land Petition of John Parker late of New Brunswick dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 27 Jul 1795

“Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner has served His Majesty from his Infancy having been in the 18th Regt. That he was taken prisoner by the Americans near German Town & cruelly treated…”

Parsons, Thomas

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt George Dame’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Thomas Parsons was listed singly, aged 28, issued 1 ration.

Pawling, Benjamin

Revolutionary War Records

Benjamin Pawling was listed as 1st Lieutenant in John McDonell’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £121.12 at the rate of 8 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists, Specifying the nomber age, & sexes of Each Family in Lieutt Colo Butler’s Company in the Corps of Rangers, Niagara 30th November 1783” Capt Lieutt Benjn Pawling was listed singly, aged 29, issued 1 ration.

Pawling, Jesse

Revolutionary War Records

Jesse Pawling was listed employed by the Indian Department in the Indian Country to be paid £76.10 at the rate of 6 shillings per day for 255 days of service from 12 Feb 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Indian Department Rolls 1777-1778)

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists, Specifying the nomber age, & sexes of Each Family in Lieutt Colo Butler’s Company in the Corps of Rangers, Niagara 30th November 1783” Qr Master Jessey Pawling was listed singly, aged 27, issued 1 ration.

Paxton, Thomas

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas Paxton dated at Newark on 20 Jul 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has served His Majesty upwards of Twenty Years in the Naval employ; now commands the Caldwell on Lake Ontario. Your Petitioners Father faithfully served His King and Country on Board the Royal Navy all the Years of his Life whilst capable of serving…”

Pearson, Christopher

Claim for Revolutionary War Losses

District in the County of Tryon and Province of New York near Susquehannah before the unhappy Dissentions in America was driven from his Property on account of his Loyalty to His Majesty and attachment to the British Governmt and joined the British Army under Captain Joseph Brant and Colonel Butler Commanding a Corps of Rangers 8th November 1778 as Volunteer till he joined Colonel Butler at Niagara in the Capacity of a Soldier and discharged on account of his having a large Family to maintain at that Post – Afterwards joined Major James Rogers Corps of Rangers. —

Pearson, Mary (Beebe)

Claim for Revolutionary War Losses

I Mary Pearson late Mary Bebee Widow to the deceased Joshua Bebee Farmer residing at Susquehannah in the Province of Pennsylvania was driven from our Property since the late unhappy Dissentions in America on account of my Loyalty to His Majesty and attachment to the British Government and my Husband and Son joined the British Army under Colonel Butler at Niagara 1st April 1777 and was sent with Dispatches from Niagara by the order of Colonel Boulton and Colonel Butler to the Royal Army at New York and delivered his Charge and took the Small Pox and died. – The Property I was driven from at a fair Appraisement is as follows.—

Peers, Christoffel

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of Christopher Pierce (signed Christoffel Peers) of Bertie, yeoman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 13 Mar 1797

“Humbly shews, That your Petitioner came into this Province last October, with a wife and two children, and that your Honor, during the recess of Council has been pleased to permit him to located 200 acres in the settlement of Long Point. That your Petitioner being a Loyalist, and having suffered imprisonment, with Capt Vrooman of the militia…Added certificate of Captain Adam Vrooman: “I do hereby certify that the above named Christopher Pierce was imprisoned with me for his Loyalty in Albany Gaol – in the year 1777 – [Signed] Adam Vrooman”

Pell, Jonathan A.

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jonathan A. Pell dated on 25 Oct 1794

“Sheweth That your Petitioner was a Captain in the Militia of the City of New York in the yeare of 1780, then in the Power of the Armies of the King of Grate Britain, that youre Petitioner has ever Since that time, and before, been Faithfull to the British Government, and have never received any Compensation for his Services nor his Property which he lost by the War…”

Pemberton, James

Census, Ration and Provisioning Lists

In the “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In the Indian Department, Niagara, December 1, 1783” in the category of Brant’s Volunteers, James Pemberton was listed singly aged 23 years.

In “Return of Persons Under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number, Age & Sexes & Number of Rations drawn by Familys In the Indian Department” dated Niagara 1st December 1783, James Pemberton was listed in Brant’s Volunteers, single, aged 23. 1 ration.

Pensell, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Pencil was listed as a Private in Captain Peter TenBroeck’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £14.12 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 146 days of service from 1 Jun 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

Census, Ration and Provisioning Lists

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists, Specifying the nomber age, & sexes of Each Family in Lieutt Colo Butler’s Company in the Corps of Rangers, Niagara 30th November 1783” James Pensell was listed aged 45, issued 1 ration, with Mrs Pensell 31, 1 ration, John Pensell 10, ½ ration, Gradus Pensell 6, ½ ration, Catherine Pensell 14, Sarah Pensell 12, ½ ration, Margrate Pensell 4, ½ ration.

