Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Boughner to Bowman"

Boughner see also Buchner

Boughner, Alexander

Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander Boughner dated at Charlotteville on 10 Mar 1807

The Petition of Alexander Boughner of the Township of Windham in County of Norfolk in the District of London in the Province of Upper Canada Farmer. Humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner is a Son of Mathias Boughner of the same Township of Windham a U. E Loyalist that he is upwards of twenty one years of age, and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore your petitioner prays your Excellency to grant him two hundred Acres of the waste lands of the Crown, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Alexander Boughner” Added notation of Thomas Welch, Chairman: “I do certify that the above named Alexander Boughner signed this Petition in my presence at Charlotteville this 10th day of March 1807. — [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 79]

Executive Council Notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander Boughner

“Received 22nd June 1807 from himself. The name of Matthias Buckner – not Boughner – appears on the U: E: Lists – Quere if the same Person. The Petitioner has had no Land by Order in Council. SUE [Signed] John McGill ISPPA [Signed] J. Small Clk” “Lt Governors Office York 25 June 1807. Referred to the Executive Council By order of the Lt Governor [Signed] Wm Halton Secretary.” “Read in Council 25th June 1807. The Petitioner Recommended for a Grant of Two hundred Acres of Land as the Son of an U: E: Loyalist. Approved [Signed] Francis Gore Lt Governor [Signed] Thos Scott Chairman” “Warrant R52 issued 26th Jun 1807 by Petitioner”

Certificate of Thomas Welch dated at Charlotteville on 10 Mar 1807 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander Boughner

“Personally appeared before the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at Charlotteville for the District of London this tenth day of March 1807, the within named petitioner, Alexander Boughner, and made Oath and said that he is the person he describes himself to be, and to the best of his knowledge and belief he is upwards of twenty one years of age and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. — Sworn in General Quarter Sessions at Charlotteville this 10th day of March 1807} [Signed] Alexander Boughner [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 79]

Certificate of William Dell dated on 10 Mar 1807 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander Boughner

“Personally appeared before the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at Charlotteville for the District of London, tenth day of March 1807 William Dell of the Township of Windham and made Oath and saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief the within named Alexander Boughner is a son of Matthias Boughner a U. E. Loyalist and is upwards of twenty one years of age, and his father Matthias Boughner now resides in the Township of Windham in the County of Norfolk in the District of London in the Province of Upper Canada — Sworn in General Quarter Sessions at Charlotteville this tenth day of March 1807.} [Signed] William Dell [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 79]

Boughner, Daniel

Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Boughner of the Township of Southwold, Farmer dated at Talbot Road July 24th 1830

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner was located by Colonel Talbot a Lot of Two Hundred Acres of Land on Talbot Road in October 1819, liable to Settlement duty, which he has performed, and is ready to pay the Fees that may be required immediately. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that Your Excellency will be pleased to Grant him the said Two Hundred Acres of Land — And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray— [Signed] Daniel Boughner” Added notation: Recommended by [Signed] Thomas Talbot Supert. I certify that Daniel Boughner has taken the oath of allegiance before me – [Signed] Thomas Talbot J: P:” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 16, Petition Number 77]

Executive Council Notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Boughner

“Government House 31st July 1830. Referred to the Surveyor General to report hereon for the information of the Honorable Executive Council. By Command Ge: Mudge” “Lot No 45 East on the North Branch of Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold 200 acres whereon the Petitioner has performed the Settlement duty as Certified by Colonel Talbot is clear of difficulty, and may be described as within prayed for if it be Your Excellencys pleasure. SGO 4th August 1830 [Signed] W Chewett Actg Surveyr Genl.” “In Council 2d Septr 1830 Recommended — [Initialed] JB” “Warrant No 1887 issued 8th September 1830.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 16, Petition Number 77b]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated at York 6 Sep 1830 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Boughner

“No. 1507. Danl Boughner has paid into this Office, Government’s proportion and the Fee of Survey on Two hundred Acres of Land, under regulation of 6 July 1804 pursuant to an Order in Council of the 2nd Sept 1830. Crown £4.0.8 Survey 1.4.9 [Total] Sterling £5.5.5 For the Receiver General [Signed] B Turquand” “No 852. York. 7th Sept 1830. Received the Patent fee £2.18.8  Stelg [Signed] Saml Thoomb” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 16, Petition Number 77a]

Boughner, Getta (Glover)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Getta Boughner wife of Alexander Boughner of the Township of Windham yeoman

“Humbly Sheweth That you Petitioner is the Daughter of Jacob Glover of the Township of Windham a UE Loyalist, that she is Married to Alexander Boughner and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency may be pleased to grant her two hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown and permit Philip Sovereign Esquire of the Town of Townsend to be her Agent to Locate the same and take out the Deed when completed – and your Petitioner in Duty bound will ever pray – ” Getta Boughner made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 18]

Executive Council notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Getta Boughner

“Received 6th February 1811 from Philip Sovereign Esquire. The name of Jacob Glover appears on the UE List. Petitioner has had no land by Order in Council [Initialed] DW [Signed] John Beikie Conf Clerk [Signed] John McGill ISPPA” “Lieutenant Governor’s Office York 9 Feby 1811. Referred to the Executive Council – By Order of the Lieutenant Governor – Wm Halton Se” “Read in Council 16 February 1811—The Petitioner recommended for a Grant of Two hundred Acres of Land as Daughter of a UE Loyalist. — [Signed] Thos Scott, Chairman” “Approved Fras Gore Lt Govr” “Warrant E93 issued 23rd Febry 1811 by Mr Sovereign”

Certificate of John Bemer J. P. dated in Townsend Township on 22 Jan 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Getta Boughner

“Getta Boughner maketh oath and saith that she is the Person she describes herself to be in the within Petition, that She is Married to Alexander Boughner and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown” Getta Boughner made her mark. “Sworn before me at Townsend in the Province of Upper Canada this 22nd day of January 1811.} [Signed] John Bemer J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 18]

Certificate of John Bemer J. P. dated in Townsend Township on 22 Jan 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Getta Boughner

“I do hereby Certify that Getta Boughner Signed the within Petition in my presence that she is the Person she therein describes herself to be and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown to the best of my knowledge and belief Witness my had at Townsend in the Province aforesaid this 22nd day of January 1811. [Signed] John Bemer J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 8, Petition Number 18]

Boughner, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Boughner of the Township of Willoughby, County of Lincoln & District of Niagara dated on 25 Sep 1800

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Son of Mathias Boughner of the Township aforesaid a U. E. Loyalist, that he is of the full age of twenty one years & has never received any Lands nor a grant for Lands from the Crown – Wherefore he prays that your Excellency would be Pleased to grant to him such a Portion of the waste Lands of the Crown as to your Excellency may Seem meet, and as in Duty bound will ever Pray [Signed] John Boughner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Sep 1800 and read in Council on 30 Sep 1800. Ordered for 200 acres as a son of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 5, Petition Number 30]

Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 25 Sep 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Boughner

“Personally appeared before me Robert Nelles Esqr one of his Majestys Justice of the Peace for the District of Niagara the above named John Boughner who being duly Sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty god, Deposeth that he is of the full age of twenty one years and that he has never received any Lands, or any Order for Lands from the Crown—[Signed] John Boughner Taken and Sworn before me this 25th Day of Sepr 1800 [Signed] Robert Nelles JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 5, Petition Number 30]

Boughner, Joseph

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner of Windham in the County of Norfolk, in the District of London and Province aforesaid, Yeoman dated at Charlotteville on 11 Sep 1810

