Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Z"

Zavitz, Christian

Upper Canada Land Petition of Christian Zavitz dated at York (Toronto) on 27 May 1811

“The Petition of Christian Zevitz of the Township of Humberstone Millwright—Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner purchased Lot Number one and two in the fourteenth concession of the Township of Bertie of and from the late Philip Stedman (Deceased) who said that he was the owner of said land. That your Petitioner and his Brother Jacob Zavitz Erected Mills on the adjoining Lot, and that their Mill pond overflows a part of the above mentioned Lot, they have allso cleared and farmed about twenty acres of Lot Number two. That since the Decease of the said late Philip Stedman your Petitioner and his Brother Jacob has Expected to obtain deed for the above mentioned Land from the Executors of the late Philip Stedman but lately your Petitioner has discovered that no patent has issued to the said Philip Stedman and your Petitioners Brother Jacob being deprived of the use of his legs by the Rheumatism your Petitioner came forward in his behalf. Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays your Excellency in councill to to grant him the within mentioned Lots of Land for which he is ready to pay the fees by his agent Thomas Hamilton who engages to attend to the same within three days after the date of the order of Councill—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will Ever Pray [Signed] Christian Zavitz York 27th May 1811” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Z” Bundle 10, Petition Number 1]

Certificate of Samuel Street dated at Willoughby Township, Welland County on 16 May 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Christian Zavitz

“I Certify to have Known Christian and Jacob Savitz about twenty five years during all which time they have sustained the characters of honest Industrious and very useful men. Christian was particularly useful in Building some of the best mills in the Country at an early period of the settlement and has been long resident at his own Mills Humberston, and Jacob many years ago Built mills in Bertie on Lands purchased from the Late Philip Stedman – from his mechanical Knowledge, Industry, and descent deportment he has become wealthy and respectable in the County, and as he Justly merits Respect from his neighbours, any attention he may receive from Government will no in my Opinion be misplaced. Willoughby May 16th 1811 [Signed] Samuel Street J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Z” Bundle 10, Petition Number 1e]

Zavitz, Henry

Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Zavitz of Bertie, Miller read in the Executive Council on 2 Sep 1818

“Humbly Sheweth, That Your Petitioner was born in the United States of America but has lived in this Province from his Infancy. That Your Petitioner has a wife and four children. That being a miller and following his calling during the late war he was not called upon to service in the militia during the said war, but was a Loyal Subject as will appear by the annexed Certificate. That Your Petitioner having never received any Land from the Crown, and being desirous of improving a portion of Land humbly prays that your excellency be pleased to grant him such quantity as a Settler as to your Excellency may appear meet. And your Petitioner shall ever pray [signed] Henry Zavitz” Read in the Executive Council on 2 Sep 1818 and ordered 100 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Z” Bundle 11, Petition Number 4]

Zimmerman, Adam

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Linneberry, Christopher Linneberry, Adam Fris, George Book, William Mingle, Peter Zimmerman, Adam Simmerman, and James Dawdy Junior dated on 28 Jun 1794

“humbly sheweth—That your petitioners on the faith of His Majesty’s proclamation have lately come into this province to settle therein—that your petitioners having accordingly made Application to the Acting Surveyor General of this province were directed to make enquiry and Search for such ungranted Lands as they would wish to sit down upon. That your petitioners in consequence of such directions have pitched upon a tract land Land being and laying between the twenty mile Creek and the place commonly called the Hurricane—in the County of Lincoln—the said Tract of Lands being immediately bounded in Front by the northermost concession line of the Survey of Mr Lewis Grant Deputy Surveyor and running thence North—and bounded to the west by the Lands of James Conolly on the place commonly called the upper Settlements on the Twenty mile Creek—Wherefore Your petitioners, who are now all on the Spot pray for a Grant of two Hundred Acres each and as in Duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter Simmerman for Self and associates” Read in Council on 28 Jun 1794. Ordered granted and referred to the Surveyor General to locate. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 19]

Zimmerman, Peter

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Linneberry, Christopher Linneberry, Adam Fris, George Book, William Mingle, Peter Zimmerman, Adam Simmerman [sic], and James Dawdy Junior dated on 28 Jun 1794

“humbly sheweth—That your petitioners on the faith of His Majesty’s proclamation have lately come into this province to settle therein—that your petitioners having accordingly made Application to the Acting Surveyor General of this province were directed to make enquiry and Search for such ungranted Lands as they would wish to sit down upon. That your petitioners in consequence of such directions have pitched upon a tract land Land being and laying between the twenty mile Creek and the place commonly called the Hurricane—in the County of Lincoln—the said Tract of Lands being immediately bounded in Front by the northermost concession line of the Survey of Mr Lewis Grant Deputy Surveyor and running thence North—and bounded to the west by the Lands of James Conolly on the place commonly called the upper Settlements on the Twenty mile Creek—Wherefore Your petitioners, who are now all on the Spot pray for a Grant of two Hundred Acres each and as in Duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter Simmerman [sic] for Self and associates” Read in Council on 28 Jun 1794. Ordered granted and referred to the Surveyor General to locate. [Upper Canada Land Petitions NAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 19]