Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "McFarland to McLean"
McFarland, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McFarland dated at Niagara on 11 Jul 1795
“Most humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner entered in the Service as Foreman in the Ship Yard at St Johns, Lower Canada in the Year 1776; and being wounded and taken Prisoner in 1777 in the Army under the Command of General Bourgoyne, Your Petitioner, on the Exchange of Prisoners was sent to Quebec with the Troops under the Command of Captain Fraser, and there remained till the Spring 1778, when, being ordered to Carleton Island to assist the Master Builder there in building the Ontario, a Twenty Gun Ship, Your Petitioner remained in the Service to the conclusion of the War in 1783, as will more fully appear from the Commissioners’ Certificate. That your Petitioner, on the Ontario being lost, was ordered, with a party under his direction, to proceed to Niagara, to chose and cut Timber for building the Limnade, and has ever since remained in the Services being now Master Boat Builder in the Batteau Service at this Post—That your Petitioner wishing to settle himself and Family in this Province, Most humbly prays Your Excellency will please in consideration of his long Service, to allow him One Thousand Acres of Land; And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Jno McFarland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 29 Jul. Ordered five hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 131]
Certificate of John Munk and P. Coleman dated at Quebec on 6 Aug 1783 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McFarland
“These are to Certify that John McFarland Shipwright was entered at St Johns for the Service of the Lakes 1776 & have served to the date hereof during which time he has behaved with Sobriety Deligent & Obedient to command is a good workman, & well affected to His Majesty & the present Government.—Given under our hands at Quebec this 6 August 1783—[Signed] John Munk, Senior Officer & Commissioner, P. Coleman, Mast Builder” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 131a]
Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac Swayze dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 10 Oct 1796
“Most humbly sheweth That your petitioner having purchased from The Honorable Robert Hamilton Esquire as the Attorney of Mrs Deborah Guthrie all the estate, Right and Title of the said Deborah to the following lots of land in the Township of Newark vizt No 20. 21, 26. & 27 in the first [and] Concession is desirous to surrender the same to the government in order that No 21 may be regranted to John Macfarland—No 26 to Andrew Heron and the remaining two to himself. Your Petitioner therefore most humbly prays, That your Honor in behalf of the Crown would accept a surrender of the said grant already Issued, and regrant the same as above specified. And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray [Signed] Isaac Swayze” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 200]
Mentioned in the certificate of Robert Hamilton dated at Queenston on 8 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac Swayze
“Whereas Isaac Swayze Esqr and John Macfarland have by their Mutual Obligation of this date bound themselves for the payment of the sum of one hundred and twenty two pound current money of the State of New York to me as the attorney of Mrs Deborah Guthrie late of the County of Lincoln Widow, being the money due for the purchase of a lot of land by the said Isaac Swayze from me as Attorney aforesaid; I Hereby promise and Agree when demanded to relinquish all claims to the said lot of land & when call’d upon to surrender the whole of the said lot to the government to be regranted to any person that may be jointly requested by the said Isaac Swayze & John Macfarland as witness my hand at Queenston this eighth day of October 1796 [Signed] R. Hamilton Present [Signed] Alexr Stewart” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 200a]
Order of the Executive Council on the Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac Swayze
“Recd 10th Oct 1796 Read 12th October. For Consideration of the first Council when Mr Swayze will attend with the Deed—Entered—Read again 4th Feby 1797 the Holder of the deed to be Surrendered must produce his Powers from the Original Grantee to surrender it before it can be accepted. [Initialled] P. R. Read again 21 March 1797 The Powers being produced and approved – the Deed to Deborah Guthrie was cancelled – & ordered that Deeds issue to Isaac Swayze for Lot Nos 20 & 27 – Jno McFarlane for Lot No 21 & to Andrew Heron for Lot No 26 in the Township of Newark [Initialled] P. R.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 200h]
Upper Canada Land Petition of John MacFarland (signed Macfarland) dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 5 Oct 1796
“Most Humbly Sheweth That agreeable to the regulations of the Commander in Chief of the Province of Quebec your petitioner was Intitled to a Town park at this place consisting of twenty four Acres. That in consequence thereof His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Simcoe in Council promised and directed the following tract to be allotted him vizt Beginning at the South East Corner of Captain Russells land adjoining John Macfarlands land, thence east fourteen chains to a white Oak tree which Oak is the beginning corner of the Township of Newark, thence North seventeen Chains, thence west to Captain Russell’s line, thence South to the place of beginning containing twenty three Acres three quarters and eight perches. That your Petitioner believes the above promise of His Excellency was made in Presence of His Majesty’s attorney General as well as the Secretary of the Province. That your Petitioner relying on this did neglect to take out a grant therefore, at that time, in order that The one for that and his farm might be included in one as they were adjoining. That your Petitioner has been given to understand that the same has been promised to William Dixon Esquire, That your Petitioner however can scarcely credit this, as he cannot believe that His Excellency would give to one person what he had already promised to another. Your Petitioner most humbly prays leave to suggest that His Excellency never suppos’d it to be that already allotted him. Your Petitioner therefore most Humbly prays That your Honor would be pleased to grant him the said Park or lot of land, or Indulge him with a hearing in order that his Title thereto may be duly Investigated previous to its passing to any other Person. And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray. [Signed] John Macfarland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Oct 1796. Referred to a Committee of the whole Council at York. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1792-1816, Petition Number 5]
Letter from John McFarland to The Honorable John Elmsley Esqr dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 2 Aug 1797