“Humbly Sheweth. That Your Petitioner is the Son of Matthias Buchner, of Windham aforesaid, a U. E. Loyalist, that he is Twenty-one Years of Age and upwards, and has never received any Land or Order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore Your Petitioner most Humbly prays, that Your Excellency may be pleased to grant him Two hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown within the said Province, And that Your Excellency may be pleased to permit Mr Thomas Hamilton of York, Merchant, to Act as Agent for Your Petitioner to locate the Same, and take out the Deed therefore when compleated. And Your Petitioner as in duty bound, Shall ever pray. [Signed] Joseph Boughner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Jun 1811 from Mr Thomas Hamilton. Ordered it does not appear that the Petitioner has received any land by Order in Council. A Certificate of the Petitioner having taken the Oath of Allegiance is wanted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle Miscellaneous 1793-1840, Petition Number 73]

Certificate of Thomas Welch dated at Charlotteville on 11 Sep 1810 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“District of London Charlotteville, to wit} Personally appeared in Open Court Joseph Boughner the above named Petitioner who being duly Sworn deposeth and saith the he is the person he described himself to be in the above Petition That he has attained the age of Twenty one years, and that he has never received any Land or order for any from the Crown. Sworn in open Court 11th September 1810} [Signed] Joseph Boughner [Signed] Thomas Welch Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle Miscellaneous 1793-1840, Petition Number 73]

Certificate of Martin Boughner appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“District of London Charlotteville to wit} Martin Boughner of Windham yeoman personally appeared in Open Court who being duly Sworn deposeth & Saith that he is acquainted with Joseph Boughner the above Petitioner – that he is the person he has described himself to be in the above Petion [sic], That he is Twenty one years of age, and that he has never received any Land or order for any from the Crown, to the best of his knowledge & belief — Sworn in open Court this 11 September 1810 [Signed] Martin Boughner [Signed] Thomas Welch Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle Miscellaneous 1793-1840, Petition Number 73]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner of the Township of Malahide in the District of London, Husbandman dated in Charlotteville on 14 Apr 1818

“That your Petitioner is a son of Matthias Buchner late of the Township of Windham in the District aforesaid a U. E. Loyalist, deceased. That your petitioner is of the age of Twenty one Years and upwards and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Wherefore Your petitioner Prays that Your Honor will be pleased to take his case into Consideration and Grant to Your Petitioner Two Hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown within the said Province. And Your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Joseph Boughner [Signed in presence of [Signed] Francis L. Walsh, [Signed] Martin Boughner Charlotteville District of London April 14th 1818 —” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 124]

Certificate of John Backhouse, J. P. dated on 14 Apr 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“District of London Charlotteville fs.} At a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden in and for the said District of London , personal appeared the within named Joseph Bouchner [sic] who being duly Sworn on this 14 day of April 1818 Deposeth and saith that he is the person he describes himself to be in the within petition, that he is upwards of Twenty one Years of age and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Sworn in open Court this 14th day of April 1818. [Signed] Jn Backhouse [Signed] Joseph Boughner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 124a]

Certificate of Martin Boughner dated on 14 Apr 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“At a Court of General Quarter of the Peace, holden in and for the said District of London aforesaid on the fourteenth day of April 1818, Personally Appeared Martin Boughner of Windham, who being duly Sworn deposeth and saith that the within named Joseph Buchner is the person he describes himself to be in the within petition. That deponent saw him sign the same and that to the best of Deponents knowledge and belief the said Joseph Buchner is of the full age of Twenty one Years, and upwards and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. Sworn in open Court this 14th day of April 1818 [Signed] Jn Backhouse Chairman [Signed] Martin Boughner” Received in the Executive Council Office on 2 May 1818 and read in Council on 8 May 1818. Ordered granted 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 124a]

Certificate of John Backhouse, J. P. and Richard William Dease, Clerk of the Peace dated in Charlotteville on 14 Apr 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“We John Backhouse Chairman and Richard William Dease Clerk of the Peace do Certify that Joseph Bouchner [sic] appeared before the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace this day is Recognized by the Magistrates to be the son of the late Matthias Buchner a U: E: Loyalist and that the said Joseph Buchner did his duty in defence of the province during the late War. Dated at the Courthouse in Charlotteville in the said District this fourteenth day of April 1818 — [Signed] Jn Backhouse Chairman [Signed] R William Dease Clk P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 124b]

Certificate of Joseph Ryerson J. P. dated on 14 Apr 1818 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boughner

“I do hereby Certify that Joseph Buchner has taken the oath of Allegiance as required by law before me this 14th of April 1818. [Signed] Jos. Ryerson J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 124c]

Boughner, Martin

Upper Canada Land Petition of Martin Boughner of the Township of Windham in the County of Norfolk in the District of London in the Province of Upper Canada Yeoman dated at Charlotteville Township on 10 Mar 1807.

“Humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner is a Son of Matthias Boughner of the same Township of Windham a U. E. Loyalist, that he is upwards of twenty one years of age, and has never received any Land, or order for Land from the Crown. — Wherefore you Petitioner prays your Excellency to grant him two Hundred Acres of the waste Lands of the Crown, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray — [Signed] Martin Boughner” Added notation of Thomas Welch, J. P. “I do certify that the above named Martin Boughner Signed this Petition in my presence at Charlotteville this 10th day of March 1807. — [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman of Sessions” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 70]

Executive Council Notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martin Boughner

“”Received 22nd June 1807 – from his Brother Alexander. The name of Matthias Buckner – not Boughner appears on the U: E: List. Quere if same Person? The Petitioner has had no Land by order in Council. Certificate of Petitioner having taken the Oath of Allegiance wanted, also a Person to be Named as Agent — [Signed J. Small Clerk” “A Certificate of Petitioner’s having taken the Oath of Allegiance received 7th April 1812 – see within. Abner Owen is appointed agent see annexed Power.” “The Same Person SUE [Signed] John McGill ISPPA” “7 April 1812 Referred to the Executive Council [Signed] Isaac Brock Presidt” “Read in Council same Day — The Petitioner recommended for a Grant of Two hundred Acres of Land as Son of a UE Loyalist [Signed] Thos Scott Chairman” “Approved [Signed] Isaac Brock Presidt” “Warrant No 109 issued sent to Agt 18 Sept 1812” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 70]

Certificate of Thomas Welch dated at Charlotteville on 10 Mar 1807 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martin Boughner

“Personally appeared before the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at Charlotteville for the District of London this tenth day of March 1807, the within named Martin Boughner, and made Oath and saith that he is the person he describes himself to be, and to the best of his knowledge and belief he is upwards of twenty one years of age and has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown. — Sworn in General Quarter Sessions at Charlotteville this 10th day of March 1807} [Signed] Martin Boughner [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 70]

Certificate of William Dell dated on 10 Mar 1807 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martin Boughner

“Personally appeared before the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at Charlotteville for the District of London, tenth day of March 1807 William Dell of the Township of Windham and made Oath and saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief the within named Martin Boughner is a son of Matthias Boughner a U. E. Loyalist and is upwards of twenty one years of age, and his father Matthias Boughner now resides in the Township of Windham in the County of Norfolk in the District of London in the Province of Upper Canada — Sworn in General Quarter Sessions at Charlotteville this tenth day of March 1807.} [Signed] William Dell [Signed] Thomas Welch, Chairman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 70]

Boughner, Matthias

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias “Buggener” dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 7 Jul 1795

