Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Pew to Philips"

Pew, Abigail (Major/Pell)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abigail Major ordered granted on 16 Aug 1794

“Humbly Sheweth That yr Petitioner is the Daughter of Captain Joshua Pell, a Loyalist UE & prays that You will please to grant her two Hundred acres of Land in the Township of Sugar Loaf East & yr Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Abigail Major.” No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered granted on 16 Aug 1794 and initialed by John Small, Secretary of the Executive Council. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Miscellaneous 1788-1798, Petition Number 63]

Pew, Hannah (Lampman)

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Lampman of Stamford dated at Niagara on 7 Oct 1796

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been settled some years in the Province, that his wife is the Daughter of Samuel Pew a Loyalist—& that he had 4 Brothers in His Majestys Service during the American war, one of whom was Hung by the Rebels—That having only received one Hundred acres prays Your Honor would be pleased to grant him an additional 200 acres- and two Hundred acres to his wife—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” [Unsigned] Added note of Thomas Ridout, N. P. “I do hereby certify that the above Petition was made out on the personal application of Abm Lampman [Signed] T Ridout N. P. The Petitioner has three Children” Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Oct 1796 and read in Council the same day. Ordered 100 acres in addition and 200 acres in right of his wife if not granted before on producing certificate of her being the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 27a]

Certificate of Isaac Swayze J. P. dated on 25 Nov 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Lampman

“Now Sertify that Hannah Lampman is the daughter of a Loyalist—given under My hand this 25 day of November 1796 [Signed] Isaac Swayze JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “L” Bundle 2, Petition Number 27]

Pew, Robert

Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert Pew of Stamford son of Samuel Pew Decd of the same place a U.E. Loyalist dated at York (Toronto) on 6 Nov 1807

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is the son of the above named Samuel Pew that he is arrived to the full age of Twenty one years that he has taken the oath of allegiance as prescribed by Law and that he never has had any Land or order for Land from the crown. He therefore humbly prays your Excelency will be pleased to grant him two Hundred acres of the waste Land of the Crown and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. York 6 November 1807” Read in the Executive Council on 7 Nov 1809 and ordered recommended for a grant of 200 acres of land as the son of a UE Loyalist [Signed] Robert Pew” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 9, Petition Number 36]

Pew, Samuel

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel Pew

“To the Gentlemen Comprising the Land Board for the Home District. The Petition of Saml Pew humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner esteeming himself intitled to Locate Lands in this County not only for himself but his family, Consisting of his wife & five Children Settled here previous to the year 1788 begs to know what Quantity will be allotted him & that your Petitioner may be authorized to Locate the Quantity allotted him And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray” Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Niagara District without date”, Vol. 390 Petition Number 15]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel Pew of Stamford yeoman dated on 8 Apr 1808

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner joined the Royal Standard in the year 1776 and came into this Province in year 1787 and has been resident here ever since. Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays that his name may be inserted on the U. E. List. Isaac Swayze’s affidavit being here unto annexed. And your Petitioner as in duty Bound Will Ever Pray. Niagara Upper Canada Signed in Presence} [Signed] Samuel Pew [Signed] Thomas Dickson J. P. 8 April 1808” Read in the Executive Council on 6 Dec 1800. Ordered recommended that th name of Samuel Pew be inserted on the U E List. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 9, Petition Number 17]

Affidavit of Isaac Swayze dated at York (Toronto) on 29 Feb 1808 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel Pew

“Home District Personally appeared before me Donald McLean Esquie one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the said District, Isaac Swayze of Niagara Esqr who being Sworn on Oath Deposeth and saith that Samuel Pew of Stamford in the District of Niagara resided in the Province of New Jersey previous to the American War, and that the said Samuel Pew came in and joined the Royal Standard in the year 1776 (December) & that Sir William Howe the then Commander in Chief requested him to return to his Home so that he might secret and harbor other Loyalists & People employed in secret service, which said Samuel Pew did, though with much regret as He did not wish to go home. And I do further say that I have been [..]ented by said Pew after his Return from the lines and He came to Niagara with his Family in the year 1786 where he has resided ever since & further the Deponent saith not. Sworn before me at York this 29th February 1808 [Signed] Donald McLean J. P. [Signed] Isaac Swayze” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 9, Petition Number 17]