“Sir I beg leave to trouble you with the following few lines, and hope your candour and the necessity of my case will pardon my presumption. I am an Artificer who has been in the Service for these 21 years past, the last 12 of which I have served as Foreman on the establishment of the StoreKeeper General’s Department, employed in repairing the King’s Batteaux and occasionally making new ones. I have through my industry and frugality, been enabled since my residence in this country, to purchase a tract of land in the vicinity containing about 300 Acres, on which I have made such improvements as my circumstances from time to time would admit, and for which I have since in possession thereof, been assessed to the amount of 12 Dollars annually. Having a family of a wife and five Children, I addressed His Excellency Governor Simcoe in Council, sometime before his departure for England, by way of Petition, for a grant of lands in behalf of myself and family, in consequence of which I obtained 500 Acres and no more. By a Proclamation of His Excellency Lord Dorchester, at the time when grants of lands were first issued to Settlers in the Province, it was directed that a Foreman of Artificers, in whatsoever Department, should be entitled to the same Allowance as a Subaltern Officer of the Army—I cannot therefore think, that the 500 Acres granted me, is adequate to the intent of the said proclamation, but that, in consequence thereof I am entitled to a greater proportion, exclusive of an allowance for my family. I therefore intend, if you should think it adviseable and proper, Sir, to prefer a petition for an additional grant of lands, which I most humbly pray, you will have the goodness to support by your authority—I am with the greatest respect, Sir Your Most obedient and very humble Servant [Signed] Jo McFarland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Aug 1797. No order of Council recorded. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1792-1816, Petition Number 9]
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McFarland received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797
“Most respectfully Shews That your petitioner has served His Majesty in many capacities for upwards of twenty years, and has only received five hundred acres—That your petitioner having a large family, prays your Honor would be pleased for to consider his long Services, and allow him such further grant of His Majesty’s waste Lands as your Honor may think proper, and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray—[Signed] Jon McFarland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 4 Feb 1797. Ordered nothing appearing in this petitioner more than what was approved to the Board on 29th of July 1795 when 500 acres were granted to the petitioner, the Board does not see any additional cause for adding to the donation. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 236]
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McFarland of Newark (Niagara) dated at York (Toronto) on 15 Jan 1799
“The Petition of John McFarland of Newark—in behalf of his wife Margaret McFarland Humbly sheweth. That your Petitioner is married to Margaret the Daughter of the late Irish John Wilson of Stamford – a Loyalist U. E. – and having never received His Majesty’s Bounty of 200 acres of Land, allowed to persons of her Description – your Petitioner respectfully prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her that Quantity; and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McFarland” Received at the Executive Council Office on 15 Jan 1799 and read in Council on 17 Jan 1799. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as the Daughter of Irish John Wilson UE” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 146]
McGaw, Elizabeth (Ross)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Ross, daughter of Patrick McGaw and wife of James Ross of Clinton Township, County of Lincoln, and District of Niagara dated on 26 Sep 1800
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Patrick McGaw of the Township of Clinton, aforesaid, a U. E. Loyalist, and wife to James Ross – That she is of the full age of twenty years and has never Received any lands, or any order for lands from the Crown – Wherefore She prays that your Excellency would be Pleased to grant to her Such a portion of the waste lands of the Crown as to your Excellency May Seem Meet, and as in duty bound will Ever pray – ” Elizabeth McGaw made her mark. Elizabeth McGaw made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Sep 1800. Patrick McGaw on the List. Read in the Executive Council on 30 Sep 1800. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 2]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 26 Sep 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Ross
“Personally appeared before me Robert Nelles Esqr One of his Majestys justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara the above named Elizabeth McGaw, who being duly sworn on the holy Evangelist of almighty god, Deposeth that she is of the full age of twenty years, and that she never has never Received any lands from the Crown or any Order for Lands from the Crown – Taken & Sworn before me this 26th Day of Sepr 1800 [Signed] Robt Nelles. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 2]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 26 Sep 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Ross
“I do hereby Certify that the within named Elizabeth Ross is the Person She Describes herself to be, and that She never has to my Knowledge and belief, received any lands, or any Order of lands, from the Crown—[Signed] Robt Nelles, J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 2]
McGill, John (Captain)
Included in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Captain David Shank and other Loyalist Officers dated at Niagara on 19 Jul 1793
“The Petition of Captain David Shank, Captain Samuel Smith, Captain John McGill, Captain Oneas Shaw, Captain Spencer, Captain Wm Hamilton, Lieutenant Allan McNabb, Lieutenant Arthur H. Brooking, Lieutenant William Mayne Duncanson, Ensign John McGill, & Surgeons David Burns, and James Macaulay—humbly sheweth That agreeable to His Majesty’s Proclamations your Petitioners are severally entitled to certain rated Grants of the Waste Lands of the Crown for their respective Services during the late War in America. That your Petitioners have not as yet received the Complement of lands so due to them as aforesaid. That your Petitioners are desiring of locating a part of the lands to which they stand entitled in respect of their Services as aforesaid, in this District. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Excellency would be pleased to allot to Captain David Shank one Thousand five Hundred Acres of land, and to each and every other of your other Petitioners One Thousand Acres of land in a Township laying immediately behind Burlington Bay the front of which is formed by the North side of His Majesty’s Highway leading from the said Burlington Bay to the River Latranche or New Thames as lately traced by Your Excellencys Directions. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &ca In behalf of the Petitioners [Signed] David Burns” Read in Council on 23 Jul 1793. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 4]
McGill, John (Ensign)
Included in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Captain David Shank and other Loyalist Officers dated at Niagara on 19 Jul 1793
“The Petition of Captain David Shank, Captain Samuel Smith, Captain John McGill, Captain Oneas Shaw, Captain Spencer, Captain Wm Hamilton, Lieutenant Allan McNabb, Lieutenant Arthur H. Brooking, Lieutenant William Mayne Duncanson, Ensign John McGill, & Surgeons David Burns, and James Macaulay—humbly sheweth That agreeable to His Majesty’s Proclamations your Petitioners are severally entitled to certain rated Grants of the Waste Lands of the Crown for their respective Services during the late War in America. That your Petitioners have not as yet received the Complement of lands so due to them as aforesaid. That your Petitioners are desiring of locating a part of the lands to which they stand entitled in respect of their Services as aforesaid, in this District. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Excellency would be pleased to allot to Captain David Shank one Thousand five Hundred Acres of land, and to each and every other of your other Petitioners One Thousand Acres of land in a Township laying immediately behind Burlington Bay the front of which is formed by the North side of His Majesty’s Highway leading from the said Burlington Bay to the River Latranche or New Thames as lately traced by Your Excellencys Directions. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &ca In behalf of the Petitioners [Signed] David Burns” Read in Council on 23 Jul 1793. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 4]
