Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "McMichael to McNair"

McMichael, Edward

Certificate of Edward McMichael dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 15 Nov 1792 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Beam

“I hereby certify that Jacob Beam formerly an Inhabitant of Sussex County in the Province of New Jersey was always considered as a Man firmly attached to the British Constitution; I was sent out of Philadelphia (in March 1777 by His Excellency General Sir William Howe accompanied by Two British Serjeants) into the County af. on Private business; remained there almost Two months, had a great opportunity of knowing the friends to Government, and from his proceedings in General at that time, esteemed him as a man that might be depended upon, and never heard that he deviated from these principles of Loyalty for which imprisonment and Fines were inflicted upon him.” [Signed] Edwd McMichael. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 1, Petition Number 92b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 14 Mar 1794

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner came to this province in 1788 with his Family, has a Wife and Eight small children, has been upwards of three Years settled on Land between Newark and His Majesty’s Mills on the 4 mile Creek, and does flatter himself that your Excellency will consider his pretentions to an allotment thereof not unjustly founded, and prays you will please to Grant him a proportionable indulgence to Coll Butler, Messrs Balls, Secords &c or such relief as thro’ your Goodness may seem meet—Your Petitioner begs leave to observe that he faithfully served His Majesty in the last American War lost his only Brother in the service, was several Years detained a Prisoner under their Trespass Act and was severely treated by them; and is at all times ready and willing to give fresh proof of his Loyalty if his small service should ever be required.—[Signed] Edwd McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 14 May 1794 and read in Council on 14 Jun 1794. Referred to the Surveyor General. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 54]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 May 1794

“Sheweth That he early evinced his attachment to His Majestys Person and Government by taking an Active part against the Americans in the late War.—

Augt 1776 He Joined His Majesty’s 8th Regiment at Niagara.—

September He went to Montreal and entered a Cadet in Sir John Johnsons Corps.—

March 1777 He was sent with Dispatches through the wilderness to Sir William Howe in New York, on his arival in that City was made 1st Lieutenant in the Guides and Pioneers and served as a Guide to the Army in Jersey until that Province was evacuated; Embarked with the Army and on their arival at Philadelphia was appointed Chief Waggon-Master in the Provision Train.—

Decr 1779 He resigned the place of Waggon Master—

1780 Raised a Company of Loyalists and Clothed them in uniform at His own Expense, Joined Major Ward in Jersey, was thrice made Prisoner and severely treated his only Brother after served upwards of Three years as a Conductor in the Quarter Master Generals Department, was made prisoner and died after being almost a year confined in a common prison in New England.

Your memorialist came to this Province in 1788 after a Long confinement in Jersey; has a Family of Eight children, and prays that your Excellency will grant him an allotment of Land as a compensation for his services, and likewise the lands of his Deceased Brother, as he is the only surviving Heir,—His Family Lands he located in 1788 by sanction of the Land Board, but the other Lands he has not taken. Your Memorialist begs leave to refer you to William Jarvis Nathaniel Pettit, and Joshua Pell Esquires who knew him for many years before he removed to this Province. Your Memorialist will ever pray [Signed] E McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 May 1794. Ordered no lands can be granted as compensation for heirs. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 89c]

Later Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael dated on 4 Nov 1794 filed with the above

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner faithfully served His Majesty in the American War.—

1st As a Volunteer in General Burgoynes Army in 1776 and was sent with Dispatches from Canada to Sr William How in New York.—

2nd As a Lieutenant in the Guides and Pioneers in which Corps he was appointed immediately on his Arrival from Canada—and Joined the Army at Brunswick in May 1777-

3rd After Jersey was evacuated he embarked with the Army and was at Brandywine German Town &c

4th Was appointed Inspector of the Provision Train in Philadelphia and Attached to the Quarter Master Generals Department, in which he continued until Decr 1779 and then resigned

5 Recruited a Company of Loyalists and Clothed them in uniform at his own Expense, went to Charles Town S. Carolina in June 1780, returned in September following and by order of the Commander in Chief went with his Company to Bergen and Joined Major Wards where he Often received private instructions from the Adjutant General, and to the best of his Abilities discharged the trust reposed in him, his Company remained at Bergen till Hostilities ceased—

To give a Summary of his sufferings, he begs leave to State that he has been four times Wounded and Thrice made Prisoner: His only Brother after serving His Majesty Five years was wounded, and made prisoner, and after Languishing several months, in Norwich Goal he Died—As a Captain of the Loyalists your Petitioner prays for a Grant of 3000 Acres of Land, or such quantity as may be consistent with His Majestys Instructions for the Provision of Loyalists settled in Canada.—He has a wife and Ten children. Three of them were born in the Army, his Family came to this Province Seven Years ago.—He prays your Excellency will take the Premise into consideration and Grant such relief as you may seem meet and your Petitioner will ever Pray.—[Signed] Edwd McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 3 Jul 1795. Ordered granted 3000 acres and referred to the Acting Surveyor General. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 89]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Murphy, Smith to the Indian Department at Detroit dated at Detroit on 10 Dec 1795

“Most Humbly sheweth That your memorialist applied near five years ago to Colonel Butler, then at the head of the Land board for the District of Nassau, now the home District, for vacant Lands of the Crown, whereon he might settle, and was informed by him in the presence of Major Powell, to take four hundred Acres at or near a Creek called trading house Creek but since known by the name of Murphy’s Creek near Long Point, until the same could be surveyed when your memorialist should have a grant thereof. That in consequence thereof your memorialist made a settlement there, built a good house thereon and remained on the Premises two Winters. —That being again called into the Kings service at Detroit, your memorialist Let the said Tenement and Premises to Isaac Smith for the Term of four years, who by his agreement who was to clear at least one Acre every year and to allow your memorialist one half the encrease of the Cattle belonging to your memorialist, then on the Farm, as is customary in the Country. That your memorialist has been lately informed, the said Land, Tenement &c are now about to be granted to a person of the name of McMichael, which your memorialist humbly begs to state would be a very considerable loss and a great misfortune to him, should he be so deprived thereof, having been entitled to His Majesty’s gracious bounty from his services since the year 1776 and confidently relying on the promises of Colonel Butler who was at that time principal member of the Land board for the District, under whose authority your memorialist made the settlement—Your memorialist is satisfied your Excellency is heretofore uninformed of these circumstances, and the great distance of his employment altogether precluded him from the Knowledge of any application having been made for the Land which your memorialist considered as his own, on the faith of Colonel Butler. Your Memorialist therefore Petitions your Excellency to order a Grant of the said Premises to be given him and your Petitioner as in Duty bound Will ever Pray [Signed] Timothy Murphy” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 Jan 1796. Ordered recommended that Mr. McMichael’s grant may be suspended until the Surveyor General makes a report on the premises. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 138]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McCall dated at Niagara on 28 Sep 1796

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is arrived in this Province with his Father and many Friends, in order to settle therein; and that the Honorable Council have been pleased to allow them locations in the Long Point settlement. That the names of McMichael & McCall having been inserted on Lot No 13—in front of the Township of Walsingham, your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him said Lot, should the same be vacant—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Added notation of Thomas Ridout N. P. “I do hereby certify that John McCall personally applied to me for the above petition [Signed] T Ridout N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to reconcile the parites. Gave an answer 3 Dec to John McCall [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 24]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael dated on 28 Jul 1797

