Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "E"

Earnest, Jacob

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Earnest of the Township of Louth dated at Niagara on 4 Oct 1796

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has been Eleven years in the Province & having never yet applied for or received any Land, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” Jacob Earnest made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct. Ordered 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 8]

Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated on 3 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Earnest

“I do Certify that on this third day of October One Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Six, Jacob Earnest of Louth appeared before me William Dickson Esquire one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the Home District and took the Oath of Allegiance and signed the Declaration [Signed] William Dickson J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 8a]

Eddy, Barnebas

Upper Canada Land Petition of Barnebas Eddy dated on 20 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has lately came to this Province has a Wife and four children three Sons able to bear Arms all of which he will bring in as soon as conveniently will permit. Wherefore prays your Honor will grant him such Land in Glandford as to your Wisdom may seem meet and he will ever pray—[Signed] Barns Eddy” Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Jul 1797 and read in Council on 2 Sep 1797. Ordered recommended for an appropriation of 200 acres for 12 months from this date. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 11]

Certificate of William Dickson, J. P. dated on 24 Jul 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Barnebas Eddy

“I do hereby Certify that Barnabas Eddy appeared before me William Dickson Esquire one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the Home District, and took the Oath of Allegiance & signed the Declaration 24th July 1797—[Signed] William Dickson, J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 11a]

Edsall, James

A signer to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants around Sugar Loaf (Humberstone Township) dated at Newark on 30 Mar 1793

“The Petition of the Inhabitants settled round the Point called Sugar Loaf above Fort Erie Humbly Sheweth—That near one hundred Families are now Settled in that Quarter on Lands not yet Surveyed Subject from this Circumstance the many inconveniencies attending this Situation, particularly to disputes about Limits & encroachments the one on the other—Therefor most humbly Supplicating your Excellency will have the Goodness to order a Survey to be made of their Lands, with such dispatch as you in your wisdom may think fitt—And your petitioners as in duty Bound Will ever pray &c—[Signed] Abrm Laing, Joel W Morris, Wilson Doan, Elija Doan, Nathan Havens, Joseph Havens, Azalia Schooley, Johoiadah Schooley, John Harret, John Cutler, Peter Cairn, Amos Morris, James Wilson, Samuel Wilson, John Braley, William Cook, Asa Schooley, Christopher Richards, James Edsall, Daniel Forsyth, Michael Shark, James Edsel, Christian Troyer, Jason Millard, Dan Millard, Heart Smith, Thomas Millard, Titios Doan, Enos Doan.” Read in Council on 10 Jul 1793. Ordered that directions be given to the Surveyor General to carry it into execution as soon as possible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 1c]

Notation of the Land Board dated on 30 Mar 1793 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants of Sugar Loaf

“We do Certify that the Persons described in the above Petition are in general Sober & Industrious Settlers & as such deserving any Favors his Excellency the Governor may think proper to confir respecting the prayer of the Petition. [Signed] R. Hamilton, J Butler, John Burch” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 1b]

A signer to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the inhabitants in the area of Point Abino, Bertie Twp. dated at Point Abino on 14 Jan 1797

“The Petition of the underwritten Inhabitants of the place commonly called point Abino in the Township of Bertie—Most humbly Sheweth That Timothy Skinner and one Crane having petitioned your Honor for Leave to build a Mill on Lot No 32 in the Front or water Concession of the said Township, your Petitioners humbly pray leave to inform your Honor, that if such Mill be built it will be ruinous to all the neighbouring Settlers, as it will be the means of laying under water upwards of three Thousand Acres of their Lands Wherefore they pray your Honor against permission to build that said Mill and as in duty bound they will pray &c. [Signed] James Edsal, David Baxter, Robert Stewart, Michael Shirk, Ob. Dennis, Edwd Stooks, and Peter Cruikshanks” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered referred to the order on Crane’s petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 2, Petition Number 37]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of James Edsall received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Apr 1797

“Respectfully Shews—That your Petitioner came into this Province in the year 1786 and brought a wife and two Children with him—and for whom he has never drawn any land. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such a grant for his wife and two Children and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] James Edsall” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 4 Apr. Ordered 150 acres for family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 17a]

Certificate of John Warren, J. P. and Isaac Swayze, J. P. dated at Fort Erie on 30 Mar 1797

“I do hereby certify that James Edsall and family consisting of his Wife and two Children, came into this Province in the month of October 1786, ever since he has behaved as a good subject, and an honest industrious man—[Signed] John Warren J. P., Isaac Swayze J. P.” This was followed by a list of the family: “James Edsall, Julia his Wife, Sarah, John” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 17]

Edsall, Rachael (Elsworth)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall of Bertie Township [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Francis Ellsworth deceased of the Township of Bertie an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is married and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit Henry Anger to be her Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray.” Rachael Edsall made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 4 Apr 1833 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Deposition of James Muirhead dated 22 Jan 1830 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} Rachael Edsall The above Petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Niagara this 22d Day of Januay 1830} [Signed] Rachael Edsall. And I do hereby Certify that the above was read over and explained to Deponent, and that she seemed perfectly to understand the same. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Certificate of Henry F. Anger attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} I do Certify that Rachael Edsall the above named Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Josiah Bearss made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Deposition of James Muirhead and Charles Richardson dated on 22 Jan 1830 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

District of Niagara.} Wit. James Muirhead – Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that Rachael Ellsworth — who Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day was recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Francis Ellsworth who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the Enemy. Dated this 22d day of January 1830. [Signed Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed J. Muirhead [Chairman]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Edwards, Honoria (Daley)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Daly of Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) dated at Niagara on 3 Oct 1796

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner is an established Settler in this Province and has received 200 acres of Land which he has improved—That he has a sister lately arrived in the Province with one child—whose Husband is in the west Indies—(Honoria—wife of John Edwards) and intending to settle in the Province, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her 200 acres of Land—and also 200 additional acres—to himself and Your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray [Unsigned] Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P. “I do hereby certify that John Daly personally applied to me for the above petition—[Signed] T Ridout, N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct 1796. Ordered the petitioner has had as large a portion of land as the period of his residence entitles him to. The foundation of his sister’s claim to land is not mentioned. If the daughter of a Loyalist her husband will receive 200 acres in her right. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 28]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Honora Edwards dated at West Niagara on 10 May 1797

