Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Fairbanks to Feere"

Fairbanks, Joshua

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joshua Fairbanks dated at Queenstown on 27 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner is a Native of the States of New England, came to this province in the year 1793 where he has resided ever since that time with his Family & Having taken the Oaths prescribed by Law—prays your Honor will be pleased to grant him such a quantity of the waste Lands of the Crown—as your Honor in his wisdom & bounty will ever pray. —Queenstown January 27th 1797. [Signed] Joshua Fairbanks” Received at the Executive Council Office on 9 Feb 1797 and read on 4 Apr. Ordered 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 55]

Certificate of Samuel Street dated at Queenstown on 27 Jan 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joshua Fairbanks

“I Joshua Fairbanks do Solemnly & Sincerely Swear that I will bear faithful & true Allegiance to his Majesty King George—so help me God—[Signed] Joshua Fairbanks Sworn before me at Queenstown this 27th day of January 1797—Saml Street J. P.” Added declaration of Joshua Fairbanks: “I Joshua Fairbanks do promise and declare that I will maintain and defend to the utmost of my power the Authority of the King in his parliament as the Supreme legislature of this Province. [Signed] Joshua Fairbanks” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 55b]

Fairchild, Benjamin Jr.

Report of Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated at Niagara on 26 Dec 1793

“May it please Your Excellency! In obedience to your Excellencys Command to report on the Petition of Benjn Fairchild Junr in respect of the Interference, which a Lot he prayed for, might have upon the necessary Reserve of the Crown; I did on the 29th September last report to your Excellency, that as you had been pleased to remove the Reserves from the Road leading to the Thames; I saw no objection, in respect of them, to the granting of the Petition, altho the description given of it by Benjamin Fairchild was rather inexplicit—On the 19th Inst I received the Return of Grants made by the Honble the Executive Council, wherein I find, that Lot No 50 in Ancaster was granted to Michael Showers Junr on the 10th July last, which, consequently precludes the necessity of further Report (beyond the foregoing Circumstances) from this office, respecting that Lot—All which is submitted to your Excellencys Wisdom—[Signed] D W Smith Actg Sur Genl” Read in Council on 24 May 1794. No order of Council recorded on the petition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “S” Bundle 1, Petition Number 178]

Benjamin Fairchild was listed for Lot 19 Concession 2 in the Townsend Report of Townsend Township, Norfolk County prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 as calling at his office for location, but not bring any authority with him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Fairchild, Isaac

Isaac Fairchild was listed for Lot 13 Concession 1 in the Townsend Report of Townsend Township, Norfolk County prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 as calling at his office for location, but not bring any authority with him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Notation from John McGill IGPPA addressed to John Small Esq. Clerk of the Executive Council dated 11 May 1808 attached to the Townsend Report

“Isaac Fairchild O. C. 3 July 1797. Township Report—Lot No 13 – 1 Con: Townsend – 200 acres – not described query if Privileged—order not taken out – Privileged as SUE [Signed] John McGill IGPPA” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62a]

Fairchild, Joseph

Named in the Townsend Report prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 applying for settlement in Townsend Township, Norfolk County but deferred to Jun 1, 1797 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Joseph Fairchild Lot 12 Concession 1 & 2

Fairchild, Joshua

Upper Canada Land Petition of Joshua Farechilds [sic] dated at York (Toronto) on 30 May 1797

“humbly Prayeth your petitioner haveing about three years ago Setled in a town Ship cauled and known by the name of perce Town by Liberty of Mr Andrew Parce & you’re a pettetioner haveing lived about three years on Lott No 12 in the 2 consestion in the said township and not haveing any Recommendation from Mr Perce—theas are there to petition your honnors to grant me the above said Lott and your petitioner will in duty bound ever pray—To his honor Peter Russell and honorable Councill att yorke – yorke May the 30 1797 [Signed] Joshua Farechilds [sic]” Received at the Executive Council Office on 7 Jun 1797 and read the same day. Ordered recommended for Lot No. 12 in the 2d Concession of Townsend. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 47]

Certificate of Richard Beasley attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Joshua Farechilds

“I do Certify that I have known Mr Joshua Fairchild as an Inhabitant of this Province Since the year 1792 and know him to be an Industrious man as a Farmer—[Signed] Richard Beasley J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 47a]

Fairchild, Margaret (VanAlstine)

Upper Canada Land Petition of Margret [sic] Vanalstine dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake on 10 Jan 1797