Pew, William

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Pew dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Aug 1795

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been in the Province upwards of Eight years—and has received two Hundred acres only in the Township of Stamford—That he has a wife and four Children—He humbly prays therefore Your Excellency will be plesed to grant him an addition to the Lands he has received—for himself & Family—and your Petitioner, as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Wm Pew” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Aug 1795 and read in Council on 13 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for 100 acres for a wife and one child brought with him in to the Province on his producing the required certificate. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 1, Petition Number 21]

Phelps, Davenport

Upper Canada Land Petition of Davenport Phelps and James Wheelock Esquire for themselves and David Curtis, Andrew J Crocker and other Associates dated on 22 May 1793

“humbly sheweth That whereas sometime in the month of April last they presented a petition praying for a grant of a township of land in sd Province which sd petition was honored by the attention of your Excellency in Council—and whereas in sd petition no particular spot was designated or pointed out for the location of sd township. Your petitioners therefore beg leave humbly to solicit more particularly & agreeably to sd petition that the sd township may be granted them; and that the same may be located situated as follows (viz) beginning nine miles from Lake Ontario on the west boundary of the tenth township—thence north twenty degrees east nine miles & thence southerly twelve miles carrying the full breadth of sd nine miles—And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c—[Signed] Davenport Phelps, Jas Wheelock for themselves & David Curtis, Andrew J Crocker & other Associates” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 1, Petition Number 57]

Extract from the Proceedings of Lt Governor Simcoe in Council 24th & 25th May 1793 & 4th May 1793 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Davenport Phelps

“Davenport Phelps & Jas Wheelock, Petition for themselves & Associates for a Township—referred to the Deputy Surveyor General—and ordained to attend tomorrow—25th May 1793. Davenport Phelps & James Wheelock attended from the Order of yesterday, with the Surveyor General and His Excellency the Lt Governor in Council was pleased to order them a Township in the County of Lincoln in the rear of Township Nd 7 & 8—and if any of the Lands should be taken up—or not granted sufficient to complete a Township, to be made good with the Land most contiguous to the same [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 1, Petition Number 57a]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Davenport Phelps resident in Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 26 Apr 1794