“Respectfully represents that she is the Wife of John Edwards, a Merchant of Canada, previous a M[arks]person on Lake Champlain during the War – that she now resides in this Town. Her Husband has gone with a Venture to Martinique, where the troubles of that Country detain him & prevent him at present from returning home. That your Petitioner is in Distress in his Absence, therefore prays your Honor to Grant her a location, by reconsidering the Order of 8th Octr last, as she does not claim as the Daughter of a Loyalist – & as in Duty Bound she will ever Pray – [Signed] Honora Edwards” Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 May 1797. Ordered the Petitioner does not appear to have any claim on this Government. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 29]

Edwards, Joseph

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Edwards Deputy Postmaster at Niagara dated at Niagara on 10 May 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has resided many years in the Province, and has never received any Lands. He therefore respectfully prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant him such a part of the vacant Lands of the Crown as to your Excellency shall seem meet, & that they may be located to him at or near the Dowell on Lake Erie, when the same shall be surveyed—or else in some other unlocated part of the Province—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever Pray—” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 May 1795 and read in Council on 21 Aug 1795. Ordered twelve hundred acres and referred to the Surveyor General for Specification. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 1 Petition Number 3]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Edwards, Deputy Postmaster dated at Niagara on 6 Jul 1796

“Respectfully shews That your Petitioner on the first laying out the Town of Newark drew a Lot therein but which, during a Journey he made to Montreal was granted to another, and that he has never received the Grant of any Lot in the said Town—Your Petitioner therefore prays Your Excellency would be pleased to grant him a lot therein, on the usual terms and conditions and as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray—[Signed] Joseph Edwards. Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P.: “I do hereby certify that Joseph Edwards Esq. applied personally to me for the above Petition [Signed] T. Ridout, N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 14 Jul 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct 1796. Ordered prayer granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 9]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Edwards of Niagara dated on 12 Oct 1796

“Sheweth That your petitioner for a valuable consideration, has purchased the lots Nos 67 & 281 in the Town of Niagara on the former of which he has erected a Store & dwelling house, & he has a tenement standing on the latter—He therefore prays your Honor will be pleased to permit that deed for same may made out in his own name. And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c &c [Signed] Joseph Edwards” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered the original Proprietor of the lots prayed for never appeared before the Board, to surrender their certificates before the transfers can be confirmed. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 14]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Edwards of Newark Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 Nov 1798

“Humbly Sheweth; That your Petitioner for a valuable consideration did make purchase of one John Vanhynans of a certain Lot of Land in the Township of Newark known by the name and description of Two hundred and eighty one, which said Lot was possessed by the John Vanhynans under Certificate of the late land board for the late District of Nassau, for the Transfer of which your Petitioner holds a regular Conveyance under the hand and Seal of the said John Vanhynans (the Original nominee) which is herewith shewn to your Honor. That your Petitioner is informed His Majesty’s Deed of Grant for said Lot is now in the Office ready to be issue in the name of the said John Vanhynans, your Petitioner therefore prays that the said Deed may be Cancelled, and that His Majesty’s Deed of Grant for said Lot do issue in the name of your Petitioner. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c.—York 12th November 1798. Jos Edwards by [Signed] James Clark his agent. Added note of Allan McNabb: “Mr Edwards paying the full fees for the Deed A McN by desire of Mr Edwards” Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 Nov 1798 and read in Council on 12 Nov 1798. Ordered the deed having past the office, the application is too late. Read again in Council on 6 Apr 1799. Ordered assented to by the Board, the Petitioner paying the fees under the Old Regulations for both deeds. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 32]

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Jones of Niagara read in the Executive Council on 22 Jul 1800

“Sheweth, That your Petitioner having made application to the Late Land Board: obtained permission and located Lot number sixty seven in the Town—now called Niagara That your Petitioner did afterwards in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety five dispose of all his right and title to the said Lot unto Joseph Edwards of the same place Merchant –who has since built his present dwelling house and made other very great improvements thereon. Your petitioner therefore prays your Excellency to direct that his Majesty’s Letters patent of Grant thereof may issue in the name of the said Joseph Edwards – And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c [Signed] John Jones” Read in the Executive Council on 22 Jul 1800. Ordered recommended that the Lot be granted to John Jones. The case is not sent as to call for a deviation from the General Rule in favour of Mr. Edwards. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “I” “J” Bundle 5, Petition Number 27a]

Report of D. W. Smith, Acting Surveyor General dated on 11 Aug 1798 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Jones

“A Search in the Surveyor Gens Office – York} 11 August 1798 On the old plan of the town of Newark, which was for some time in the possession of the Council office, the name of John Jones, appears returned for lot no 67—[Signed] D W Smith ASG” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “I” “J” Bundle 5, Petition Number 27]

Ellis, John

The Upper Canada Land Petition of John Ellis late Soldier in His Majestys late 84th Regiment of Foot dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Aug 1794

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner in 1777 enlisted in His Majestys Regt aforesaid and continued to serve therein truly and faithfully—till the same was reduced in 1784 when he received a regular discharge from the Commanding Officer Major Harris your petitioner thereby with all all [sic] submission humbly conceives himself a deserving object of His Majestys most gracious Bounty in Lands offered to industrious Settlers particularly such as has been in His Majestys service, but of which he has not yet availed himself. May it therefore please your Excellency to permitt your petitioner to Locate such a quantity of Land as your Excellency may be pleased to allow, for himself wife and three Children And your petitioner shall ever pray.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 Aug 1794 and Read in Council on 4 Nov 1794. Ordered if not already granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 1 Petition Number 12]

Elmsley, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of Honourable John Elmsley, Chief Justice dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 25 Feb 1797