Claims for Revolutionary War Losses

Is a Native of Germany. Came young to America – resided at the Susquana, he served 6 years in Butlers Rangers.

Peters, William Birdseye

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Birdseye Peters dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 4 Jun 1796

“Respectfully Sheweth That your Petitioner being the Son of the Revd Dr Samuel Peters of London, who, at the commencement of the late unfortunate war between Great Britain & her Colonies, was one of the first loyal Sufferers, compelled to fly his Country, and leave his Family and extensive and valuable Possessions to the Rapacity of a rebellious Mob, in consequence of which your Petitioner will ultimately be the great Sufferer, and as Loyalty and Attachment to the British Constitution are deeply rooted in the Breast of your Petitioner…”

Petrey/Petrie, Joseph

Revolutionary War Records

Joseph Petrie was listed as a Serjeant in Captain William Caldwell’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £76 at the rate of 5 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In the Loyalist Provisioning List at Niagara Mr. Tenbroeck’s District at Niagara 14 November 1786, Joseph Petrie was listed with a household of 1 man, 1 woman, 1 male over 10, total 3.

Claims for Revolutionary War Losses

He is a Native of America – Lived at the German Flats when the Rebellion broke out – Took the part of the King – joined the Kings Troops at Fort Stanwix, served under Col: Butler. Served 4 years as private, now lives at Niaga

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Petry [signed Petree] dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 1 Jul 1795

“Most Humbly Sheweth that the Petitioner had the Honor of serving in Lieutenant Colonel Butlers Rangers as a Serjeant During the late American War…”

Petry, Joseph Jr.

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt George Dame’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Joseph Petery Serjt was listed aged 28, issued 1 ration, with Elizabeth Petery 25, Mary Petery 3 years 6 months and Philip Petery 2.

Pettit, John

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Pettit, Esquire dated at Grimsby on 19 May 1796

“Sheweth that your Petitioner was an Inhabitant in the State of New Jersey, And that in the time of the late War betwixt Great Britain, and the United States of America. Though young he could not Join the Laws & Constitution of sd States, which was of great damage to him…”

Pettit, Nathaniel

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathaniel Pettit received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Nov 1787

“That your Memorialist was appointed by Commission from Governor Franklin a Judge in the Court of Common pleas for the County of Sussex in the Province of New Jersey in the year 1766 which post he filled with reputation to himself and to the satisfaction of the country for ten years till superseded for his attachment to the British Cause which he evinced in the clearest manner on the commencement of that unhappy dispute. That for three years prior to that period he served as a Member in the house of Assembly in that Province. That in the Autumn 1776 he was conjunctly with Colonel Barton included in a Commission to raise a Battalion of men from that Country to serve His Majesty; that their joint endevours for that purpose were very successful and that Colonel Barton carried with him to New York a large body of men thus raised and all well affected to the Cause. That the reasons why your Memorialist remained at home were his being lame and infirm which would in his opinion have rendered him rather a burthen than of any active service to the Cause. That in this situation he was however of very essential service to the friends of Government, whom he aided with his advice and assistance on all occasions in his power, as is fully proved by the united testimony of all who have come from that part of the Country to the British Settlements; which conduct exposed him to the worst treatment from those who became his enemies in consequence of his known attachment to the British Interest. That he was confined a Prisoner from the 4th of April 1777 to the 28th of May 1778, and only obtained his liberty by paying very heavy fines at one time no less that two hundred and twenty Pounds seventeen Shillings and sixpence and by entering into very large bonds for his future behaviour. That these losses amounting at a very moderate computation to upwards of a Thousand Pounds, though ruinous to him in the highest degree have never in any way been made up or compensated for. A State of his losses well attested was sent to Nova Scotia to the Commissioners appointed to examine the claims of the Loyalists but was attended with no effect. That his attachment to the British government is such, and the proceedings of his Countrymen are so disagreeable to him that he has left his former Residence and with several of his neighbors of the same sentiments he is come to Niagara to solicit a settlement where he may enjoy that Liberty and comfort so amply served by the British constitution. That from the Commissions he has borne and been joined in, from his Rank in life, his Services, sufferings, and general Character, he hopes his Prayer to obtain a Captain’s allowance of Lands in this new Settlement will not be deemed presuming or improper—this with any other aid that your Lordship in your goodness may please to confer will ever bind your Memorialist in a grateful acknowledgement [Signed] Nathl Pettit”

Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathaniel Pettit dated on 12 Aug 1794

“Some Reads of my Sufferings and their Causes from the beginning of the American Rebelion thay Suspected me and often charged me with having a Co[….] Corospondance with the brittish which they could not prov altho I was three times Taken up by order of their Suspicion and carried more than Sixty miles from where I Lived before commitys &c and always obliged to pay Great cost of [….] a certain Joseph Barton who had […….] time Staid at home in the county of Sussex in New jersey The Strongly Mistrusted and a five weeks before that unhappy affair with the hessons at Trentown was with the Brittish at Newark where by the influence of General Skinner he obtained a Commission directed to him and me the purport of which was that we were to give [….] Notice to the friends of Government in the Said County which at that time were Numerous that a Certain Day all were to Report to the Court Recess with such armes as could be collected and to lett up the Kings Standard which from the [possession] of the then broken harted Rebels was Expected itt might be Defended but before that Day arrived the Said affair at Trentown hapened which Gave them fresh Spirits and he (Barton) was obliged to fly to the Brittish and carried said Comission with him and be come a colonel tho he had left with me a writing sighed by a General containing Instructions how to Proceed in case we succeeded Tho they the Rebels Never Got Said Instructions into their hands by Some papers thay found in Said Bartons chest who was afterwards taken prisoner by them Di[……] Some thing of the matter Soone after which I was Taken up and Confined upwards of two month in close Goale thirty miles from home afterward Indited and find two hundred and five pouds and a large cost and also Ajuged one whole years Imprisonment and Suffered all Except six months of which Mr Levegston who was calld Governor Abated by what he cald a pardon but was Little better than a prisoner all the time & Staid in the Countrey. At that time I was Possessed of a Valuable Grist and Saw mill and altho not Actually taken from me the Inhabitants were forbidden by their committee to use them or have aney Dealing with me which was to the same purpose as of taken from me. when I Left that country was obliged to Sell that with all other property I had Left for Less than half value…”

Phelps, Elijah

Revolutionary War Records

Elijah Philips was listed as a Private in Captain John McDonell’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £14.12 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 146 days of service from 1 Jun 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists specifying the Number Age & Sexes of each Family being Farmers settled at this Post Niagara 1 Decr 1783, Elijah Phillips was listed aged 34 with Elener Phillips 24.

Phillips, Nicholas Sr.

Revolutionary War Records

Nichs Philips Senr. was listed was listed as a Private in Captain Walter Butler’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £60.16 at the rate of 4 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

To Nicolas Phillips Senr taken prisoner 3d Janry 1778. Return’d and Joined Capt Butler in Canada 14 Novemr 1780 and now in Canada on Furlow, Pay short drawn from 25 June to 24 December 1780. By Nicolas Phillps Seniors pay from 25 June 1780 to 24 Decemr following 183 days at 2/6 £22.17.6 (Pay to Rangers taken prisoner and casualties)

In a Muster Roll compiled for Butler’s Rangers, Nicholas Philips Senior served as a private in Butler’s Rangers. Taken 3 Jan 1778. Returned 14 Nov 1780.

In the Loyalist Provisioning List at Landing Grand River and Chipeway Creek (undated with Loyalist Lists of the 1785 to 1786 period), Nicholas Phillips Sen’r was listed with a household of 1 man, 1 male over 10, 1 female over 10, total 3.

Claims for Revolutionary War Losses

From the beginning of the Troubles in America in 1774 your Memorialist opposed the Rebellion and was seized and thrown in Goal by the Rebels for his Loyalty he was moved from goal to goal in Connecticut it being the fifth, and your Memorialist expected it to be his last prison before his Death, but he had the good fortune to escape Hartford Goal in 1777 and joined Col. Butlers Rangers a private Soldier & has since served in that Corps against the Rebels—

Philips, Nicholas Jr.

Revolutionary War Records

In a Muster Roll compiled for Butler’s Rangers, Nicholas Philips Junior served as a private in Butler’s Rangers. Taken 3 Jan 1778. Returned 14 Nov 1780. 1

Nicholas Phillips Junr private, taken on the Susquehana Jany 1778, named in “A List of Persons in the hands of the Congress belonging to the Corps of Rangers, Royalists & their Families”

To Nicolas Phillips Junior take prisoner 3d January 1778, Returned and join’d Capt Butler in Canada 14 Novemr 80. Now in Canada on Furlow pay short drawn from 25 December 79 to 24 December 1780. By Nicolas Phillips Juniors pay 23 Decemr 79 to 24 April 80—122 days at 2/ £12.4 By Nicolas Phillips Junior from

25 April to 24 December 1780 244 days at 2/6 £30.10. Total £42.14 (Pay to Rangers taken prisoner and casualties)

Census, Ration and Provisioning Lists

In the “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt. TenBroeck’s Company of the Corps of Rangers, Niagara, 30 November 1783” Nicolas Phillips was listed aged 27 years with Mrs. Phillips aged 19 years.