“Respectfully Sheweth That in the month of May last past the prayer of his petition with others to His Excellency the Governor for a Township of Land in sd Province was granted—that in consequence thereof he has removed his family and effects into the said Province—That his grant being in said county of Lincoln and not very remote from Newark, he anticipates residing a considerable portion of at least each year in Newark for which purpose he wishes to erect buildings as soon as may be to accommodate his Family &c and therefore respectfully solicits said Land Board that he may be duly entitled to Lot No one hundred and eleven—[Signed] Davenport Phelps” No Executive Council dates or order on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle Miscellaneous 1775-1795, Petition Number 101]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Davenport Phelps received at the Executive Council Office on 5 Jun 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That in May 1793 his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor of the said Province in Council, was pleased to grant the petition of the said Phelps with James Wheelock praying for a grant of a Township of Land for themselves and associates – that within one year after the appropriation of the said Township, your petitioner, for the purpose of settling himself on the same, and of promoting its population and cultivation, moved himself and family into the said Province – That notwithstanding an ill state of health, which has attended him for more than two years past, has prevented his prosecuting the settlement of Glanford with the dispatch he intended, yet it now consists of about thirty industrious farmers, including a number of Mechanics – That several of the present settlers have been labouring upon lots for their connections, five or six in number who are not now in the Province, but are preparing and will probably move in this Summer – That your petitioner, induced by the assurances of his Excellency to expect that the honorable Executive of the Province would continue to be well satisfied that the said Township lie open in its present state for Settlers, for at least one year to come, has not hesitated to engage lots to at least twenty persons more as settlers, who he ventures to say are labourious farmers of the first description and who he has every reason to believe are arranging their affairs to move and some of whom [….] doubt are now on their way here: – your petitioner begs leave further to represent, that he with some of the present settlers, has been at considerable expence in opening roads and erecting a house upon so large a plan as to answer the purposes both of instructing their youth & of attending [….] service, with a view not only of benefiting those now settled, but to accommodate those last mentioned, who are expected to be soon there as Settlers: – your petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honour to take the subject of his petition into your wise consideration and determine relative to the same as may be deemed just; (confirming to your petitioner twelve hundred acres in the said Township) and he, as in duty bound, shall ever pray &c. [Signed] Davenport Phelps” Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 Jun 1797 and read the same day. Ordered recommended for 1200 acres. The unlocated part of the tract set apart for Petitioner & Wheelock is thrown open. The locations confirmed. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 73]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Davenport Phelps dated at York (Toronto) on 7 Jun 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That when the order of the honorable Executive Council appropriating the Township of Glanford was received by your petitioner, he had every reason to expect that Mssrs Wheelock, Curtis and Crocker, or some one in Mr Crocker’s behalf would not have been far behind him in planting themselves in Glanford with your petitioner, and then have aided him in promoting the settlement of that place; – but that they have not only failed of coming forward personally, but have wholly neglected affording your petitioner that assistance in prosecuting the design which he expected: – and that there is not the least prospect in the view of your petitioner of their ever settling in the said Province: – That your petitioner having been thus unaided by them in doing what was requisite to expedite the settlement, has alone suffered very considerable fatigue and expence which must necessarily accrue to one in his Situation, exclusive of running part of the interior lines of the said Township – That as he has, so far as it was in his power, performed, not only his own duty in attending to the said settlement; but the duty of others, who had they come forward as settlers would have been considered as entitled to twelve hundred acres each; and that, as your petitioner has a family consisting of a wife and six children, three of whom are sons, he humbly prays your Honor to grant, or order to be appropriated to his said Sons, Silvester Oliver, George Davenport and William Alexander, severally, the twelve hundred acres to which his said associates would severally have been entitled, had they become settlers & Subjects with your petitioner in the said Province, and to his other children such quantity as may seem meet—Your petitioner begs leave further to state, that (in consequence of permission from the Surveyor General) he had surveyed a part of the said Township of Glanford, the expence of which, if deemed consistent, he humbly prays may be ordered to be reimbursed – And your petitioner as in duty bound. Shall ever pray &c – [Signed] Davenport Phelps” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Jun 1797 and read in Council on 10 Jun 1797. Ordered the claim of the Petitioner’s indemnification for the expence and trouble of the survey said to be made by him, must stand over until it is known whether the survey has been made properly. His claim for 1200 acres for each of his children is wholly unfounded and inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 74]

Phelps, Elijah

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elijah Phelps of Queenstown in the County of Lincoln dated at Queenstown on 27 Jun 1796

“humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner having served during the late American War, in the Corps of Rangers and being resident nearly twenty Years in this province has by his Industry greatly improved his circumstances and now has the Honor of commanding a company of militia. — that your Petitioner has hitherto drawn no Lands – & now prays Your Excellency for such allowance of Lands as in your Excellencys Wisdom may seem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c – [Signed] E. Phelps” Received at the Executive Council Office before 1 Jul 1796 and read in Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended for 300 acres which appear to be due him, the petitioner stating that he never received any. Read again on 8 Oct. Ordered 300 acres in addition making 600 acres in the whole. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 8]

On a 1792 map of the Front Concession of Niagara Township included in the Upper Canada Land petition of Samuel Street, Elijah Phelps was named on Lot 5. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 162]