“Humbly Prays That your Honor will be pleased to [grant] your Petitioner a Town lot in the Town of Newark & your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] J Elmsley C. J. Read in the Executive Council on 26 Feb 1797. Ordered recommended to his Honor to grant the same. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 18]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Honourable John Elmsley Esquire dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 4 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner is Chief Justice of this Province, & an Executive and Legislative Counsellor in & for the same: Your Petitioner humbly prays that Your Honour will be pleased to grant him such a quantity of His Majesty’s vacant Lands in this Province, as to Your Honour shall seem fit. And your Petitioner, as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] John Elmsley” Read in the Executive Council on 10 Jan 1797. Ordered From the Petitioner’s high situation in this Province as Chief Justice thereof and an Executive Counsellor, the Board take the liberty for the present to order him five thousand acres to put him on an equality with respect to land with Field officers of the Army, who have been hitherto allowed that Quantity—but the board at the same time recommends it to the administration to submit to the Secretary of State the propriety of obtaining His Majesty’s permission to grant such a proportion of land as may be deemed adequate to his [status]. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 19]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of the Honourable John Elmsley, Chief Justice &c. received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Nov 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Honour in Council has been pleased to grant to yr Petitioner Lots No [blank] & [blank] in the 3d Concession of York. That Lot No 22 in the second concession has been set apart as a Glebe for the future incumbant. Your Petitioner prays that afsd Lots granted to him may be reserved as a Glebe in lieu of No 22 & that he may have a grant of that Lot & yr Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] J Elmsley” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Nov 1797 and read in Council on 20 Dec 1797. Ordered the exchange prayed for is permitted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17]

Warrant of Survey to Honourable John Elmsley attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition

“Fill up a Warrant of Survey for Lots 2 14 & 22 Second Con York for JE OC 20 Decr ’97 Jacob Fei[l]er – May Ann Warrt issued 11 Jan 98 to Hon J Elmsley C. J.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17a]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Elmsley, Chief Justice of the Province received at the Executive Council Office on 31 Mar 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That in the Plan of the Township of York, a Part Lot is set off for each of the three Judges of the Court of King’s Bench – but no farm lot is set off except for the Chief Justice. Your Petitioner therefore prays on behalf of Mr Justice Powell & the unappointed Judge, that Farm Lots may be appropriated for them in that Township, subject to such conditions as may be thought proper And Your Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] J Elmsley C. J.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 31 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 31 Mar 1797. Ordered that the Surveyor General appropriate in the Township of York farm lots of 200 acres for the two Judges of the Kings Bench, and the Solicitor General, Attorney General and [….] of the Crown, if not granted before – and that to be included in the quantity of land ordered to each of these respective officers. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 31]

Elmsley, Mary

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Elmsley wife of the Honourable John Elmsley, Chief Justice read in the Executive Council on 15 Jun 1797

“Humbly Prayeth That your Petitioner may be allowed a Lot in the Town of York And as in duty bound will ever pray. Mary Elmsley by [Initialled] JE” Read in the Executive Council on 15 Jun 1797. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 18]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Elmsley received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the wife of the Hon’ble John Elsmsley Esqr Chief Justice of this Province. Your Petitioner humbly prays of Your Honour to grant to her such a portion of the Vacant Lands of the Crown in this Province as your Honour shall think proper & your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] J Elmsley for Mary Elmsley” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 15 Jun 1797. Ordered recommended for 1200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 22]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Mrs Mary Elmsley read in the Executive Council on 18 Jul 1797

“Respectfully to request your Honor to grant her one Acre in the Town of Newark & in duty bound she will pray—for Mary Elmsley [Signed] J Elmsley” Read in the Executive Council on 18 Jul 1797. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 25]

Elsworth, Catharine (Davis)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Catharine Davis of the Township of Bertie dated 9 Jan 1827

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is the Daughter of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist is married to John Davis and has never had any lands or order for lands from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her two Hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown And permit Andrew Mercer of York Esquire to be her agent to locate the Same and take out the Deed when completed. And your petitioner as in duty Bound will Ever pray.” Catharine Davis made her mark. Received at Government House on 20 Jun 1828. Read in Council of 20 Jun 1828 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 15, Petition Number 57]

Deposition of James Muirhead dated on 9 Jan 1827 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catharine Davis

District of Niagara} Catharine Davis maketh Oath that She is the person She described herself to be in the above petition is married and has never had any lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 9th day of January 1827}” Catharine Davis made her mark. “[Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 15, Petition Number 57]

Certificate of Henry Anger attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catharine Davis

“District of Niagara} I do certify that Catharine Davis the above named petitioner is the person She describes to be in the above petition and has never had any lands or Order for lands from the Crown to the best of my Knowledge and Belief [Signed] Henry Anger” [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 15, Petition Number 57a]

Certificate of James Muirhead and Ralfe Clench dated 9 Jan 1827 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catharine Davis

“District of Niagara} We James Muirhead Esquire Chairman And Ralfe Clench Esquire Clerk of the Peace Certify that Catharine Davis personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day is recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Francis Elsworth who retained his loyalty during the late War without aiding or assisting the Enemy And that her husband John Davis was a Cripple during the Late War. Dated at the Court House Niagara this 9th day of January 1827 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 15, Petition Number 57a]

Elsworth, Charles

Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Elworth of the Township of Bertie dated 11 Apr 1826

“Humbly Sheweth. That your petitioner is the Son of Francis Elsworth of Bertie an enrolled U. E. Loyalist is of the full age of Twenty One years has taken the Oath of Allegiance and has never had any lands or lans from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency may be pleased to grant him two Hundred Acres of the waste lands of the Crown And permit Andrew Mercer of York Eqr to be his agent to locate the Same and take out the Deed when completed. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” Charles Elsworth made his mark. Received at Government House on 4 Feb 1826. Read in the Executive Council on 6 Sep 1826 and ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 55]

Deposition in the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace dated 11 Apr 1826 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Elsworth

“District of Niagara} Charles Elsworth maketh oath that he is the Person he described himself to be in the above Petition , is of the full age of Twenty One years and has never had any lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 11th day of April 1826 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clk [Signed] J. Clench }” Charles Elsworth made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 55]

Deposition of Henry Anger dated 11 Apr1826 attached to the the Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Elsworth

“District of Niagara} Henry Anger maketh Certificate That Charles Elsworth the above named Petitioner is the Person He describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any lands from the Crown to the best of my Knowledge and belief. Sworn at the Court House this 11th April 1826} [Signed] Henry Anger” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 55a]