“Most humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner during the whole of the late American War was a warm and known Loyalist and lived in affluent Circumstances in Sussex County in New Jersey. That at the time when Mr. James Moody made an Attempt to take Governor Livingston, and was unfortunately frustrated of the accomplishment of his design, the said Moody and his party fled for refuge into the Petitioner’s House where they was concealed and hospitably entertained and further supplied with ammunition, fire arms and provisions. That this Circumstance being discovered, Your Petitioner was apprehended, lodged in Gaol, & loaded with Irons and long languished in that Situation, being at the Same time dispossessed of all his real property and robbed of his moveable Property. That in this desolate Situation your Petitioner with a very numerous family removed into this province as soon as possible for him and has remained therein ever since. That your Petitioner has a wife and ten children living in this province [crossed out: has received no compensation for his Losses] and only drawn 250 acres of Lands. That your Petitioner is ready in this most ample manner to prove all the facts he now Setts forth. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that Your Excellency would take into Consideration his Case & Circumstances and make him such allowance of the waste lands of the Crown as in Your Excellencys Wisdom & Bounty may Seem meet and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray &c. [Signed] Mathias Buggener.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 19 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for 550 acres for family lands on his producing the required certificates. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 75]

Certificate of Nathaniel Pettit dated 10 Nov 1792 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Beam

“These Do Certify to whome it may Concern that the Bareers Jacob Beam, Henry Boughner and Mathias Boughner were Imprisoned Indicted and highly find in the County of Sussex in New jersey but the Sums I cannot Remember and that there was Large Sums of cost aganst them and that the charges against them was that they had Suported Captin James Moody when out in that County in the Late War provitions and Conducted him through there Neghborhood, given under my hand the 10th Day of Nor 1792.” [Signed] Nath. Pettit [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 92a]

Certificate of Mathias Buchner dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Oct 1797 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Beam

“Personally appeared before me Robert Kerr one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for said District Mathias Boughner who declared himself to be returned on the List of U. E. who being Duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth that in the beginning of the american war he resided near to Jacob Beam (now of Clinton) adjacent to Sussex Court House in the then Province of West Jersey—that the said Jacob Beam was well known to be attached to His Majesty’s Government, that he was thereupon situated by General Skinner to raise men for his Majestys Service, and that the said Beam in Consequence thereof engaged about Twenty, and that he understood five of them got within the lines, and entered into the King’s Service—The said Mathias Boughner also deposeth, that he and the said Jacob Beam were confined at the same time and in the same Gaol, and were both fettered and the said Jacob Beam was released on paying a fine of Two Hundred Pounds New York Currency lying in Gaol three months after the fine was paid, as a further punishment. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 92j]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias Buchner received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797

“Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner joined the Royal Standard in America in the year 1777 in new Jersey of which he has satisfied the Justices of the Peace in Sessions assembled for the Home District. Your Petitioner brought his wife & Ten Children in to this Settlement in the year 1785 and has all been here ever since. Your Petitioner has drawn Two hundred acres of land for himself and Fifty for his [wife] & each of his Children in the whole 750. Therefore Prays that one hundred more be allowed him & one hundred & Fifty to his wife to put him on a footing with other Loyalists of their description & your Petitioner will as in duty Bound Ever Pray” Mathias Buchner made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797 and read in Council on 12 May 1797. Ordered the petitioner has received all the land he is entitled to. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 14]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Sessions attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias Buchner

“Mathias Buchner has satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he joined the Royal Standard in America before the years 83 and is enrolled in the List of U. E. [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 14a]

Land Board Certificate issued to Mathias Bougener [sic] dated on 12 Mar 1792 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Bearer Mathias Bougener having on the 12 day of March 1792 preferred to this Board a Petition addressed to His Excellency the Governor in Council for a grant of Two Hundred Acres of land in the Township of No 1 above Chippeway in the District of Nassau We have examined into his loyalty and character and find him duly qualified to receive a single Lot of about two hundred Acres, the oath of fidelity and allegiance directed by law having this day been administered to him by the board, in conformity to the fourth article of the Rules and Regulations aforementioned. Given at the Board at Nassau this 12th day of March one thousand seven hundred and Ninety two To Augustus Jones Acting Surveyor General for the District of Nassau. To Augustus Jones Acting Surveyor for the District of Nassau [Signed] J. Butler, R. Hamilton, John Burch” Certificate of the Acting Surveyor: “I Assign to the Bearer Mathias Bougenar the Lot No 10 & 11 in 7th Concessn in the Township of No 1 above Chippeway in the District of Nassau containing Two Hundred Acres.” Later note of Peter Russell, Administrator of Upper Canada: “The Location permitted” Read in the Executive Council on 12 May 1797. Ordered recommended to be confirmed if only entered on the Quebec Plan. It being the 20 acres he acknowledges to have received for his own location exclusive of his family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 41]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Matthias Boughner of Windham in the London District an U E Loyalist dated in Woodhouse on 9 May 1816

“Most Humbly Sheweth—That Your Petitioner during the American Rebellion joined the Royal Standard – after sent in Twenty Two Recruits to join the Provincial Forces while Stationed at Newark in the late Province of Jersey – for which he Suffered a long confinement in irons – in the Gaol of Sussex – and was Sentenced to be hanged but got Aberated on paying a fine of Two Hundred Pounds – That Your Petitioner has received a Grant of Two Hundred Acres of land & the family lands agreeably to the old Regulations. That Your Petitioner never received any Compensation as a Loyalist – nor anything from the Government although he was promised by the Commanding officer at Niagara on his Coming to this Province in 1784 – that something would be done for him – but the removal of the Said Commanding officer who took off with his Your Petitioners papers a short time afterwards – prevented that promise from being fulfilled. That the [Enumolames] of Your Petitioners loyalty & Sufferings are well known to Isaac Swayze Esquire who reckoned the Men which Your Petitioner Sent in. Wherefore Your Petitioner hopes – as he is now very old & helpless – that Your Excellency will be pleased to order him an Additional Grant of land & Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray — [Signed] Matthias Boughner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 3]

Executive Council notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Matthias Boughner

“Recd from Col. Nichol 12 August 1816” “Referred to ye Surveyor General to Report what Land has been located for the Petitioner. [Signed] John Beikie Confe Clk” “under an order in Council of the 12 May 1797 – for 200 acres to Matthias Boughner — 200 acres have been described for him in the Township of Willoughby. I find no other Lands in the Petitioners name – But under the name of Matthew Boughner & order in Council 19 August 1795 – family Lands for a wife & 10 children are granted – the Lands 550 acres have been located in Woodhouse, it is apprehended that this Matthew should have been Matthias & the same person with the Petitioner. S Genl Office 13 August 1816 [Signed] Thos Ridout Survyr Genl” “13th August 1816 Rejected [Initialed] JS” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 11, Petition Number 3]

Buchner/Boughner, Mathias Jr.

Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias Boughner Junior received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Sep 1800

“The Petition of Mathias Boughner Junior of the Township of Willoughby, County of Lincoln and District of Niagara Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the son of Mathias Boughner of the Township aforesaid, a U. E. Loyalist that he is of the full age of twenty three years and has never received any Lands nor a grant for Land from the Crown Wherefore he prays that your Excellency would be Pleased to grant to him such a Portion of the waste Land of the Crown as to your Excellency may seem meet, and as in Duty bound will Ever Pray—[Signed] Mathias Boughner” Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Sep 1800. Ordered Recommended for 200 acres as son of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of Robert Nelles J. P. dated on 31 Sep 1800 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias Boughner Junior

“Personally appeared before me Robert Nelles Esqr one of his Majestys justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara, the above Named Mathias Boughner Junior, who being duly Sworn on the holy Evangelist of almighty god, Deposeth that he is of the full age of twenty three years, and that he has never received any Lands, or any order for Lands from the Crown – Taken & Sworn before me this 31st Day of Sept 1800 [Signed Robt Nelles JP” [Signed] Mathias Boughner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of Robert Nelles J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mathias Boughner Junior

“I do hereby Certify that the within named Mathias Boughner Junior, is the Person he Describes himself to be, and that he never has to my knowledge and belief Received any Lands, or any order for Land from the Crown [Signed] Robt Nelles J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Matthias Boughner of the Township of Southwold, Farmer dated at Port Talbot on 22 Aug 1834

“Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner was located by the Honorable Colonel Talbot upon a Lot of 200 Acres in the Township aforesaid in the year 1819 liable to Settlement Duties, which Settlement Duties he has performed and is ready to pay the Fees that may be required on the same. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the said Lot and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Matthias Boughner” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 18, Petition Number 269]

Executive Council Notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Matthias Boughner

“Govt House 29th Augt 1834 Referred to the Surveyor General to report hereon for the information of the Honble the Executive Council By Command [Signed] Wm Rowan” “Lot No 47 East on the North Branch of Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold whereon the Petitioner has been located and performed the Settlement duties may be described if it be Your Excellencys pleasure 1 Sepr 1834. [Signed] S. P. Husty S G” “In Council 4th September 1834 Recommended [Signed] John Strachan P. C.” “Warrant No 2170 issued 12 Septr 1834” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 18, Petition Number 269b]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office dated at York 11 Sep 1834 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Matthias Boughner

“No. A112. Matthias Boughner has paid into this Office, Patent fees and the Fee of Survey on 200 Acres of Land, under regulation of 6 July 1804 pursuant to an Order in Council of the 4nd Sept 1834. Sterling £8.4.1 For the Receiver General [Signed] B Turquand” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 18, Petition Number 269a]

Boullard, Joseph

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph Boullard dated at Niagara on 31 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioner came into the Province about ten days ago from Tioga in Pensylvania, that your Petitioner is about 24 years of age, and being desirous of Settling in the Province prays your Honor will find him an appropriation of 200 acres of Land, to be confirmed when he shall have approved himself a bona fide settler, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—for Joseph Boullard [Signed] Wilm H Lee The Petitioner is now at Andrew Ostranders in Stamford.” Ordered by the Executive Council on 1 Aug 1797 to lie over for 12 months. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “b” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 40]

Appended certificate of George Forsyth J. P. dated at Newark on 25 Jul 1797

“This Certifies that the Bearer Joseph Boullard has Signed the Declaration, and taken the oath of Allegeance before me at Newark this 25th July 1797. [Signed] Geo Forsyth J. P.” Addressed to the Surveyor General’s Office Newark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “b” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 40a]

Bowen, Cornelius

Upper Canada Land Petition of Cornelius Bowen dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of Cornelius Bowen late of Butlers rangers—respectfully shews—That your Petitioner settled in the Province in the year 1784—with a wife & five children & that he has only received 200 acres of Land which he has much improved—That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him Lands for himself and Family as may due them upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Cornelius Bowen made his mark. Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul. Ordered recommended for his family lands if not granted before.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 100]

Certificate of John Warren J. P. dated on 16 May 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Cornelius Bowen

“I certify that Cornelius Bowen is possessed of no more than two hundred acres of Land, which are the numbers five in the first, and five in the Second concession of the Township of Bertie, being two Lots of one hundred acres each—his family consists of his Wife, Rebecca [children] John, William, Henry, Gertrude came into the Province with their father Corn. Bowen in the year 1784 [children] Daniel, Cornelius, Christian [child] James—came into the Province in 1784 [Signed] John Warren J. P.” Read in Council on 12 Jul. Ordered recommended for his family lands if not granted before and 100 acres to complete his military lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 100a]

Bowen, Daniel

Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Bowen of Burford Esq One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the District of London dated at York (Toronto) on 15 Jan 1816

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner was born in the late Province now State of New Jersey in the new United States of America and is of the age of 74 years – That he served during the American Rebellion as a Captain in the New Jersey Volunteers. That since the Treaty of separation in the year 1783 he resided until about 4 years ago in Nova Scotia when he came to this Province. That he has never received any Land or order for Land from the Crown in this Province. That being desirous of obtaining a grant of the waste Lands of the Crown he humbly prays that Your Excellency would be pleased to grant him such portion thereof as to Your Excellency may appear meet, under the usual regulations. That your Petitioner shall ever pray [Signed] Danl Bowen York 15 January 1816” Received in the Executive Council office on 15 Jan 1816. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 111]


Bowen, Gertrude (Plato)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Plato dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Petition of Peter Plato late of Butlers Rangers who has received 300 acres of Land but having married Gertrude, the Daughter of Cornelius Bowen—a discharged Ranger – (who has not recd any Lands Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him 200 acres in behalf of his wife. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Peter “Blado” made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 May 1796. Ordered certificate wanted. Received again at the Executive Council Office on 12 Jul. Read in Council on 23 May 1798. Ordered 200 acres to Gertrude (alias) Catharine Bowen, the wife of Peter Plato, as the Daughter of a U. E. Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 44]

Certificate of Henry Bowen dated on 27 Apr 1798 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Plato

“I Henry Bowen, do certify that I am the son of the late Cornelius Bowen late of the Township of Bertie, a U. E. Loyalist, and that Peter Plato has married to my sister Catherine—[Signed] Henry Bowen” “Sworn before me at York this 27 Day of April 1798 – [Signed] D W Smith JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 44b]

Bowen, Henry

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Plato dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Petition of Peter Plato late of Butlers Rangers who has received 300 acres of Land but having married Gertrude, the Daughter of Cornelius Bowen—a discharged Ranger – (who has not recd any Lands Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him 200 acres in behalf of his wife. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” Peter “Blado” made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 May 1796. Ordered certificate wanted. Received again at the Executive Council Office on 12 Jul. Read in Council on 23 May 1798. Ordered 200 acres to Gertrude (alias) Catharine Bowen, the wife of Peter Plato, as the Daughter of a U. E. Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 44]

Certificate of Henry Bowen dated on 27 Apr 1798 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Plato

“I Henry Bowen, do certify that I am the son of the late Cornelius Bowen late of the Township of Bertie, a U. E. Loyalist, and that Peter Plato has married to my sister Catherine—[Signed] Henry Bowen” “Sworn before me at York this 27 Day of April 1798 – [Signed] D W Smith JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, Petition Number 44b]

Bowen, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowen dated at Niagara on 17 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“The Petition of John Bowen—son of Cornelius Bowen late of Butlers Rangers—respectfully shews—That your Petitioner has a wife and two children, and never received a certificate for Land—That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and is ready to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him Three Hundred acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, or such other quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] John Bowen” Read in the Executive Council on 5 Jul. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. Confirmed on 8 Oct 1796. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 96]

Certificate of John Warren, J. P. dated at Fort Erie on 14 May 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowen

“I certify that John Bowen (eldest Son of Cornelius Bowen who served in the late Colonel Butler’s Corps of Rangers, during the American War) has never taken up any Lands, having ever since the commencement of the Settlement dwelt along with his father in the lot number five, in the first Concession on the River, in the Township of Bertie, he is an honest, sober, industrious young man—[Signed] John Warren J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 96a]

Bower, Peter

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Bower non-commission Officer in the late Corps of Rangers commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Butler, dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 25 Jul 1795

“Most respectfully Sheweth. That your Petitioner from the very Commencement of the late unhappy American War was ever a Staunch and warm loyalist and took up Arms against the Rebells and did not quit the Service until the Conclusion of the war—behaving himself at all times as became him—as the annexed Certificate from his late Lieutenant Colonel vouches. That your Petitioner is married to the Daughter of a Loyalist, who likewise served during the late War in the said Corps of Rangers, who is now living as well as five children which are the issue of said Marriage. That your Petitioner was some time settled in the Bay of Quinty—where he received in part of the quota of Lands due to him four Hundred acres which your Petitioner has taken and occupied as family lands to wit two Hundred for his wife & fifty for each child. That your Petitioner is now desirous of establishing himself on Lands in this District and therefore wishes to located therein the lands remaining due to him in right of his said Services as aforesaid & fifty acres also remaining due to him of family Lands. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency would order five Hundred & fifty acres of the vacant and assignable Lands of the Crown lying and being between Pattersons Creek and Long Point to be assigned to your Petitioner on as much thereof as your Excellency may think proper & Meet there or in some other part as in Your Excellencys Wisdom & Bounty may seem fit & Just—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c. [Signed] Peter Bower.” The Executive Council ordered the petition inadmissible. His remaining lands will be allotted in the District where he has received his original grants. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 88].