Phenix, Abraham

Upper Canada Land Petition of Abraham Phenix dated at Niagara on 10 Feb 1797

“Respectfully Shews—That your petitioner in the year 1786 left the united States of america with John Reid and his family – that your Petitioner and his family, which Consisted of a wife and three children, were obliged to return from Oswego, owing to their not having a pass which was then Customary – and notwithstanding his fair representation of the hardship he would lay under to Captn Forbes of the 34th Regt who then Commanded at that Post) by his returning to the States, was obliged to return—That your Petitioner’s wife being a Sister to the wife of John Reid and had a nephew in Colonel Butlers late Corps, – and his having come into this Province – trust your Honor would would [sic] be pleased to allow him an addition to the 200 acres he has already received he having nearly improved the same, and in circumstances to improve a larger Tract—That your petitioner can adduce proof of what he has here stated, by two or three respectable farmers well known in this Settlement for their Loyalty—therefore prays your Honor would be pleased for to allow him such further grant as to your Honor may seem meet, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Abraham Phenix” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 7 Mar 1797. Ordered it does not appear that the Petitioner has a claim to more land than what has been already granted to him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 60]

Phillips, Elizabeth (Davis)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Davis dated at York (Toronto) on 24 Jun 1797

“Respectfully shews That She is the Daughter of a Loyalist as pr annexed Certificates, prays yr Honor will please to grant her Two Hundred Acres of the land of the Crown in this Province & your Petitioner in duty bound will ever Pray” Elizabeth Davis made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 Apr 1798 and read in Council on 12 Apr. The Petitioners Father does not appear on the U. E. List for the Home District. Read again in Council on 21 Apr. Proof having been this day adduced of the Petitioner’s being the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist she is ordered 200 acres as such. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 4, Petition Number 43c]

Certificate of Samuel Street J. P. dated at York (Toronto on 19 Jun 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Davis

“I do certify that Elizabeth Davis is the Daughter of a Loyalist—York 19th June 1797 [Signed] Saml Street J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 4, Petition Number 43]

Certificate of Parshall Terry, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Davis

“[I] Do Hereby Certify that Elizabeth wife to Benj Davis is the Daughter of Nicholas Phillips who Left a good property in the States on Act of his Loyalty in the year 1777 Joind His Majestys Standard in Niagara with two Sons and Served in Colo Butlers Corps from that time During the War Given Under my hand this 27th of March 1798 at york [Signed] Parshall Terry JP [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “D” Bundle 4, Petition Number 43a]

Philips, Elizabeth (Overholt)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Overholt received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Aug 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is daughter to Abraham Overholt an enrolled U. E. Loyalist is married to Richard Philips & had one Child therefore Humbly Prays that the usual quantity of lands may be granted her & Child as is usual to people of their description” Elizabeth Overholt made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Aug 1797 and read on 20 Aug 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 90]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated on 20 Aug 1797 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Overholt

“Elizabeth Overholt is daughter to Abraham Overholt an enrolled UE Loyalist & has one Child about a year old. 20th August 97 [Signed] R Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 90]

Philips, Jacob

Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Philips, farmer dated at York on 16 Jun 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioners Late Father having served as private Soldier in a Provincial Regt Commanded by LieutColonel John Butler during the Late war with America whereby he was entitled to his Majestys bounty in Lands, and having died previous to taking the same —your petitioner prays that your Honor will be pleased to grant to the heirs of his Deceas’d Father such portion of his Majestys bounty in Land as his Deceas’d Father would have been entitled to receive for such services if he had Lived to receive the same and your petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray &c. &c. [signed] Jacob Philips” Received at the Executive Council Office on 16 Jun 1797. Ordered certificate wanting of the petitioner’s father being a Ranger. Read again in Council on 28 Jun. Ordered recommended that 200 acres be granted to the next of kin of Nicholas Philips. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 12]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated at York on 27 Jun 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Philips

“This Certifies that Nicholas Philips Father to Jacob Philips was a Soldier in Colonel Butlers Corps of Rangers at the Reduction of the Corps in the year 1784—His Son Nicholas Philips was a Soldier in the same Corps at that Time—York June 27 1797 [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 3, Petition Number 12b]

Philips, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Philips dated at Niagara on 24 Jan 1796