“Humbly Shews That your Petitioner early applyed for Land at Long Point, which was granted, & to which place he removed with his Wife and a large Family of children, and is in Actual Possession of Two Lots in Walsingham Nos 13 & 14 broken Front the former of which is in dispute with a certain Mr McCall. This morning your Petitioner applyed to His Honor the President, to have this matter settled, and he has referred me to the Honourable Council to whom he now with pleasure submits the decision thereof Your Petitioner will ever pray [Signed] E McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 29 Jul 1797. Ordered let the parties attend on any Council day. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 186]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael of the Township of Walsingham dated at Walsingham on 1 Feb 1798

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner being settled on lot No 14 in the first Concession of the Township of Walsingham (in Long point Bay) finds that the marsh, in front of the said Lot, is not included in his Deed which he had always reason to expect as his Neighbours, and in particular John Troyer, have obtained a Grant of their respective Shares of such meadow or marsh—That your Petitioner having as yet Two Hundred acres of land to locate in right of His Majesty’s Grant in His Executive Council of this province, prays that the said marsh may be granted to him either as an appendage of the said lot Number 14 or that he may be allowed to locate the Same in part of the lands which he has still to locate and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—Walsingham 1st Feby 1798 [Signed] Edwd McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Feb 1798 and read in Council on 22 Feb 1798. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to report upon whether the public will sustain any injury by granting the prayer of the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 39]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael of Walsingham dated at York (Toronto) on 30 May 1798

“humbly Sheweth, That you’re your Honor having permitted such of His Majesty’s Subjects Inhabitants of the said Township of Walsingham as have made application to locate in part of their Grants (under order of your Honor in Council) such portions of the Marsh lying in front of their respective possessions as happened to fall between their Lots and Lake Erie, Your Petitioner is induced to expect the same Indulgence under Similar Circumstances. That your Petitioner holds His Majesty’s Deed for lot number fourteen in the front of the said Township of Walsingham (including broken Fronts) opposite to which a portion of marsh lies; and holding some unlocated orders of the Honble the Executive Council therefore he humbly prays for your Honor’s permission to locate so much thereof in the said Marsh as will cover the portion thereof lying immediately in front of said lot Number 14 and as in duty bound he will ever pray &caEdwd McMichael Elizth McMichael for Edward McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 30 May 1798 and read in Council on 2 Jun. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General who will report thereon. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 138]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Edward McMichael of Walsingham dated at York (Toronto) on 30 May 1798

“humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner by special permission of His Excellency Governor Simcoe, having occupied & made Improvements upon lot Number thirteen in the Township of Walsingham with its broken Fronts and having unappropriated orders of the Honble the Executive Council to cover the same – Humbly prays Your Honor to confirm him therein, and to direct that His Majesty’s deed thereof do issue to him – and as in duty bound he will ever pray &c—[Signed] Edwd McMichael Elizth McMichael for Edward McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 May 1798 and read in Council on 2 Jun. Ordered the lot prayed for by the Petitioner has also been prayed for by John McCall. Both parties having therefore been heard before the Board and their claims appearing to be equal – the Board grants the prayer of this petition for Lot No. 13 – as part of the family lands ordered to the Petitioner because he has long made use of the lot and lived on the lot adjoining – whereas McCall residing 15 miles from it, will not suffer the same inconvenience by the want of it. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 183]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Murphy dated at Sandwich (Windsor) on 26 Aug 1797

“Timothy Murphy, Blacksmith to the Indian Departmt begs leave to represent to your Honor, that when the Land board Existed at Niagara; your Memorialist obtained permission to settle himself at Long Point. —previous to the survey of the same, and did therefore build a House, and make Considerable improvements, and resided for some time on the lands. That about four years ago, your Memorialist was called to Detroit, by Colonel McKee, and leased the Premises to Isaac Smith, who was residing on the Same—when Mr McMichael obtained from your Honor a grant of the identical land, your Memorialist had settled upon. —and as your Memorialist is informed is about to obtain a Deed for the same—and in Consequence thereof has ousted the Tennant of your Memorialist who always looked forward to the Confirmation of the said Land by the Government to your Memorialist, who humbly prays that your Honor in Council will be pleased to Consider the case of Your Memorialist and grant him redress by Confirming the said land to your Memorialist. Colonel Powell can certify as to the authority given your Petitioner for Locating the land & the Services and Character of your Memorialist [So] Annexed to a former Memorial signed by Colonel McKee—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will for Ever pray—[Signed] Timothy Murphy” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Mar 1797 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1798. Ordered this petition cannot be taken up upon the bare assertion of the Petitioner who must produce the land boards order with the Surveyor’s specification or assignment of the spot he was authorized to occupy – it is approved McMichael has a patent for the land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 31]

Mentioned in the report of Acting Surveyor General David W Smith dated at the Surveyor General’s Office on 20 Oct 1798

“May it please your Honor—In obedience to your Honors orders of Reference to me to report upon the petitions of Edward McMichael & Mrs Mabee – I applied to the Deputy Surveyor of the Long Point Circle, & I learn from him, “that the Quantity of marsh petitioned for by Mr McMichael in front of his lot No 14 is as p the enclosed Plan; the granting of which, he does not think would be of any detriment to the Settlement, for the following Reasons—vizt Because Mr McMichael does, by no means appear to be ever craving in this business, as being willing to relinquish a large quantity of mowing ground, actually lying in front of his Lot, as may be seen sketched on the enclosed Plan & in order to get 34 ½ Acres of good Mowing ground, is willing to include 121 ½ acres of sunken marsh, which appears to Mr Welch will never be of use to anyone—And any of the Settlers who cut hay in that vicinity have plenty of Land proper for meadow Ground; which is however not the case with all the Settlers in Charlotteville” With regard to Mrs Mabees petition, he says, he is fully of opinion “that the granting of it would be of no injury to the Settlement, or to the Public, her claim being generally understood there, & disputed by no one that he knows of” I had also reference to Mr Welch upon the petition of Mr McCall & he reports to me “that he does not learn any one has heretofore cut Grass upon the Marsh in his front, except John Troyer & Christian Troyer; The former he understands has the Marsh in his own front granted to him;” & the latter has left the Country with his family so that therefore he does not conceive that the granting of this old Gentlemans petition would be of any injury to the Public.” All which is submitted to your Honors Wisdom—[Signed] D W Smith A S Genl” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 259a]

McMichael, Elizabeth

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth McMichael dated at York (Toronto) on 11 Jun 1798

“The Petition of Elizth McMichael of the Township of Walsingham in the County of Norfolk and District of London – Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is wife of Mr Edward McMichael, late Capt in a Corps of American Loyalists, now of the Long Point Settlement in this Province, who has received the Quantity of Lands usually granted persons of his Description; but having a numerous Family consisting of ten children, she is thereby as well as other causes led to solicit your Honor for a personal grant of Lands – Your Petitioner therefore respectfully prays your Honor would be pleased to indulge her with a grant of 600 Acres under the new Regulations – and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Elizabeth McMichael” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Jun 1798 and read the same day. Ordered at the motion of the President in consideration of her peculiar situation 200 acres under the New Regulations. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 198a]

Receipt dated at the Receiver General’s Office on 31 Oct 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth McMichael