Appended certificate of Lieutenant Colonel John Butler dated at Newark on 24 Jul 1795

The Bearer Peter Bower served during the late American War as a Non Commissioned Officer in the Corps of Rangers under my Command, and behaved like a brave and good Soldier. [Signed] John Butler.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 88a]

Bowen, William Daniel

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Daniel Bowen, now of Burford in the District of London, Esquire

“Humbly Sheweth – That your Petitioner came into this province in the month of June last, from Nova Scotia – That he has a family consisting of a Wife and 3 children – That he has taken the oath of allegiance & is desirous to obtain a grant of the wast Lands of the Crown. That he is prepared and undertakes, should his Petition be favourably6 answered, to pay immediately, the whole of the patent fee, and fees of Survey – Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays that Your Honor would be pleased to grant him such quantity of the waste Land of the Crown as Your Honor shall think fit, on payment of fees under the usual regulations – And your Petitioner shall ever pray—[Signed] William D Bowen York 22 Oct 1811” Received in the Executive Council office on 22 Oct 1811 and read in Council the same day. Ordered approved.  [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 10, Petition Number 42]

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward Collard of Woodhouse in the London District, Blacksmith dated in York (Toronto) on 16 Apr 1816

“That Your Petitioner a discharged Soldier who served throughout the first American War in the late Jersy Volunteers – Came to the Province from New Brunswick about ten years ago – and has never received any Lands from the Crown – is desirous of leasing the Clergy Reserve Lot Number two in the 11th Concession of Charlotteville under the usual Regulations – and offers, Matthias Steel and Henry Van Allen of the Said Township Gentleman as Surety for the due payment of the Rent wherefore your Petitioner praus that your Excellency will be pleased to order him a lease for the said lot and your Petitioner as in duty bound will every pray- York April 16 1816 – [Signed] Robt Nichol Agent for Edward Collard” Received in the Executive Council Office on 18 Apr 1816 and granted on 19 Apr 1816. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle Leases 1798-1819 Vo. 145, Petition Number 90]

Certificate of Rot Nichol attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward Collard

“The Petitioner is an honest industrious man and wishes to get the lot in question for the purpose of opening an Inn for the accommodation of Travellers – it being on the direct road to Port Talbot from Long Point [Signed] Rob Nichol” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle Leases 1798-1819 Vo. 145, Petition Number 90a]

Bowen, William R.

Upper Canada Land Petition of William R Bowen dated at Kingston on 24 Apr 1791

“The Memorial of William R. Bowen late a Lieutenant in the indian Deaprtment humbly sheweth That your memorialist has drawn six hundred Acres of Land, and improved the same, And now requests that fourteen hundred Acres may be assigned him in the ninth Township, to put him on a Footing, in Respect of Lands, with officers of equal Rank in the 84th Regiment, and your memorialist shall, as I Duty bound, ever pray [Signed] William R. Bowen” No Executive Council dates on the petition. Noted has received 600 acres as a subaltern. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 157]

Bowman, Abraham

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Aug 1795

“Most humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner served during the late American War in the Kings Royal Regiment of New York. That your Petitioner has been settled in this District since the conclusion of the late American War and has a wife and three Children. That your Petitioner has only drawn three Hundred acres of Land for himself & family in part of what is allowed him by His Majesty’s Bounty. That your Petitioner is married to the Daughter of a Loyalist who is likewise a resident in this province. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency in your Wisdom & Bounty would grant to your Petitioner such additional quantity of Lands as in your Excellencys pleasure may seem meet and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c. [Signed] Abraham Bowman” The Executive Council received the petition on 3 Aug 1795 and read it in Council on 12 Aug 1795. Ordered the petitioner has had his quantity as a soldier and recommended for his wife’s right if she appears to be the daughter of a Loyalist. Granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 93]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Bowman and Jacob Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Aug 1795

“That your Petitioners were during the late american War, active and Zealous Loyalists, and continued in the Service of their Sovereign until the peace—That your Petitioners are desirous of building each of them a dwelling House in the Town of Newark—comformably to the Rules & Regulations for that purpose laid down—Wherefore Your Petitioners pray that Your Excellency would grant to each of Your Petitioners a vacant Town Lot in the said Town of Newark for purpose of erecting a dwelling House thereon as aforesaid—and Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &c. [Signed] Abraham Bowman, Jacob Bowman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 4 Jul 1796. Recommended each for Town Lots if none have been before granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 120]

Bowman, Adam

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Bowman late of Butlers Rangers dated 10 Aug 1795

“Humbly Sheweth. That you Petitioner was a Soldier in Col. Butlers Rangers during the American War; that he was repeatedly taken prisoner by The Rebels & wounded—as by the annexed certificate will more fully appear. That your Petitioner has recd 300 acres of Land—yet having a wife—and in consideration of his [….] Service humbly prays your Excellency will graciously be pleased to grant him an addition thereto and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Adam Bowman. Whereas Brother Abraham Bowman attested on his behalf.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 20 Aug 1795. They recommended him for 200 acres in consideration of his wounds and suffering. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 50]

Attached Certificate of John Butler dated at Niagara on 7 Aug 1788

“I do hereby Certify that the bearer Adam Bowman joined the late Corps of Rangers under my Command in the year 1777 and served in the Expedition Against Fort Stanwix commanded by Brigadier General St. Leger, that after the retreat from Fort Stanwix he obtained the General’s leave with some others to go to Susquehanna in order to fetch their families into Niagara, as they had been drove by the enemy from their habitations, where he was taken & put into prison & after some time was put into Irons & removed to Hartford in Connecticut, where he remained until the latter end of the year 1778, when he was exchanged & sent to New York where he remained until the year 1780 & then got leave to join the Corps of Rangers in attempting of which he had the misfortune to be taken again at the Susquehanna after receiving three bad wounds, he was then conveyed to different parts of the Colonies until 1782 when he was exchanged by the way of Canada & joined his Corps & served until the General reduction took place in 1784. But one of the wounds he received when last taken prisoner on the Susquehanna River being badly attended while a prisoner, has never been made a care of & still remains open, he not being able to employ a Surgeon, begs the benefit of one of his Majesty’s Hospitals where he may have such attendance as may restore him to health—to which I beg leave to recommend him as a man deserving notice. [Signed] John Butler.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 50a]

Bowman,  Adam Jr.