“Humbly Sheweth—That your petitioner is daughter to Harmonus Vanalstine, deceased, who was in this Province during the American War, and that your Petitioner had several Brothers in Colonel Butlers late Corps of Rangers—prays your Honor would be pleased for to grant her such a proportion of Land as are generally granted to Daughters of Loyalists (your petitioner never having yet recd any Land) and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray—” Margret Vanalstine made her mark. Added note: “See Petition of Margaret Fairchild read in Council 12 Jun 1834” Received at the Executive Council Office on 10 Jan 1797 and read in Council on 24 Jan 1797. Ordered 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist U. E. Later added note: The Petitioner is now married to Benjamin Fairchild of the Township of Niagara—3d March 1812 [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “U-V” Bundle 2, Petition Number 27]

Notation of John McGill, ISPPA dated on 3 Mar 1813 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Margret [sic] Vanalstine

“The name of Hermanus Van Alstine does not appear to be inserted on the U E List [Signed] John McGill ISPPA” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “U-V” Bundle 2, Petition Number 25b]

Fairchild, Mary (Hare)

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Hare, Sarah Willard (formerly S. Hare), Mary Fairchild (formerly M. Hare) and Elizabeth Hare dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 2 Apr 1793

“Most respectfully Sheweth That Your Petitioners are the Children & Heirs at Law of the late Captain John Hare of the Indian Department. That the said late Captn John Hare gave the most unequivocal proofs of his Loyalty from the first Appearance of rebellious Commotions in America, by taking a decided & active part for Government, and was one of those who accompanied Sir John Johnson in Spring 1776 thro the woods from the Mohawk River to Join the Royal Standard in Canada—That the said late Captain John Hare having been ordered to Join the Division of the British Army, destined to form a Diversion by the way of Fort Stanwix under Brigr General St Leger, was killed on the 6th of August 1777 in the Action fought at Oriska between a Detachment of the said Army & a strong Party of the Rebells commanded by their General Harkemer. That Your Petitioners hope that the right which the said late Captn John Hare held to Lands from the Crown, according to the Rank of his Commission, agreeable To His Majesty’s Proclamations and Orders on that Head was nowise diminished by the Sacrifice of his life in the Service of his Country—Wherefore Your Petitioners pray that Your Excellency would be pleased to grant them as Heirs to the said late Captn John Hare and in his right, Three Thousand Acres of the waste lands of the Crown to be divided among Your Petitioners as in right and equity may appertain and Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &c—for self & other Heirs [Signed] Willm Hare” Read in the Executive Council and ordered granted. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “H” Bundle 1, Petition Number 19]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Fairchild dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Apr 1797

“Humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner being the Daughter of a Loyalist – obtained leave from the late Land Board to locate Lot No 17 in the first concession & Lot No 17 in the Second concession of the Township of Louth together with the broken Front- your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor to confirm her in the same and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray – [Signed] Mary Fairchild” Received at the Executive Council Office on 11 Apr 1797 and read in Council the same day. Ordered that notice be give to Mr. Hare, Mrs. Fairchild and Mr. Clarke to attend the Council on Tuesday next. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 44]

Deposition of Christian Price attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary Fairchild

“Christian Price being examined before the Board deposeth, That he was sent for when Mrs Hare was on her Death bed, that two women were present with him, when she saw that she wished to leave the farm she then lived on, to her daughter Mary, that the Lot now possessed by Peter Talman, should be left to her Daughter Elizabeth, & that a Lot at the 18 Mile Creek should be left to her Son [unsigned]” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 44a]

Fairchild, Peter

P. Fairchild was listed for Lot 17 Concession 1 in the Townsend Report of Townsend Township, Norfolk County prepared by Acting Surveyor General David W. Smith dated on 5 Apr 1797 as calling at his office for location, but not bring any authority with him. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 3, Petition Number 62]

Fanning, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Fanning dated at Newark [Niagara-on-the-Lake on 9 Jul 1795