“Mrs Elizabeth McMichael has paid into this office Six pounds nineteen Shillings & four pence Sterling Being the Patent fees under the Regulation of the 9th Jany 1804 acted upon 6 July following on a grant of two Hundred Acres ordered her in Council 11 June 1798 – on which no fees have been before paid – also one Pound four shillings & nine pence Sterling for the Surveying fees [Signed] Peter Russell, Receiver General To John Small Esq, Clerk of E. Council” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 198]

McMichael, Hannah (Frey)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Frey, wife of Capt. Bernard Frey of the four mile Creek, Newark, dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 24 Feb 1797

“Humbly shews- That your Petitioner is a sister of Edward McMichael of the Settlement of Long Point, who served His Majesty during the american war as did also another of her Brothers, who was made a prisoner, and died in prison- That your Petitioner and her mother during part of that war (her father having died previous thereto) lived on the Susquehana and there rendered assential services to distressed Loyalists—that in the year 1778 your Petitioner came into this Province and afterwards married her present Husband who was a Capt in Butlers Rangers—by whom She has one Child born in 1789—That her said Husband has recd the whole of his military Land but having no claim to family Land except it may be for his wife—Your petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to grant her 200 Acres in her own right and as in duty bound she will ever pray—[Signed] Hannah Frey” Read in the Executive Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered petitioner must produce a certificate of her being a daughter of a U. E. Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 67]

Certificate of John Warren J. P. and George Forsyth J. P. dated at West Niagara on 24 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Frey

“We hereby certify that Mrs Frey came into this Province in the year 1778, her maiden name at that period was McMichael—[Signed] John Warren, J. P., Geo: Forsyth J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 67b]

Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 20 Mar 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Hannah Frey

“ I do hereby certify that Hannah Frey is the Daughter of a Loyalist one of her Brothers died in the service, & the other Edward Macmichael is settled at Long Point. Given under my hand at Newark this 20th Day of March 1797. [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 67c]

McMichel, Isaac

Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac McMichel dated at Niagara on 6 Feb 1797

“Respectfully Shews—That your petitioner has resided in this Province upwards of Eleven years, and as yet has not drawn any lands—That your petitioner served in His majesty navy, on board the Quebec Frigate then commanded by Captn Chrisr Mason—That your petitioner served in the Qr Mr Generals Department under Major Vanalstine, now in the Bay of Quinty—That your petitioner can adduce proofs of his Services notwithstanding his having unfortunately lost his his [sic] Discharged—therefore prays your Honor be pleased for to allow him such a proportion of Lands as generally given to those of his Description, and your petitioner will as in Duty bound ever pray—[Signed] Isaac McMichel” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 7 Feb 1797. Ordered the Petitioner to produce a discharge or a certificate from Major Vanalstine before his petition can be taken into consideration. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 221]

Named in “Report of Persons recommended by Paul Averill, with the Lots subscribed for by them” in Townsend Township, Norfolk County prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Grantee: McMichael, Isaac W. authorized by Paul Averill on 18 Feb; Oath of Allegiance sworn on 24 Feb [1797] by W. Dickson, Esq; Lot 14 Concession 2; Warrant issued 28 Dec 1827 (sic)

Certificate of Surveyor General Thomas Ridout dated 27 Dec 1827 attached to the Townsend Report

“I Certify that Lot No 14 in the 2 Concession of Townsend Containing 200 Acres is located in the name of Isaac McMichael as a Settler under the nominee of that Township for which no description has issued. Surveyor Generals Office York 27 Decr 1827 [Signed] Thos Ridout Sur Genl” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62v]

Receipt issued at the Receiver General’s Office on 28 Dec 1827 attached to the Townsend Report

“Isaac McMichael has paid into this office the fee of survey on two hundred acres of Land, under regulation of 9th July 1796 pursuant to an order in council of the 4th April 1797—Survey 1.7.6 Currency [Signed] G. Hamilton No 66 York 28th Decr 1827 Received the Patent fee £3.5.2 Curry. [Signed] Saml Ridout” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62w]

McMichael, Rachel (Byer)

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Byer (signed Boÿer) of Woodhouse received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Apr 1797 [Using a pre-printed form with fill-ins]

“Respectfully Shews—That your Petitioner came into this Province about two years ago and brought in a wife and child—That your petitioner has never drawn any lands either for himself or family—That your petitioner has taken the usual oaths, Subscribed the Declaration that he professes the Christian Religion and obedience to the laws—Your Petitioner prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such a grant for himself, wife (the Daughter of a Loyalist) and child as your Honor in your Wisdom may think proper—and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Jacob Boÿer” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Apr 1797 and read in Council on 4 Apr. Ordered 200 acres for himself and 150 Acres family lands if none granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112]

Certificate of John McNabb dated on 4 Apr 1797 attached to the Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Byer

“I do hereby Certify that Jacob Byre a Loyalist, with a wife and one Child came into this District in June 1787—Given under my hand this 4th day of April 1797 [Signed] John McNabb J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112a]

Certificate of Robert Hamilton, J. P dated at Queenston on 14 Feb 1797 attached to the Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Byer

“This Certifies that Jacob Byard has Resided for Several years in this Settlement following the Occupation of a Carpenter & that he has taken the Oath of Allegiance before me—[Signed] R. Hamilton JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112b]

Certificate of Robert Kerr, J. P. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 3 Apr 1797 1797 attached to the Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jacob Byer

“I do hereby certify that Rachael Byer is a Loyalist, & that one of Her Brothers died in the Service, and the other Edward MacMichael is Settled at Long Point [Signed] Robert Kerr J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 112c]

McMicken, Elizabeth (Bastedo)

Upper Canada Land Petition of David Bastedo, nephew of the late Capt. Tice dated at Niagara on 10 Sep 1796

“Respectfully shews That your Petitioner has been many years in the Province and never received any Land & that he is married to Elizabeth, Daughter of Peter McMickan—a Loyalist U. E.—That His Excellency the Lieut Governor was pleased to promise he would recommend his application for Land to the Extent of 1200 acres. Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 1200 acres & to his wife 200 acres of Land—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] David Bastedo” Received at the Executive Council Office on 3 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 7 Oct 1796. Ordered granted 400 acres in right of himself and 200 acres in right of his wife the Daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “B” Bundle 2, Petition Number 94]

McMicken, Jane/Jenny (McKerlie)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Jenny McCarley [sic] received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is Daughter of Peter McMicken who served as a Sergt in Col Butlers Rangers during the American war – and being lately married to John McCarley a native of Scotland, who has lately come into this Province – prays your Honor would be pleased to allow her such a grant of Lands as is generally given to Daughters of Loyalists and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McKerlie for Jane McKerlie” Received at the Executive Council Office on 24 Mar 1797 and read the same day. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist if not granted before. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 251]

McMicken, Janet

Upper Canada Land Petition of Janet McMechan [sic] dated at Niagara on 3 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is the mother of Thomas McMechan of Stamford on the Mountain. At the Beginning of the Troubles in America Emigrated to His Majesty’s Dominions; Was from Scotland, but stedfastly adhering to His Majesty’s Cause, as far as the Influence and power of a Woman in her sphere could be directed, she removed to this place in the Year 1781; With your Petitioner came her Son Thomas; Advanced in life as your Petitioner is she has no very flattering Prospect of benefiting by His Majesty’s Bounty of a Grant of Part of the Waste Lands of the Crown in any manner, than transmitting to her Children the Recompence & Reward of true Loyalty; Should your Honor think her entitled, and her ambition Laudable, she has to beg such a Grant of Land as your Honor may think fit – And as in Duty Bound Your Petitioner will ever Pray [signed] Isaac Hurst for Janet McMechan” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered the Petitioner said to be dead. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 257]