McGill, John
The Upper Canada Land Petition of Benjamin Canby and John McGill dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 12 Jul 1794
“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioners in complyance with the general wish of the publick and in consequence a dependence on the indulgence of Government, have been at great expence in making preparation for erecting Mills on the military communication between Gibua [sic: Chippawa] and [……..] and the falls about one mile mile above the Mills of John Burch Esqr. Your Petitioners most humbly presume to hope that what the have done will meet with the approbation of Your August Body and that in complyance with the general wish and expectation, Your Honors would be graciously pleased to grant them a location of half a quarter of a mile below the place designed for said mills and of a quarter and half quarter of a mile of said military tract above the place first mentioned. Your Petitioners flatter themselves that said Mills will be of the greatest utility to the Publick which consideration is an encouragement to them under the heavy expense they must experience in consequence of their Undertaking. The disposition your Honors have ever manifested towards for promoting the real interest and wellfare of the Province encourages your Petitioners them to ask for further favours. Your Petitioners hope they shall be forgiven in most humbly presuming to pray your Honors that as a further encouragement to them, your Honors would like wise grant them the [six words struck out] praysed for and leave to locate twelve hundred acres of timber lands some where on Chippaway Creek and as in duty bound your Petitioners will ever pray. Canby & Magill. Received by the Executive Council on 15 Jul 1794 and read on 15 Jul 1794. Ordered to specify the vacant lots which the Surveyor General will report upon—the other part to be granted if these be in vacancy. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 1 Petition Number 78]
Letter to Mr. John Small, Secretary of the Executive Council from John Fanning dated at Chippawa on 6th July 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Canby and McGill
“I am extremely Sorry to Trouble you So offtan Respecting our petition which you were good enough to Say you would attend to for a Grant to build a Mill above the Bridgewater […ks] & grant we are informed that the Counsal are to Set on Tusday next and hope that you will have the Goodness to fetch the Bisness Forward Before the Counsal as it has been So Long in Suspence we anxiously hope that the Honorable Counsal will decide either for or against and your attention to aus in this Bisness will Grately be acknowledged By your most obedient & very Humble Servt [Signed] John Fanning.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 1 Petition Number 78b]
Certificate of Thomas Cumming Esquire, JP dated at Chippawa on 22 Apr 1807 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Canby and McGill
“Personally came and appeared before me Thomas Cumming Esquire, One of His Majesty’s Commissioners of the Peace for the District of Niagara, Benjamin Canby of the County of Haldimand and made Affirmation that a certain Rapid mentioned in the Lease to John McGill and Benjamin Canby, being the point from which the measurement of the said Lease is to begin, is to the best of his knowledge and belief, at the North end of the Store adjoining the Gristmill on the North and further sayeth not.” [Signed] Benj. Canby. “Affirmed before me at Chippawa this 22d day of April 1807. [Signed] Thos Cummings J.P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 1 Petition Number 78d]
McGlashan, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McGlashan, Mill Wright dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Aug 1795
“Humbly prayeth, that His Excellency in Council will Please to Grant him one of the Vacant Lotts in this Town, and your Petitioner shall as in duty bound Ever Pray [Signed] John McGlashan” Received in the Executive Council Office on 7 Aug 1795. Ordered recommended for a Town Lot in Newark if never has been granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 42]
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McGlashan received at the Executive Council Office after 1 Jul 1796
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a native of Scotland, from that country only Two Years, has resided in this Province upwards of fifteen Months has already received Two Hundred acres of Land, which he has Improved. That your Petitioner is a Mill Wright, and Hopes to be usefull in General; he pledges himself he had Governor Simcoes verbal promise, to an additional Quantity of Land. Your Petitioner comes forward well recommended from the Honble Robert Hamilton & Captain Ryerse; if these can have any weight with your Honor your Petitioner trust in an additional allotment of Such a Quantity, as will make a good farm, and as you in Your Wisdom May think fit—and as in duty Bound Your Petitioner will ever Pray. Your Petitioner has further to State he is lately married to the Niece of John McNabb Esquire, who has been in this Province these 8 years past [Signed] John McGlashan” Received at the Executive Council Office after 1 Jul 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct 1796. Ordered in consideration of his recommendations and connections 200 acres in addition. Gave an order (for the Attorney General) to the petitioner 26 Oct 1803. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 96]
Certificate of Samuel Ryerse dated at Queenstown on 3 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McGlashan
“This is to Certify that John McGlashan Millwright well versed in that Business lately from Scotland came into this Country with me, his loyalty I believe is undisputable and he has resided in this Country for the term of fifteen Months has behaved himself heretofore deserving of every encouragement & I have reason to believe he will become a worthy settler of this province & from his abilities be of much service to the Settlement [Signed] Saml Ryerse” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 165]
Certificate of Robert Hamilton dated at Queenston on 4 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McGlashan
“This Certifies that John McGlashan has been in my Employ as a Carpenter for the last Twelve months—That he has during that time Conducted himself so as to give perfect Satisfaction—And I believe that his Knoledge of the Millwright business in which he has been regularly bred is very Considerable, & will render him a very usefull Settler in this New Country. —Given under my hand at Queenston this 4th Octbr 1796 [Signed] R. Hamilton” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 165a]
Order of the Executive Council dated on 7 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McGlashan
“John McGlashan Certificates signed by Saml Ryerse & Robt Hamilton No 265. Read April 7. 97. Recommd for 200 acres as a Settler [Initialled] JS” Confirmed 11 Apr [Initialled] P. R.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 165b]
McGrath, Owen
Included in Return of Persons who have been permitted by His Honor the Administrator to occupy Lands during the Recess of the Council dated at the Surveyor General’s Office on 24 Jan 1797 signed by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith
12 Nov 1796 Owen McGrath – 200 acres
Read in Council on 24 Jan 1797 and confirmed Initialled “PR” by Peter Russell [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “P” Bundle 2, Petition Number 73]
McHenry, John
Included in a list of persons from whom the Honourable Robert Hamilton, J. P. of Queenston purchased land warrants or rights and the township for which the warrant was issued.