Certificate of Joseph B. Clench and Ralfe Clench dated 11 Apr 1826 attached to the the Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Elsworth

“District of Niagara} Joseph B. Clench Eqr Chairman and Ralfe Clench Esqr Clerk of the Peace Certify that Charles Clench appeared at the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace that Charres Elsworth appeared at the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day is Recognized to be the Son of Francis Elsworth a U. E. Loyalist who retained his Loyalty during the late War and that as Long as [….] the Enemy. That the Petitioner was too young to do his duty during the late War. Done at the Court House Niagara this 11th day of April 1826 [Signed] Ralfe Clench Clk of the Peace [Signed] J. Clench Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 55a]

Certificate of J. Warren dated 10 Jun 1826 attached to the the Upper Canada Land Petition of Charles Elsworth

“I Certify that Charles Ellsworth of Bertie has taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance as required by Law, before me, this 10th day of June in the year of our Lord 1826. J. Warren Commissioner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 55c]

Elsworth, Clarissa Ann

Upper Canada Land Petition of Clarissa Ann Atkinson of the Township of Humberstone dated 24 Jan 1832

“Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the daughter of Francis Elsworth late of the Township of Bertie, deceased an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist was married to Thomas Adkinson (sic) and has never had any lands, or order for lands, from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit Benjamin Cutler to be her agent to locate the same, and take out the Deed when registered. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.” [Signed] Clarissa Ann Adkinson (sic). Received at Government House on 4 Sep 1832. Read in Council on 6 Sep 1832 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 17, Petition Number 45]

Deposition of James Muirhead attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Clarissa Ann Atkinson

“District of Niagara} Clarissa Ann Adkinson (sic) maketh oath that she is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition; is married, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 24th day of January 1832 [Signed] J. Muirhead [Signed] Clarissa Ann Adkinson.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 17, Petition Number 45]

Certificate of Daniel Kunisly attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Clarissa Ann Atkinson

“District of Niagara} I do certify that Clarissa Ann Adkinson (sic) the above named petitioner, is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] Daniel Kunisley” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 17, Petition Number 45]

Certificate James Muirhead and Charles Richardson attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Clarissa Ann Atkinson

District of Niagara} James Muirhead Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Clarissa Ann Adkinson personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day, is recognized by the Magistrates, to be the daughter of Francis Elsworth who retained his loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy; that she was married to George Foster who was a Cripple and was loyal during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara, in the said District this 24th day of January 1832 Charles Richardson, Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 17, Petition Number 45]

Elsworth, David

Upper Canada Land Petition of David Elsworth of the Township of Bertie, yeoman dated 24 Mar 1832 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Humbly Sheweth: That Your Petitioner is the Son of Francis Ellsworth late of the Township of Bertie, deceased, an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is upwards of Twenty one years of age and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant him Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit [blank] to be his Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray. [Signed] David Elsworth” Read in the Executive Council on 4 Apr 1833 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 3]

Deposition of James Muirhead dated 24 Mar 1833 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of DAvid Ellsworth

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} Magdalen Ellsworth The above Petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Niagara this Twenty-fourth Day of March 1832} [Signed] Magdalen Elsworth. And I do hereby Certify that the above was read over and explained to Deponent, and that he seemed perfectly to understand the same. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman [Signed] David Elsworth”

Certificate of Daniel Kunisley attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of David Ellsworth

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} I do Certify that Magdalen Ellsworth the above named Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” [Signed] Daniel Kunisley made his mark.

Deposition of James Muirhead and Charles Richardson dated on 24 Jan 1832 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of David Ellsworth

District of Niagara.} Wit. James Muirhead – Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that David Ellsworth — who Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day was recognized by the Magistrates to be the Son of Francis Ellsworth who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the Enemy. Dated this 26th day of March 1833. [Signed] Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman”

Elsworth, Elizabeth

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Elsworth received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a helpless old woman of the age of Seventy Eight years, has been in this Settlement for Twelve years past. Your Petitioner before petitioned the Council and understood she was to have One hundred Acres which She has not as yet received. Your Petitioner Prays that her aged infirm situation may be taken into Consideration and that a quantity of Land may be allowed her, such quantity as to your Honor may appear meet. Your Petitioner had a Son who served in Butlers Rangers dureing the late war. And your Petitioner will as in duty Bound will Ever Pray [Signed] Elizabeth Elsworth” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jul 1797. Ordered it appearing that the faith of Government was long ago pledged to this helpless old woman who is an [……..] honorable UE and the head of a UE family but not on the List though no trace of it remains in the office. She is recommended for 200 acres under the Old Regulation. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 14]

Elsworth, Elizabeth (Foster)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Foster [using a pre-printed form with fill=ins]

“Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the daughter of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie an enrolled U. E. Loyalist was married to George Foster late of Bertie deceased and has never had any lands, or order for lands, from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit Andrew Mercer of York to be her agent to locate the same, and take out the Deed when registered. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.” Elizabeth Foster made her mark. Received at Government House on 4 Jul 1826. Read in Council on 5 Jul 1826 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 121]

Deposition of J. B. Clench and Ralfe Clench dated 11 Apr 1826 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Foster

“District of Niagara} Elizabeth Foster maketh oath that she is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition; is married, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 11th day of April 1826 [Signed] J. B. Clench J. P. Chairman” Elizabeth Foster made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 121]

Certificate of Henry Anger attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Foster

“District of Niagara} I do certify that Elizabeth Foster the above named petitioner, is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] Henry Anger” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 121]

Certificate of Joseph B. and Ralfe Clench attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Foster

District of Niagara} We Joseph B. Clench Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Elizabeth Foster personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day, is recognized by the Magistrates, to be the daughter of Francis Elsworth who retained his loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy; that she was married to George Foster who was a Cripple and was loyal during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara, in the said District this 11th day of April 1826 [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. B. Clench Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 121a]

Elsworth, Francis

Upper Canada Land Petition of Francis Elsworth late of Butler Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 15 Jun 1795