McMicken, John (1)

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McMicken U E Loyalist received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Feb 1799

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner is the Son of Peter McMicken who served His Majesty last American war in Butlers Rangers—That your petitioner is desirous of having land in Order to go and cultivate the same—your petitioner therefore humbly prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him a lot of 200 acres and his as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McMicken” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Feb 1799. Ordered proof of age wanting. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Miscellaneous 1788-1798, Petition Number 87]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John McMicking of Stamford, yeoman dated at Niagara on 5 Oct 1801

“Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner is of the age of Twenty-one years, and upwards, and is son of Peter McMicking of the above named Township, a Loyalist UE, as by the return of the magistrates of the Home District – That your Petitioner has never received any Land, and being desirous to settle and improve a portion of the vacant Lands of the Crown – He Humbly prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant him 200 acres. His Majestys benevolence to persons of his Description – and Your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray—[Signed] John McMicking Signed before me this 5th Day of Octr 1801} [Signed] John Reilly J. P.” Received and the Executive Council Office on 9 Nov 1801. Notation: the name of Peter McMicking appears on the U. E. List. Read in the Executive Council on 10 Nov 1801. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as son of UE. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 52]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated on 5 Oct 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McMicking

“District of Niagara [Initialed JS]} Before me John Reilly Esquire one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara, Personally appeared the within named John McMicking, and made oath, that he has never received any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown in this Province—Sworn before me this 5th Day of Octr 1801 [Signed] John Reilly J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 52a]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated on 5 Oct 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McMicking

“I John Reilly Esquire, on of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District of Niagara, do hereby Certify, that John McMicking the Petitioner, is the person he describes himself to be, and has never, to my knowledge or belief, ever received any Lands or order for Lands from the Crown” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 52a]

McMicking, John (2)

Upper Canada Land Petition of John McMicking dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 6 Jun 1796

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner served as a private soldier in the late Corps of Rangers Commanded by Lieut Colonel John Butler. Therefore prays your Excellency will be pleased to Grant him such a Quantity of Land as he is entitled to, for his services And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray! – &c &c – ” John McMicking made his mark. Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jun 1796. Ordered discharge wanted. Read again on 13 Jul 1796. Read again in Council on 11 Apr 1797. Ordered the Petitioner to appear. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108]

Discharge Papers of John McMicking dated at Niagara on 24 Jun 1784 attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition

“By John Butler Esqr Lieut Colonel Commedent of a Corps of Rangers &c. These are to Certifie that the Bearer here of John McMicken privet in Capt Tenbroecks Compy of the aforesaid Corps hath Served honesly and faithfully in the said Corps for the space of three Years And In Consiquence of his Majistys Order for Disbanding the said Corps he is hereby Discharged & is hereby Discharged & is intitled by his Majisties late order to the Port of land allotted to Each Privet troops Who wishes to become a Settler in [the] Province of Quebec he having first received all Just demands Clothing pay &c from his entry in the Said Corps to the date of his Discharge as Appears by his recept on the back hereof—Given under My hand Niagara this 24 Day of June 1784 [Signed] John Butler Lieut Col Commat” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108a]

Acknowledgement of John McMicking dated at Niagara on 24 Jun 1784 on the reverse of the Discharge Papers attached to his Upper Canada Land Petition

“I John McMicken do acknowledge to [have] Recived all my Clothing Pay – area[r]s of Pay All Demands Whatsoever from the time of My inlisting into Said Corps & Compy Mentioned on the other Side to the Day of my Discharge—As Witness My Hand This 24th Day June 1784” John McMicken made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108b]

Assignment dated on 8 Sep 1793 on the reverse of the Discharge Papers of John McMicking

John McMicken do Certify on the back of this discharge that I [….] Over to william wright al my rights and title of lands [….] to me for my servetude in Colol Butlers Rangers And do hereby permit him to draw the said lands in my absence And to act and do with them as he shal think proper given under My hand this twenty eight day of septr 1793 Witness present [Signed] Henrey Windecker, Patrick Crookshank, George Windecker Fort Erie” John McMicken made his mark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108b]

Assignment on the reverse of the Discharge Papers of John McMicking

“for value I resign my Right and title of the within to Saml Street Junr his heirs or assigns” Will: Wright made his mark. “[Signed] Joshua Fairbanks” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108b]

Assignment on the reverse of the Discharge Papers of John McMicking

“For value Received I assign my Right and title to the within to George Adams his heirs or assigns [Signed] S Street Junr” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 108b]

McMicken, Peter

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter McMicken of the Township of Stamford dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 18 Jul 1795

“Most humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner Left a very considerable property in the late province of New York and fled into this province during the late American War, merely from Loyalty,—and on his arrival within the british lines immediately took up Arms for Government, and continued in the Service untill the Conclusion of the War—That your Petitioner never received any remuneration from Government on account of his losses by Confiscation and otherwise, during the war, having unfortunately been to late and informal in his Application to the Commissioners appointed by the Munificenes of Britain for the relief of Sufferers by the war—That your Petitioner has a Wife & Six Children, and by his honest Exertions has always maintained his family in a respectable & reputable manner, and hopes the fondness of a parent will excuse his mentioning that he has instilled from the earliest Infancy into his Children’s Minds those principles of moral, religious and political rectitude by which he has thro’ life always governed his own actions. That Major John McDonell, now commanding the Royal Canadian Volunteers (who commanded the Company in Lieut Col Butlers Corps of Rangers in which your petitioner served during the war) has been good enough to come forward on this occasion and to offer to come before your Excellency and vouch such facts in behalf of your Petitioner as it might savour of Vanity in your Petitioner to mention himself—That Your Petitioner has only drawn three Hundred Acres of Land from the Crown in this province, and now hopes that your Excellency will examine into his losses , Sufferings & Services for which there is now no remuneration to be expected except by Your Excellency’s Bounty in an allotment of Lands—Wherefore your Petitioner submits to your Excellencys bounty and Wisdom his Case—and hopes that Your Excellency will allow to your petitioner the proportion of family lands due to him agreeable to His Excellency General Haldimands Instructions—and such further Allowance as your Excellency, on due Enquiry, may Judge expedient and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray &c [Signed] Peter McMicken” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Jul 1795 and read on 3 Aug 1795. Ordered four hundred acres for his family and two hundred for himself. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 28]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter McMechan [sic] received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a Native of Scotland, who had Emigrated to America Previous to the Rebellion & from His Attachment to his Mother Country Sacrificed his all and risqued his life, in its Defence by serving many years in the Corps commanded by Col. Butler. At the Reduction of which your Petitioner again Embraced the life of a Farmer on his then Allottment of Land on the Mountain. From that time to this Your Petitioner has there lived and Improved a Good Farm – At the Early formation of this Settlement your Honor must be aware that in its Infancy amongst Men accustom’d to Military life the Police of the Country must have been rather loose – Your Petitioner trusts he has some Merit; during the course of Ten or Twelve years in acting in many Capacities for the Public Good, especially in the Office of High Constable which Office he has filled hitherto without fee or reward. In His Individual Capacity he has at all times as a Public Officer, endeavoured to give Energy to the Laws, and see them executed – Was Proof wanting, Every Magistrate in the District is ready to vouch for this – Your Petitioner has already Received His Allottment of 500 acres of Land as a Military Man; But Should your Honor think from the foregoing Circumstances Your Petitioner merits any Indulgence from Government, he begs it may be in an additional Grant of the Waste Lands of the Crown in such quantity as your Honor may think him worthy of. And as in Duty Bound your Petitioner will ever Pray—[Signed] Peter McMechan” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 23 Feb 1797. Ordered in consideration of the very spirited and zealous conduct of the petitioner in his office of High Constable, he is recommended for 1000 acres including those already received. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 188]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter McMicking read in the Executive Council on 10 May 1797