John McHenry – Full Fees 200 acres in Grimsby Township [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 4, Petition Number 117k]
McIntee, Barney
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Barney McIntee received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mar 1797
“Humbly Shews—That your Petitioner’s wife came into this Province the year 1786, where she has ever since Continued to reside, —That your Petitioners wife having never drawn any Lands, prays your Honor would be pleased to allow her fifty acres and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” Barney McIntee made his mark. “Witness A McN” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered not recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 201]
Upper Canada Land Petition of Barney McIntee for himself and Father
“Respectfully Sheweth—That your petitioner has resided in this Province Twelve Years, and has settled on Lots No 10- in the 3. 4. & 5 Concession of the Township of Louth—consisting of about one hundred & fifty acres—That your Petitioner’s Father came into this Province with your Petitioner and has never received any Land & prays to be allowed to locate Three hundred acres for his Father, an old helpless man, and an old Soldier and to be confirmed in the above said Lots. And such further grant as your Honor may think proper to allow him & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Barney McIntee” Received at the Executive Council on 4 Mar 1797 and on 7 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 7 Mar 1797. Ordered Petitioner recommended for 200 acres including those already received. His father does not appear entitled to any land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 252]
McIntee, Patrick
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Patrick McIntee received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Mar 1797
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner served His Majesty in the old French war and being now an old helpless man, who has never yet received any lands, prays your Honor would be pleased to Consider him as an object to bestow his Majesty bounty on, of such a quantity of Lands as to your Honor may deem proper, and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Patrick McIntee” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 191]
Certificate of Robert Hamilton J. P. dated at Queenston on 3 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Patrick McIntee
“Patrick McIntee an Old Soldier in the war of 1756—who has a Son & daughter Settled in this Province Since the year 1785—& who has himself resided in this district since the year 1786—has this day taken the Oath of Allegiance before me [Signed] R. Hamilton J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 191b]
McIntyre, Daniel
Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel McIntyre of the Township of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, in the District of Niagara dated at York (Toronto) on 6 Jul 1801
“humbly sheweth That your Excellency’s Petitioner had the honor of serving in Frasers Highlanders (the 78th Regt) at the taking of Louisburg, Quebec & Montreal – was in the action of the 13th September 1759 under General Wolfe, on the plains of Abraham, and in the action of the 28th April 1760 under General Murray. That on the conclusion of the French war your Excellency’s Petitioner received a grant of 200 acres, & settled in the Township of Rupert on White Creek from which he was driven by the Americans during the late Revolution. That on his coming to this Province he received a grant of 600 acres from General Simcoe 200 of which he located in Lot 21 in the 6th Concession of Grimsby – which Lot proves to contain only 190 acres; 160 of which is a swamp unfit for cultivation. Wherefore your Excellency’s Petitioner prays that he may be granted so much of an unlocated Gore, between the Townships of Clinton & Grimsby as will complete his complement to nearly 200 acres (as above located) and as in duty bound he will ever pray [Signed] Daniel McIntyre” Read in the Executive Council on 8 Jul 1801. Ordered the land being unfit for cultivation, recommended that the Gore prayed for if this does not exceed 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 46]
McIntyre, Mary
Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Mcintyer [Signed McIntyre] dated on 13 Nov 1800 of the Township of Grimsby, County of Lincoln and District of Niagara
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of Daniel Mcintyer of the Township aforesaid a U. E. Loyalist, that She is of the full age of twenty five years, and has never received any Lands from the Crown, Wherefore She prays that your Excellency would be pleased to grant her Such a Portion of the wast[e] Lands of the Crown, as to your Excellency may Seem Meet, and as in Duty bound She will Ever Pray—[Signed] Mary McIntyre” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Nov 1800. Notation: examined on the List. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 90]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 13 Nov 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Mcintyer
“Personally appeared before me Robert Nelles Esqr one of His Majestys justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara the above named Mary Mcintyer, who being Duly sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty god, Deposeth that She is of the full age of twenty five years, and that She has never received any Lands from the Crown—Taken & Sworn before me this 13th Day of Novr 1800 [Signed] Robt Nelles J. P. [Signed] Mary McIntyre” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 90]
Certificate of Robert Nelles, J. P. dated on 13 Nov 1800 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary McIntyer
“I hereby Certify that the above named Mary Mcintyer is the Person She Describes herself to be, and that she never has to my knowledge and belief received any lands, or any Order for Lands from the Crown—[Signed] Robt Nelles J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 90]
McIntyre, Mary (Willcox)
Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Wilcox [sic] received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Aug 1797
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has been in this Settlement for Eight years last, has a Wife—Therefore Humbly Prays that him & wife may obtain the normal grant of lands as is customary to People of their description & your Petitioner will Ever Pray” Daniel Wilcox made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 Aug 1797. Ordered his wife recommended for 200 acres if her father appears on the U E list in October next, but no warrant to issue til that is ascertained. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 33]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Wilcox
“The above named Danl Wilcox is married to the daughter of Mr Danl McIntyre a Loyalist who will be enrolled Next Sessions of the Peace [Signed] R Clench, Clerk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 33]
Certificate of Nathaniel Pettit, J. P. dated at 40 Mile Pond (Grimsby) on 5 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper CanadaLand Petition of Daniel Wilcox
“I Do hereby Certifie The [……] barer Daniel Willcox apered before me and took the oath of alegiance and the like as Directed by Law and that he is Generaly Esteemed an Industress honest man and well Esteemed in this Settlement where hath Lived here upward of Eight years Last past Certified by Nathl Pettit” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “W” Bundle 3, Petition Number 33a]
McKay, Alexander
Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander McKay [signed Mackay] dated at Niagara on 2 Mar 1797
“Most Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the son of an U. E. Loyalist Mr Donald McKay, who has faithfully Served His Majesty during the late American war—That your Petitioner has been Engaged in business Six years in the Northwest part of this Province and Still continues in the Same line, but being desirous of forming a permanent Settlement in the Province in Such Situation as will Enable him to pursue the advances to be derived from opening the Communication thro Machedache Bay, by York & Lake Simcoe, has requested his Brother John McKay of Newark, Merchant to pray your Honor for a Grant of So much land as your Honor may deem fit to allow him in Such parts as may be adviseable to locate, —which in behalf of your Petitioner is therefore Prayed who as in duty bound will ever pray Alexander McKay by [Signed] John McKay” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Mar and read in Council on 14 Mar 1797. Ordered 600 acres on petitioner becoming a resident in this province. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 203]
McKay, Elizabeth (Thompson)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Thompson wife of Archibald Thompson of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Feb 1797