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner on the Disbanding of the Rangers in the year 1783 – settled near the Falls of Niagara, on One Hundred and Fifty acres of Land – being One Hundred for himself and Fifty for his wife, which he improved considerably, so, That in the year 178[6] when His Excellency Governor Haldimand visited this Country, he informed Your Petitioner He should have an addition of two Hundred Acres – There being no vacant Lands near to him, yr Petitioner purchased of one David Bailey, his right to 300 Acres, now in Stamford – for which Bailey received a Ticket from Mr Frey – then Actg Surveyor and soon after went to the States where Bailey yet remains, but your Petitioner apprehends his name was inserted on the Plan. Your Petitioner having never received any Certificate for the 150 acres at the Falls, or for the Lands he purchased of Bailey, prays the same may be confirmed to him, and also that your Excellency would be pleased to grant him his additional two Hundred Acres, which he not received—likewise and a further addition for his mother and four Children – And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray” [Unsigned] [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle Miscellaneous 1799-1841, Petition Number 9]

Executive Council Proceedings on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Francis Elsworth

Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Feb 1795 and read in Council on 22 Aug 1795. “Recommended for 200 Acres in addition to the land he occupies – & confirmation of the latter if the Surveyor General Knows of no objection.”

“As a Ranger including Genl Haldimands Promise} 350; His Wifes Land the D. of Loyalist 200; four children – 200; [Total] 750.”

“The Governor & Council appearing to have intended only to confirm the Petitioner in the 160 Acres & the 200 acres promised by Genl Haldimand being 50 more than he was entitled to, the above 750 acres are the whole he can possibly Claim – as to his purchase of another Right, it is a question of Law which will be determin

Upper Canada Land Petition of Francis Elsworth dated at York (Toronto) on 4 Nov 1815

“The Petition of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie yeoman, formerly of Butler’s Rangers, in which he served in the American Rebellion, Humbly Sheweth – That Patents have been completed, and are now lying in the Office of the Secretary of the Province, for Lot No 13 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Delaware, consisting of 200 Acres, in the name of his Wife, Mary Elsworth, and the South East quarter of Lot No 24 in the 2nde Concession of the same Township. Containing 50 Acres, in your Petitioner’s own name. That upon application at the Secretary’s office for the said Patents, he is informed that they are staid in consequence of a report relative to the same, by the Inspector General of Public Accounts. – Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that your Excellency would be pleased to take his Case into Consideration, and grant him relief — And your Petitioner shall ever pray — ” Francis Elsworth made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Nov 1815 and read in Council on 4 Nov 1815. “Ordered that the Petitioner receive the grant of 50 acres free of expense and that his Wife have a grant of the 200 Acres paying the fees under the Old Regulations.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 10, Petition Number 40]

Elsworth, George

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Elsworth of Wainfleet Township yeoman dated 35 Oct 1819

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is the son of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie yeoman and U E Loyalist – is of the full age of twenty one years, and has taken the oath of allegiance/ That he has never received any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown – He therefore Prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him two hundred acres of the waste Lands of the Crown, and allow James Fitzgibbon of the Town of York Esquire to be his agent to Locate the same, and receive the Patent from his Majesty’s Secretary of the Province, when complete. And as in duty bound Your Petitioner October 25th 1819. Witness [Signed] George Field [Signed] Daniel Brown.” George Elsworth made his mark. Received in the Executive Council Office on 1 Nov 1819. Read in Council on 3 Nov 1819 and orderded 200. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 12, Petition Number 43]

Deposition of Thomas Dickson attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Elsworth

“George Elsworth maketh Oath that he is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and of the full age of Twenty One Years & has never had any land or order for the Crown. Above in General Sessions 11th January 1816 [Signed] Thomas Dickson Chairman” George Elsworth made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 12, Petition Number 43a]

Deposition of John Warren J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Elsworth

“District of Niagara} John Warren J. P. maketh oath that George Ellsworth is the Person he describes himself to be in the above Petition and has never had any lands or Order for lands from the Crown to the best of his knowledge & belief. Sworn in General Sessions 11th January 1816 [Signed] Thomas Dickson, Chairman [Signed] J. Warren” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 12, Petition Number 43a]

Elsworth, Magdalen (Anger)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Magdalen Ellsworth of the Township of Bertie [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Frederick Anger of the Township of Bertie an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is married to Charles Ellsworth and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit [blank] to be her Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray. [Signed] Magdalen Elsworth” Read in the Executive Council on 4 Apr 1833 and ordered recommended [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 3]

Deposition of James Muirhead dated 24 Mar 1833 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Magdalen Ellsworth

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} Magdalen Ellsworth The above Petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Niagara this 24th Day of March 1833} [Signed] Magdalen Elsworth. And I do hereby Certify that the above was read over and explained to Deponent, and that she seemed perfectly to understand the same. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman”

Certificate of Josiah Bearss attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Magdalen Ellsworth

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} I do Certify that Magdalen Ellsworth the above named Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Josiah Bearss made his mark.

Deposition of James Muirhead and Charles Richardson dated on 26 Mar 1833 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Magdalen Ellsworth

District of Niagara.} Wit. James Muirhead – Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that Magdalen Ellsworth — who Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day was recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Frederick Anger who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the Enemy. Dated this 26th day of March 1833. [Signed Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed J. Muirhead [Chairman]”

Elsworth, Margaret (Anger)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Anger dated on 13 Apr 1824

“Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the daughter of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie an enrolled U. E. Loyalist was married to William Anger of the Township of Bertie deceased and has never had any lands, or order for lands, from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit Jacob Fretz of Bertie to be her agent to locate the same, and take out the Deed when registered. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.” Margaret Anger made her mark. Received at Government House on 24 Mar 1825. Read in Council on 25 May 1825and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 48]

Deposition of William Crooks dated 13 Apr 1824 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Anger

“District of Niagara} Margaret Anger maketh oath that she is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition; is married, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 13th day of April 1824 [Signed] W. Crooks Chairman” Margaret Anger made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 48]

Certificate of Ralph Clench attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Anger

“District of Niagara} I do certify that Margaret Anger the above named petitioner, is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 121]

Certificate of William Crooks and Ralfe Clench dated 13 Apr 1824 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Anger

District of Niagara} We William Crooks Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Margaret Anger personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day, is recognized by the Magistrates, to be the daughter of Francis Elsworth who retained his loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy; that she is married to William Anger who was loyal during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara, in the said District this 13th day of April 1824 W. Crooks Chairman [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace [Signed]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 48]