Upper Canada Land Petition of Adam Bowman Junior dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Oct 1796

“Most respectfully Sheweth—That your Petitioner is the son of Loyalist who served during the late American War – and that your Petitioner accompanied his father during the Same but was too young to bear Arms—That your Petitioner being now come to the years of improving and Settling Lands for himself prays that his Majesty’s Bounty, thereof, may be allowed to him—and as in Duty bound he will ever pray &c—Newark 20th Oct. 1796—[Signed] Adam Bowman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered in consideration of Petitioner’s father’s merits and application that 200 acres be appropriated for him until he may be of age. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 38]

Bowman, Catharine (Woodley)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Woodley dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 9 May 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner having drawn no lands for his wife Catharine Woodley Daughter of Adam Bowman who was a private Soldier in a Corps of Rangers Commanded by the late Lieutenant Colonel John Butler Humbly prays your Honor to grant him such a quantity as Your Honor in Your wisdom may think meet. And Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever pray—[Signed] George Woodley” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797 and read in Council on 10 May 1797. Ordered Petitioner’s wife is recommended for 200 acres as U.E. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 87]

Certificate of John McNabb, J. P. dated on 8 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Woodley

“I do hereby Certify that Kattrin Bowman the wife of George Woodly is the Daughter of a Loyalist Adam Bowman – Given under my hand this 8th day of May 1797 [Signed] John McNabb J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 87a]

Bowman, Christina (Scott)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Christina Scott daughter of Jacob Bowman late of Butlers Rangers dated on 4 Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is married & having never received any Land, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her 200 Acres of Land—And as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray—” Christina Scott made her mark. “witness—Abrm Bowman” Received at the Executive Council on 4 [Jan] 1797 and read in Council on 14 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 122]

Bowman, Eve (Morden)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Morden on behalf of his wife Eve dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 7 Apr 1797

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner’s wife is the Daughter of Jacob Bowman, a Loyalist U. E. as by the return of the magistrates – and having never received any Land, prays your honor would be pleased to grant his said wife Eve Morden – 200 acres of Land – and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John Morden” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 12 May 1797. Ordered Eve Morden recommended for 200 acres as a UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 236]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated at Stamford on 23 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Morden

“I do Certify that Eve the wife of John Morden is the Daughter of Jacob Bowman a Loyalist—Given under my had at Stamford this 23d March 1797—[Signed] John Reilly J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 236b]

Bowman, George Adam

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Adam Bowman late of the Corps of Rangers commonly called Butlers Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Jul 1795

“Humbly Sheweth. That your petitioner served the said Corps from its formation, as the annexed certificate from the late Captain Walter Butler vouches. That your Petitioner has a wife and nine children who as well as your petitioner have always been resident within the British lines since driven from their Homes for Loyalty at the earliest Stage of American Rebellion—some of which are Still young & Small. That your Petitioner has as yet only drawn two Hundred Acres of Land And is now desirous of locating such further quantity as he may be of right or by Your Excellency’s bounty entitled to. Wherefore your petitioner prays that Your Excellency may Grant to your Petitioner the one Hundred acres Still due to him as a disbanded Soldier—and such allowance as may be found by your Excellency further meet to be given in Right of his Wife and nine Children as aforesaid and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c.” [Signed] G. A. Bowman. Appended certificate of Andrew Bradt: “I certify the truth of the foregoing facts as stated by the Petitioner. [Signed] Andw Bradt Capt. late Rangers & Lt. Col. Militia” Petition Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 12 Aug 1795: Recommended to grant the Prayer of this Petition if it appears by Certificate that he is entitled to the family lands he claims. 100 for himself 500 for his [crossed out: wife and] nine children. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 76]

Attached certificate of Walter Butler Capn, Corps of Rangers dated at Montreal on 10 Jan 1780

“This is to Certify that the Bearer Adam Bowman was discharged from Major Butlers Corps of Rangers last spring as having too large a family to support them and himself, on his daily subsistence—The said Adam Bowman served the Campaign 77 in an Independent Company under my Command and [….] in Major Butlers Corps during which he ever behaved well—he having quited his farm &c on the Susquehana for his Loyalty. [Signed] Walter Butler Capn, Corps of Rangers” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 76a]

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Bowman of the Township of Stamford dated at Niagara on 2 Jul 1796

“Respectfully shews—That your Petitioner came into this Province in the year 1787 with a wife and seven Children of which he will produce a Certificate—that he has been long settled on Lots No 29, 30, 31 and 32 in Stamford—whereon his name is inserted—that he never received any certificate for the Lots, or any other—Prays your Excellency would be pleased to confirm him in the possession of the before mentioned Lots and to grant him 200 additional acres, to complete his own & Family Lands and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended to be described in the Lands he is entered for on account of himself & family. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 71]

Upper Canada Land Petition of George Bowman of Stamford dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 26 Jan 1797

“Humbly shews That your Petitioner came into the Province in the 1787 with a wife and Seven children—and that he has received 200 acres for himself and 200 acres as family Lands. That presuming he is entitled to 200 acres more to complete the Lands for his family—he humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to grant these unto him and as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray—” George Bowman made his mark witnessed by T Ridout, NP. Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres in addition as family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 143]

Certificate of David Secord J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Bowman

“I do hereby certify that George Bowman of the Township of Stamford came into the Province (now Upper Canada) in the year 1787 with a wife and Seven children—[Signed] David Secord JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 143b]

Bowman, Hannah (Rivan)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Bowman dated at West Niagara on 22 Mar 1797

“Most humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Jacob Bowman an U. E. Loyalist, who served during the late American War. That your Petitioner has been in the province since the commencement of the said late War with her said Father, and is of Age—Wherefore Your Petitioner prays that Your Honor may allow her such proportion of Land as to your Honor may seem meet—and as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray &c—[Signed] Hannah Bowman” Read in the Executive Council on 21 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the Daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 122]

Certificate of David Secord, J. P. dated on 20 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Bowman

“I do Cartify that Hanah Bowman is a Daughter of Jacob Bowman a Loylist who was in his Majesty Service During the Late Rebelion in America. Given Under My Hand This 20 March 1797 [Signed] David Secord J P [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 122a]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Captain William Claus in behalf of Peter Rivan dated at Niagara on 11 Mar 1800

“Humbly Sheweth – That a grant of Land of 200 Acres has been made to Hannah Bowman before her marriage to Peter Rivan, he therefore prays that the Deed for the same may be ordered to be made out in the Name of Hannah Rivan instead of the named of Hannah Bowman. And your memorialist as in Duty bound will ever pray [Signed] W. Claus” Read in the Executive Council on 1 Jan 1800. Ordered the deed may issue to Hannah Bowman by her present name. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 5, Petition Number 81]

Bowman, Hannah (Scram)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Felter [Valentine] Scram dated at Niagara on 23 Jan 1797

“Respectfully Shews That your petitioner served in Colonel Butlers late Corps of Rangers in the late American War, and upon the reduction married the daughter of Adam Bowman, who was likewise a Soldier in Colonel Butlers late Corps—That your petitioner has only received two hundred acres of Land – prays your Honor would be pleased for to grant him his residue, and a certain proportion of Land for his wife, and two children which was born before the Year 1789—and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray—” Felter Scram made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 25 Feb 1797. Ordered 200 acres granted to Hannah the wife of Val: Scram – certificate for family lands and discharge wanting. Read in Council again on 12 May 1797. Certificate and discharge being since produced, recommended for 100 acres to complete military lands and 100 acres family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 126]

Certificate of Peter Ball, J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 12 May 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Felter Scram

“I do hereby Certify that Voluntene Scram served as a Private Soldier in Butlers Rangers and that in the year 1785 he Married the Daughter of a Loyalist Adam Bowman and that the said Scram has several children, but I cannot exactly say how old they are [Signed] P Ball, JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 126b]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Scram received at the Executive Council Office on 13 May [1797]