“Humbly shews – That your Petitioner is a Daughter of Hugh McKay late Serjeant of the 8th Regt who for his good conduct at the Cedars, on the River St Lawrence during the American war – was appointed a Commissary – to Sir John Johnson’s first Battalion; that he served his majesty in the war in Germany – and Continued in this Service 30 years – your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to confer on her some small part of the vacant Lands of the Crown, and such has been granted to the children of others who served in the Same Regiment and in the same capacity as her father & as in Duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray. [Signed] Elizh Thomson [sic]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 40]
Certificate of David McFall dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth Thompson
“I do hereby certify that Mr Hugh McKay, Father of Mrs Elizabeth Thompson, wife of Archd Thompson – was a Serjeant in His Majestys Eighth Regiment of Foot – and that in consequence of his good Conduct at the Cedars, he was appointed in the year 1776 – Commissary to Sir John Johnson’s first Battalion – and other Corps of Loyalists—[Signed] David McFall” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered recommended for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “T” Bundle 2, Petition Number 40a]
McKay, Francis
Upper Canada Land Petition of Francis McKay dated at Niagara on 3 Mar [1797]
“Respectfully Sheweth That your Petitioner having served in His Majestys 42nd Regiment during the late American War—and on the reduction was discharged—That your petitioner received two hundred acres near Sugar Loaf- prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such further grant for himself, and likewise such a grant for his wife and child as your Honor may think proper, and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Francis Mackay” Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 14 Mar 1797. Ordered that his Military Lands be made up to him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 205]
McKay, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKay dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 24 May 1794
“Your petitioner wishing to become an Inhabitant of this Province, prays you will be pleased to grant him Lot No 52 in the Town of Newark & your petitioner shall ever pray—[Signed] John McKay” No Executive Council dates or order. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 94]
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKay, Merchant, dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 10 Jun 1795
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is desirous of occupying & improving lot No Two hundred & Nine in the Town of Newark. Prays your Excellency will be pleased to grant him the same & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McKay” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jun 1795. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 37]
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKay of Newark, Merchant received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jan 1798
“That your Petitioner for a valuable consideration, has purchased from Capt David McFall, the mill Seat and the lands Annexed thereto Granted him, on Lot No 5 in the front of the township of Wallpole in the long Point Settlement on the River Nanticoke that your Petitioner purposes immediately to Erect a Grist Mill thereon there being none within 15 miles thereof, & afterwards a saw mill, that having understood the said Lot No 5 is not an Ordinary reserve either for the Crown or Clergy, but set apart only on a Supposition of there being Lime Stone thereabouts, your Petitioner is led to hope your Honor will be pleased to indulge him with a Grant thereof, so as to make in the whole 200 acres for the Benefit of the mill he is about to Erect, and for the more easy access thereto may it therefore please your Honor to Grant him the said Lot & your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Jno McKay” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jan 1798 and read in Council on 5 Feb 1798. Ordered more than 1200 aces is not within the power of this Board to give without His Majesty’s permission – the prayer of this petition cannot therefore be granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 171]
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKay [signed MacKay] of Newark, Merchant dated at York (Toronto) on 21 Apr 1799
“Humbly Sheweth – That your Petitioner having acquired from Edmund Hodge, who purchased from Serjeant George Campbell two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land upon the Plan commonly called Chippewa Creek, and Satisfied the said Campbell for the Same, he humbly prays to be confirmed in the Estate so purchased by your Honors Order in Council authorizing the Title Deed of the said Land to issue in your Petitioners name and your Petitioner as in duty will ever pray &c – [Signed] John MacKay” Received at the Executive Council Office on 23 Apr 1799 and read in Council the same day. Ordered referred to the Commissioner. Ordered it appears that the Land is in Hodge, who is largely indebted to the Crown, and no conveyance from Hodge to McKay. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 240]
McKay, William
Upper Canada Land Petition of William McKay dated at Niagara on 2 Mar 1797
“Most Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is an U. E. Loyalist being the son of McDonald Mckay an U. E. Loyalist and a faithfull Servant of the Crown during the Late war. That your Petitioner has been for Twelve Years engaged in business, within this Province Towards the north west. And being now desirous of a permanent Settlement and of making a solid appropriation of the fruits of his Industry & Toil, has authorized his Brother- John McKay of Newark, to pray your Honor in his behalf for such allowance of Land as to you may seem meet and that Such allowance be upon, or near as may be to the communication between the town of York and Lake Simcoe. Your Petitioner, tho’ now within the Province, will not be able to attend upon you Honor in Council personally. Wherefore such allowance is prayed for your Petitioner who as in duty bound will ever pray—William McKay by [Signed] John McKay” Read in the Executive Council Office o 14 Mar 1797. Ordered 600 acres when the Petitioner settles in this Province. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 206]
McKendrick, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKendrick dated at Niagara on 10 Jun 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“The Petition of John McKendrick—respectfully shews – That your Petitioner served seven years in His Majestys 97 Regt of Foot – is married to the Sister of Mr Tyce of the Township of Stamford – has one Child – and never received any Land. That your petitioner is desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, and subscribed the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him & Family upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, such quantity of land as to your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended for 300 acres if not before granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112]
McKerley, Jane/Jenny (McMicken)
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jenny McCarley [sic] received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797
“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is Daughter of Peter McMicken who served as a Sergt in Col Butlers Rangers during the American war – and being lately married to John McCarley a native of Scotland, who has lately come into this Province – prays your Honor would be pleased to allow her such a grant of Lands as is generally given to Daughters of Loyalists and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McKerlie for Jane McKerlie” Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 251]
McKerlie/McKarrley, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKarrley [sic] of Stamford dated at Niagara on 7 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“That your petitioner is settled on the lands of the Crown in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he has taken the usual oaths, & is ready to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country which he has left. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him a Lot in the Town of Newark upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792, And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul. Ordered recommended if none granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 9]
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKerlie of Stamford in the County of Lincoln Esquire dated at Stamford on 24 May 1801
“humbly sheweth That your Petitioner, in the Commission of the Peace for the District of Niagara having improved and cultivated at great charge a Lot of one hundred acres, is desirous of providing a further Portion of Land for his growing family, and humbly prays in addition to two hundred acres heretofore granted to him, such further Grant of the waste Lands of the Crown and upon such Terms and Considerations as your Excellency in your wisdom may think meet and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c [Signed] John McKerlie J. P.” Read in the Executive Council on 26 May 1801. Ordered this application comes too late. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 126]