Certificate of Jacob Fretz attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Margaret Anger

I Certify that the Petitioner Margaret Anger and her husband William Anger remain in the Township of Bertie and were both alive a few days last past – York 17 May 1825 [Signed] Jacob Fretz” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 48]

Elsworth, Mary

Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Elsworth received at Government House on 8 Dec 1825

“Humbly Sheweth That under an Order in Council in the year 1796, Your Petitioner, many years since, located Lot No 13 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Delaware and lately paid the Fees on the Patent, which appears to have been signed by Lieu Governor Hunter in the year 1802, and Audited & registered, but no Seal being affixed, is staid for the pleasure of Your Excellency — Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly Prays Your Excellency’s consideration of the premises, and that, if requisite, she may be permitted to surrender the Patent and receive a new one, or that Your Excellency will be pleased to make such other Orders as to your Excellency may appear meet. And as in duty bound Your Petitioner will ever pray” Mary Elsworth made her mark. .” Received at Government House on 8 Dec 1825 and referred to the Secretary General to report. Order of the Executive Council dated [..] March 1826 and ordered completed. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 51]

Report of Thomas Ridout, Surveyor General dated 8 Dec 1825 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Elsworth

“Lot No 13 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Delaware, Containing 200 acres, has been described in the name of Mary Elsworth, under an order in Council of 7th October 1796 for 200 acres of an UE Loyalist. SGO 8th Decr 1825 [Signed] Thos Ridout S. Gl” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 51]

Report of the Secretary’s Office attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Elsworth

“Patent for the above mentioned Lot in the name of Mary Elsworth, has been Completed, excepting the Great Seal, which does not appear to have been affixed to it — The Patent bears date of 17 May 1802 Secretary’s Office [Signed] D Cameron” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 14, Petition Number 51]

Elsworth, Rachael (Edsall)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall of Bertie Township [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Francis Ellsworth deceased of the Township of Bertie an Enrolled U. E. Loyalist; is married and has never had any Lands, or Order for Lands, from the Crown—Therefore, Humbly Prays that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her Two Hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit Henry Anger to be her Agent to Locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed—And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever Pray.” Rachael Edsall made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 4 Apr 1833 and ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Deposition of James Muirhead dated 22 Jan 1830 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} Rachael Edsall The above Petitioner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Niagara this 22d Day of Januay 1830} [Signed] Rachael Edsall. And I do hereby Certify that the above was read over and explained to Deponent, and that she seemed perfectly to understand the same. [Signed] J. Muirhead Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Certificate of Henry F. Anger attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

“District of Niagara. To Wit:} I do Certify that Rachael Edsall the above named Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be in the above Petition, and has never had any Lands or Order for Lands, from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Josiah Bearss made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Deposition of James Muirhead and Charles Richardson dated on 22 Jan 1830 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Rachael Edsall

District of Niagara.} Wit. James Muirhead – Esquire, Chairman, and Charles Richardson, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, do hereby Certify that Rachael Ellsworth — who Personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this Day was recognized by the Magistrates to be the Daughter of Francis Ellsworth who retained his Loyalty during the late War, without aiding or assisting the Enemy. Dated this 22d day of January 1830. [Signed Charles Richardson Clerk of the Peace [Signed J. Muirhead [Chairman]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 18, Petition Number 4]

Elsworth, Sarah (Anger)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Anger of the Township of Bertie dated on 11 Apr 1826

“Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is the daughter of Francis Elsworth of the Township of Bertie, an enrolled U. E. Loyalist is married to Henry Anger of Bertie and has never had any lands, or order for lands, from the Crown. Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her two hundred acres of the waste lands of the Crown. And permit Andrew Mercer of York to be her agent to locate the same, and take out the Deed when registered. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.” Sarah Anger made her mark. Received at Government House on 4 Jul 1826. Read in Council on 5 Jul 1826 and ordered recommended for 200 acres of land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 95]

Deposition of J. B. Clench dated 11Apr 1826 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Anger

“District of Niagara} Sarah Anger maketh oath that she is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition; is married, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown. Sworn in General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this 1th day of April 1826 [Signed] J. B. Clench Chairman” Sarah Anger made her mark [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 17, Petition Number 45]

Certificate of Ralfe Clenche attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Anger

“District of Niagara} I do certify that Sarah Anger the above named petitioner, is the person she describes herself to be in the above petition, and has never had any lands, or order for lands from the Crown, to the best of my knowledge and belief [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 95]

Certificate Joseph B. Clench and Ralfe Clench dated 11 Apr 1828 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Sarah Anger

District of Niagara} Joseph B. Clench Esquire, Chairman, and Ralfe Clench Esquire, Clerk of the Peace certify that Sarah Anger personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, this day, is recognized by the Magistrates, to be the daughter of Francis Elsworth who retained his loyalty during the late war, without aiding or assisting the enemy; that she was married to Henry Anger who was a Cripple and was loyal during the late war. Dated at the Court House at Niagara, in the said District this Eleventh day of April 1826 Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace [Signed] J. B. Clench Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 14, Petition Number 95]

Emmett, Stephen

Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Emmett dated at Niagara on 3 Jun 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Stephen Emmett- half Brother to David Secord- Respectfully shews- That he has a wife & five children that your Petitioner has only received 200 acres of Land Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is settled thereon & has cultivated and improved the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him & family, in addition, 400 acres of land at Long Point where his sd Brother resides upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Stephen Emmett” Read in the Executive Council on 4 Jun and read in Council on 7 Oct. Ordered granted 200 acres in addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 10]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated at York on 16 Dec 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Emmett

“Stephen Emmett has paid into this office Three pound five shillings and two pence currency the Patent fees for 200 Acres of Land in Townsend under Regs of 1796 and One Pound, Seven Shillings, Six pence Currency the Surveying fees thereon £3.5.2 Currency, 1.7.6 Currency, Total £4.12.8 Currency [Signed] P Selby Recr Genl” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 10b]

Named in the Townsend Report prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 applying for settlement in Townsend Township, Norfolk County but deferred to Jun 1, 1797 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Stephen Emmett Lot 13 Concession 9

Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Emmett of Grantham dated in Niagara on 28 Sep 1797