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is wife to Valentine Scram who Served in Col Butlers Rangers and Daughter to Adam Bowman who likewise Served in Col Butlers Rangers and is entered on the U. E. List—wherefore you Petitioner prays your Honor would allow her 200 Acres – she having never received any as the Daughter of a Loyalist—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” Valentine Scram made his mark for Hannah Scram. Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 May [1797] and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a U. E. if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 181]

Certificate of Benjamin Pawling, J. P. dated in the Home District on 12 Aug 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Scram

“This is to Certify that Hanah Scram, the wife of Vollentine Scram, is the Daughter of a Loyalis[t] U. E who served His Majesty in the American war in a Corps Called Butlers Rangers To whome it May Concern [Signed] B Pawling JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 181a]

Warrant attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Scram

“Granted to Valentine Scram in right of his wife, Two hundred Acres. Order of Council 13th May 1797 [Signed] John Small CEC To the Attorney-General” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 3, Petition Number 181c]

Bowman, Henry

Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 Jul 1795

“Most humbly Sheweth. That your petitioner is a loyalist who served during the late American War in the Corps of Rangers commanded by Lieut. Col. Butler. That he is married and has a wife & three Children. That your petitioner has been a settler in this province since the Conclusion of the War and has only drawn as yet one hundred acres of Land. Wherefore he prays a Grant of four hundred acres more two Hundred in his own Right and two Hundred in that of his Family. I will ever pray &c. [Signed] Henry Bowman” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 94]

Certificate of Lieutenant Colonel John Butler Commandant of a Corps of Rangers dated 24 Jun 1784

“These are to Certify that the bearer hereof Henry Bowman Private Soldier in the Lieut. Colonels Company of the aforesaid Corps has served honestly and faithfully in the said Corps Seven Years and in consequence of his Majestys order for disbanding the said Corps he is hereby discharged and is Intitled by his Majestys Late order to the Portion of Land alloted to each Private Soldier of his Majesty’s Provincial Corps who wishes to become a Settler in this Province he having first received all just demands of Pay, Clothing &c. From his Entry into the said Corps to the date of his discharge as appears by his receipt on the back hereof.” [Signed] John Butler. Acknowledgement of Henry Bowman dated at Niagara on 24 Jun 1784: “I Acknowledge to have Received all my Clothing, Pay, arrears of pay and all demands whatsoever from the time of my Inlisting into the Corps and Company mentioned on the other side to this present day of my discharge. [Signed] Henry Bowman.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 94]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Bowman dated at Niagara on 26 May 1796 (using a pre-printed form with fill-ins)

“The Petition of Henry Bowman, Grantham, Yeoman—That your petitioner is desirous to occupy a Lot in the Town of Newark in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, and subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him a Town Lot in Newark upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read by the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 38]

Certificate of Receiver General Peter Russell dated at the Receiver General’s Office on 2 May 1805 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Bowman

“Mr Andrew Heron has paid into this office £2.10.2 Being the Patent Fess on a Grant of a Town Lot in Newark (now Niagara) to Henry Bowman under an Order of Council dated 14 July 1796 The Surveying fees to be paid at the Surveyor Generals office. Signed Peter Russell R G U C To the attorney General & Surveyor General” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 38]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Bowman dated at Niagara on 11 Oct 1796

“respectfully Shews That yr Petitioner served in Butlers Rangers & recd only 100 acres of Land, Petitioner has a wife & three children—prays for a further Portion of Land—[Signed] Henry Bowman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 13 Oct. Ordered 200 acres to complete his Military Lands if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 44]

Bowman, Jacob

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Jul 1795

“That in the year 1777 your Petitioner Joined the Corps of Rangers commanded by Lieut. Colonel John Butler—and went on actual Service on the Expedition for the Reduction of Fort Stanwix—on the failure of which Expedition your Petitioner being on his return as far as the Oneyera Lake obtained leave to go into the Country and bring thence his family to Niagara in the procecution of which attempt your Petitioner was taken prisoner and sent to Hartford Gaol—and afterwards, by exchange got into New York—from thence your petitioner made an attempt to force his way into Niagara in order to Join his Regiment, but in the progress of it was again taken prisoner on the Susquehanah River, and having made resistance sorely wounded. Your Petitioner being thus again captured was sent to the provost and loaded with Irons—thence sent to the Rebel Head quarters for somtime and afterwards moved from Gaol to Gaol to the Kats Kiln—and after remaining some time imprisoned there your Petitioner, along with a number of other Loyalists chained together by couples, was sent to Lancaster where he remained Eighteen months in imprisonment twenty weeks of which time he lay in Chains—from there your Petitioner was removed to Philadelphia Gaol where having remained Eighteen months he was exchanged and sent into New York—whence he was sent to Quebec and from thence Joined again the Corps of Rangers—having been Seven years Separated from his family by reason of his Loyalty & Sufferings—That your Petitioner has in this Province a wife & nine Children—That your Petitioner has only as yet drawn four Hundred acres of land for himself & family. Where your Petitioner prays that your Excellency would gake into Consideration your Petitioners various Sufferings, exclusive of the forfeiture of all his real & personal property in the States to a very considerable amount, and for which your petitioner never claimed or received any Compensation, and grant to your Petitioner such additional allowance of Land as in Your Excellencys Widsom may seem meet—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Jacob Bowman.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 12 Apr 1795. Referred to His Excellency and granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 95]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Bowman and Jacob Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Aug 1795

“That your Petitioners were during the late american War, active and Zealous Loyalists, and continued in the Service of their Sovereign until the peace—That your Petitioners are desirous of building each of them a dwelling House in the Town of Newark—comformably to the Rules & Regulations for that purpose laid down—Wherefore Your Petitioners pray that Your Excellency would grant to each of Your Petitioners a vacant Town Lot in the said Town of Newark for purpose of erecting a dwelling House thereon as aforesaid—and Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &c. [Signed] Abraham Bowman, Jacob Bowman.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 4 Jul 1796. Recommended each for Town Lots if none have been before granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 120]

The Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman—an U. E. Loyalist dated at West Niagara on 22 Mar 1797

“Most humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner, during the course of the late american War was a steady Loyalist, and lost in consequence thereof all his property real & personal to the last Shilling having thereby been reduced from a State of Affluence to the necessity of beginning the world penniless anew—That your Petitioner never received the smallest Compensation for his Losses, from his Ignorance of the mode of applying for the same. Wherefore your Petitioner prays that Your Honor may make him some amends for his Zeal & Sufferings by such allowance of Land over & above his common Quota, as to your Honor may seem meet—And as in duty Bound he will ever pray &c. [Signed] Jacob Bowman.” The Executive Council noted: “However having been intended by the King to Compensate Loyalists for Losses by Donation of Lands this Claim does not come properly before this Board.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle “Miscellaneous.” Petition Number 18]

Bowman, Jacob Jr.