“Most humbly sheweth—That your Petitioner from motives of loyalty and attachment to the British Constitution removed into this province about Eight years ago and has remained therein ever since, behaving in such manner, he is proud to say, as to give Satisfactory proof of his principles of loyalty, religion & morality. That your petitioner was too young during the late unhappy disputes in America to take any part for the Crown altho his Sentiment was firmly and uniformly of that Side. That your Petitioner since his arrival in this province has intermarried with the Daughter of a Loyalist, [whose …..] Served & held Commissions from His Majesty during the war. That your petitioner is in Business and in respectable Circumstances, but has hitherto drawn no lands in the province—That your petitioner is desirous of locating and cultivating Lands in this province and as his honest Industry has acquired him the means of improving the Same to some Extent he hopes your Excellency will forward his laudable Endevours & perseverance. Wherefore your petitioner prays that Your Excellency would in your bounty and wisdom grant to your petitioner and growing family Six Hundred Acres of the waste lands of the Crown in this District—or such other quantity as to your Excellency may seem meet and your petitioner as in Duty bound will never cease to pray &c. [Signed] John Fanning” Received at the Executive Council Office on 15 Jul 1795 and read in Council on 15 Jul 1795. Ordered two hundred acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 1 Petition Number 11]

Letter to Mr. John Small, Secretary of the Executive Council from John Fanning dated at Chippawa on 6th July 1811 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Canby and McGill

“I am extremely Sorry to Trouble you So offtan Respecting our petition which you were good enough to Say you would attend to for a Grant to build a Mill above the Bridgewater […ks] & grant we are informed that the Counsal are to Set on Tusday next and hope that you will have the Goodness to fetch the Bisness Forward Before the Counsal as it has been So Long in Suspence we anxiously hope that the Honorable Counsal will decide either for or against and your attention to aus in this Bisness will Grately be acknowledged By your most obedient & very Humble Servt [Signed] John Fanning” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 1 Petition Number 78b]

Fanning, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Fanning dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 25 Apr 1797

“Respectfully sheweth That your Petitioner has resided in this Province for these ten years past and has taken the oaths &c. That your Petitioner has recd One hundred & Seventy Six Acres, on his coming into the Province which he has improved besides other larger improvements he has made on lands purchased in this Settlement – That your Petitioner married the Daughter of Benjn Wilson Esqr One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace who is likewise a UE. – Wherefore your Petitioner humbly submits to your Honor for to allow him such further addition to himself, as likewise such quantity for his wife as your Honor in your Honor [sic] in your Wisdom may think proper, and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray [Signed] John Fanning” Received at the Executive Council Office on 25 Apr 1797 and read in Council the same day. Ordered 200 acres to the wife of the Petitioner the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist. Read again on 2 May 1797. Ordered 400 acres in addition. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 25]

Certificate of Isaac Swayze, J. P. attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Fanning

“I do hereby Certify that John Fanning has resided in this Province for these ten years past – and has made large improvements in the Settlement – I do further Certify that I know the said John Fanning to an Honest and industrious man—[Signed] Isaac Swayze JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 25b]

Certificate of Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Apr 179[7] attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of John Fanning

“John Fannin [sic] is married to the Daughter of Benjn Wilson who satisfied the Justices in Sessions that he Joined the Royal Standard in America before the year 1783 and adhered to the Unity of the Empire, Newark 11th April 179[7] [Signed] Ralfe Clench, Clerk of the Peace” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 25c]

Faris, Elijah

Upper Canada Land Petition of Elijah Faris [signed Ferris] dated on 20 Dec 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioner has been resident in this Province nigh Two Years, is a Cooper by Trade, and a man of good morals; has worked at his Trade at the 5 Mile & Ten Mile Creek for this some time, has Taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty as per the annexed Certificate Therefore Prays Your Honor to Grant him Two Hundred acres of the waste Lands of the Crown and as in Duty Bound Your Petitioner will ever Pray [Signed] Elijah Ferris” Received at the Executive Council Office on 20 Jan 1797 and read in Council on 26 Jan 1797. Ordered prayer of petition granted for 200 acres. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 52]

Certificate of William Dickson Esquire, J. P. dated on 29 Jan 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Elijah Faris

“I do hereby certify that on this 29th day of January 1797 Elijah Fairce [sic], of Newark appeared before me William Dickson Esquire one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the Home District and took the oath of Allegiance and Signed the Declaration—[Signed] William Dickson JP” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 52c]

Farquharson, James

Mentioned in the Upper Canada Land Petition of George Forsyth dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 16 May 1797

“Upper Canada Land Petition of George Forsyth – as Executor to the last Will and Testament of the late James Farquharson Esq. Humbly Sheweth – That the late James Farquharson was Twenty Years in His Majesty’s Service in the Commissary Department, and enjoyed during that time the allowance of a Captain, in lodging, Trust, &c- and conceived himself entitled to that proportion of lands – Your Petr as sole Executor in the Country to the deceased, prays for said allowance of lands for the benefit of the Heirs of the deceased and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Geo: Forsyth” Received at the Executive Council Office on 16 May 1797 and read the same day. Ordered reference being had to a former recommendation of Council on a petition from James Farquharson – it appears that the Petitioner was considered to have received in Lower Canada the portion of lands the Governor & Council judged his entitled to – The Board consequently does not regard themselves at liberty to make any addition especially as the Petitioner is dead – The prayer of this petition of course is refused. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 3, Petition Number 65]