Certificate of James Muirhead, J. P. and Robert Kerr, J. P. dated at Niagara on 23 May 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McKerlie
“We do hereby Certify that John McKerlie Esquire is a very proper object for the farther bounty of His Majesty [Signed] J. Muirhead J. P., Robert Kerr J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 126]
Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800
“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]
McKerlie, Martha (Long)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Martha wife of Samuel McKerlie of the Township of Stamford in the District of Niagara dated on 4 Nov 1801
“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is the age of twenty one years and upwards and is the Daughter of John Long a Loyalist U E. That your Petitioner has never received any Lands, and being desirous to settle and improve a portion of the vacant Lands of the Crown. She humbly prays your Excellency to grant her such quantity of Land as his Majestys Benevolence to such Persons of this Description hath ordered and your Petitioner as she in Duty bound shall ever pray [Signed] Martha McKerlie Signed before me this 4th Day of November 1801 [Signed] John McKerlie” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 Nov 1801. Notation: The name of John Long appears on the U. E. List. Read in the Executive Council on 10 Nov 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 53]
Certificate of John McKerlie, J. P. dated on 4 Nov 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martha McKerlie
“District of Niagara Before me John McKerlie J. P. one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace of this District aforesaid personally appeared the within named Martha McKerlie and made oath that she has never received any Land, or order for Land, from the Crown in this Province. Sworn before me this 4th Day of Novr AD 1801 [Signed] John McKerlie J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 53a]
Certificate of John McKerlie, J. P. dated on 4 Nov 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martha McKerlie
“I John McKerlie J.P. Esquire one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara aforesaid, do hereby certify that Martha McKerlie the Petitioner is the person She describes herself to be, and has never to my knowledge or Belief ever received any Land or order for Lands from the Crown. [Signed] John McKerlie J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 53b]
Certificate of S. Anderson, J. P. dated on 22 Apr 1798 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Martha McKerlie
“I Cartify that John Long’s name is on the U. E. List in Mr Farrnads Office at Cornwall entered last October – Given under my hand at Cornwall this 22d April 1798 – [Signed] S. Anderson J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 53c]
McKerlie, Samuel
Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel McKerlie of the Township of Stamford in the County of Lincoln dated at Stamford on 21 May 1801
“Humbly Sheweth That he has been an inhabitant of said Township for above three years, and has had no Land granted to him in this Province, he therefore prays that your Excellency would for the better supporting your Petitioner and family, grant your Petitioner such quantity of waste Lands and under such Conditions as your Excellency in your wisdom, shall Judge proper and as in Duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] Samuel McKerlie” Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 May 1801 and read in Council on 26 May 1801. Ordered the Petitioner may have any Lot subject to his settling. Later order of the Executive Council. Ordered regranted (under the Order of 30 December 1802) 4 Jan 1804. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 128]
Certificate of Thomas Dickson, J. P. dated at Queenston on 22 May 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Samuel McKerlie
“I certify that the within named Saml McKerlie has been in this district the time mentioned in the petition and that he is a respectable & well behaved man [Signed] Thomas Dickson J. P. Niagara Dist” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 128a]
McKinlay, Robert
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert McKinlay read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul [1796]
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a Native of Scotland and came from Thence in the year 1784, and the spring following came into this Settlement where your Petitioner has since resided, and has considerable improvements. Your Petitioner has a wife and two Children, has had a grant of Two hundred acres of land. Your Petitioner humbly Prays that your Excellency would take his & familys situation into consideration, and should it appear meet to your Excellency to grant any further quantity your Petitioner will as in duty bound Ever Pray [Signed] Robt McKinlay” Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul [1796]. Ordered not recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 131]
Certificate of Ralfe Clench dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 25 May 1796 attached to the Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert McKinlay
“The Bearer Robert McKinlay came into this Settlement with me in the spring of 1785 a well behaved decent man [Signed] Ralfe Clench” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 131a]
Upper Canada Land Petition of Robert McKinley dated at Niagara on 26 May 1796 [using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]
“Respectfully shews, That your petitioner is desirous to occupy a Town Lot in Newark in this Province, being in a condition to cultivate and improve the same. That he is ready to take the usual oaths, and to subscribe the declaration, that he professes the Christian Religion, and obedience to the laws, and has lived inoffensively in the country. Prays your Excellency, would be pleased to grant him a Lot in the Town of Newark land upon the terms and conditions expressed in your Excellency’s proclamation bearing date the 7th day of February, 1792. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.” [Unsigned] Read in the Executive Council on 14 Jul. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 142]
McLaughlin, Ann (Haines)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Haines, Wife of Joseph Haines of the Township of Niagara, Yeoman dated at Niagara on 18 Nov 1801
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the daughter of James McLaughlin of the Township of Louth a U. E. Loyalist, your Petitioner is married to Joseph Hanes [sic] of the Township of Niagara, Farmer. Your Petitioner has never yet drawn any Lands form the Crown, therefore Humbly Prays that Two Hundred Acres may be granted her, being the quantity as is allowed to the Children of U. E. Loyalists, becomeing of full age and your Petitioner as in duty Bound will Ever Pray. Signed before me [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” Ann Hanes made her mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Nov 1801. The names of two James McLaughlins appear on the U. E. List of the Home District. Read in the Executive Council on 24 Nov 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of Ann Haines appended to her Upper Canada Land Petition
“I Ann Hanes do make oath that I Have never Received any Lands or Order for Lands from the Crown in this Province.” Ann Hanes made her mark. “Sworn before me at Niagara this 18th day of November 1801 [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P. Ann Hanes made her mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19]
Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. dated at Niagara on 18 Nov 1801 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Ann Hanes
“I Robert Kerr—One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara Do Certify, the Petitioner is the Person She describes herself to be & has never to my Knowledge or belief ever received any Lands or order for Lands in this Province [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 19a]
McLaughlin, Archibald
Upper Canada Land Petition of Archibald McLaughlin dated at Niagara on 6 May 1796
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner being desirous of Building in this town, prays your Excellency will be most graciously pleased to grant him for that purpose Lot No 132 having an intention of carrying on His Business, being a Shoe Maker. And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever Pray—[Signed] Archd McLaughlin” Read in the Executive Council on 11 Jul 1796. Ordered recommended for a Town Lot if none has been granted before on the usual conditions and referred to the Surveyor General for location. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 85]
McLaughlin, Elizabeth
Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth McLaughlin of York (Toronto) dated at York on 11 Jul 1799