“Respectfully Sheweth That your Petitioner having never [received] a Town Lot in Newark, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him One, and as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter McMicking” Read in the Executive Council on 10 May 1797. Ordered recommended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 14]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter McMicken dated on 27 Mar 1798

“The Petition of Peter McMicken High Constable for the Home District of that Province – That your Petitioner ever since the Commencement of the Government of this Province has Acted in the above station of High Constable without Salary, Fees or Emolument of any kind – That in this Office a very Considerable degree of his trouble has arisen from that part of his duty which obliges him to give Notice to the Tavern keepers respecting the Licenses and as this is productive of a Revenue to the Government, he most humbly prays that some Compensation may be made him. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Peter McMicken” Received at the Executive Council Office on 12 Apr 1798 and read in Council on 12 Apr 1798. Ordered the Petitioner has been sufficiently rewarded for the tavern licenses by an extraordinary grant of lands – and the Bench of Justices recommended him for Gaoler at Newark with the same view – he is consequently considered as not having any further claim for those services. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 4]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

McMicking, Thomas

Upper Canada Land Petition of Thomas W McMichan [sic] dated at Niagara on 15 Jan 1796

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner was a Zealous and active friend of the British Government during the Rebellion in America in the adherence to which your Petitioner lost a very valuable and large Property; besides being Imprisoned a long time in the Gaol of Albany, […..] Previous to that he largely Expended in aiding assisting the Kings Friends, but more especially to the Corps commanded by Col. Butler, and the Men under Captain Brant many of whom can Testify the Truth of what Your Petitioner now asserts; Your Petitioner had large Claims on the British Government, and in the year 1784 took a Journey from this to Quebec Intrusted these Claims to the attention of Sir John Johnson but these with many others were either lost or some accident befel them, fatal to the Interest of many in this Country – Your Petitioner is Settled on the Mountain, is married to the Daughter of William Goss a Distinguished and Marked Tory in the Place he came from, has several Children, one of whom was Born before the Year 1789 as per Certificate. Your Petitioner has the satisfaction of thinking himself respected in the Neighbourhood, as an Exemplary Character and holds a Commission in the Militia. Your Petitioner having Received 400 acres, Trusts in your Honor, for the Grant of an additional Quantity and it will flatter him and his Family to yet receive at this late Day, some remuneration from the British Government in this Country And in Duty bound will ever Pray [Signed] Thomas McMichan” Received at the Executive Council Office on 21 Jan 1797 and read in Council on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered referred to His Honour. Read in Council again on 31 Mar 1797. Ordered in consideration of the respectable recommendations adduced by the Petitioner and his steady loyalty and services to Loyalists while living in the revolted colonies, ordered 400 acres in addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 224a]

Receipt issued by the Receiver General’s Office on 1 Feb 1805

“Thomas McMicking has paid into this office £3.5.2 Patent fees OR on a grant of 400 acres in addition ordered him under an order of Council dated 31 March 1797 and located in Windham. The Surveying fees to be paid at the Surveyor Generals office [Signed Peter Russell, Receiver General” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 224b]

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]

McNabb, Alexander

Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander McNabb dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 4 Jul 1793

“Most humbly sheweth That your Petitioner’s late Father, then resident in the late province of New York, at the earliest Stage of the late Disturbances in America warmly and openly manifested his loyalty & strongly opposed any proceeding injurious to the Rights of the Crown untill forced by the prevalence of the dissaffected Party to take refuge within the british lines in Canada, with a numerous family of which your Petitioner was the oldest. That your Petitioner’s late Father being of the medical profession was nominated and duly appointed by His Excellency the then Sir Guy Carleton Surgeon to Major McAlpin’s Corps of Loyalists, in which Capacity he continued untill his Death (in the Spring of the year 1780). That your Petitioner was only Six years of age when thus driven from his Home, at which period all the real & personal property of his said late Father was Seized and confiscated by the usurped Jurisdiction in the States, the amount of which was considerable, and which stood entitled upon Your Petitioner and a younger Brother for which Property no compensation has been asked or received from the Commissioners appointed for the relief of Sufferers by the War in America. That Since the year 1780 your Petitioner has had the Honor of being employed by Government as issuing Commissary of Provisions; and as such is still continued in Employment at Fort Welland—That your Petitioner hopes from the Bounty of your Excellency to inherit the lands of the Crown to which, as his proportion, his late Father would have been entitled if still living. That your Petitioner is ready, with the most ample Evidence, to come before Your Excellency in Support & proof of the facts herein asserted—Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Excellency would direct the Acting Surveyor General to assign to your Petitioner the quota of lands accruing to your Petitioner in right of his late Father as a Surgeon in His Majesty’s Service; and also Twelve Hundred Acres in Your Petitioner’s own Right as a Servant of the Crown as aforesaid; Your Excellency’s bounty having extended the liberality of the Crown to that proportion of land to others in the same Sphere of life with your Petitioner And your Petitioner as in duty bound will never cease to pray &c.” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council office on 3 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 3 Jul 1795. Ordered 1200 acres granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 130]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander McNabb, Assistant Clerk to the Executive Council dated at York (Toronto) on 5 Apr 1798

“Humbly Sheweth – That your Petitioner is in consequence of his situation above mentioned fixed at York, the seat of Government, where he is making preparations to build. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that Your Honor would be pleased to grant him One of the vacant Town Parks of 50 acres – and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Alexr McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 5 Apr 1798 and read the same day. Ordered 50 acres in first concession of York. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 209]

McNabb, Allan

Included in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Captain David Shank and other Loyalist Officers dated at Niagara on 19 Jul 1793

“The Petition of Captain David Shank, Captain Samuel Smith, Captain John McGill, Captain Oneas Shaw, Captain Spencer, Captain Wm Hamilton, Lieutenant Allan McNabb, Lieutenant Arthur H. Brooking, Lieutenant William Mayne Duncanson, Ensign John McGill, & Surgeons David Burns, and James Macaulay—humbly sheweth That agreeable to His Majesty’s Proclamations your Petitioners are severally entitled to certain rated Grants of the Waste Lands of the Crown for their respective Services during the late War in America. That your Petitioners have not as yet received the Complement of lands so due to them as aforesaid. That your Petitioners are desiring of locating a part of the lands to which they stand entitled in respect of their Services as aforesaid, in this District. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Excellency would be pleased to allot to Captain David Shank one Thousand five Hundred Acres of land, and to each and every other of your other Petitioners One Thousand Acres of land in a Township laying immediately behind Burlington Bay the front of which is formed by the North side of His Majesty’s Highway leading from the said Burlington Bay to the River Latranche or New Thames as lately traced by Your Excellencys Directions. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &ca In behalf of the Petitioners [Signed] David Burns” Read in Council on 23 Jul 1793. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 4]