“Humbly sheweth—That Your Petitioner is a Loyalist U. E. as pr return of the magistrates, and has resided in the Province many years – That your Petitioner has a wife and six children, one of whom was born before the year 1789 and having never received any Family Land humbly begs your Honor would be pleased to grant him such quantity as he may be entitled in that Capacity to receive and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—Niagara 28 Sept 1797 [Signed] Stephen Emmett” Appended note: “The Petitioner has received a Personal grant of 400 acres” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle “Misc” 1797-1835, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of David Secord J. P. dated on 27 Jul 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Emmett

“I hereby certify that Stephen Emit was an Inhabitant of this Province prior to 1789 and had then a wife and one child—Given under My Hand this 27 July 1797 [Signed] D. Secord J P [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle “Misc” 1797-1835, Petition Number 1b]

Everingham, Catherine (Lemon)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Everingham dated at Niagara on 4 Jun 1796 [Using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Catharine Everingham- widow of James Everingham, late of the Jersey Volunteers—Respectfully shews- That your Petitioners Husband died about ten months ago & left her two small children—that he was settled on two Hundred acres in the Township of Willoughby but never received any certificate for it—& that your Petitioner resides thereon—Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant her 400 acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 17 Jul. Ordered recommended that one hundred Acres be granted to the heirs of James Everingham. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 12]

Certificate of Parshall Terry, J. P., Henry Bughner, Jacob Wilson and James Matthews attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Everingham

“This is to Certify that James Everingham who is now Diseast Served in the first Battion of Colo Delancys Regt. of the Jersey Volunteers as a Private man and has Left a widow and Two Small Children. Given under my hand this 3d Day of June 1796 [Signed] Parshall Terry J. P., Henry Bughner, Jacob Wilson, James Matthews” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 12a]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Everingham, Widow of James Everingham received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Jul 1796

“Respectfully shews That your Petitioners Husband died about fifteen months ago, & left her with two children, having never drawn any Land—That she some time since applied for Land to the Heirs of James Everingham, but that her Husband having had four children (who are at present with John Burch Esq: by a former wife – presumes the one Hundred Acres granted, will become theirs—That the two Hundred acres she lives upon in the Township of Willoughby, were improved by her said Husband, and since his death continued to be so by your petitioner who therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her the said two Hundred acres, for the support of Herself & family & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray – ” [Unsigned] Added notation of Thomas Ridout, N.P.: “Applied for by the Petitioner’s father Jacob Lemon in behalf of his Daughter—[Signed] Thos Ridout NP” Received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Jul 1796. Read in Council on 8 Oct 1796. Ordered referred to further inquiry. Read again on 10 Jan 1797. Brought the enclosed certificate. Read again on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered to lie over for further discussion etc. Read again on 16 May 1797. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General and if Numbers 13 and 14 in Willoughby have not been appropriated ordered that they be granted to the Petitioner. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 19]

Certificate of John Burch dated at Fall Mills on 9 Jan 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Catherine Everingham

“This is to Certify that the Certificate below is True & that the said James Everingham came into this province in year 1786 & that he Brought with him a Wife & three children & had one more after he came. on Death of his first Wife he Brought the said four children & delivered them to my care & support which I have done near seven years. To Whome it may Concern [Signed] John Burch” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 19b]

Certificate of Henry Buchner and James Mathews dated on 3 Jan 1797 under the Certificate of John Burch

“We Do Sertify that James Everingham Did Serve in the 1st Battn New Jersey Vollenteers commanded by Lt Col. Steven Delancy at New yourk [….] in the Late Contest Between Grate Briton and america and Came to this provence in the year 1786 with a wife and three children [Signed] Henry Buchner, James Mathews” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 3, Petition Number 19b]

Everitt, Abner

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abner Everett dated at Niagara on 7 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Abner Everett from Pensylvania—has been in the Province about 18 months That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him Two Hundred acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended for 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 2, Petition Number 1]

Everitt, Catharine (Litchmore)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Caty Litchmore dated at Niagara on 7 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner having been Twelve Years in this Province and having Drawn no lands; Humbly prays Your Honor to Grant her such a quantity as Your Honor in Your wisdom may think meet. And Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever pray [Signed] Caty Litchmore” Appended certificate of S P [Bauer] Surveyor General “I hereby Certify that Cath. Litchmere [sic] is located on Lot No 5 in 1st Concession Township of Caistor” [Signed] S P [Bauer] SG Caistor S. G. O. 19 June 1833” Marginal note of G H Kerr: “I Certify that the proper manner of writing Petitioner’s Name is Catharine Litchmore, who resides in Ancaster. York 19th June 1833 [Signed] G H Kerr” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jan 1797 and read in Council on 27 Feb 1797. Read again on 11 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 52]

Certificate issued by the Receiver General’s Office on 19 Jun 1833

“Catharine Litchmore has paid into this Office, Government’s proportion and the fee of survey on Two hundred Acres of Land, under regulations of 9th July 1796 pursuant to an Order of the 11th March 1797 for the Receiver General, [Signed] Wm Rose. Survey £1.7.1 Curry. No 294. York. 19th Jun 1833. Received the Patent fee £3.5.2 Curry. Saml Ridout” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 52a]

Certificate of G H Kerr dated at York (Toronto) on 19 Jun 1833

“I do Certify that Catherine Litchmore, the Locater of Lot Number Five in the First Concession of the Township of Caistor, I now the wife of Abner Everitt, of the Township of Ancaster. York 19th June 1833 [Signed] G H Kerr” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 52b]

Everit, Martin

Upper Canada Land Petition of Martin Everit (signed Everat) dated on 17 Aug 1795

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner Emigrated this Country in the yr 178[6] with a wife and five Children and being a friend to the British Government your Petitioner Suffered Greatly by Severe persecutions from the Rebels In the Ud States During the late Rebellion In America and removed from thence to this Country for relief. If The principal of Loyalty and an early Emigration to this Province has any weight In your Petitioners Claim to a Tract of Land he is Conscious your Excellency will do him Strict Justice. Your Petitioner Prays for four Hundred Acres Land In The Township of Gainsborough Home District [Signed] Martin Everat” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Aug 1795 and Read in Council on 19 Aug 1798. The Council recommended to grant the Prayer of this Petition for 400 acres, which covers all claims for family lands and former tickets given. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 1 Petition Number 2]