Farr, John

Upper Canada Land Petition of John Farr Farmer from New Jersey dated in Willoughby Township, Welland County on 29 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has lately arrived in this Province with an intent to become a settler and having taken the Oath of Allegiance and subscribed the declaration, Humbly prays that your Honour will be pleased to grant him such Portions of Vacant Crown Lands to settle upon as your Honour in his wisdom may think meet.— and you Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c. &c. &c. Willoughby 29th July 1797 [Signed] Richard Farr [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 5, Petition Number 3]

Farr, Richard

Upper Canada Land Petition of Richard Farr farmer from New Jersie dated in Willoughby Township, Welland County on 29 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner has lately come into this Country and brought with him five sons, and two Daughters – two of which are now grownj and one of the Daughters married – your petitioner has also brought with him a Stock of Cattle and Implements of Husbandry with an interest to settle in this province. Therefore Humbly Prays that your Honor will be pleased to grant him such portion of vacant crown land as to your honor shall deem meet and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c. &c. Willoughby 29th July 1797 signed Richard Farr” Received in the Executive Council Office on 1 Aug 1797 and ordered recommended for 200 acres to be appropriated for 12 months. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 5, Petition Number 1]

Farr, Stephen

Upper Canada Land Petition of Stephen Farr of the Township of Wainfleet yeoman

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner came into the Province in the year 1797 with his Father Richard Farr, and has remained ever since in the Country—That your petitioners Father and two of his Brothers obtained Soon after a Grant each for two Hundred acres of Land. Your Petitioner having now arrived at the age of Twenty one years and taken the oath of allegiance – Humbly prays he may be put on an equal footing with his other Brothers, and that your Excellency will be pleased to Grant him two Hundred acres of the Crown Land or such other quantity as to your Excellency shall seem meet—and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c &c. Willoughby Jany 5th 1810 [Signed] Stephen M. Farr Read in the Executive Council on 19 May 1812 and ordered recommended for 200 acres of land. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 10, Petition Number 49]

Farr, William

Upper Canada Land Petition of William Farr farmer from New Jersey dated in Willoughby Township, Welland County on 29 Jul 1797

“Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has lately arrived in this Province with an intent to become a farmer, and having taken the Oath of Allegiance and subscribed the declaration Humbly Prays that your Honour will be pleased to grant him such Portion of vacant Crown Lands to settle upon, as your Honour in his wisdom may think meet. — And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c. &c. &c. Willoughby 29th July 1797 [Signed] Richard Farr” Received in the Executive Council Office on 1 Aug 1797 and ordered recommended for 200 acres to be appropriated for 12 months. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 5, Petition Number 2]

Feere, Peter

Signer to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township dated at Fort Erie on 20 Oct 1796

“We the Inhabitants of the Township of Bertie in the County of Lincoln, are Destitute of a Mill, without going a great distance; as there is a Mill Seat at Point Abino in the said Township which has been granted by His Excellency the Governor Simcoe (for the benefit of the Township or County) to Timothy Skinner, and the said Skinner is transferred the same Mill Seat to Isaac Lane [sic: Laing], inhabitant for 3, 4 years or more ago, and no prospect of any preparation for a Mill yet being builded. – We will therefore be very much oblige to Your Honour – that if Your Honour thinks proper, to grant the said Mill Seat to Jacob Crane an Inhabitant, who promises to immediately commence with the building, and to have it finished as fit to go in the Course of a Year. In Expectation of having this Our Humble Request granted Sir We are Your Most Obedient & Humble Servants [Some of the signatures within each of the families on this document seem to have been signed by the same hand] Silas Carter, John Collins, Thomas Baxter, Joseph Palmer, Jos. Rich. Palmer, Stephen Gill, John Gill, Jeremiah Tuttle junior, Jeremiah Tuttle Senior, John Chambers, Con O’Neil, Daniel Alward, Ellexander McQuine, Daniel McQuene, Ellexander McQuien, James McQuine, John Beringar, Mathias Hone, Mathias Hone Jun, Daniel Alward Jun, Frederick Buck, John Willson, Stephen Middagh, Jacob Haun, Peter Feere, Edward [Noye], Christufful Ritchards, Frederick Sager, Jacob Crane, Jacb Hous, J George [Shumon], Peter Creager, Mical M Beach, Peter Learn, Azaliah Schooley, John Harret, John Cutler, Jehoiada Schooley, Asa Schooley, Joseph Senn, Michael Huffman, Necol Huffman, Jacob Huffman, Fradric Ankarm Crowell Willson, John Garner, Philip Buck, Adam Burwell, Joseph Marsh” Received at the Executive Council Office on 13 Nov 1796 and read in Council on 9 Jan 1797. Ordered dismissed as inadmissible. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135a]