“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner is a Daughter of James McLaughlin of the Township of Louth – a U. E. as pr return of the magistrates of the Home District – and was twenty one years of age in the month of June last – that having never received any land – your Petitioner humbly prays Your Honor for a grant of 200 acres as allowed to persons of her description & your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray—” Elizth McLaughlin made her mark. Added notation of Thomas Ridout, N. P.: “I do certify that the declaration stated in the above petition is true to the best of my knowledge & belief [Signed] T. Ridout N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jul 1799. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as a daughter of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 71]
McLaughlan, James
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLauglan a Discharged Soldier from the 42d Regt of foot dated at Newark on 14 Dec 1793
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is desirous of building on Lott No 109 in the Town of Newark if not already granted and humbly begs that the above Lott may be granted him, as in Duty bound shall ever Pray—James Macglaglan made his mark. No Executive Council dates or order. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 109]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlane (sic) dated on 2 Aug 1794
“Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner desirous of becoming a Settler and an Inhabitant of the Town of Newark in the County of Lincoln requests your Excellency will please to Grant him Lot No […] hundred and fifty three in aforesaid Town—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] James McLaughlane” No Executive Council dates. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 109]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin of Louth dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 20 Apr 1787
“That Your Petitioner is a Loyalist and suffered greatly in his Property during the American war—that He came into this Province in the year 1790 with a wife and seven Children but in the fall of 1789 came to the five mile mile [sic] meadow on the East side Niagara River where he remained with his family till the following spring—that he has received 200 acres in the Township of Louth whereon he lives & has made considerable improvements—that he humbly hopes your Honor will be pleased to consider his large family, and if he be not considered as entitled to family Lands, that your Honor would be pleased to grant him such addition to the quantity he has received as your Honor may seem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray” James McLaughlin made his mark. Witnessed by Thomas Ridout. Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 May 1797 and read in Council on 11 May 1797. Ordered Petitioner does not appear entitled to any addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Miscellaneous 1788-1798, Petition Number 82]
Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P. dated at Queenston on 27 Feb 1797 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin
“James McLaughlin came into this Country in the year 1790 with a wife & Seven Children—He brought with him very strong testimonials of his Loyalty & Attachment to the Cause of G. Britain—these were left with me by the particular Recommendation of Colonel Gordon who then was Commanding officer & who interested himself much in McLaughlins favor—I cannot now lay my hands on these papers but I verily believe the Man to be Loyal & Industrious [Signed] R. Hamilton J.P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Miscellaneous 1788-1798, Petition Number 82b]
Certificate of John Monro J.P. dated on 8 May 1797 appended to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin
“Upper Canada Home District{ Before me Mr John Monro one of his Majesteys Justices of the Peace appeared Jonathan Lane and Joseph Lane And being both duly Sworn Deposeth and Saith that During the Late War In America They was Intamitley Aquainted with James McLaughlin In New York Government and New the said McLaughlin To be Ever as subject to Our Sovereign Lord King George The Third and the said McLaughlin to Conceal The subjects of his Majesty from the Rigor of His Enemies at the risk of his Life and Farther The Deponents Sayeth not [Signed] John Monro J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Miscellaneous 1788-1798, Petition Number 82c]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlan dated at Niagara on 6 May 1796
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner being a Soldier in the first Battalion of the Forty Second Regiment prays your Excellency will be most graciously pleased to grant him such portion of land as is Granted to Private Soldiers—And your Petitioner as in
Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] James McLaughlan” Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul. Ordered recommended for what may be due the petitioner to complete his military lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 15]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin late Private Soldier of the 42nd Regiment of Foot dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 May 1796
“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is a native of Scotland, and served His Majesty as a Private soldier in the 42nd Regt from the year 1775 to 1783 – as will appear by his Discharge; He has received two Hundred Acres of Land in part of His Majestys Bounty to disbanded soldiers & prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant him the remaining quantity, in any unlocated part of the Province, he having a wife and two Children to maintain—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Later notation on the petition: “The Petitioner says he lives in the Township of Ancaster. 5 Decr 1805” Received in Council on 12 Jul 1796. Ordered recommended for 100 acres in addition if not granted before. Confirmed 8 Oct 1796. Added note: “On Mr Small’s Certificate of 2 Jany 1796 Lot No 39-4th Concn Ancaster 200 Acres 1813” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 140]
Letter from John McGill, Inspector General of Public Accounts to the Surveyor General dated 6 Dec 1805 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin
“Mr James McLaughlin wishes to know if the description has been issued in his name for half of Lot No 8 in first Concession of Ancaster- he is intitled to priviledge as MC. [Signed] John McGill IGPRAR.” Added note of Surveyor General Samuel Ridout: “No Description has been made out for the above mention’d Lots, James McLaughlan must get the order of Council from Mr Small, for which purpose, an order of Search from the Attorney General is necessary—[Signed] Saml Ridout Surveyr Genl Office 6 Dec 1805.” Added note of Attorney General Thomas Scott: “Please give the order in Council above required [Signed] Thos Scott 15 Dec 1805” Additional notes: “The O. C. has never issued the warrant may has been recd date 4 Octr 96” “The OC for 100 a in addition issued” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 140a]
Note of Surveyor General Thomas Ridout attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin
“A warrant of Survey (No 297) issued to James McLaughlan for 100 acres, to complete his military Land—the warrt dated the 5 Octr 1796—the order to the attorney General does not appear to have issued as the 1st number of warrr to which the attorney Generals order was affixed- warrt: 800—or thereabouts S. G. O. 5 Dec: 1805 [Signed] T Ridout” Added note: “a Warrant to the Attorney General for 100 acres in addition issued 5 Decr 1805 by James McLaughlin” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 140b]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLoughlin [sic] dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 15 Nov 1795
“Most humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner had the honor of serving Twenty four years in the Army – and throughout the whole of the late american War – that your Petitioner has a wife and Six children, —four of whom were born previous to the year 1789. —That your Petitioner has, as yet, drawn three Hundred acres of Land—and prays for such allowance of family Lands as your Honor in your Wisdom may deem meet to allow—and as in duty bound he will ever pray &c—[Signed] James McLoughlin” Read in the Executive Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered not recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 189]
Certificate of Robert Kerr dated at Niagara on 17 Nov 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLoughlin
“This is to certify that the Bearer, James MacLaughlin has resided five years in this Province and has a a Wife and six children – Given under my hand this Day & Date above mentioned—[Signed] Robert Kerr” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 189b]
Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin of the Township of Ancaster dated at York (Toronto) on 25 Aug 1801
“Humbly sheweth that your Petitioner Received a Land board certificate and assignment for Lot No 153 Town of Newark (now Niagara) upon which a deed has been made out. That upon application at the Secretary’s office, your Petitioner finds that the Deed has been made out in the name of John instead of James McLaughlin, your Petitioner therefore prays that the said Deed may be cancelled and that your Excellency will please to order another Deed to be made out in the name of your Petitioner and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray. James McLaughlin by His Attorney [Signed] Geo: Lawe” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 26]