Philips, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Philips was listed was listed as a Private in Captain Walter Butler’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £60.16 at the rate of 4 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

John Philips was listed as a Private in Major John Butler’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £36 at the rate of 4 shillings per day for 180 days of service from 28 Apr 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

John Phillips, Private, taken on the Susquehana Jany 1778, named in “A List of Persons in the hands of the Congress belonging to the Corps of Rangers, Royalists & their Families”

To John Phillips take prisoner 3d January 78 pay drawn for to 24 June 1780, to 24th April 842 days at 4/ £168.8 to 24th June following 61 days at 2/6 £7.12.6 Total £176.0.6 (Pay to Rangers taken prisoner and casualties)

Pickard, Benjamin

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt George Dame’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Benjn Picken, Drummer was listed singly, aged 13, issued 1 ration.

In the “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt. Bernard Frey’s Company of the Corps of Rangers, Niagara, 30 November 1783” under Privates, D’r [Deummer] Benj’n Pickard was listed singly aged 13 years.

Pickard, William

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Passons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each family In Captn Hare’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30 Nov 1783” William Pickard was listed aged 56, issued 1 ration, with Mrs Pickard 45, Mary Pickard ½ ration and Elizabeth Pickard ½ ration.

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Certificate of Peter Ball J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 15 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of William Pickard

“I do hereby Certify that William Pickard served as a Private Soldier in Butlers Rangers & that he came to Niagara in the year 1778…”

Claims for Revolutionary War Losses

Says he is a native of America, lived in Susquehannah in Pensylvania, always supported British Government. He and his two Sons left home to join Colo Butler in 1777, joined him. – Served in the Rangers. He and one of his sons were Privates, the other was a Drummer. Served all the war. Lives now at Niagara. —

Picken, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Picken was listed employed in the Indian Department to be paid £90 at the rate of 4 shillings for 450 days of service from 1 Aug 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. N. B. Gilbert Tice, Lieut Hillyer & John Picken were employed in the Service of the Indian Department with Colo Guy Johnson in Canada. (Indian Department Rolls 1776-1778)

Picken, Robert

Revolutionary War Records

Robt Picken was listed as Commissary in the Indian Department to be paid £355.12 at the rate of 8 shillings for 889 days of service from 19 May 1776 to 24 Oct 1778. (Indian Department Rolls 1776-1778)

Robert Picken was listed as an employee in the Indian Department paid £72.12 at the rate of 8 shillings per day for 182 days of service from 25 Oct 1778 to 24 Apr 1779. (Indian Department Rolls 1778-1779)

Mr Pakin’s family was among those held prisoner by the Americans on an undated list compiled during the American Revolution circa 1778. The family consisted of 1 woman, 2 boys and 1 girl. (Prisoners held by the Americans)

Mrs Picken, Robt, Easter, & Edwd Picken of Mr Robt Picken’s family, named in “A List of Persons in the hands of the Congress belonging to the Corps of Rangers, Royalists & their Families”

Pierpoint, Richard (also called Black Dick)

The Township Papers

On 26 Nov 1844 James Cahill Esq. Wrote to the Surveyor General stating the heir of Richard “Parepoint” claims a title to Lot No. 13 in the 8th Concession of Grantham. Richard Parepoint was one of the old Rangers (he went by the name of Captain Dick). This old Ranger said he got this lot from the Government for his services, but now it is claimed by some stranger who never did any service. The canal runs through a part of it. Cahill asked whether Richard Parepoint ever had any claim for this lot from the Government and if so whether he sold it to any person. (Grantham Township Papers 0690)

Plato, Peter

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Plato dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Petition of Peter Plato late of Butlers Rangers…”

Pool, Henry

Revolutionary War Records

Henry Pool was listed as a Private in Captain Peter TenBroeck’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £14.12 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 146 days of service from 1 Jun 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

Post, Jacob

Revolutionary War Records

Jacob Post was listed as a Private in Captain Peter TenBroeck’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £8.10 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 85 days of service from 1 Aug 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt George Dame’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Jacob Post was listed aged 36, issued 1 ration, with Catrina Post 34 and John Post 7 years 6 months.