Certificate of John Small dated 7 Dec 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of the Inhabitants of Bertie Township

“Personally appeared before me John Small Esqr Jacob Crane and John Johnson maketh oath that they on 6th inst called at Timothy Skinners and asked him what he intended to do about building a mill that he had obtained a permission from the Council to build in the Township of Bertie & he the said Timothy answered – that it belonged to one Lane [sic: Laing], and that the said Lane may build when he thought proper, as he the said Skinner had transferred it to the said Lane – and that he the said Timothy Skinner defyed the Governor & Council, that he had get it & put him the said Jacob Crane likewise, at defiance or any one else who might wish to obtain it – That he had now get it, and that it might lay as it was for ages—Sworn before me the 7th day of Decr 1796 [Signed] John Small J. P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “C” Bundle 3, Petition Number 135]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Feere of the Township of Bertie & late a Private in the Rangers dated on 22 Oct 1796

“Humbly shews—That your Petitioner has applied for his own Land—That having married the daughter of Owen Connor a loyalist by whom he had three children previous to the years 1789—prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres in right of his wife and his family Lands—and your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray—” [Unsigned] Note of Thomas Ridout N. P.: “applied for personally by Peter Feere [Signed] Thos Ridout N. P.” Read in the Executive Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres as family lands. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59]

Certificate of John Reilly J. P. dated at Stamford on 3 Apr 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Feere

“I do hereby Certify that the bearer Peter Ferro [sic] had a Wife and three Children in this Province before the 1789—Given under my hand at Stamford this 3d day of April 1797—[Signed] John Reilly J. P. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59a]

Certificate of William Dickson, Esquire J. P. dated at Stamford on 21 Oct 1796 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Feere

“Before me William Dickson Esquire one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the Home District personally came Peter Feere and being duly sworn, made oath that he is married to the Daughter of Owen Connor late a Private in Col. Johnsons Corps of Forresters a U. E. Loyalist, and that he had three Children born before the year 1789, and that at present the Deponent has Eight Children. Sworn before me this 21st Oct 1796 [Signed] William Dickson J. P., Petre [sic] Feere” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59c]

Certificate of Robert Kerr J. P. dated at Newark on 1 Feb 1797 attached to the Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Feere

“This is to certify that Elisabeth the Wife of Peter Feere is the Daughter of a Loyalist—UE. [Signed] Robert Kerr J.P.” [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 59d]

Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Feere- late of Butlers Rangers dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 1 Feb 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner has been settled in the Province since the peace—yet never received any certificate or order for Land- that he has a wife and Eight children three of whom were born before the year 1789 and that his wife is a daughter of Owen Connor late of the Indian Department- Prays Your Honor would be pleased to grant his military and family Land- and also 200 acres for his wife—and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray—[Signed] Peter Feere” Received at the Executive Council Office on 1 Feb 1797 and read in Council on 17 Mar 1797. Ordered petitioner recommended for 300 acres as Military Lands. His wife recommended for 200 acres as the daughter of a Loyalist. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “F” Bundle 2, Petition Number 593]

Mentioned in The Upper Canada Land Petition of Daniel Alward Jr. dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 11 Jan 1797

“Humbly sheweth That your Petitioner came to the Province 8 years ago and has recd one Hundred and Fifty acres only, in Bertie—that he purchased the Lot No 3—first Concession of Humberston (yet vacant on the Plan) from a certain Peter Feero for £100 New York Curry. Supposedly he, Faro, would have been able to give him a title thereto, but having reason to suppose, he will not be enabled to do so, prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him 200 acres in addition to the Land he has received. Yr Petitioner having a wife and four children and as in Duty bound he will ever pray.” Daniel Alward made his mark witnessed by T. Ridout. Received at the Executive Council Office on 18 Jan and read on 28 Mar 1797. Ordered recommended for 200 acres including former grants. [Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “A” Bundle 2, Petition Number 34]