Everitt, Peter

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Captain Richard Wilkinson dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 27 Jul 1797

“The Petition of Captain Richard Wilkinson in behalf of the Heirs of the late Lieut Peter Everitt of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. Respectfully Sheweth That Your Petitioner as Guardian to the Heirs of the said deceased (who died several years after the conclusion of the American War and after having drawn and improved a part of the Lands he was entitled to for his services) finds it a part of his duty to pray that he may be permitted to locate the remainder of the proportion of Lands of the said deceased being fifteen hundred Acres – to the use of the said Heirs and to be divided among them agreeable to a settlement for that purpose existing – And, as in duty bound, Your Petitioner will ever pray &c—[Signed] R Wilkinson” Received at the Executive Council Office on 27 Jul 1797. Ordered recommended that 1500 acres the residue of Lieut. Everetts Military Lands be grant to such of his next of kin as are resident in the Province as heirs in common. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 79]

Everson, James

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of James Everson read in the Executive Council on 20 Jun 1794

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner having Located No 4 on the front concession about 30 Miles up on the south side of Welland Chipawa Crick opposite Mink Creek (Surveyed by Mr Welch) and now having 4 Acres cleared thereon—Your Petitioner most humbly prays His Excellency will please to grant him a Certificate for the same, he having resided in this Country above six years and now means to settle thereon if granted—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 20 Jun 1794. The Council ordered the lot granted and referred to the Surveyor General. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 1 Petition Number 8]

Mentioned in the report of the Surveyor General’s Office on 3 Sep 1802 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Smith

“May it please your Excellency—In obedience to your Excellencys order of reference to me on the petition of Abraham Smith, who prays to lease Lot No 15 – in the 4th Concession of Charlotteville; to report whether the petitioner be located on the said Lot and by what authority—I am to state to your Excellency that the aforesaid Lot No 15 – in the 4th Concession of Charlotteville, is a Reserve for the Crown, and that no person has ever been located thereon—It appears that Noah Millard, James Munro and James Everson have each respectively applied for a Lease of this Reserve—All which is nevertheless humbly submitted to Your Excellencys wisdom—for the Surveyr Genl [Signed] Chewett & Ridout” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 6, Petition Number 46b]

Everson, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Everson of Stamford dated at York (Toronto) on 1 Jan 1798

`Humbly sheweth – That your Petitioner now at York, is desirous to possess a Lot in that Town, and to improve and build thereon, agreeably to the regulations therefore made – Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him one, on the usual conditions, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John Everson” Received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Jan 1798 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1798. Ordered recommended for a Town Lot on the usual conditions. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 20]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Everson dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Jul 1797

“humbly Sheweth That he brought his family (consisting of a wife & six children) into this Province in the year 1789, that he received four hundred acres of land in their right, but none in his own name, tho he was settled in the Province a year before his family came in. That his not having received any land hitherto was owing to an error in his former Petition. Wherefore your Honors Petitioner prays that you would be pleased to grant to him such a portion of land as to your Honor may appear meet & as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] John Everson” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jul 1797 and read in Council on 1 May 1800. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 5, Petition Number 22]

Certificate of John Small, J. P. dated 19 May 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Everson

“Personally came John Everson & maketh oath that he has never recd any Certificate or any order of lands, but the 400 As granted him in Council 11 November 1796 as family Lands—Sworn before me [Signed] J Small J. P. [Signed] John Everson” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 5, Petition Number 22]

Everson, John Junior

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Everson Junior dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 Mar 1797

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner is Son of John Everson of Stamford, who has been settled in the Province nine years—That your Petitioner being desirous to settle on Lands of the Crown, and being also in a condition to cultivate the Same, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres on the usual terms and conditions and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray” John Everson Jun made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 21 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 12]

Certificate of Thomas Welch J. P. dated on 29 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Everson Junior

“I do hereby Certify that on the 29th Day of December 1796 John Everson of 21 Years of Age, born in the Province of New York in North America, professing the Christian Religion, and by Trade a Farmer personally Came and appeared before me Thomas Welch Esquire, one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the Home District of the Province of Upper Canada and took the Oath of Allegiance and Signed the Declaration Before [Signed] Thomas Welch J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 12b]

Everson, Mary (Gray)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Gray of the Township of York, in County of York received at the Executive Council Office on 12 May 1801

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner is the Daughter of John Everson a UE. That She is Married & has never received any Lands, Wherefore yr Petitioner humbly prays that she may receive 200 acres of Land & yr Petitioner in duty bound will Ever pray—[Signed] Mary Gray” Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 May 1801. Notation: “End John Everson on the UE List” Read in Council on 12 May 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 5, Petition Number 29]

Certificate of James Ruggles, J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Gray

“Personally appeared before me [blank] one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the Home District the above named Mary Gray who being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God deposeth that she is of the above description and a married woman & that she has not recd any Lands from the Crown—[Signed] Mary Gray before me—[Signed] James Ruggles J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 5, Petition Number 29]

Certificate of James Ruggles, J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Gray

“I certify that the Petitioner is the Person she describes herself to be, & that She never has to my knowledge & belief received lands or any order for Lands from the Crown [Signed] James Ruggles, J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 5, Petition Number 29]

Everson, Samuel

Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel Everson dated at York (Toronto) on 26 Jul 1799

“Humbly shews that he is the Son of John Everson a UE & has never drawn any Lands Prays Your Honor will please to grant him 200 Acres & yr Petitioner in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Saml Everson” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jul 1799. Council notes on the petition: “End Jno Evartson on the List, who he says is his father 9 Jun 1800” “I do hereby certify that the Petitioner has never recd any Lands passed the Council Office. [Signed] J. Small” Read in Council on 5 Jul 1800. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as son of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 5, Petition Number 21]

Certificate of John Everson dated 21 Jul 1799 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel Everson

“Sir this is to Sartyfey that my Son Sammual Everson is born in the yar 1778 august th 26 [Signed] John Everson” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “E” Bundle 5, Petition Number 21b]