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman of Township Thuwel [sic: Thorold] received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner came into this province in the year 1787 Has not received any Land. Your petitioner prays your Honor would be Pleased to Grant him 200 acres of the Waist Lands of the Crown and as in duty Bound your petitioner Will Ever pray” Jacob Bowman made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17]

Certificate of David Secord, J. P. appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman

“I do Certify that The Bearer Jacob Bowman hath Taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty King George and to Defend to the utmost of His power his Sacred Parson Crown and Government Against all parsons what Ever Given under My Hand this 18 April 1797 [Signed] David Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17]

Certificate of Thomas Dickson J. P. dated at Queenston 22 Oct 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman

“I certify that the bearer Jacob Bowman is the son of George Bowman of the township of Thorold in the district of Niagara and that I have known him for upwards of twenty years, and believe him to be an honest man, but as he is lame in one of his arms he was unable to do any Militia duty during the late war [Signed] Thomas Dickson J. P., George Keefer J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17]

Warrant granted to Jacob Bowman attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition

“Granted to Jacob Bowman Two hundred Acres Order of Council 25th April 1797 [Signed] John Small CEC” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17a]

Notation of Surveyor General Thomas Ridout dated 4 Nov 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman

“Jacob Bowman, Junior, of Thorold, Son of George Jacob Bowman of the same Place, was ordered 200 Acres 21st April 1797 – Qu. if Located. It does not appear to be located [Initialled] T R SGO 4 Nov 1816” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17b]

Notation of J. Scarlet, Assistant Inspector General dated 3 Dec 1816 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Bowman

“The Petitioner states that his Father’s Name is George Jacob Bowman – There is no Person of that Name on the UE List – neither does it appear that he has been privileged for any Patents [Signed] J. Scarlet A. I. G. P. P. A. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 17b]

Bowman, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 8 Mar 1797

“Most humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner came into this Province nine years past—and by command of the commanding officer received two Hundred acres of land which he has located and improved, and has since drawn two Hundred acres for his wife Eva the daughter of John Brown an U. E. Loyalist. That your Petitioner has one Son by the said Eva, aged four years—That your Petitioner having received no Certificate for the said Four Hundred acres of land therefore prays Your Honor to order that one be issued to him for the Same—and for any additional allowance of Land which to your Honor may be seen meet to allow and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—&c [Signed] John Bowman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar 1797 and read in Council the same day. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to be confirmed in the 10th Township and ordered 200 acres to Eve Boman [sic] the Daughter of a Loyalist, if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 142]

Certificate of Isaac Swayze, J. P. dated on 10 Mar 1796

“this may Cartefy that Eve boman She is the wife of John boman is the daughter of John Brown a Loyalest—given under My hand this 10 day March 1797 [Signed] Isaac Swayze JP [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 142a]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace, District of Niagara dated at York (Toronto) on 3 Mar 1810

“This is to Certify that Eve Bowman, wife of John Bowman of Pelham is the Daughter of the late John Brown of Thorold deceased, an Enrolled U E Loyalist [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace District of Niagara” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 142b]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman of the Township of Thorold received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1777

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner came into this province in the year 1788 has not Received any Lands prays your Honor would be pleased to Grant Him two Hundred acres of the Waest [sic] Lands of The Crown and as in Duty Bound your petitioner will Ever pray. [Signed] John Bowman” Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1777 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 16]

Certificate of David Secord J. P. dated on 25 Apr 1797 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman

“I do certify that the Bearer John Bowman Hath Taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty King George the Third and to Defend to the utmost of His power His Sacred parson Crown & Government—Given Under My Hand This 25 Day of April 1797 [Signed] David Secord” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 16]

Warrant to John Bowman attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman

“Granted to John Bowman Two hundred Acres Order of Council 25th April 1797 [Signed[ John Small, CEC” The warrant is crossed through and the notation added “This Warrant remade and issued 27 May 1817” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 16b]

Notation of Deputy Surveyor General David W. Smith attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman

“Query if the Son of Abraham, Adams, Henry, Jacob or Peter Bowman [Initialled] DWS” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 16b]

Certificate dated at the Inspector General’s Office on 28 May 1817 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Bowman

“John Bowman of Thorold Son of Jacob Bowman, formerly of Butler’s Rangers privileged as SUE for Lot No 4 in the 14 Con. of Burford [Signed] John Scarlet, Clk Insp. Genl Office To The Surveyor General” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 3, Petition Number 16a]

Bowman, Peter, Adam, Jacob and Abraham

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Bowman, Jacob Bowman and Adam Bowman formerly of Col. Butler’s Corps of Rangers and Abraham Defries and Abraham Bowman formerly of Sir John Johnsons Royal Yorkers, dated at Lincoln on 12 May 1794.

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioners having served His Majesty during the late War with the Colonies and having received honourable discharges for their long Services Now Most Humbly begs His Excellency will please to grant your Petitioners a Certificate for the Lands they have located. Peter Bowman Lot No. 50 in the 3d Concession, Jacob Bowman Lot No. 50 in the 4th Concession, Adam Bowman No. 49 in the 4th Concession, Abraham Defries No. 48 in the 3d Concession and Abraham Bowman No. 53 in the 3d Concession, all in the Township of Ancaster at the Head of Lake Ontario. And Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever Pray.” The petition was Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 May 1794 then referred to the Surveyor General. The Council ordered the petition granted if it appears they have not hitherto obtained lands and the lands in question are vacant. The Petitioners pray for the lots mentioned in the petition in addition to what they have already received 200 acres—most of which are broken lots. Ordered that they shall have 800 each altogether. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 37]

Bowman, Sarah (Dayton)

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Asa Dayton of the Township of Stamford received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner came into the Province in the year 1788—and previous to the year 1789—had a wife and one child—That your Petitioner joined the Kings Standard before the year 1783—and that his wife is a Daughter of Jacob Bowman, late of Butlers Rangers—That having received 200 acres of Land only—your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him an addition thereto also Family Lands—and for his wife as daughter of a Loyalist U.E. and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Asa Dayton” Note in the margin: “Newark 13 Feby 1797 Asa Dayton says that Major Genl Simcoe commanded a Troop of Horse on Long Island when he joined the Kings Standard” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Feb and read on 14 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres to Sarah Dayton the Daughter of a U. E. Loyalist if not granted before. The other facts stated not proved. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 74a]

Certificate of John Reilly, J. P. dated at Stamford on 18 Feb 1797

“Lincoln Upper Canada} Appeared before me Asa Dayton who being duly Sworn deposeth that he adhered to the Unity of the Brittish Empier by Joining the Royal Standard on Long Island on the fourth of July 1779—Sworn before me at Stamford in the County aforesaid this 18 day of Feby 1797 [Signed] John Reilly J. P., Asa Dayton” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 74]

Additional Certificate of John Reilly, J. P. dated at Stamford on 18 Feb 1797

“Lincoln} I do Certify that Sarah the Wife of Asa Dayton is daughter of Jacob Bowman a Loyalist—Given Under my hand at Stamford in the County aforesaid the 18th Feby 1797 [Signed] John Reilly J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 2, Petition Number 74]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Sarah Dayton – Daughter to Jac. Bowman UE 200 acres in Humberstone Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117l]

Bowman, Susanna (McDonell)

Menioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christian McDonell dated at Niagara on 18 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

The Petition Christian McDonell of Gainsborough, late Private in Butlers Rangers Respectfully shews—That your Petitioner has only received 200 acres as a disbanded Ranger- & that his wife Susanna, (Daughter of Adam Bowman of the sd Corps of Rangers) has not received any Land. That your petitioner is settled on the lands of the Crown in this Province, & has cultivated and improved the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him 100 acres & his wife 200 acres of land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. Received at the Executive Council Office on 16 Mar 1796 and read in Council on 12 Jul. Ordered certificate and discharge wanted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 20a]

Certificate of William Dickson J. P. dated 12 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christian McDonell

“I do hereby verify that Christian McDonald [sic] appeared before me and being duly Sworn made Oath, That he is married to Susannah Bowman Daughter of Adam Bowman late a soldier in Butlers Rangers, and an U E 12th Octr 1796 [Signed] William Dickson JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 20]