Executive Council notations on the Upper Canada Land Petition of James McLaughlin
Received at the Lieutenant Governor’s Office on 25 Aug 1801 and read on 28 Aug 1801. “Referred to the Executive Council. By Order of the Lt Govr [Signed] James Green Secy” Read in the Executive Council on 1 Sep 1801. “Recommended that the Prayer of this Petition be granted [Signed] Peter Russell” “Lieut Governor’s Office York 25th Feby 1803 Referred back to the Executive Council for Revision By Order of the Lt Govr [Signed] James Green Secy” “Council Office 2d Aug. 1803 – The Board conceiving that the Deed within mentioned was not warranted by any Authority & that therefore the same is a Nullity recommended that such Deed be impounded in the Council Office & a new Deed made out to the Petitioner – The Clerk of the Council to write to Mr Tho. Dickson to transmit the Deed to John McLaughlin to this Office [Signed] H: Allcock” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 26]
McLaughlin, John
Mentioned Report of David W. Smith, Acting Surveyor General dated at the Surveyor’s Office, Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 10 Nov 1796
“May it please your Honour, In obedience to your Honors reference to me, on the 8th of October last, to report on the petition of Samuel Street Esquire, who prays for Lots No 2 & 3 with their broken front, on the river Niagara, in the Township of Newark, which he states to have been in possession of, for some Years—I had reference to the plan sent me from Quebec of that Township, & by it I perceive that Mr Streets name appears on the Lots No 3 & 4, & not upon 2 & 3 – which may either be a mistake of that Gentlemans, or of the office at Quebec, or perhaps in consequence of an Exchange—The broken fronts of Nos 1. 2. 3 &4 came vacant on the plans from Major Hollands Office, the broken front No 5 was entered as comprehending the The New Landing, & when I received the plan of Newark which was in possession of the late Landboard for the County of Lincoln—, the name of Elijah Phelps was entered thereon—on the broken front of No 2, —When Mr Street lodged the Minute at my Office directing my Report; he left four other papers in support of his Claim, Copys of which are hereunto annexed—
No 1 The first appears to be an Judgement by Lt Coll Depeyster Concg the upper posts under the Authority of General Haldimand the then Governor & Comr in Chief of Canada, dated at Niagara, the 10th August 1784 – Transferring two parcels of Land – (formerly granted to Mr Isaac Dolson by Brigadier General Powell) to Messs Street & McLauchlin, the one parcell, said, among other things to be bounded on the South by Niagara river, & on the west by Mount Pleasant, —the other Parcell said to be situated on the Top, & close to the brow of the said Mount Pleasant, and Niagara river: —This permission to Messrs Street & McLauchlin being on condition of their holding the said Lands, upon the Tenor of His Majestys additional Instructions to the Comr in Chief of Quebec, dated the 16th July & the 7th August 1783; to which it seems that Messrs Street and McLauchlin agreed—
No 2 The Second paper dated the 16th of August 1784 appears to be a quit Claim of the aforementioned Lands from Isaac Dolsen, to Messrs Street & McLauchlin—
No 3 The Third paper is the Copy of a memorial from Mr Street to Lod Dorchester the 15th April 1790, apprehending that from the remarks made by the Engineer (Lieut Humphrey) Government might be induced to take part of his Land from him, after a very considerable Expense; praying therein for Relief, & offering at the same time certain reserves within the premises—such as Land for Store houses—the L[ince] Storie &c
No 4 is said to be the Copy of a Letter from Mr Street to Sir John Johnson Bart the 20 april 1791, containing a long narrative respecting the land in Question—
No 5 I enclose to your Honor a Copy of—so much of the plan of No 1, or Newark received from Quebec, as regards Mr Streets; and having heard your Honor say, you were left in possession of my few documents, I transmit
No 6—also the Copys of His Majestys additional Instructions alluded to— & copy of a
No 7 plan in possession of Lieut Pilkington, shewing the Ground to be reserved for Government at the Landing place, as proposed by Capn Mann—the Chief Engineer; which plan I heard of. & came by chance—it is not exactly ascertained to this office how this Reserve will fall on the Lots claimed by Mr Street, but I do suppose nearly in the manner comprehended within the red Lines in the Spaced washed with Lake,
No 8 on the Small plan, accompanying this, by which nearly all the Broken front No 3 & some part of the broken front No 4 appears unsought for, by the Engineer—Mr at the End of his petition, states that he understands by the minutes of the late Land board that the old Lines of the front Concession of the Township of Newark are to stand Good, which upon reference to their minutes, appears to be
No 9 the Case as per extract enclosed; but on the face of the plan it seems as if it were only intended for part of the first Concession, in which Case, Mr Street says, he should materially suffer, by Mr Chisholms line running obliquely into his Lands—All which is submitted to Your Honors wisdom [Signed] D W Smith Actg Sur Genl Upper Canada, Sur Genl Office, Newark 10 Nov 1796”
[Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 162f, g, h, I, j]
Order of the Executive Council on the Petition of Samuel Street read on 4 Feb 1797
“ordered that the Surveyor General assign to the Petitioner as much of the Lots prayed for as are without the Reserve laid off by the Engineer – which Reserve cannot be incroached on before it is taken off by the Commander in Chief [Initialled] P. R.”
“If the Petitioner has any objection to Chisholms Lines as sent from the Surveyor Generals Office at Quebec he must enter his Caveat [Initialled] P. R.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 2, Petition Number 162k]
McLaughin Joseph
Upper Canada Land Petition of Joseph McLaughlin dated on 16 Jun 1795
“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner came to this Province in 1792 with his Family consisting of a wife and Two Children and never drew any Land according to His Majestys Proclamation. Therefore Prays your Excellency will grant him an Allotment of 200 Acres in any Part of the Province that is unlocated: and Your Petitioner will ever Pray—[Signed] Josh McLaughlin” Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Jun 1795. Ordered recommended for 200 acres if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 84]
McLaughlin, Mary (Boice)
Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Boice UE read in the Executive Council on 6 Jun 1797
“Humbly Shews That she is the daughter of James McLaughlin of the Home District UE & now married to John Boice, she therefore prays your Honor for His Majesty’s bounty of 200 acres & in duty bound she will pray—” Mary Boice made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 6 Jun 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as daughter of U. E. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 4, Petition Number 42]
McLaughlin, Mary (Gordon)
Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Gordon McLaughlin dated on 5 Oct 1796
“The Petition of Mary Gordon wife to James McClauchlin [sic] of Newark Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Daughter of John Gordon, formerly a Private in the 42d Regiment but laitly in the 1st Battalion of Sir Johnstons Corps, reduced in America; That Your Petitioner coming under the Description of One of those Loyalists called U. E. Prays Your Honor will Grant her Two Hundred acres of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and your Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever Pray—” Mary Gordon made her mark. Read in the Executive Council on 8 Oct. Ordered petitioner’s claim not sufficiently authoritated. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “G” Bundle 2, Petition Number 19]
McLean, John
Upper Canada Land Petition of John McLean of the New Settlement, Lake Erie dated at Sandwich (Windsor) on 4 Feb 1798
“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner has been a Soldier in the Rangers – for Four Years and since the Period of his discharge, has Endevoured to maintain his Wife, & five Children by his Industry as a farmer—Your Petitioner is induced to hope that your Honor will Consider his Situation and Grant him such a portion of the Waste Lands of the Crown for himself –his Wife Mary McLean & his Children, Rosann, Catharine, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Mary—as Your Honor in your Goodness may think proper—And your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McLean” Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Feb 1798 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1798. Ordered the Petitioner’s discharge is wanted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 112a]