Potter, Peter

Revolutionary War Records

Peter Potter was listed as a Private in Captain Peter TenBroeck’s Company of Butler’s Rangers and paid £8.10 at the rate of 2 shillings per day for 85 days of service from 1 Aug 1778 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

Potts, William

Revolutionary War Records

In a Muster Roll compiled for Butler’s Rangers, William Potts was a Major in the British Army, 9th Regt. then posted to Butler’s Rangers on 21 Nov. 1782. He joined Butler’s Rangers in May 1783.

Pound, Daniel Sr.

Upper Canada Land Petition

Certificate of Parshall Terry, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Pound

“This is to Certify that the barer Daniel Pound Served His Majesty in the Enginears Department as proved to me by Mr Turvey at Straten isleland From the year 1778 to 1779 and continued in the British Lines During the war and that he Moved into this Provence in 1783 with his wife and three children and hath had three Children since in this Provence [Signed] Parshall Terry JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 10b]

Powell, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Powell was listed as a Captain in the Indian Department to be paid £260.11.5 at the rate of 10 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Indian Department Rolls 1777-1778)

John Powell was listed as a Captain in the Indian Department paid £156 for 182 days of service at the rate of 10 shillings sterling per day from 25 Oct 1778 to 24 Apr 1779. (Indian Department Rolls 1778-1779)

Captain and Mrs Powell were recorded on “List of the Indian Officers etc. drawing provisions at Niagara, 6th August, 1783.” With them were “Negro” and Elizth McCammon, Old Prisoner Woman.

In “Return of Persons Under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number, Age & Sexes & Number of Rations drawn by Familys In the Indian Department” dated Niagara 1st December 1783 Captn John Powell was listed aged 37 with Jane Powell 24. Issued 2 rations.

Powell, Joseph

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons Under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number, Age & Sexes & Number of Rations drawn by Familys In the Indian Department” dated Niagara 1st December 1783 Joseph Powell was listed aged 49 with Elizebeth Powell 26 and Elizebeth Margraw 11. 3 rations.

Price, Christian

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number Age & Sexes of each family In Captain Lewis Genevys Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Christean Price was listed singly, issued 1 ration.

Price, David

Upper Canada Land Petitions

Upper Canada Land Petition of David Price, Indian Interpreter dated at Newark on 11 [Nov 1796]

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner has resided nineteen years in His Majesty’s Government (now of Upper Canada) ten of which, he has been Interpreter, and is now stationed on that service at Newark & that during the American war he served as a Volunteer among the Indians..”

Price, John

Census, Ration and Provisioning Lists

In “Return of Persons under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number Age & Sexes of each family In Captain Lewis Genevys Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” John “Prince” was listed singly, issued 1 ration

Price, Thompson

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of Thompson Price of Grimsby dated at York (Toronto) on 9 Nov 1801

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is an old Loyalist and Soldier, and served in General Skinners Corps during the american war…”

Price, William

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Price dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Jul 1793

“Humbly sheweth- That your Petitioners Father was an old Soldier in His Majestys Service, and his two Brothers served in Sir John Johnsons Corps & in Butlers Rangers during the last war…”

Prince, John (Robinson)

Upper Canada Land Petition

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Prince alias Robinson dated at Niagara on 4 Oct 1796

“The Petition of John Prince alias Robinson – a Negro (free) late of Colo Butlers Corps of Rangers..”

Proper, John

Revolutionary War Records

John Proper—belonging to the German Regiments was on a list of men who joined Colonel Butler’s Rangers in the summer of 1779 (Butler’s Rangers Enlistees 1779)

Prout, Sherman

Revolutionary War Records

In “Return of Persons under the description of Loyalists, Specifying the Number Age & Sexes of each family In Captain Andrew Bradt’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Cherman Praut was listed singly, aged 17, issued 1 ration.

In the Loyalist Provisioning List at Niagara Mr. Tenbroeck’s District at Niagara 14 November 1786, Sherman Prout was listed with a household of 1 man, total 1.

Putman, Henry

Revolutionary War Records

Henry Putman was listed as a Corporal in Captain Walter Butler’s Company of Butler’s Rangers paid £68.8 at the rate of 4.6 shillings per day for 304 days of service from 25 Dec 1777 to 24 Oct 1778. (Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778)

In “Return of Persons under the Description of Loyalists Specifying the Number Age Sexes of Each Family In Capt George Dame’s Company in the Corps of Rangers Niagara 30th November 1783” Henry Putman was listed singly aged 30, issued 1 ration.

In the Loyalist Provisioning List at Fort Erie from 25 Decem’r 1784 to 24 Sept’r 1785, Henry Putman was listed with a household of 1 man, 1 woman, 1 female under 10, total 2.