McNabb, Colin

Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb, a Subaltern Officer in his Majestys service during the late Rebellion, dated at Niagara on 9 Jul 1794

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has not received any Lands which he presumes he is entitled to agreeable to the regulations respecting reduced Officers who served during the last War—Therefore humbly prays that your Excellency would be pleased to grant him his proportion in the unlocated Lands of this Province. Your Petitioner also respectfully represents that he has a Wife and five Children & prays that an additional grant be allowed him in behalf of his Family—And as in duty bound Your petitioner shall ever pray” [Unsigned] Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 Jul 1794. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 8]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb dated at York on 9 Jun 1798

“Respectfully Sheweth That your Petitioner being duely commissioned to make Seizure of all Contraband Goods imported into this part of his Majestys Dominions has been restrained for some time from the Exercise of his office, under the Expectation that in consequence of the operation of the commercial Treaty with the United States of America, new Regulations would have been adopted and communicated to him in so far as they Should relate to his duty. That your Petitioner (with Submission) begs leave to State to your Honor that in direct Violation of the Statutes of Great Britain & of those of this Province and greatly to the detriment of His Majestys Revenue great quantities of dutiable Articles openly and Contraband are brought daily from the United States into this Province and consumed therein whilst your Petitioner divided between the obligations of an office which he has been Solemnly Sworn to fulfill and the apprehension of contravening the Views and Engagements of Government by a litteral observance of his Instructions, remains in Suspence can look towards your honor alone for information to guide him—That Your Petitioner is aware of the difficulties of preventing contraband Goods being run into this Province by reason of the facility which a narrow division line, and unrestrained permission to pass all goods in bulk thro’ it, offers to abuses of this nature. Yet your Petitioner submissively begs leave to observe that temptations to infringe Laws form not an Exemption from the observance of them but rather an additional motive of Vigilance and severity in watching over their Execution, indeed should it be admitted that this evil Cannot wholly be prevented, yet it cannot be denied but that it may be greatly lessened. a growing evil cannot be Checked too early & as a Revenue Establishment must of All necessity be eventually instituted. your Petitioner humbly Submits that it Cannot Commence too Soon—That your Petitioner in Stating those observations presumes also to State that as much Energy will be required in carrying the Revenue Laws into Effect, so the more simple and uncomplicated the means, the more effecaciously will the end be answered, wherefore he ventures to think that in immitation of the Sister Province of Lower Canada the Revenue Department in this will be moulded into one body under one head (or two) if deemed more advisable whose Deputies Shall be Stationed throughout the Province wheresoever their presence shall be thought necessary, the principal being accountable for their conduct and responsibility—That your Petitioner has served his Sovereign from early Infancy. Ten years of this time an officer of the Revenue, is ready to give any security required for the faithful discharge of any trust reposed in him as well as the due accounting for all monies Collected by him or his Deputies—All which is Submitted to your Honor’s Consideration and your Honor’s decision thereon humbly prayed for—and your Petitioner in duty bound will ever pray &c [Signed] Colin McNabb” Ordered referred to a Committee of the Council for its consideration and report. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1792-1816, Petition Number 44]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb

“Humbly Sheweth—That your memorialist has located in Dublin Township—Lotts Nos 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 in 1st Concession in Edinburgh Township Lotts No 12 & 13 in 1st Concession and in Norwich Township Lotts no 31, 32, & 33, all of which your memorialist looks upon himself as entitled to, Therefore prays you will take it into Consideration & allow of his Location & Grant Certificates accordingly, and as in Duty Bound your memorialist shall ever Pray [Signed] Colin McNabb Ensign” Added postscript: “From your memorialists services as Ensign in the Nova Scotia Volunteers, during the late War, your memorialist rests his Claim” No Executive Council dates or notation. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 112]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Collin [sic] McNabb of Niagara dated at York on 10 Apr 1796

“Respectfully Shews—That your Petitioner is desirous of building at York. Prays Your Excellency will please to grant him a front Town Lot for that Purpose & yr Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray. [Signed] Collin McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 22 Apr 1796. Ordered recommended for a lot when the survey is extended. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 39]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb dated on 30 Sep 1796

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner had his name entered some time ago on the Map of the Town of Newark for a Lot of one acre that Petitioner wishes to occupy this Lot and Prays Your Honor for the same, and as in Duty Bound your Petitioner will ever Pray [Signed] Colin McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Oct 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct. Ordered a Town Lot in Newark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 116]

McNabb, Elizabeth

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth McNabb dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 1 Oct 1796

“Most respectfully sheweth – That your Petitioner is the daughter of an old Servant of the Crown – is married to Mr Colin McNabb Superintendant of Inland Navigation & the mother of a numerous family. —Wherefore your Petitioner prays that she may be considered as worth of the Encouragement & bounty of the Crown & receive an Assignment of Nine Hundred acres of such Quantity of Land as yr Honor may think meet and as in Duty bound she will pray &c. —[Signed] Eliza: McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered nine hundred acres of land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 175]

Receipt issued by the Secretary’s Office dated 3 Jul 1806 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elizabeth McNabb

“Received from Colin McNabb the sum of four pounds two Shillings & Eight pence being the Patent fee on a Deed to Mrs Elizabeth McNabb (his wife) for 900 acres in Windham [Signed] Wm Jarvis, Secy” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 175a]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Jun 1797

“Respectfully Sheweth That your Petitioner having only received his Military land prays your Honor would be pleased to allow him such a proportion for his five Children as to your Honor may seem meet, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Colin McNabb” Added list of children: “Ann, Colin, Eliza, John, Maria” Received at the Executive Council Office on 17 Jun 1797. Ordered to lie over until the children are of age. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 3, Petition Number 54]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb dated on 6 Jul 1799

“Humbly Sheweth—That your Petitioner in the year 1795 made a purchase of Lot No 143 in the Town of New Ark from Sarah McBride (late Sarah Reed) on which your Petitioner has made some improvements and therefore prays your honor will be pleased to direct that a Patent may Issue for the Same in your Petitioners name who’s in duty bound will ever Pray [Signed] Colin McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 6 Jul 1799 and read on 29 Jul 1799. The Acting Surveyor General being present and stating that the original location is in Reed’s name and the house and improvement having been built and made by the Petitioner, who appears to have agreed with Reed with the purchase of it before his death and it also appearing that the money from the lott was applied in payment of Reed’s debts. The Petitioner is recommended for No 143 in the Town of Newark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 176]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Colin McNabb dated at York (Toronto) on 8 May 1798

“humbly sheweth – That your Petitioner is desireous of Posessing a Lot in the Town of York, therefore pray that your honor will be pleased to grant him one therein on the usual Conditions & as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Colin McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 8 Jun 1798 and read the same day. Ordered a Town Lot in York. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 4, Petition Number 275]

Mentioned in the undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Alexander McDonell, Sheriff of the Home District received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Apr 1801