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner served in a Corps commanded by Sir John Johnson for the space of five years- Your Petitioner now prays that your Honor will grant him a Town Lott and as in Duty Bound will ever Pray—[Signed] John Philips” Read in the Executive Council on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered rejected- the Petitioner having already received a grant of 300 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 63]

Phillips, Nicholas

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips of the Township of York received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Jul 1802

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner served in Butlers Corps of Rangers dureing the late American War, your Petitioner joined said Corps in the spring of 1777 at Niagara and at the reduction your Petitioner was discharged. Your Petitioner has never as yet Received any Lands or Order for Lands therefore Humbly Prays that His & Familys situation may be taken into Consideration, and that your Excellency may be leased to grant Him such quantity of Lands as to your Excellency may appear and Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound Will Ever Pray [Signed] Nicholas Phillips” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle Miscellaneous 1798, Petition Number 8]

Certificate of Lieutenant Ralfe Clench appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips

“The Petitioner Nicholas Phillips served as a Private Soldier in Butlers Rangers during the American Rebellion [Signed] Ralfe Clench Lieut late Butlers Rangers” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle Miscellaneous 1798, Petition Number 8]

Order of the Lieutenant Governor attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips

Received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Jul 1802. Received at the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, York 5 Jul 1802. “Ordered all claims for Military Services ceased upon the adoption of the New Regulations. The Petitioner had sufficient opportunities to have procured Lands as a Soldier from 1783 to the period above mentioned; no preference can therefore be made of this Petition to the Executive Council, unless the Petitioner shall attend in person, and further his application as an Ordinary settler. By Order of the Lt Governor. [Signed] James Green Secy” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle Miscellaneous 1798, Petition Number 8a]

Certificates of Samuel Street attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips

“I Certify that the bearer Nicholas Phillips was a soldier in Butlers Rangers and served the greater part of the Late American War. York 13th July 1802 [Signed] Saml Street” “I can verily further add that I never heard any Charge of misconduct against the above named Phillips while in the Service, and that I resided in the Neighbourhood where the Rangers were Stationed— [Signed] Saml Street” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle Miscellaneous 1798, Petition Number 8b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips of the Township of Bayham Farmer dated at Port Talbot on 14 Apr 1825

“Humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner was in December 1814 Settled by Colonel Talbot on a Lot of Lands of two hundred acres subject to Settlement duties in the said Township of Bayham on Talbot Road East. That he has performed the settlement duties required so to be done upon the said Lot. Wherefore he prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the said Lot of Land for which he is ready to pay the fees that may be required. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—Port Talbot April 14th 1825 [Signed] Nicholas Phillips” Added notation: “Recommended by Thomas Talbot Supert” Read in the Committee of the Executive Council on 25 Apr 1848. Ordered Recommended. Approved in Council the same day. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, 1847-1848, Petition Number 96]

Certificate of Thomas Talbot, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Nicholas Phillips

“I certify that Nicholas Phillips has taken the Oath of allegiance before me—[Signed] Thomas Talbot J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “P” Bundle 4, 1847-1848, Petition Number 96a]

Philips, Richard

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Phillips dated at Niagara on 3 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has resided in this Country these Six years past during which time your Petitioner has kept a Small Shop at the 15 Mile Creek under the Patronage of the Honble Robert Hamilton – That he is the Son of a Loyalist who joined General Howe at Brunswick New Jersey, but most candidly acknowledge has no proof at present in this Country. Certificates however of His Moral character and peaceable Demeanor are hereunto annexed. He claims some merit in being the first who found out and boiled Salt at the 15 Mile Creek – Your Petitioner has as yet Drawn no Lands but is well assured – Did you know His Merits your Bounty would be liberally Extended to him. Therefore Prays your Honor will take his Case into Consideration being a Man of a Better mode of living than common. Prays your Honor will grant him Six hundred Acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown. And as in Duty Bound he will ever Pray—[Signed] Richard Phillips” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 21 Mar 1797. Ordered 200 acres for the present. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 70]

Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.

Richard Philps – Full Fees 200 acres in Oxford Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117m]