“humbly Sheweth, That early in the month of April 1798, a Person of the Name of Allan McNabb, who had been confined in the gaol of the Home District, under a Copias ad satisfaciendum, effected his escape. That an action has since that period been brought against your Excellency’s Petitioner, by the Creditors of the said McNabb, for the amount of his debt. That your Petitioner has been case in the same, and Execution has issued against his goods, and Chattels, Lands and Tenements for the amount thereof, being £230 Province Currency. Your Excellency’s Petitioner humbly suggests that by the fraudulent conduct of the said Allan McNabb, he has rendered himself unworthy of any further grant of land from the Crown. Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays, that a Deed for one thousand acres of land, heretofore located in the name of the said Allan McNabb, in part of his Military lands as a Reduced Lieut. in the late Queen’s Rangers, may issue in the name of Petitioner, to enable him in some degree to meet the weight of so heavy a debt and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed] Alexr McDonell” “Schedule Lots No 5: & 10: – 13th Concession; 4: & 16: 12th Concession; 10: – 11th Concession} Township of Blenheim” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Apr 1801 and read in Council on 8 Apr 1801. Ordered this petition must be addressed to the Secretary of State, in the meantime the deed to be stayed. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 23]

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of Andrew Heron dated at York (Toronto) on 4 Aug 1801

“humbly Sheweth that some time in the year 1797 before the 6th Septr in that year he purchased of Mr Allan McNabb then at Niagara one thousand Acres of land located in the Township of Blenheim as will fully appear by writings herewith and that some time in the year 1799 he applyed to the honble Council that the Grant Might come out in your petitioners name which was refused him owing partly he understood that the Honble Council considered the price too low and that his Wife and Children were to be considered. Your petitioner anxious only to recover what monies he had advanced applyed to Mrs McNabb and offered her what ever the land could be sold for (in the course of a year) over and above the monies advanced by your petitioner with Interest he also advanced her 50 dollars for which She engaged to provide him a grant free of all expences as will appear by writings herewith to empower your petitioner more fully to dispose of the land he received from Mr McNabb, a power of Attorney (pursuant to one She had recd of her husband to Sell said land. Your petitioner is Sorry to find that application has been made to your Excellency in Council last April by Alexr Macdonell Esqr that the said land might be granted him to discharge a debt due to him by the said Allan McNabb which was referred to the Secretary of State and that in the meantime the Grant be stayed in the Attorney Generals office. Your petitioner humble prays that if your Excellency will not order the Grant to come out in his name that every obstruction may be removed that might hinder it coming out in the name of the Original Grantee or if that cannot be done that your petitioners Claim may be lade before the Secy of State Also that the Grant may be Stayed till he is also hear and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever Pray [Signed] Andrew Heron” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 23b]

Order of the Lieutenant Governor the petitions of Alexander McDonell and Andrew Heron

Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Aug 1801 and transmitted to the Lieutenant Governor’s office pursuant to His Excellencys order of the above date. Received in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office at York on 6 Aug 1801. “Observations on the Petitions of Mr Andrew Heron & Alexander McDonell Esqr. The Lieut Governor does not mean to interrupt the course which Mr Allan McNabb’s order in Council would have taken had not these Petitions been presented – not intending from any information yet brought before him, to decide or interfere in the premises. The parties concerned however being of course at liberty to take such steps in their respective pursuits, as the Law authorizes. By Order of the Lt Governor [Signed] James Green Secy” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 5, Petition Number 23d]

McNabb, Isabella

Upper Canada Land Petition of Isabella McNabb dated at Niagara on 4 Feb 1797

“Respectfully Shews—That your petitioner is niece to Captain Angus McDonell of the late Regiment of Sir John Johnsons Royal Yorkers, and wife of John McNabb Esquire—That your petitioner has resided in the Province nearly Six Years, and has a numerous family, prays your Honor would be pleased to consider her among those who are entitled to a share of His Majesty’s waste Lands and allow her such a portion as to your Honor may seem meet and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray—[Signed] Isabella McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 4 Feb 1797 and read on 9 Feb 1797. Ordered in consideration of Petitioner’s connections and present situation four hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 254]

McNabb, James

Upper Canada Land Petition of James McNabb dated at Niagara on 18 May 1796

“Most humbly sheweth That your Petitioner is the Son of a Loyalist who took up arms in the Royal cause at the commencement of the late disturbances in america and who during the continuance thereof and until his death served as Surgeon to the loyalists in the province of Quebec. That your Petitioner having been for a considerable time resident in this province & being grown up to years of maturity, looks forward to his future Establishment in life and hopes that your Excellency will consider his claim upon the bounty of Government and grant to him such allowance of Lands as in your Excellencys Wisdom may seem meet and as in duty bound he will ever pray—[Signed] James McNabb” Read in the Executive Council on 12 Jul. Ordered recommended for 200 acres if of age. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 66]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of James McNabb of Bay Quinty

“Sheweth That your Petitioners father was previous to the american war, settled in the State of vermont and upon the breaking out of the Rebellion joined the Kings troops and was employed during the Campaign of Genl Burgoyne as Surgeon in the army but upon the failure of that Expedition he was obliged to retire to Canada with your petitioner and Family where he was afterwards employed by Government at Machishe till his Death* That your petitioner is informed that in consequence of his application some time since he has been ordered two hundred acres but presuming on the Indulgence recently granted others he entertains the hope that a farther allowance may be granted to him likewise. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray [Signed] James McNabb” Marginal note: “*That your Petitioner tho’ was with his Father during all the Campaign tho’ then very Young and Suffered a total loss of Property, for which he has never received the smallest compensation” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 26 Feb 1797. Ordered lands already granted to be made up 600 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 241]

McNabb, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 7 Sep 1793

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner is at present in Possession of a Town lot No 155 held hitherto under the Regulations & restrictions of the Land Board, which regulations on the part of your Petitioner, have partly been complied with by having the timber ready for Building—your Petitioner therefore Craves the Indulgence of the Land Board in granting him the said Lott for a longer term in order to fulfill the Intention of the Land Board in Granting them—[Signed] John McNabb” No Executive Council dates. Ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “Mc” Bundle Miscellaneous 1788-1795, Petition Number 137]

Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake), County of Lincoln on 27 Jun 1794

“Humbly sheweth That your Memorialist joined the Royal Army at the Commencement of the late War between Great Britain and America and served in different Capacities untill and after the Establishment of peace, having first joined the 84th Regiment as a Cadet That your Memorialist was in Different Services as can be ascertained by the Officers of said Regiment, particularly by Malcolm Fraser Esqr then a Captain in that Corps—That during these Services your Memorialist was wounded after which your Memorialist acted as Commissary to the Garrisons of Carleton Island, and Niagara and in this Capacity served till the year 1787 when your Memorialist was Superseded by the appointment Commissary General, James Farquharson Esquire—Your Memorialist therefore flatters himself he did his duty to the Satisfaction of all concerned—Your Memorialist—Humbly sheweth, that being Dismissed without the great benefit of half pay or any other advantage over those who have never been or Suffered in the Service, has, earnestly to request, that your Excellency, will be pleased to take his case into Consideration and grant him an additional allowance of Lands and put him on the footing of reduced Officers—Your Memorialist has further to mention to your Excellency, that he has acted as a member of the Land Board, and as a Majestrate in this Settlement for several years—And your Memorialist as in Duty Bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McNabb” Added postscript: “NB. The Petitioner has recd Nine Hundred Acres” Received at the Executive Council Office on 28 Jun 1794 and read in Council on 28 Jun 1794. Ordered that Eleven Hundred additional acres be granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 26]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb ordered granted 18 Jun 1795

“humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner obtained a grant of a Lot in the Town of Newark No 155 of the Land Board, under certain Regulations & restrictions, which your Petitioner has partly complied with, by having the Timber ready, therefore prays yr Excellency, for a further Indulgeance of the Said Lot, that He may build thereon, & yr Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] John McNabb” No Executive Council dates. Ordered granted 18 Jun 1795. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 138]

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb of Grantham in the County of Lincoln, Esquire and Isabella his wife

“Humbly Sheweth That the said Isabella is Heiress at Law of Capt Angus McDonell of the late Kings Royal Regiment of New York deceased, who died about two years ago Intestate in London, without leaving any Issue, being the Daughter of his Sister of the full blood, and there being no Heirs Male to claim as the deceased had no brother or other male Heir—That the said Capt Angus McDonell located Eight Hundred acres of Land in this Province in right of his Services & Rank whereof His Majestys Letters Patent of Grant have not as yet passed the Great Seal—Wherefore your Petitioner Humbly prays to be admitted to Substantiate the truth of the Premises by such Evidence as in Your Excellency’s Judgment may be necessary and sufficient & that upon so doing the letters Patent of Grant for the said Land do Issue unto the said Isabella—And your Petitioner as in duty bound will pray &c &c [Signed] John & Isabella McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 26 May 1801 and read in Council the same day. Ordered referred to the Surveyor General to report the right of the deceased to lands in this Province. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 156]

Report of Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 7 Jun 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb

“May it please your Excellency – In obedience to your Excellencys order of reference to me, to report upon the petition of John & Isabella McNabb – I find some difficulty in distinguishing the names of the several Angus McDonells in the office; But I apprehend that the Capn Angus McDonell, who was located on lots lettered K & L, front Concession, at the mouth of the River aux Raisins, in Charlottenburg is the deceased person alluded to in the petition. A description for these lands passed my Office, (upon Governor Hamiltons Certificates) a long time since, No 5301 – All which is submitted to your Excellencys wisdom—[Signed] D W Smith Actg Sur Genl” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 156a]

Certificate of Angus Macdonell dated at York (Toronto) on 2 Jun 1801 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John McNabb

“I do hereby Certify and declare That I am well Acquainted with Isabella the Wife of John McNabb of Grantham in the County of Lincoln and District of Niagara Esqr, That to My Certain knowledge the said Isabella is Niece to Captain Angus McDonell of the late King’s Royal Regiment of New York, Deceased, being the Legitimate Daughter of Flora his Sister of the full blood. That the said Captain Angus McDonell had no brother, and left no Issue of his own body, And that the Said Isabella And her Sister Jeane residing in the parish of Glenelg And Shire of Inverness North Britain, are the only Surviving Issue of the said Flora his Sister as aforesaid. [Signed] Angus Macdonell” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 5, Petition Number 156d]

McNabb, Simon

Undated Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon McNabb

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is desirous of building in the town of Newark and agreeable to the regulations and rules, in such Cases, provided is entitle a Lott in the said Town—Wherefore Your petitioner prays that your Excellency would be pleased to assign to your petitioner Lot No 97 in the said Town, and your petitioner as in duty will ever pray—[Signed] Simon McNabb” No Executive Council notes or dates on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 1, Petition Number 113]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon McNabb of the Town of Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) dated at Niagara on 11 Jul 1796

“Respectfully shews – That your Petitioner sometime since, applied for Lot No 97- in the aforementioned Town – and his name was inserted on the Plan – thereof That having been informed the said Lot is granted to another person – and your Petitioner having timber ready to erect a frame Dwelling House, prays your Excellency would be pleased to grant him a Lot of Ground in the aforesaid Town, on the usual terms and Conditions and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] Simon McNabb” [Unsigned] Added notation of Thomas Ridout, N. P.: I do hereby certify that Simon McNabb personally applied to me for the above Petition [Signed] T Ridout N. P.” Received at the Executive Council Office on 16 Jul 1796 and read in Council on 8 Oct. Ordered prayer granted for a Town Lot in Newark. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 23]

Letter from Acting Surveyors General William Chewett and Thomas Ridout to John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon McNabb

“No Order in Council having been lodged to Christian McDonell and Wife, the late Surveyr Genl Mr Smith made no location on the Warrant—Chewett & Ridout [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 23b]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon McNabb of the Township of Newark dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 28 Mar 1796

“Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner having during the sitting of the Land Boards, applied for Lot No 97 in the Town of Newark, the same was granted him, and his name inserted on the plan thereof—He therefore humbly prays your Excellency will be pleased to authorise the Ag Surveyor Gennal to assign him the said Lot, and your Petitioner as in duty Bound will ever pray—[Signed] Simon McNabb” No Executive Council dates on the petition. Ordered referred to the Deputy Surveyor to grant if vacant and the petitioner be of age. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 71]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon McNabb of Niagara dated at Niagara on 13 Oct 1796

“Sheweth That your petitioners father was previous to the american war settled in the State of vermount and upon the breaking out of the Rebellion joined the Kings troops and was employed during the campaign of Genl Burgoyne as Surgeon in the army but upon the failure of that Expedition he was obliged to retire to Canada with your petitioner and Family where he was afterwards employed by Government at Machishe till his Death. That your petitioner is informed that in consequence of his application some time ago he has been ordered two hundred acres but presuming on the Indulgence recently granted to others he entertains the hope that a farther allowance may be granted to him likewise And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray [Signed] Simon McNabb” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 7 Apr 1797. Ordered recommended for 2000 acres including former grants. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “M” Bundle 2, Petition Number 174]

McNair, Adam

Signer to the petition of the inhabitants of Stamford Township for a mill attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Timothy Skinner dated 23 Jun 1800

“The petition of the Subscribers (Inhabitants of Lincoln County Stamford Township) – Most Respectfully Sheweth that there is a Great want of Mills at or near the Falls of Niagara. We therefore pray that Timothy Skinner (Senior) may be tolerated to build Said mills Adjoining his own and land and As in duty bound we Shall ever pray [Signed] Thomas Millard, Chas Willson, James Forsyth, Haggai Skinner, Noah Cook, John Hardey, Edwd Lafferty, John Losea, John Durham, Edward Durham, Thomas Millard Senior, John Reilly, Peter McMicking, Jacob Kilman, John McKerlie, John Clow, Adam McNair. Peter Thomson, Paul Cripps, Bri[lrehald] [br]omson, John Thomson, Thomas McMicking, Joseph Robeson his mark, John Chisholm, Donald Rose, James Cooper, Conrad Dorshimer, Patrick Reilly, Benjamin Skinner, Azariah Lamer, William Lundy, Jacob Fonger, William Fonger, Charles Grene, Benjamin Skinner Senor, Ebenezer Skinner, Isaac Chambers, Robert Spencer his mark, James Crawford, Chris Buchner, Henry Ramsey, [fred…] gobalt, Thomas Doan, John Upher, Jacob Upper, George Upper, George Couke, Robert Wilkerson, Benajah Williams, George Keefer, John Hilz, Ezekiel Woodruff, Giles Hall, Hugh Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson Junr, Johnneal Kelhone, John [….] John Si[lverthorn]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 127d]